Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Sept. 23, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

All polling stations are opened since today. It is planned that they will be opened at least for four hours every day to receive applications from persons who will not be able to come there due to their health condition and wish to vote at home. The stations have been opened ten days before the election for people to learn about the lists of candidates, pre-election programs, information about the candidates and amendments to the Law on Citizenship.

All polling stations are opened since today. It is planned that they will be opened at least for four hours every day to receive applications from persons who will not be able to come there due to their health condition and wish to vote at home. The stations have been opened ten days before the election for people to learn about the lists of candidates, pre-election programs, information about the candidates and amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs gave a presentation

Yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs gave a presentation Latvia in the Context of Global Conflicts at the Academy of Sciences. The Minister described Latvian involvement in international organisations and anticipated that in 2000 Latvia could have a no visa regime with all EU countries. He called to view Latvia not from the point of view of 1930 but following the globalisation parameters of 21st century. Neatkariga

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science finished to consider the draft state language law which is planned to be adopted by the Saeima on September 28 in the final reading. Despite to the objections of OSCE experts, the Commission agreed that the law should also regulate the use of the language in private businesses. The Head of the Commission Dz.Abikis explained that they could not agree to the opinion of the experts because in the worst case such a norm could lead to existence of two languages. In the draft law is included a norm stating that, in accordance with the regulations established by the Cabinet of Ministers, the use of a foreign language for public information was permissible only when it concerned international tourism and warning signs in places visited by foreigners. The Commission supported the recommendation of the experts on the use of the state language on labels for goods produced in Latvia for local consumption. The Commission also established that in private businesses the information, necessary for employees to perform their duties, as well as to guarantee safety at work places should be in the state language.

Neatkariga, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya


also publishes an article of L.Fedoseyev where he analyses the language situation in Latvia starting from 1918 up to nowadays and tries to predict the future situation. also publishes an article of L.Fedoseyev where he analyses the language situation in Latvia starting from 1918 up to nowadays and tries to predict the future situation.

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

advertises its position on amending the Law on Citizenship in the newspaper advertises its position on amending the Law on Citizenship in the newspaper NeatkarigaNeatkariga by publishing the opinion of a very popular Latvian poet Maris Caklais and eight statements on this topic: a person may not receive citizenship in any EU state without knowing the state language, and there are no arguments why it should be different in Latvia; it is not possible to ensure the knowledge of the state language for all residents just with the help of education system; recommendations to amend the Law on Citizenship have no grounds in any of EU legal acts; EU countries themselves do not fulfil all obligations forced upon Latvia; the issue of citizenship is not to be considered as the primary and decisive for Latvia to join EU; there is an unofficial information that the tempo of EU expansion will be determined by the influence on Eastern Europe countries of the economic crises in Russia as well as administrative and financial problems of EU institutions; EU has never and nowhere declared that the abolishing of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship would prevent Latvia to become a EU member state; the hullabaloo about Latvian Law on Citizenship is started just due to the result of long lasting political pressure of Russia. by publishing the opinion of a very popular Latvian poet Maris Caklais and eight statements on this topic: a person may not receive citizenship in any EU state without knowing the state language, and there are no arguments why it should be different in Latvia; it is not possible to ensure the knowledge of the state language for all residents just with the help of education system; recommendations to amend the Law on Citizenship have no grounds in any of EU legal acts; EU countries themselves do not fulfil all obligations forced upon Latvia; the issue of citizenship is not to be considered as the primary and decisive for Latvia to join EU; there is an unofficial information that the tempo of EU expansion will be determined by the influence on Eastern Europe countries of the economic crises in Russia as well as administrative and financial problems of EU institutions; EU has never and nowhere declared that the abolishing of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship would prevent Latvia to become a EU member state; the hullabaloo about Latvian Law on Citizenship is started just due to the result of long lasting political pressure of Russia. NeatkarigaNeatkariga Political sympathies of non-citizens are very different from those of citizens. It is shown by a public opinion poll made by SKDS. The leader if

