Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Sept. 24, 1998

Press Review

K.Adenauer Fund and European Movement in Latvia organised a discussion among representatives of political parties. The main question the politicians had to answer during this discussion was what the state policy on citizenship and learning the Latvian language should be to guarantee formation of a stable society. Solutions offered were different. The representative of

K.Adenauer Fund and European Movement in Latvia organised a discussion among representatives of political parties. The main question the politicians had to answer during this discussion was what the state policy on citizenship and learning the Latvian language should be to guarantee formation of a stable society. Solutions offered were different. The representative of Peoples Harmony Party B.Cilevics attacked other members of the discussion, who stressed the necessity to increase the role of the Latvian language in the system of education, reproaching that such a position was insulting to non-Latvians living here. They should be given the right of choice whether they want to learn the language and strengthen their career position or not, thus retaining their low social status. And the state should help these people in accordance with European convention on national minorities to ensure official bilingualism in areas densely populated by these minorities. The majority of the representatives of Latvian parties opposed to this and put learning of the language as the main criteria for public integration, but stresses were different. TB/LNNK, DP/KDS/LZP and LZS (Farmers Union) were against granting citizenship to children without passing a language knowledge test and put receiving citizenship as the final goal of integration. Latvijas Cels and New Party were inclined to consider it a precondition for integration to take place at all. The representative of Social Democrats J.Adamsons made a statement that unity of the society is endangered not so much by conflicts between citizens and non-citizens as the difference in the life level of the impoverishing nation and a handful of people making money on privatisation of the state property. Neatkariga


interviewed the Director of the National Latvian Language Training Program A.Priedite and co-ordinator B.Silina. They told about the new centre that was opened in Daugavpils on Wednesday and the popularity of this program in Latgale region because every third person having acquired the program came from Latgale. Therefore the greatest need for people who could teach the methods of teaching the Latvian language is in Daugavpils. Currently there are about 200 courses for teaching the Latvian language with about 4000 people involved. Part of them are teachers of non-Latvian schools who want to learn the language. interviewed the Director of the National Latvian Language Training Program A.Priedite and co-ordinator B.Silina. They told about the new centre that was opened in Daugavpils on Wednesday and the popularity of this program in Latgale region because every third person having acquired the program came from Latgale. Therefore the greatest need for people who could teach the methods of teaching the Latvian language is in Daugavpils. Currently there are about 200 courses for teaching the Latvian language with about 4000 people involved. Part of them are teachers of non-Latvian schools who want to learn the language. DienaDiena

The Press Secretary of NHRO A.Petersons announced that no Russian speaking teacher has addressed the Office during this year to complain about human rights violations during certification of teachers. Some time ago NHRO Director O.Bruveris expressed his concern that human right violations during certification of Russian speaking teachers could cause reproaches from neighbouring countries. Having acquainted himself with the procedure of the certification, O.Bruveris came to a conclusion that it is proper and for persons with higher education was not difficult. Riga City School Board expert D.Locis said that there were 367 teachers in Riga that had not passed this certification so far, and part of them were aged persons, irreplaceable at their schools and therefore the Teacher Education Centre had prepared a special program of 48 hours to learn the Latvian language.

The Press Secretary of NHRO A.Petersons announced that no Russian speaking teacher has addressed the Office during this year to complain about human rights violations during certification of teachers. Some time ago NHRO Director O.Bruveris expressed his concern that human right violations during certification of Russian speaking teachers could cause reproaches from neighbouring countries. Having acquainted himself with the procedure of the certification, O.Bruveris came to a conclusion that it is proper and for persons with higher education was not difficult. Riga City School Board expert D.Locis said that there were 367 teachers in Riga that had not passed this certification so far, and part of them were aged persons, irreplaceable at their schools and therefore the Teacher Education Centre had prepared a special program of 48 hours to learn the Latvian language. Rigas Balss (September 23)

Lauku Avize

interviews the Russian Ambassador the Latvia A.Udaltsov. He speaks about the dialogue between Russia and Latvia and lays the blame for not taking any steps to improve it on Latvia. When the journalist asked about the possible Russian actions accusing Latvia for human rights violations on the international level, A.Udaltsov answered that Russian party had always used international organisations to raise this issue if there was such a need. Russian activity depends on the situation in Latvia, and if there are adopted new, stricter laws and liberalisation process of human sphere legislation is slowed down, this direction of Russian foreign policy will be more active. What concerned the border agreement between those two countries, the Ambassador said that the conditions for signing such a document are not ripe yet, and this basic document could not be considered outside the context of bilateral relations. Answering to the question of a possibility of a thaw in bilateral relations, A.Udaltsov stated that it was possibly only when Latvia would implement all OSCE recommendations concerning the laws on Citizenship, Language, Education and Labour Code. interviews the Russian Ambassador the Latvia A.Udaltsov. He speaks about the dialogue between Russia and Latvia and lays the blame for not taking any steps to improve it on Latvia. When the journalist asked about the possible Russian actions accusing Latvia for human rights violations on the international level, A.Udaltsov answered that Russian party had always used international organisations to raise this issue if there was such a need. Russian activity depends on the situation in Latvia, and if there are adopted new, stricter laws and liberalisation process of human sphere legislation is slowed down, this direction of Russian foreign policy will be more active. What concerned the border agreement between those two countries, the Ambassador said that the conditions for signing such a document are not ripe yet, and this basic document could not be considered outside the context of bilateral relations. Answering to the question of a possibility of a “thaw” in bilateral relations, A.Udaltsov stated that it was possibly only when Latvia would implement all OSCE recommendations concerning the laws on Citizenship, Language, Education and Labour Code. Atis Lejins, Director of Latvian Foreign Policy Institute, expresses his opinion in

Atis Lejins, Director of Latvian Foreign Policy Institute, expresses his opinion in Jauna Avize. He regards the question of the referendum the be insignificant because those 18 000 children is not a big number. The referendum itself will not decide anything because major parties have already agreed to abolish the window mechanism. Jauna Avize

Russian speaking newspapers write about the third reading of the draft language law that is to be considered on September 28. They are sure that the law will be adopted due to a good calculation of the initiators of this law because no centric party would dare to vote against it fearing to be accused of a treachery of Latvian interests. The author of the article considers that abolishing of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship would be a mere trifle comparing to the adoption of this law.

Russian speaking newspapers write about the third reading of the draft language law that is to be considered on September 28. They are sure that the law will be adopted due to a good calculation of the initiators of this law because no centric party would dare to vote against it fearing to be accused of a treachery of Latvian interests. The author of the article considers that abolishing of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship would be a mere trifle comparing to the adoption of this law. Chas, SM

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