Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

aprīlis 4, 1998

Press Review

The State President G.Ulmanis announced to the press that at the National Security Council meeting on Friday, there had been a unanimous decision that it was not possible for state police head A.Lieljuksis and National Armed Forces Commander- in-Chief J.Dalbins to remain in their posts. The meeting was summoned in connection with the blow at the Riga synagogue. For investigation of this crime there was established a special working group led by USA FBI specialists.

The State President G.Ulmanis announced to the press that at the National Security Council meeting on Friday, there had been a unanimous decision that it was not possible for state police head A.Lieljuksis and National Armed Forces Commander- in-Chief J.Dalbins to remain in their posts. The meeting was summoned in connection with the blow at the Riga synagogue. For investigation of this crime there was established a special working group led by USA FBI specialists. Diena

Rigas Balss writes about the local and international reaction of the blow at the Riga synagogue. All Latvian top officilas condemned this action, and the Saeima decree names it as a provocation. Both high foreign officials present in Latvia at that time - the High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel and USA former Deputy State Secretary R.Holbruck think that this event has made a serious damage to the image of Latvia in the world, and it was organised by forces, hostile to Latvia.

Rigas Balss writes about the local and international reaction of the blow at the Riga synagogue. All Latvian top officilas condemned this action, and the Saeima decree names it as a provocation. Both high foreign officials present in Latvia at that time - the High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoel and USA former Deputy State Secretary R.Holbruck think that this event has made a serious damage to the image of Latvia in the world, and it was organised by forces, hostile to Latvia. Rigas Balss

The Prime Minister G.Krasts sent a letter to the government forming factions informing them on his attention to demand a demission of the Minister of Economics A.Sausnitis. This sdecision has several reasons, explained his Press Secretary R.Melniks. As the major reason was mentioned Susnitis position on privatisation of Latvenergo. One more reasomn was Ministeer’s reaction to the Prime Minister ‘s taks to prepare a report on what lossed could cause Russia’s economic sanctions. Instead of writing this report, Sausnitis organised a press briefing, thaus causing confusion among Latvian businesmen and made it more difficult to improve Latvian - Russian relations.

The Prime Minister G.Krasts sent a letter to the government forming factions informing them on his attention to demand a demission of the Minister of Economics A.Sausnitis. This sdecision has several reasons, explained his Press Secretary R.Melniks. As the major reason was mentioned Susnitis position on privatisation of Latvenergo. One more reasomn was Ministeers reaction to the Prime Minister ‘s taks to prepare a report on what lossed could cause Russias economic sanctions. Instead of writing this report, Sausnitis organised a press briefing, thaus causing confusion among Latvian businesmen and made it more difficult to improve Latvian - Russian relations. Diena, Neatkariga, SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, etc.

The State President G.Ulmanis considers that Naturalisation window mechanism should be abolished so that any permanent resident of Latvia could receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis planned to discuss this isue on his Friday meeting with the resident ambassadors of EU contries. As G.Ulmanis acknowledged before this meeting, he was interested to learn what ambassadors think of Latvia’s chances to join EU. The President expressed regret that it was not possible to convince the permanent residents of Latvia about the necesity to receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis thinks that the issue of granting citizenship to children born infamilies of non-citizens. He also thinks that Naturalisation “windows” shold be opened that are not operating in reality. Along with these changes, the attitude of Latvian citizens towards it should be analysed, “but the majority of Latvian society is for opening these “windows”, thinks the President.

The State President G.Ulmanis considers that Naturalisation window mechanism should be abolished so that any permanent resident of Latvia could receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis planned to discuss this isue on his Friday meeting with the resident ambassadors of EU contries. As G.Ulmanis acknowledged before this meeting, he was interested to learn what ambassadors think of Latvias chances to join EU. The President expressed regret that it was not possible to convince the permanent residents of Latvia about the necesity to receive Latvian citizenship. G.Ulmanis thinks that the issue of granting citizenship to children born infamilies of non-citizens. He also thinks that Naturalisation windows shold be opened that are not operating in reality. Along with these changes, the attitude of Latvian citizens towards it should be analysed, but the majority of Latvian society is for opening these windows, thinks the President. Diena

“Russia does not exclude a possibility to impose economis sanctions against Latvia,” Deputy Minister of Russian MFA A.Avdejev announced to the press agency Interfax. “We havs a set of sanctions, but we just investigate the possible options of their use.” He added that Moscow is taking active steps to make pressure on Riga with the help of international organisations, mainly UN, Council of Europe, OSCE. Russia’s position to the visit of Latvian Foreign Mininster V.Birkavs has not changed. “Russia does not see any sence for such a visit,” said the Deputy Minister.

Russia does not exclude a possibility to impose economis sanctions against Latvia, Deputy Minister of Russian MFA A.Avdejev announced to the press agency Interfax. We havs a set of sanctions, but we just investigate the possible options of their use. He added that Moscow is taking active steps to make pressure on Riga with the help of international organisations, mainly UN, Council of Europe, OSCE. Russias position to the visit of Latvian Foreign Mininster V.Birkavs has not changed. Russia does not see any sence for such a visit, said the Deputy Minister.

Sales of Latvian goods in Russia after the threat of the Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkow has decreased for 30%. The President of Latvian Trading Center R.Bullitis told

Sales of Latvian goods in Russia after the threat of the Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkow has decreased for 30%. The President of Latvian Trading Center R.Bullitis told Neatkariga after his visit to Moscow, Russian businessmen were afraid to purchase large quantities of Latvian goods in the case the Major would realise his threat. Neatkariga, Chas, Rigas Balss

Rigas Balss

comments on the OSCE High Commissioner on Minorities Max van der Stoels visit to Latvia. Panorama Latvii 98.04.06 does it from a different angle, strarting the comment with words God with usand mister Max van der Stoel and then addressing the issue of the rally of former SS Waffen legioneers. The author of the article ties radical change of attitude of the State President G.Ulmanis
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