Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Sept. 28, 1998

Press Report

State President G.Ulmanis hopes that Russia, after careful studying if his speech at the UN General Assembly meeting, will the his with to bring closer both nations because evaluation of the consequences of Soviet totalitarian regime is important both for the Latvian and Russian nations, they both suffered from it. Russia condemned Latvian President for his unfriendly utterances. In its turn, Latvian MFA admits a possibility that Russia could make its campaign against Latvia more active. The Saeima Secretary I.Berzins also thinks that Russia could use this Ulmanis’s address to the UN and re-burring of Latvian legionnaires in Lestene to express its reproaches. In their turn, Latvian citizens, protesting against this campaign, will abolish the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He pointed out that, after this, the West would refuse to help Latvia to oppose Russian pressure.

State President G.Ulmanis hopes that Russia, after careful studying if his speech at the UN General Assembly meeting, will the his with to bring closer both nations because evaluation of the consequences of Soviet totalitarian regime is important both for the Latvian and Russian nations, they both suffered from it. Russia condemned Latvian President for his unfriendly utterances. In its turn, Latvian MFA admits a possibility that Russia could make its campaign against Latvia more active. The Saeima Secretary I.Berzins also thinks that Russia could use this Ulmaniss address to the UN and re-burring of Latvian legionnaires in Lestene to express its reproaches. In their turn, Latvian citizens, protesting against this campaign, will abolish the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He pointed out that, after this, the West would refuse to help Latvia to oppose Russian pressure. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Eleven international observers from OSCE have arrived to Latvia to monitor the preparation for the Saeima election. The total number of observers from OSCE, PACE, International Election System Fund will be about 100. International observers will also come from Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark, Estonia, the USA, Byelorussia, etc.

Eleven international observers from OSCE have arrived to Latvia to monitor the preparation for the Saeima election. The total number of observers from OSCE, PACE, International Election System Fund will be about 100. International observers will also come from Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark, Estonia, the USA, Byelorussia, etc. Neatkariga

At the end of September, there will be no more than 30 teachers in Daugavpils Region with not adequate knowledge of the state language. In order to improve the Latvian language knowledge of teachers there was organised a study camp for four teachers and 25 students in Staicele. It lasted for two weeks, and the participants had 6 classes a day. Partially this camp was financed by the National Latvian Language Training Program, partially by the participants themselves.

At the end of September, there will be no more than 30 teachers in Daugavpils Region with not adequate knowledge of the state language. In order to improve the Latvian language knowledge of teachers there was organised a study camp for four teachers and 25 students in Staicele. It lasted for two weeks, and the participants had 6 classes a day. Partially this camp was financed by the National Latvian Language Training Program, partially by the participants themselves. Neatkariga

Liepaja Registry Office in co-operation with Adult Education Centre of Liepaja Pedagogical High school have started a special alien integration program let mixed families could better understand themselves. This program has been prepared for two years, and its realisation is very important now because 18% of all marriages in Liepaja are mixed, The goal of this program is to integrate aliens in Latvian environment but the tasks to help families to understand themselves, improve the knowledge of aliens about the Latvian culture and traditions.

Liepaja Registry Office in co-operation with Adult Education Centre of Liepaja Pedagogical High school have started a special alien integration program let mixed families could better understand themselves. This program has been prepared for two years, and its realisation is very important now because 18% of all marriages in Liepaja are mixed, The goal of this program is to integrate aliens in Latvian environment but the tasks to help families to understand themselves, improve the knowledge of aliens about the Latvian culture and traditions. Neatkariga

The state language courses for unemployed have been started at Daugavpils Employment Centre. Ten groups have been formed of 15 people each. The study process will be very intensive - 118 lessons in three weeks. The Ministry of Well-being is financing the courses. The city Council itself financed short term courses (10 lessons) this summer with about 700 unemployed persons participating, and 600 of them received certificates of mastering a certain level of the Latvian language. Currently there are about 1 500 people registered at the centre who need the certificate of the state language knowledge.

