Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

jūnijs 25, 2005

  • Amendments to the Citizenship Law under development
  • Saeima terminates accreditation of two journalists accused in incitement of national hatred
  • Latvian President points at intolerance existing in the Latvian society in her speech for MPs
  • Interview with leaders of two left-wing parties
  • Interview with the leader of New Democrats about partys stance on national issues
  • Comments of Chas readers on the call to naturalise

Latvijas Avize talks to the Minister of Justice Solvita Aboltina about development of amendments to the Citizenship Law. The Minister is convinced that the Law should be amended, as the Law has not been opened since 1998. Solvita Aboltina reports that the working group has already started to work at the development of amendments, which Saeima may discuss in September. The amendments will provide a number of changes: first, children of Latvian non-citizens will be entitled to receive Latvian citizenship automatically – at the same moment when they are registered (for the moment these children have to be registered as non-citizens and after that their parents may apply for Latvian citizenship for their child). The new amendments will also provide that orphans are entitled to Latvian citizenship. Second, the amendments will stipulate that citizens have to be loyal to the state. The Minister says that the working group proposed to include the following amendment ‘if a person has given public statements aimed against the state, then s/he may not be granted Latvian citizenship. Third, the amendments will stipulate that persons under suspect of terrorism may not be granted Latvian citizenship.

Latvijas Avize reports that accreditation of Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa, two journalists of the national radical newspaper ‘De-occupation. De-colonisation. De-bolshevisation, at Saeima has been terminated. The Head of the Saeima Press Office, who took the decision to terminate accreditation, states that she received the report of the Security Police, which confirms that both journalists have been pressed criminal charges for incitement of national hatred. As reported, the newspaper DDD published anti-Semitic statements.

Latvijas Avize prints the full version of the Latvian Presidents speech given for MPs on the last day of the Parliaments session. Although the majority of newspapers refer mainly to the Presidents statements regarding the border agreement between Latvia and Russia and her calls to politicians to think about countrys long-term future, the President also devoted a part of her speech to the issues of intolerance. The President also stressed that ratification of the framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was a responsible and needed step.

NRA interviews leaders of two left wing parties Sergeys Dolgopolovs (the New Centre) and Janis Urbanovics (the Peoples Harmony Party). Despite a number of previously unsuccessful attempts to work together, the parties recently came out with an announcement about their intentions to work together with the goal to ‘unify those forces, people, views and parties that stand for civilized co-living in Latvia. The leaders stress that in fact almost all people in Latvia want to see a unified society in the country, therefore the parties will focus on solving daily issues and development joint projects and will pay particular attention to young people.

Latvijas Avize interviews the former Interior Minister and former member of the New Era Maris Gulbis who recently formed his own party The New Democrats. When asked about the partys views on national issues, Maris Gulbis states that the party has not developed a clear stance on these issues yet, however, he believes that national values should be preserved. He adds that there is an issue of mass non-citizenship, however, he does not consider that additional attention should be paid to promotion of naturalisation ‘I believe, that integration is slowly, however, naturally taking place in Latvia.

Chas prints a summary of its readers diverse comments on the article, which called non-citizens to naturalise so they would be able to take more active part in the countrys affairs. A part of readers expressed their support to the call, while others disagreed arguing that naturalisation may be interpreted as conformation with ‘the ruling policy and also a threat to lose ones identity.

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