Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 9, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia's eastern border will become the European Union's border after Latvia joins, and this is when Latvia's relations with Russia could improve, said Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga at the opening of the new Aizgarsa border crossing to Russia on Wednesday. "We also want to have our border agreement with Russia signed, so that the work carried out by the inter-governmental commission go ahead and that we may lawfully and in a legally suitable way put order to our relations with the large neighbor," said Vike-Freiberga. "...the border is a dividing line between our two sovereign countries, and it is important that we may be able to physically mark the borderline in nature, at the point where one country starts and where the next," she added.

Latvia's eastern border will become the European Union's border after Latvia joins, and this is when Latvia's relations with Russia could improve, said Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga at the opening of the new Aizgarsa border crossing to Russia on Wednesday. "We also want to have our border agreement with Russia signed, so that the work carried out by the inter-governmental commission go ahead and that we may lawfully and in a legally suitable way put order to our relations with the large neighbor," said Vike-Freiberga. "...the border is a dividing line between our two sovereign countries, and it is important that we may be able to physically mark the borderline in nature, at the point where one country starts and where the next," she added. BNS, Respublika, LETA

A Moscow City executive, declared by Latvia as persona non grata in last November, is on the official list of Moscow delegation visitors for coming to Riga in mid-August for celebration of the Latvian capital's 800th anniversary. The list is currently being checked by the Foreign Ministry. The Riga mayor's foreign advisor said that Alexander Perelygin, a Moscow mayor advisor banned from entering Latvia for one year will more likely be in than out of the list of Moscow visitors, he also said that he sees no problem in including Perelygin on the list, because "if that is the wish of Moscow, we [the Riga City Council] have no right to change it."

A Moscow City executive, declared by Latvia as persona non grata in last November, is on the official list of Moscow delegation visitors for coming to Riga in mid-August for celebration of the Latvian capital's 800th anniversary. The list is currently being checked by the Foreign Ministry. The Riga mayor's foreign advisor said that Alexander Perelygin, a Moscow mayor advisor banned from entering Latvia for one year will more likely be in than out of the list of Moscow visitors, he also said that he sees no problem in including Perelygin on the list, because "if that is the wish of Moscow, we [the Riga City Council] have no right to change it." BNS

Vesti Segodnya, answering to the accusations from newspaper Diena to Russian MFA for not giving a visa to its correspondent A.Klimovics, writes that a similar list of persons non-grata exists in Latvia and there are included 6 journalists from Russia. Director of Department on Control on Status of Persons J.Rudzats refused the give these names, just explained this fact with an argument that activities of those persons had been directed against Latvia and its independence. Along with journalists in the list there are names of Russian politicians, e.g. MPs V.Alksnis, G.Zyuganov, V.Zhirinovsky, etc.

A popular newspaper in Russia, the

A popular newspaper in Russia, the Moskovsky Komsomolets (MK), is presenting its MK-Baltija paper in the center of Riga on Wednesday with participation of Latvian and Russian pop stars. MK reports that the project's Latvian partners are Petit publishing and TEM TV. Another of the roughly 10 Russian language newspapers in Latvia will be publishing the "Hottest news from Latvia and Russia." BNS

The President of the Bank of Latvia, Einars Repse, does not rule out the possibility of him getting involved in politics. On Wednesday Repse said in press conference that it was still too early to speak of anything specific, but it was a possibility. "Seeing things that take place around me, I of course sometimes acquire a great will to do something myself for the good of the country, but I must say that this is a serious and complicated enough issue," said Repse.

