Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 10, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


columnist Anita Brauna briefly comments on the role and place of the mass media in pre-election campaign of parties. She states that the discussions about moral values of journalists have made almost none effect on the Russian language press, in particular, two columnists of the Russian language newspapers –- columnist Anita Brauna briefly comments on the role and place of the mass media in pre-election campaign of parties. She states that the discussions about moral values of journalists have made almost none effect on the Russian language press, in particular, two columnists of the Russian language newspapers –- Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya and and Chas Chas – will continue to work and publish for these newspapers. Although, Anita Brauna admits that it should not be concluded that the Latvian media is better – Latvian Independent TV channel continues airing a weekly show Nedela produced by Saeima MP Edvins Inkens. – will continue to work and publish for these newspapers. Although, Anita Brauna admits that it should not be concluded that the Latvian media is better – Latvian Independent TV channel continues airing a weekly show “Nedela” produced by Saeima MP Edvins Inkens.


publishes a summary of answers given by 5 parties (FHRUL, Latvias Way, the Latvian Social Democrats, the Peoples Party and the New Era) to 3 key questions (Russian schools reform in 2004, the status of the Russian language and citizenship). Only FHRUL provided direct answers to all questions. Latvias Way stated that the reform in 2004 could be postponed, however, did not answer to the remaining two questions. The Social Democrats said that the reform should be completed in 2004 and did not comment on the remaining two issues. The Peoples Party did not comment on the first two issues, but made a hint that want to do something for children born in independent Latvia. The New Era declared that should be a possibility to use a minority language in education, but did not comment on the last two issues. More in-depth views of the representatives of each party available at publishes a summary of answers given by 5 parties (FHRUL, Latvia’s Way, the Latvian Social Democrats, the People’s Party and the New Era) to 3 key questions (Russian schools reform in 2004, the status of the Russian language and citizenship). Only FHRUL provided direct answers to all questions. Latvia’s Way stated that the reform in 2004 could be postponed, however, did not answer to the remaining two questions. The Social Democrats said that the reform should be completed in 2004 and did not comment on the remaining two issues. The People’s Party did not comment on the first two issues, but “made a hint that want to do something for children born in independent Latvia.” The New Era declared that “should be a possibility to use a minority language in education,” but did not comment on the last two issues. More in-depth views of the representatives of each party available at (in the Russian language). (in the Russian language). The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement concerning the recent publication of MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Latvia and Russia. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry calls on both the Latvian government and NATO to evaluate statements made by Aleksandrs Kirsteins.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement concerning the recent publication of MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about relations between Latvia and Russia. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry calls on both the Latvian government and NATO to evaluate statements made by Aleksandrs Kirsteins. Chas, Panorama Latvii


continues publishing letters of its readers criticising the reform of Russian schools in 2004. continues publishing letters of its readers criticising the reform of Russian schools in 2004. Daugavpils TV aired a live discussion of election candidates representing different parties. The key subject of the discussion was education issues in Latvia. When the participants of the discussion were asked what exactly they are going to do to make the Saeima ratify the Framework Convention which stipulates that national minorities have the right to study in their mother tongues all election candidates except for FHRUL’s candidate could not provide a direct answer.

Daugavpils TV aired a live discussion of election candidates representing different parties. The key subject of the discussion waseducation issues in Latvia. When the participants of the discussion were asked what exactly they are going to do to make the Saeima ratify the Framework Convention which stipulates that national minorities have the right to study in their mother tongues all election candidates except for FHRULs candidate could not provide a direct answer. Panorama Latvii

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