Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Oct. 6, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The key achievement at the Sofia summit of NATO candidate states from the so-called Vilnius Group was the top-level confirmation of the US position on NATO enlargement remaining unchanged after the brutal terrorist attacks, said Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. At a news conference Saturday upon her return from Sofia, the Latvian president said next six months "will categorically be important for all candidates" as the decision about admitting new members to the alliance is expected next year.

The key achievement at the Sofia summit of NATO candidate states from the so-called Vilnius Group was the top-level confirmation of the US position on NATO enlargement remaining unchanged after the brutal terrorist attacks, said Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. At a news conference Saturday upon her return from Sofia, the Latvian president said next six months "will categorically be important for all candidates" as the decision about admitting new members to the alliance is expected next year. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Original full text: “Russia is concerned about the situation with human rights in Latvia and Estonia, which, regardless of some positive changes, still remains unsatisfactory, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov told the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus yesterday. According to Ivanov, the Baltic countries are still restricting the rights of Russian-speaking residents, ethnic minorities are being assimilated, hundreds of thousands have no citizenship or political, social and economic rights. Ivanov also told Ekeus of negative tendencies in some CIS countries, where governments attempt to push the Russian language out of key spheres, creating artificial barriers for Russian-speaking residents' participation in the community's life. The Russian minister proposed increasing OSCE's role in tackling the complicated relations among various nationalities in some European countries, primarily in the CIS and Baltics. Both sides agreed that the OSCE could play a greater role in combating international terrorism, especially in Central Asia”.

Original full text: Russia is concerned about the situation with human rights in Latvia and Estonia, which, regardless of some positive changes, still remains unsatisfactory, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov told the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus yesterday. According to Ivanov, the Baltic countries are still restricting the rights of Russian-speaking residents, ethnic minorities are being assimilated, hundreds of thousands have no citizenship or political, social and economic rights. Ivanov also told Ekeus of negative tendencies in some CIS countries, where governments attempt to push the Russian language out of key spheres, creating artificial barriers for Russian-speaking residents' participation in the community's life. The Russian minister proposed increasing OSCE's role in tackling the complicated relations among various nationalities in some European countries, primarily in the CIS and Baltics. Both sides agreed that the OSCE could play a greater role in combating international terrorism, especially in Central Asia. Diena, LETA


comments on the call of FHRUL deputy Y.Pliners to protest against the transfer to the studies exclusively in the state language. The newspaper also provides the views of the experts in the field, among which also the stance of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby - studies in the Latvian language are necessary, however, the preparation period for the transfer is too short. comments on the call of FHRUL deputy Y.Pliners to protest against the transfer to the studies exclusively in the state language. The newspaper also provides the views of the experts in the field, among which also the stance of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby - “studies in the Latvian language are necessary, however, the preparation period for the transfer is too short”.


provides the data about the main political parties ratings as of 199 to this year and considerations of political scientists about the possible election results for 8th Saeima. The majority of political scientists agreed that the right wing parties together with the new party to be established by Repse would have the majority of votes, although also for the left parties the election should be successful. Attitude towards NATO could become the key issue in parties campaigns. provides the data about the main political parties ratings as of 199 to this year and considerations of political scientists about the possible election results for 8th Saeima. The majority of political scientists agreed that the right wing parties together with the new party to be established by Repse would have the majority of votes, although also for the left parties the election should be successful. Attitude towards NATO could become the key issue in parties’ campaigns.


columnist, Riga Mayor spokesperson Dz.Zaluksnis considers that with the appearance of Repse in the Latvian politician scene Latvias Way is having its last months. He writes that LW was established with the goal to implement the reforms dictated by the World Bank and IMF and to keep this regime till the successful end, that is, Latvias membership to the EU. In columnists opinion the further LW development is impossible – partys intellectual potential is drained. Also he does not believe that Repse would keep his popularity rating as high as it is now till the elections, however, he writes it would be naďve to think that Repse who is sponsored from abroad needs the support of the current politicians. columnist, Riga Mayor spokesperson Dz.Zaluksnis considers that with the appearance of Repse in the Latvian politician scene Latvia’s Way is having its last months. He writes that LW was established with the goal to implement the reforms dictated by the World Bank and IMF and to keep this regime till the successful end, that is, Latvia’s membership to the EU. In columnist’s opinion the further LW development is impossible – party’s intellectual potential is drained. Also he does not believe that Repse would keep his popularity rating as high as it is now till the elections, however, he writes “it would be naďve to think that Repse who is sponsored from abroad needs the support of the current politicians”. The main theme of weekly newspaper

The main theme of weekly newspaper Jauna is about what to be done with the vast number of non-citizens living in Latvia. The newspaper provides data of the survey regarding the feelings of non-citizens towards Latvia and its citizenship and talks with Latvian and Russias officials. Russian Federation National Immigration Political Affairs Ministry representative in Latvia T.Slickova gives some official information and data regarding procedures, people and tendencies concerning this matter. For the last year and a half the number of people who leave Latvia for Russia has increased, T.Slickova explains that with the desire of these people to provide to their children education in a mother tongue. She forecasts that in 5 years about 10 000-15 000 people would leave for Russia. Jauna columnist L.Muzikante reproaches the Latvian Government for ignoring earlier made Putins calls to Russian compatriots to return to Russia and asks opinions of some public persons about that. Social Democrat D.Ivans considers that it is only Putins and Russias own business; Vieda director A.Garda says that it is betrayal of the Latvian people. PM O.Grigs voices that non-fostering of de-colonisation is not a legal crime, however, even till now the Latvian people have to experience genocide.

Naturalisation Board deputy head J.Kahanovic informs about the course of the project of providing Latvian language course free of charge for the applicants for naturalisation. He reports that vacancies for the Latvian language courses free of charge were fulfilled immediately.

Naturalisation Board deputy head J.Kahanovic informs about the course of the project of providing Latvian language course free of charge for the applicants for naturalisation. He reports that vacancies for the Latvian language courses free of charge were fulfilled immediately. Chas

The Association to the Support of Education in the Russian Language publishes a call to Russian speaking parents, senior students and teachers to take part at II Parental Conference “Study in a Mother Tongue” on 24 November, where all interested parties should require to enter amendments in the Education Law.

The Association to the Support of Education in the Russian Language publishes a call to Russian speaking parents, senior students and teachers to take part at II Parental Conference Study in a Mother Tongue on 24 November, where all interested parties should require to enter amendments in the Education Law. Chas


talks to the teacher of the Russian language about the problems in teaching the language, students and the role of the Russian language for the new generation. talks to the teacher of the Russian language about the problems in teaching the language, students and the role of the Russian language for the new generation.

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