Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 12, 1998

Press Report

State President G.Ulmanis, during his visit to Ukraine and talks to the former Russian Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin and other politicians, has understood that there were only one major problem in Latvia’s relations with Russia but he did not specify it. G.Ulmanis acknowledged that Latvia had to balance forming its relations between East and West and try to suppress but not stress its negative attitude towards Russia.

State President G.Ulmanis, during his visit to Ukraine and talks to the former Russian Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin and other politicians, has understood that there were only one major problem in Latvias relations with Russia but he did not specify it. G.Ulmanis acknowledged that Latvia had to balance forming its relations between East and West and try to suppress but not stress its negative attitude towards Russia. Diena

Maris Pukitis, Consultant to the Union of Self-Governments writes about the municipal right of vote and non-citizens. According to Part C of the convention “On participation of foreigners in the public life on the local level” adopted by the Council of Europe in 1992 foreigners (also non-citizens in Latvia

Maris Pukitis, Consultant to the Union of Self-Governments writes about the municipal right of vote and non-citizens. According to Part C of the convention On participation of foreigners in the public life on the local level adopted by the Council of Europe in 1992 foreigners (also non-citizens in Latvia M.P.) could be granted passive or active rights of vote. But in 90% of all EU countries non-citizens do not have this right. Discussions in Strasbourg in May this year showed that such a demand for Latvia could be a result of Russian pressure on some of experts. Foreign policy experts from the Russian delegation concentrated their attention not to internal problems of Russia ( in great part of this country there are no elected self-governments at all) but took care of non-citizens rights in Latvia. Diena

To support the amendments to the Law on Citizenship adopted by the Saeima and call people not to sign the proposal, Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre in co-operation with UNICEF National Committee and other public organisations have published posters and booklets “ Think before you sign or vote!” All together there will be 1000 posters and 800 booklets.

To support the amendments to the Law on Citizenship adopted by the Saeima and call people not to sign the proposal, Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre in co-operation with UNICEF National Committee and other public organisations have published posters and booklets Think before you sign or vote! All together there will be 1000 posters and 800 booklets. Jauna Avize, Chas

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