The state language courses for unemployed have been started at Daugavpils Employment Centre. Ten groups have been formed of 15 people each. The study process will be very intensive - 118 lessons in three weeks. The Ministry of Well-being is financing the courses. The city Council itself financed short term courses (10 lessons) this summer with about 700 unemployed persons participating, and 600 of them received certificates of mastering a certain level of the Latvian language. Currently there are about 1 500 people registered at the centre who need the certificate of the state language knowledge. Neatkariga

The USA Ambassador Larry Naper is leaving Latvia and

The USA Ambassador Larry Naper is leaving Latvia and Neatkariga interviewed him. Answering about the referendum in Latvia, the Ambassador said that the American government hoped that the amendments would be adopted. These amendments are a step towards public integration, and the society could loose its tempo of integration if the amendments were abolished. L.Naper did not want to predict the outcome of the referendum, but, if the amendments were not adopted, it could create doubt in Latvian and international societies whether integration is the strategic goal of this state. Speaking on the possible changes in the relations between Latvia and the USA, L.Naper said that the USA was always fulfilling its resolutions. The goals of the US government are to support Latvian independence, sovereignty and security. Neatkariga

American political analyst P.Goble thinks that if Latvia and Estonia would not adopt such amendments to the citizenship law, easing the terms of receiving citizenship, these countries could almost forget about joining EU. Western countries would be less willing to support these Baltic states disregarding the actions Russia takes. P.Goble is eager to convince Latvian society to amend the citizenship law. Latvian decision could also negatively influence Estonia and Lithuania. West in interested in liberalisation of citizenship policy in these countries because EU candidate states should do away the major part of conflict sources both internal and in their relations with Russia. It is worthwhile to yield to be able to join NATO and EU.

American political analyst P.Goble thinks that if Latvia and Estonia would not adopt such amendments to the citizenship law, easing the terms of receiving citizenship, these countries could almost forget about joining EU. Western countries would be less willing to support these Baltic states disregarding the actions Russia takes. P.Goble is eager to convince Latvian society to amend the citizenship law. Latvian decision could also negatively influence Estonia and Lithuania. West in interested in liberalisation of citizenship policy in these countries because EU candidate states should do away the major part of conflict sources both internal and in their relations with Russia. It is worthwhile to yield to be able to join NATO and EU. Diena


political commentator A.Ozolins considers that the intense and aggressive reaction of Russia towards the speech of G.Ulmanis at the UN General Assembly session is a serious sign for Russias intention to attack Latvia politically. The amount and direction of this attack would depend of the outcome of the referendum. Russia was the only state that put forward additional demands for Latvia after it adopted the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, and now it is just waiting for a signal to launch a wide scale hostile action against Latvia. If the amendments were abolished, Latvia would find itself in an international isolation and could not hope for Western support. Russia would use this situation to compensate its internal problems with victories in the international field. Unfortunately also many people in the West would feel relieved for the received pretext for political non-interference in the relations of the Baltic states with their ill neighbour. Diena

The MFA Permanent Under Secretary of GB J.Kerr, answering to the questions of

The MFA Permanent Under Secretary of GB J.Kerr, answering to the questions of Diena journalist, predicted that the outcome of the referendum would effect the process of Latvia Joining EU, but this influence would not be direst and automatic. But it will leave impression on the general mood in the EU decision making institution, that are to take the decision on Latvia quite soon. That is why GB is worried about it, because it wanted Latvia to join EU as soon as possible. But well-wishes should avoid preaching, taking into consideration all those things Latvians have gone through. What concerns Russian position on the amendments as being partial, cosmetic, the diplomat answers that the position of British MFA was very clear. Minister of Foreign Affairs R Cook announced that GB did not find acceptable Russian attempt to put pressure not the long list of additional recommendations. When the journalist asked why western states found these amendments so important, J.Kerr answered that there were two possible answers - a philosophical and a practical one. The philosophical is that EU was not just a union of economic interests, but EU also agreed upon the list of human rights principles which were the values to protect. The practical answer is that there were different priorities among different EU countries. E.g. for some of them it is introduction of Euro. Diena

Russian Public Council supports the picket organized by the movement Equality on September 28 at the Saeima to protest against the adoption of the language law .

Russian Public Council supports the picket organized by the movement Equality on September 28 at the Saeima to protest against the adoption of the language law . SM

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