Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Jan. 4, 2008

  • Security Police has initiated 16 criminal cases on incitement to national, ethnic or racial hatred in 2007
  • Ex-President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis: decrease of mass-scale non-citizenship in the country is among the main national interests
  • Chas prints an appeal of the EU Commissioner on Education, Training, Culture and Youth Jan Figel about the year 2008 proclaimed as the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
  • MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka: Russian parties from Latvia should unite in one list for the next EP elections in 2009
  • National Radio and Television Council has sent a letter to the regulator for the U.K. communications industries Ofcom with a request to provide information about its further actions regarding a greeting Happy New Year, Aryans! which appeared on the First Baltic Musical Channel

The Security Police has initiated 16 criminal cases on incitement to national, ethnic or racial hatred in 2007. All cases are still under the investigation. According to a representative of the Security Police, there is no tendency for extremist activities in Latvia to subside. Manifestations of extremism most often include targeting certain racial, religious and ethnic groups, such as expressions of ethnic hatred between Russian speakers and Latvians. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Chas prints an interview with the ex-President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis. Mr. Ulmanis considers that decrease of mass-scale non-citizenship in the country is among the main national interests of Latvia. Mr. Ulmanis believes that non-citizens should not be examined for their loyalty towards Latvia because their choice to reside in the country, work and pay taxis here displays their loyalty.

Chas prints an appeal of the EU Commissioner on Education, Training, Culture and Youth Jan Figel about the year 2008 proclaimed as the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. According to the Commissioner, this year will give a chance for everybody to realise that mutual understanding and respect should play a central role in our society if it wants to continue peaceful and constructive development. The Commissioner believes that intercultural dialogue should be a long term priority for each person and for entire society.

Telegraf prints an interview with the MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka. Mrs. Zdanoka believes that if so-called Russian parties from Latvia want to be represented in the European Parliament they should unite in one list for the next EP elections in 2009.

Diena reports that the National Radio and Television Council (NRTC) has sent a letter to the regulator for the U.K. communications industries Ofcom with a request to provide information about its further actions regarding a greeting Happy New Year, Aryans! (signed Skinheads) which appeared on 1 January on a chat of the First Baltic Musical Channel. The Channel is broadcasting in Latvia trough satellite, however, it is registered in the United Kingdom, and therefore, Latvian legal acts do not allow reacting on such statements which allegedly incite to racial hatred. According to the representative of the NRTC, Ofcom is authorized to request from the channel a record of the broadcast in which the message has appeared, and if the message will be interpreted as incitement to hatred the British side might and impose severe sanctions on the channel.

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