Political sympathies of non-citizens are very different from those of citizens. It is shown by a public opinion poll made by SKDS. The leader if Peoples Harmony Party with 16.1%, but half of non-citizens answered that if they had a chance to vote they would not do it. Peoples Party runs the second with 9.2%. The rest of the parties would not overcome the 5% barrier. Diena

N.Locmele published another article in

N.Locmele published another article in Diena explaining the essence of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship and calling people to vote for adoption of these amendments. Diena

Peoples Party

has agreed to the late invitation of New Party to start discussion with it. PP agreed to it because the wanted to find out the content and sense of these mysterious discussions. Jauna Avize

Jauna Avize

interviews the leader of interviews the leader of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK M.Grinblats. Answering to the question on the possible outcome of the referendum, M.Grinblats answers that it very difficult to predict it because nine parties stand for adopting the amendments and they have more resources than M.Grinblats. Answering to the question on the possible outcome of the referendum, M.Grinblats answers that it very difficult to predict it because nine parties stand for adopting the amendments and they have more resources than TB/LNNKTB/LNNK. After the referendum the party plans to work on including the status of the language in the Satversme, it will also pay attention to the language and education laws. . After the referendum the party plans to work on including the status of the language in the Satversme, it will also pay attention to the language and education laws. TB/LNNKTB/LNNK considers that the state should determine the amount of program taught in the Latvian language in private schools. It also stands for transition to the Latvian language as the language of tuition in secondary schools and that at least half of the subjects at elementary schools are to be taught in the Latvian language. When asked about the possible outcome of the election, M.Grinblats said that they were realists and planned about 20 seats in the Parliament. considers that the state should determine the amount of program taught in the Latvian language in private schools. It also stands for transition to the Latvian language as the language of tuition in secondary schools and that at least half of the subjects at elementary schools are to be taught in the Latvian language. When asked about the possible outcome of the election, M.Grinblats said that they were realists and planned about 20 seats in the Parliament. An international conference “Ethnic minorities, international co-operation and security in the Baltic region: the role of political parties” took place in Riga on September 19 - 20. It was organised by the support of

An international conference Ethnic minorities, international co-operation and security in the Baltic region: the role of political parties took place in Riga on September 19 - 20. It was organised by the support of Peoples Harmony Party and Russian public union Yabloko. The participants discussed the situation of ethnic minorities in the Baltic states which B.Cilevich characterised as followed, The low level of self-organisation and responsive ethnic mobilisation, lack of political culture that is based on understanding the rights of minorities. Panorama Latvii

Representatives of the Latvian Committee on Human Rights use the data of a recent public opinion poll made by the Centre of market research and public opinion, which show that from 1003 responders 41.2% either participated in or witnessed an inter ethnic conflict on everyday level, to prove their point of view that there are problems with national proud of Latvians. For this they use expressions of ultra-radical nationalists to prove their point of view.

Representatives of the Latvian Committee on Human Rights use the data of a recent public opinion poll made by the Centre of market research and public opinion, which show that from 1003 responders 41.2% either participated in or witnessed an inter ethnic conflict on everyday level, to prove their point of view that there are problems with national proud of Latvians. For this they use expressions of ultra-radical nationalists to prove their point of view. Panorama Latvii

Latvian citizens residing in Russia will be able to vote in the 7th Saeima election at three polling stations, located at the Embassy in Moscow, Consulate-General in Sankt-Petersburg and consulate in Pskov. The total number of Latvian citizens in Russia could be 40 000, including about 4 -5 thousand in Moscow.

Latvian citizens residing in Russia will be able to vote in the 7th Saeima election at three polling stations, located at the Embassy in Moscow, Consulate-General in Sankt-Petersburg and consulate in Pskov. The total number of Latvian citizens in Russia could be 40 000, including about 4 -5 thousand in Moscow. Bizness & Baltiya

Today in the second largest city of Latvia - Daugavpils, a Latgalian office of the Latvian language training program is opened. It is planned to teach the methodology of teaching the Latvian language as the second language to about 700 teachers.

Today in the second largest city of Latvia - Daugavpils, a Latgalian office of the Latvian language training program is opened. It is planned to teach the methodology of teaching the Latvian language as the second language to about 700 teachers. Bizness & Baltiya

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