Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 11, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

According to

According to Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK information about 62 000 signatures have been collected by the Sunday evening, 22 000 of them - in Riga. These figures show that the number of persons, willing to sign, increase. On Tuesday, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK organised a press conference where its Chairman M.Grinblats, trying to warm up the supporters of the referendum, reminded that the same situation was during the last campaign of collecting signatures when the activity of people increased radically during the last week. He also expressed an opinion that mass media often gave wrong information that this campaign was in favour of people opposing the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Deputy Chairman J.Dobelis acknowledged that Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK had already spent for advertising the campaign part of resources meant for the pre-election campaign. He could not name the exact sum, just said that they have printed 240 000 leaflets, 1300 posters, published a special edition of the newspaper Nacionala Neatkariba as well as advertised the campaign five times a day on the National Radio. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Bizness & Baltiy, Rigas Balss

State President G.Ulmanis, during his vacation visit to Ukraine met the former Russian Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin, as well as Russian representative to the CIS I.Ribkin and the President of Tatarstan M.Shamiyev. Among other issues, they also discussed Russian Latvian relations.

State President G.Ulmanis, during his vacation visit to Ukraine met the former Russian Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin, as well as Russian representative to the CIS I.Ribkin and the President of Tatarstan M.Shamiyev. Among other issues, they also discussed Russian Latvian relations. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Latvian Embassy in Moscow do not demand foreigners, planning to go to Latvia, anything additional. And during interviews for receiving a visa, questions are asked only about the person requesting visa and the purpose of the visit. But the Embassy do not deny that there are long lines to submit documents. Some time ago there was information in the press that some famous Russia cinema scrip writers had problems to receive entry visas to Latvia. They had to stand in long lines, answer questions on the private life of the person they were going to visit. Latvian Consul E.Bondars told

Latvian Embassy in Moscow do not demand foreigners, planning to go to Latvia, anything additional. And during interviews for receiving a visa, questions are asked only about the person requesting visa and the purpose of the visit. But the Embassy do not deny that there are long lines to submit documents. Some time ago there was information in the press that some famous Russia cinema scrip writers had problems to receive entry visas to Latvia. They had to stand in long lines, answer questions on the private life of the person they were going to visit. Latvian Consul E.Bondars told Neatkariga that all who wanted to submit documents for receiving a visa and had come during reception hours could manage it within one day. He did not deny that there were long lines. The Embassy has to draw up 600 - 700 visas a day. Neatkariga

Rolands Petersons in

Rolands Petersons in Neatkariga analyses the position on national and citizenship of nine parties or coalitions, most real candidates to the 7th Saeima. Only some of them have openly voiced in their programs their position on citizenship, language and national policy aspects. Political activities of two parties Latvijas Cels and Democratic Party Saimnieks show that they do not plan to follow the ideas written in their programs, and their national orientation does not differ much from the one of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK. The coalition of the left wing parties For Human Rights in a United Latvia is pro Russian concerning the state language and citizenship and they demand the Russian language to be the second state language. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK consider that Latvians should have the political power in Latvia, but the rest of parties avoid discussing these issues in their programs. Neatkariga

Anna Stroy analyses the ethnic composition of the candidate list s to the 7th Saeima and finds a tendency that national minorities do not stand for the elections . From 1083 candidates only 5% (55 people) are Russians, 1.5% ( 16) are Poles, 0.55% (6) Lithuanians, 0.28% (3) represent Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Jewish people.

Anna Stroy analyses the ethnic composition of the candidate list s to the 7th Saeima and finds a tendency that national minorities do not stand for the elections . From 1083 candidates only 5% (55 people) are Russians, 1.5% ( 16) are Poles, 0.55% (6) Lithuanians, 0.28% (3) represent Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Jewish people. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs is very concerned about the political situation inside Latvia and in its relations to other countries. He speaks about so called “black scenario” - a trap Latvia could fall in if it does not amend the Law on Citizenship. The situation then could as follows - Russia continues its political and economic pressure, the prepared agreements ( also border agreement) are not signed, and Latvia has no strong arguments to protect its position neither in Europe nor the USA.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs is very concerned about the political situation inside Latvia and in its relations to other countries. He speaks about so called black scenario - a trap Latvia could fall in if it does not amend the Law on Citizenship. The situation then could as follows - Russia continues its political and economic pressure, the prepared agreements ( also border agreement) are not signed, and Latvia has no strong arguments to protect its position neither in Europe nor the USA. Lauku Avize

Last week great agitation was aroused by the announcement of V.Nesterushkin that Russia would not change the status of the most favourite nation in trade for Latvia if Riga maintains the agreement of Skrunda Radar station, The diplomat also stressed that “this status was given to Latvia in 1994 as a Moscow’s gesture of “good will” , and it was not formally connected with any bilateral obligations in this respect.” Officials in Latvia have already expressed their negative opinion on such a position of Moscow. Also Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses his regret for it. Agency BNS yesterday announced that V.Nestryushkin voiced the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, that every agreement with Latvia had an independent meaning and they should be realised in close conformity with obligations stated in the agreements.

Last week great agitation was aroused by the announcement of V.Nesterushkin that Russia would not change the status of the most favourite nation in trade for Latvia if Riga maintains the agreement of Skrunda Radar station, The diplomat also stressed that this status was given to Latvia in 1994 as a Moscows gesture of good will , and it was not formally connected with any bilateral obligations in this respect. Officials in Latvia have already expressed their negative opinion on such a position of Moscow. Also Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses his regret for it. Agency BNS yesterday announced that V.Nestryushkin voiced the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, that every agreement with Latvia had an independent meaning and they should be realised in close conformity with obligations stated in the agreements. Jauna Avize

The Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced at a press conference yesterday that if

The Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced at a press conference yesterday that if Latvijas Cels came to power it would improve relations with Russia. But no discussions could be started while the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were not adopted. Bizness & Baltiya

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