Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 25, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian state officials voiced their perplexity about the action of B.Yelstsin, dismissing the government of Prime Minister S.Kiriyenko. Nevertheless the majority of local politicians do not consider that this event could radically influence Latvian - Russian relations. State President G.Ulmanis was surprised about the announcement of B.Yelstsin, but was sure that at that moment Russia cared about Latvia the least. During the last months he had not felt any active Russian steps concerning Latvia. G.Ulmanis considered the political dialogue could get more active in autumn.

Latvian state officials voiced their perplexity about the action of B.Yelstsin, dismissing the government of Prime Minister S.Kiriyenko. Nevertheless the majority of local politicians do not consider that this event could radically influence Latvian - Russian relations. State President G.Ulmanis was surprised about the announcement of B.Yelstsin, but was sure that at that moment Russia cared about Latvia the least. During the last months he had not felt any active Russian steps concerning Latvia. G.Ulmanis considered the political dialogue could get more active in autumn.

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs admitted a possibility that Latvian - Russian relations could get more tense due to the crisis in Russia but thought that the solution could be postponed. He did not anticipate any serious changes until the election in Latvia because Russia considered the issue of citizenship as a very essential.

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs admitted a possibility that Latvian - Russian relations could get more tense due to the crisis in Russia but thought that the solution could be postponed. He did not anticipate any serious changes until the election in Latvia because Russia considered the issue of citizenship as a very essential.

Speaker of the Saeima A.Cepanis found the dismissal of Russian Prime Minister “unexpected, unpredictable and incomprehensible”. But he did not think that it could leave a negative impression on the relations between those two countries.

Speaker of the Saeima A.Cepanis found the dismissal of Russian Prime Minister unexpected, unpredictable and incomprehensible. But he did not think that it could leave a negative impression on the relations between those two countries. Neatkariga, Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

Central Election Commission has received the final results of the signature collecting campaign from all regions of Latvia and cities. The total number is 223 999 signatures. According to the law on national voting, Central Election Commission has to count again all the signatures therefore the official figure will be announced by August 28. In his turn , State President G.Ulmanis expressed repeatedly his support for the amendments adopted by the Saeima. State President thinks that the amendments correspond to the interests of the state and hopes that parties will be able to explain them to the nation. G.Ulmanis admits a possibility that the supporters of the referendum protested against exaggerated teaching methods of European representatives.

Neatkariga, Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas The leader of

The leader of Peoples Party A.Skele visited Valka Region and also had a meeting with Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.H.Ilvess. Three major topics they spoke about were easing of border crossing and simplification of border procedures, ensuring of social guarantees for those 200 non-citizens of Valka who have to stay in Valga for more than 90 days and adopting of laws necessary for development of Latvian - Estonian economic relations. Neatkariga

G.Ulmanis announced in an interview to the Latvian Radio that the government had to take a concrete decision on NHRO so the Saeima could take its. He considered that the government should not allow the NHRO to be preoccupied just with its own problems and stressed that NHRO activities had not to be politicised and used for populist goals.

G.Ulmanis announced in an interview to the Latvian Radio that the government had to take a concrete decision on NHRO so the Saeima could take its. He considered that the government should not allow the NHRO to be preoccupied just with its own problems and stressed that NHRO activities had not to be politicised and used for populist goals. Neatkariga

A big problem for Latvia is what to do with the hazardous waste. One of the solutions could be to use the solid basement of Skrunda Radar station as a disposal site.

A big problem for Latvia is what to do with the hazardous waste. One of the solutions could be to use the solid basement of Skrunda Radar station as a disposal site. Neatkariga

N.Muiznieks, A.Kamenska and Ie.Leimane from Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre wrote to

N.Muiznieks, A.Kamenska and Ie.Leimane from Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre wrote to Diena about the current situation at the NHRO and its Director O.Bruveris. They state that O.Bruveris has completely destroyed this unique state institution with wide authority for furthering human rights protection. The Director has not managed to maintain independence of NHRO. Diena

Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs K.Vollebekk, meeting with the representatives of the major newspapers from the Baltic states expressed his concern about the trade barriers among these states and the fate of amendments to the Law on Citizenship in Latvia. Norway welcomes the Latvian intention to amend the Law on Citizenship according to the OSCE and CBSS recommendations and hopes that these amendments will be supported at the referendum. Oslo is also worried about the not concluded Latvian and Estonian border agreements with Russia, and it has pointed out to Moscow the necessity to settle this issue.

Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs K.Vollebekk, meeting with the representatives of the major newspapers from the Baltic states expressed his concern about the trade barriers among these states and the fate of amendments to the Law on Citizenship in Latvia. Norway welcomes the Latvian intention to amend the Law on Citizenship according to the OSCE and CBSS recommendations and hopes that these amendments will be supported at the referendum. Oslo is also worried about the not concluded Latvian and Estonian border agreements with Russia, and it has pointed out to Moscow the necessity to settle this issue. Diena

The Board Chairman of the Baltic Data House B.Zepa tells

The Board Chairman of the Baltic Data House B.Zepa tells Rigas Balss about their co-operation with the Naturalisation Board in the research program On the Road to a Civic Society and the conclusions she has come to during this research. B.Zepa considers that understanding about the necessity to amend the Law on Citizenship has come from inside but not due to the pressure from outside. Only lingering to take the first step caused reproaches from all sides. Speaking about the loyalty of non-citizens, Ms.Zepa states that it has neither increased nor decreased although there is a whole bunch of threatening symptoms. Rigas Balss

O.Shipcov in his article to

O.Shipcov in his article to SM writes about differences between non-citizens and citizens in Latvia and, in particular, the differences when a citizen and a non-citizen want to leave the country or to return to it. For example, when leaving the country for permanent residence abroad, a citizen has to check out of his flat (domicile registration) but he is not deprived of his code, pension if he receives one and, if not, will receive it in the future upon reaching the age of retirement. He may return to Latvia having no problems with return, domicile registration, etc. In his turn, a non-citizen is deprived of his code, domicile registration, retirement money ( a compensation is paid in the amount of 6 pensions) and faces a lot of problems when returning to the country. SM

Yu.Soolyate in

Yu.Soolyate in Panorama Latvii argues with the basic principle of integration in Latvia - every resident must know the Latvian language, and opposes the methods of realising it. He compares these methods with the ones used in army - I said, just do it!. The author of the article cites as the proof to his statement the words of Professor Ina Druviete, Market value of the Latvian language in incomparably less than the one of its main competitors. The author considers that the knowledge of the Latvian language should be just desirable but not mandatory.

N.Evteev, the Head of the Social Maintenance Section of Russian Embassy, answering to the questions of Russian military pensioners, says that the devaluation of the Rouble will not effect the amount of their pensions and explains that reasons for delayed pension payments this summer.

N.Evteev, the Head of the Social Maintenance Section of Russian Embassy, answering to the questions of Russian military pensioners, says that the devaluation of the Rouble will not effect the amount of their pensions and explains that reasons for delayed pension payments this summer. Panorama Latvii

The same newspaper writes about the problems of T.Pancenko, she had with her non-citizen passport. When she wanted to exchange her passport at DCMA Vidzeme Suburb office, the answer was an order to leave Latvia within 7 days. It turned out that some time ago Ms.Pancenko had drawn up a former USSR travel passport at a private firm and, receiving it, saw the stamp of Russian citizenship there. When she asked the employee for an explanation of this fact , the answer was it was put there just for travelling and had nothing to do with Russia citizenship. On the next day after receiving the decree of departure the Pancenkos called the Russian Embassy asking about this Russian citizenship. The official there got interested about this fact, confirmed that they were not citizens of Russia and asked to submit the illegal passport. And a long process of litigation began.

The same newspaper writes about the problems of T.Pancenko, she had with her non-citizen passport. When she wanted to exchange her passport at DCMA Vidzeme Suburb office, the answer was an order to leave Latvia within 7 days. It turned out that some time ago Ms.Pancenko had drawn up a former USSR travel passport at a private firm and, receiving it, saw the stamp of Russian citizenship there. When she asked the employee for an explanation of this fact , the answer was it was put there just for travelling and had nothing to do with Russia citizenship. On the next day after receiving the decree of departure the Pancenkos called the Russian Embassy asking about this Russian citizenship. The official there got interested about this fact, confirmed that they were not citizens of Russia and asked to submit the illegal passport. And a long process of litigation began. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

writes in more details about the demands of Association for Supporting Russian speaking Schools concerning the demand of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Russian speaking teachers to know the Latvian language. writes in more details about the demands of Association for Supporting Russian speaking Schools concerning the demand of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Russian speaking teachers to know the Latvian language.

Bizness & Baltiya

interviews the leader of interviews the leader of People’s Harmony PartyPeoples Harmony Party J.Jurkans about his meeting with former ex-Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin and his `partys plans for the election to the 7th Saeima. J.Jurkans about his meeting with former ex-Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin and his `party’s plans for the election to the 7th Saeima. People’s Harmony PartyPeoples Harmony Party plans to receive -teen seats in the Parliament, and if it does, the party could be in position instead of opposition.. When asked about future prospects for Latvian - Russian relations, J.Jurkans said that he expected warming up although it depends on the results of the election. plans to receive “-teen” seats in the Parliament, and if it does, the party could be in “position” instead of “opposition.”. When asked about future prospects for Latvian - Russian relations, J.Jurkans said that he expected “warming up” although it depends on the results of the election.
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