Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Sept. 17, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science continued to consider the draft language law, adopted in the second reading and supported the norm demanding a mandatory use of the state language at public events and Latvian translation of public information, as well as gradual transition to the Latvian language as the language of tuition in all state financed education institutions. The Head of the Commission Dz.Abikis said that it would not be allowed to soften the existing legislation concerning the state language. The Commission, considering the use of the language at public events, has not supported the recommendations of OSCE experts to regulate the language only at events organised by the state institutions. Thus, they preserved the norm demanding private events to be interpreted into the state language because, according to Mr.Abikis, you may consider as such both sport competitions and musical festivals important for the whole state. The only exception is pickets, rallies, demonstrations and activities of national culture societies and separate ethnic groups. The Education Commission also agreed upon the chapter on education. It envisages that in all state financed education institutions a transition to the state language is to be carried out, but those subjects that will be included in a special national minorities education program. In their turn, students of private education institutions that do not receive financing from the state budget will have to pass the state language examination in accordance with the level of knowledge established by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Commission must finish considering the draft law by next Tuesday and to submit it to the Saeima for adoption in the final reading. For this purpose it is planned to summon an extraordinary plenary session on September 28.

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science continued to consider the draft language law, adopted in the second reading and supported the norm demanding a mandatory use of the state language at public events and Latvian translation of public information, as well as gradual transition to the Latvian language as the language of tuition in all state financed education institutions. The Head of the Commission Dz.Abikis said that it would not be allowed to soften the existing legislation concerning the state language. The Commission, considering the use of the language at public events, has not supported the recommendations of OSCE experts to regulate the language only at events organised by the state institutions. Thus, they preserved the norm demanding private events to be interpreted into the state language because, according to Mr.Abikis, you may consider as such both sport competitions and musical festivals important for the whole state. The only exception is pickets, rallies, demonstrations and activities of national culture societies and separate ethnic groups. The Education Commission also agreed upon the chapter on education. It envisages that in all state financed education institutions a transition to the state language is to be carried out, but those subjects that will be included in a special national minorities education program. In their turn, students of private education institutions that do not receive financing from the state budget will have to pass the state language examination in accordance with the level of knowledge established by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Commission must finish considering the draft law by next Tuesday and to submit it to the Saeima for adoption in the final reading. For this purpose it is planned to summon an extraordinary plenary session on September 28. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Chas

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Social Democratic Party J.Bojars writes about the referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He considers it just an election trick of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK which has nothing else to attract the electorate. J.Bojars gives a brief history of the present Law on Citizenship. Analysing the referendum, he says that there is a discussion only about the amendment concerning the children of non-citizens, but the voting will be on all 16 amendments, majority of which are rather sensible. He finds this step of TB/LNNK a contradictory if not a initiating one because the party stands for joining EU, but EU representatives have warned that if the amendments were not adopted, it would be an obstacle for Latvia to join EU. Also the USA Ambassador L.Napper, during his meeting with the leaders of Latvian parties, has reminded about the US position in this respect corresponding to that of EU and OSCE. Then J.Bojars analyses the situation with these children stating that there is no danger in granting them Latvian citizenship because citizenship is not granted automatically but basing on an application and describes the European practice in this matter. Neatkariga

State President G.Ulmanis has met with the representative of

State President G.Ulmanis has met with the representative of Democratic Party Saimnieks to discuss different issues, such as preparation for the election, the attitude of DPS towards the referendum, etc. The interlocutors hold the same opinion that the amendments to the law on citizenship would be one of the basic cornerstones for the next Saeima. Presidents Press Secretary informed that G.Ulmanis had reproached DPS for their not enough active policy in support of the amendments, but DPS representatives denied this. As the President announced on Monday that he had started to consider the composition of the new government, journalists asked DPS representatives whether they had been informed about this. The answer was that the composition of the government had not been discussed. Neatkariga, Diena

MFA Press Secretary A.Pildegovics informed that at least four families of Russian military servicemen, demobilised after January 28, 1992, with their family members were still in Latvia. He said that they were still here because construction of apartments in Kursk Region was not completed yet. MFA has informed about this fact both OSCE and the USA which sponsors construction of the apartments for Russian military pensioners. Also Russian party is informed about them, and there is no doubt that they will leave Latvia.