The President of the Bank of Latvia, Einars Repse, does not rule out the possibility of him getting involved in politics. On Wednesday Repse said in press conference that it was still too early to speak of anything specific, but it was a possibility. "Seeing things that take place around me, I of course sometimes acquire a great will to do something myself for the good of the country, but I must say that this is a serious and complicated enough issue," said Repse. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognizes problematic status of ethnic Russians in Latvia, he said in a letter to a Russian-speaking Latvian resident. "I see it a very important task to pay attention to our compatriots, former Soviet citizens. I am well aware that they have enough problems, especially in the Baltic States," wrote Putin. "It is inadmissible to let these people feel abandoned, forgotten. I am sure that it is Russia's obligation to take a firm stand to protect their legal rights and interests," said the Russian president. Putin's letter was handed over to the addressee, Ludmila Avanesova, by Russian ambassador in Latvia. It was the Russian president's response to the message Avanesova, now a resident of Latvia, sent him on the Victory Day marked in Russia on May 9 as the end of the World War Two.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognizes problematic status of ethnic Russians in Latvia, he said in a letter to a Russian-speaking Latvian resident. "I see it a very important task to pay attention to our compatriots, former Soviet citizens. I am well aware that they have enough problems, especially in the Baltic States," wrote Putin. "It is inadmissible to let these people feel abandoned, forgotten. I am sure that it is Russia's obligation to take a firm stand to protect their legal rights and interests," said the Russian president. Putin's letter was handed over to the addressee, Ludmila Avanesova, by Russian ambassador in Latvia. It was the Russian president's response to the message Avanesova, now a resident of Latvia, sent him on the Victory Day marked in Russia on May 9 as the end of the World War Two. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Changes in Latvia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations and the recalling of Ambassador Janis Priedkalns from the post has occurred in accordance with a Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs decision,

Changes in Latvia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations and the recalling of Ambassador Janis Priedkalns from the post has occurred in accordance with a Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs decision, LETA was told by the president's press secretary Aiva Rozenberga. According to Rozenberga, President Vike-Freiberga has approved the decision. The changes have been made according to the existing rotation system and "how this is done, is a matter for the foreign ministry", said Rozenberga. Priedkalns, who was the TB/LNNK candidate for president in 1999, left the post in May, ending his service as U.N. ambassador ahead of schedule, and his work in Latvia's diplomatic corps altogether. Foreign Ministry Press Secretary Vilmars Henins declined to comment to LETA on the reasons why Priedkalns left his post before his term of duty was up. LETA, Diena

Riga City Mayor G.Bojars, opposite to the opinion of People’s Party faction, considers it to be unnecessary to consider the Riga – Moscow daft co-operation agreement at Council commissions because it has been considered at all party factions, and MFA has submitted it commentary on this agreement. The Mayor said that in the nearest future Riga City Council would establish a working group to specify the agreement text, and it could be signed in autumn.

Riga City Mayor G.Bojars, opposite to the opinion of Peoples Party faction, considers it to be unnecessary to consider the Riga – Moscow daft co-operation agreement at Council commissions because it has been considered at all party factions, and MFA has submitted it commentary on this agreement. The Mayor said that in the nearest future Riga City Council would establish a working group to specify the agreement text, and it could be signed in autumn. Diena. Lauku Avize

Chairman of Latvian National Soldiers Society N.Romanovskis sent a letter to the Satversme Security Office with a request to evaluate the publication of August 4 in newspaper

Chas about the third get-together of Latvian legionnaires. Latvian national soldiers see this publication as a regular attempt to kindle hatred against them. Lauku Avize

With his campaign to protect Russian schools the leader of youth movement Solidarnostj I.Stalnoy has attracted the interest of State Security Police. Security policemen called him on his mobile phone and offered to have a meeting somewhere in Old Riga. At the same time Riga City Council representative Tralmaks accused the movement Solidarity for different violations during their organized event in Mezaparks. The Council wants to fine Solidarnostj for the fact that to the event arrived ten times more people than it was announced, second violation was that there were given speeches but not only a concert. I.Stalnoy had answers to all of these accusations. Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya

The Russian television KST today will broadcast an interview with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on the program "Formula for Power" at 10.45 p.m. this night. As LETA was informed by the press secretary of the president, Aiva Rozenberga, the Russian program has already interviewed the presidents of Chechnya, Finland and other countries. In the interview with Vike-Freiberga, Russian reporters were interested in events in her life, and her stance on Latvian-Russian economic and political relations. LETA

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