MFA Press Secretary A.Pildegovics informed that at least four families of Russian military servicemen, demobilised after January 28, 1992, with their family members were still in Latvia. He said that they were still here because construction of apartments in Kursk Region was not completed yet. MFA has informed about this fact both OSCE and the USA which sponsors construction of the apartments for Russian military pensioners. Also Russian party is informed about them, and there is no doubt that they will leave Latvia. Neatkariga

Latvian newspapers have already informed about the possible coalition of major political parties to prevent A.Skele coming to power. As one of the reasons was mentioned a possibility to have no obstacles for privatising of the enterprise

Latvian newspapers have already informed about the possible coalition of major political parties to prevent A.Skele coming to power. As one of the reasons was mentioned a possibility to have no obstacles for privatising of the enterprise Venspils Nafta. But several Latvian politicians admit a possibility that A.Skele and the Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs could find a compromise to normalise their relations. As one of the signs of this is that they have started discussions, and A.Skele does not deny it. The leaders of major political parties also are sure that these two persons could come to an agreement. Diena, Chas

Immigration Police officers have prevented an attempt of escape from the Illegal Immigrants Centre. On Monday night 4 people tried to escape from the centre on Gaizina street, but policemen noticed this attempt and captured them.

Immigration Police officers have prevented an attempt of escape from the Illegal Immigrants Centre. On Monday night 4 people tried to escape from the centre on Gaizina street, but policemen noticed this attempt and captured them. Diena

The government has prepared a draft law on the situation of a stateless person thus doing away with the 8 years old contradiction between Latvian legislation and international human rights norms. On May 4, 1990 the Supreme Council along with the proclamation of independence adopted a declaration on Latvia joining international legal documents on Human Rights issues. Among these documents there was the Convention on reducing the number of stateless persons, but no law defines the status of a stateless person. Now there are several hundred of such people, so called illegals. The status of a stateless person shall be referred to those persons whose status is not determined either by the law “On the status of former USSR citizens who are not citizens of Latvia or any other state” or the law on asylum seekers and refugees. According to Article 3 of this draft law, the sample form of the ID of a stateless person will be confirmed by the Cabinet of Ministers and it will also be a travel document. The draft law is still to be adopted by the Saeima.

The government has prepared a draft law on the situation of a stateless person thus doing away with the 8 years old contradiction between Latvian legislation and international human rights norms. On May 4, 1990 the Supreme Council along with the proclamation of independence adopted a declaration on Latvia joining international legal documents on Human Rights issues. Among these documents there was the Convention on reducing the number of stateless persons, but no law defines the status of a stateless person. Now there are several hundred of such people, so called illegals. The status of a stateless person shall be referred to those persons whose status is not determined either by the law On the status of former USSR citizens who are not citizens of Latvia or any other state or the law on asylum seekers and refugees. According to Article 3 of this draft law, the sample form of the ID of a stateless person will be confirmed by the Cabinet of Ministers and it will also be a travel document. The draft law is still to be adopted by the Saeima. Rigas Balss

State Police administration organized a meeting yesterday to discuss the issue of illegal immigrants and refugees and the possible influx of them from Russia with participation of the NHRO Director O.Bruveris, representatives of Immigration Police, as well as the official representatives of the OSCE High Commissioner on Refugee Affairs. As one of the major problems was discussed the lack of qualified specialists and not adequate division of functions among the customs, border guards and Immigration Police. Training of new officers would allow to find out whether the illegals, currently kept at the Center on Gaizins str., are political or economical refugees. OSCE representatives promised to train psychologists who could work with people kept in such centres.

State Police administration organized a meeting yesterday to discuss the issue of illegal immigrants and refugees and the possible influx of them from Russia with participation of the NHRO Director O.Bruveris, representatives of Immigration Police, as well as the official representatives of the OSCE High Commissioner on Refugee Affairs. As one of the major problems was discussed the lack of qualified specialists and not adequate division of functions among the customs, border guards and Immigration Police. Training of new officers would allow to find out whether the illegals, currently kept at the Center on Gaizins str., are political or economical refugees. OSCE representatives promised to train psychologists who could work with people kept in such centres. Jauna Avize

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