Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

jūlijs 31, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Juris Bojars, leader of Latvia's Social Democratic Workers Party, claims that the Prime Minister's critique over unfruitful work at the Riga City Council by the social democrats, is proof of hostility and arrogance. Bojars told BNS that the Prime Minister, Andris Berzins, has always been "very hostile and arrogant, with no intellectual basis." "Confucius has said that, if you want to lead then don't hope for fast results," said Bojars. He said that the new Riga City council has been working for only three months and that he doubts if Berzins, former Riga mayor, had achieved as much in the same time. "Establishing a Riga City Council coalition took one and a half months alone, because For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK tried to manipulate in all sorts of ways," said Bojars. The social democrat leader considers the democratization of the city council's work the biggest achievement carried out by the council faction, including Russian speakers in the work of the council. "This has taken away the arguments from a number of hostile forces in neighboring countries. An internationally huge step has been taken in the democratization of the council's decision making," said Bojars.

Juris Bojars, leader of Latvia's Social Democratic Workers Party, claims that the Prime Minister's critique over unfruitful work at the Riga City Council by the social democrats, is proof of hostility and arrogance. Bojars told BNS that the Prime Minister, Andris Berzins, has always been "very hostile and arrogant, with no intellectual basis." "Confucius has said that, if you want to lead then don't hope for fast results," said Bojars. He said that the new Riga City council has been working for only three months and that he doubts if Berzins, former Riga mayor, had achieved as much in the same time. "Establishing a Riga City Council coalition took one and a half months alone, because For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK tried to manipulate in all sorts of ways," said Bojars. The social democrat leader considers the democratization of the city council's work the biggest achievement carried out by the council faction, including Russian speakers in the work of the council. "This has taken away the arguments from a number of hostile forces in neighboring countries. An internationally huge step has been taken in the democratization of the council's decision making," said Bojars. BNS

The Riga City Council factions could assess an offer for multi-level cooperation between Riga and Moscow within a week's time, while the Foreign Ministry is yet to give its assessment of the agreement, which may also, change in a few sections. Deputy mayor of Riga, Sergejs Dolgapolovs, said that the agreement would be assessed by the council factions within a week and that it should not be prolonged, as it is expected to be signed in mid-August when the city will be visited by Moscow officials during Riga's 800th anniversary celebrations. The cooperation agreement offer received by the Moscow city council is expected to be in force for three years, while an answer with suggestions from Riga is being prepared. Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars previously said that the agreement would be signed in fall, when Riga will be visited by Moscow Mayor Yuriy Luzhkov, while a protocol could be signed with the city council even earlier. The Foreign Ministry claims that it is unable to say how long the assessment of such an offer may take, adding that some points may be changed during the assessment process.

The Riga City Council factions could assess an offer for multi-level cooperation between Riga and Moscow within a week's time, while the Foreign Ministry is yet to give its assessment of the agreement, which may also, change in a few sections. Deputy mayor of Riga, Sergejs Dolgapolovs, said that the agreement would be assessed by the council factions within a week and that it should not be prolonged, as it is expected to be signed in mid-August when the city will be visited by Moscow officials during Riga's 800th anniversary celebrations. The cooperation agreement offer received by the Moscow city council is expected to be in force for three years, while an answer with suggestions from Riga is being prepared. Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars previously said that the agreement would be signed in fall, when Riga will be visited by Moscow Mayor Yuriy Luzhkov, while a protocol could be signed with the city council even earlier. The Foreign Ministry claims that it is unable to say how long the assessment of such an offer may take, adding that some points may be changed during the assessment process. BNS, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Although the union For Human Rights in United Latvia is not in the Riga City Council coalition but only holds several important positions in the Council, after a discussion on Monday between Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia they strengthened co-operation of both parties after the disagreement when control over development of Riga City was given to a representative of FF/LNNK I.Vaidere but not the Deputy mayor S.Dolgopolov. During the discussion no decision was taken on re-division fields to be controlled but both political forces agreed on closer co-operation and improving of exchange of information.

Although the union For Human Rights in United Latvia is not in the Riga City Council coalition but only holds several important positions in the Council, after a discussion on Monday between Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia they strengthened co-operation of both parties after the disagreement when control over development of Riga City was given to a representative of FF/LNNK I.Vaidere but not the Deputy mayor S.Dolgopolov. During the discussion no decision was taken on re-division fields to be controlled but both political forces agreed on closer co-operation and improving of exchange of information. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Current Latvian Ambassador to Sweden J.Dripe will be replaced by G.Jegermanis who will take this post from August 19.

Current Latvian Ambassador to Sweden J.Dripe will be replaced by G.Jegermanis who will take this post from August 19. Diena

According to the information of Russian newspaper “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” does not satisfy Russian government. As the newspaper wrote, “the situation with the national minorities in Latvia for Kremlin – the most important priority, but the process of naturalization - receiving of citizenship – proceeds extremely slow”.

According to the information of Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta does not satisfy Russian government. As the newspaper wrote, the situation with the national minorities in Latvia for Kremlin – the most important priority, but the process of naturalization - receiving of citizenship – proceeds extremely slow. Vesti Segodnya

MP Helena Demakova writes about the reaction to the letter of A.Garda. She finds the reaction of EU Commissioner G.Verheugen to be adequate – The Commissioner stated that it was not essential in Latvia’s total movement towards EU. Also Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga’s reaction was humane – she called it for unacceptable for us prejudices. But hysteria and a wish to see conspiracy were typical for some Latvian Way deputies. H.Demakova also explains the reason for writing this article- she does not want to lose her and Latvia’s friends, especially many supporters of Latvian security policy in the USA.

MP Helena Demakova writes about the reaction to the letter of A.Garda. She finds the reaction of EU Commissioner G.Verheugen to be adequate – The Commissioner stated that it was not essential in Latvias total movement towards EU. Also Latvian President V.Vike-Freibergas reaction was humane – she called it for unacceptable for us prejudices. But hysteria and a wish to see conspiracy were typical for some Latvian Way deputies. H.Demakova also explains the reason for writing this article- she does not want to lose her and Latvias friends, especially many supporters of Latvian security policy in the USA. Diena

The leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars told press agency BNS that replacement of Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party Saeima faction leader E.Baldzens was vitally important to the interests of the party. E.Baldzens explained such a reaction of J.Bojars with the fact that he accepted a proposal of some party members to run for the post of Party Chairman in the next party congress planned in autumn. Diena

The leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars told press agency BNS that replacement of Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Saeima faction leader E.Baldzens was vitally important to the interests of the party. E.Baldzens explained such a reaction of J.Bojars with the fact that he accepted a proposal of some party members to run for the post of Party Chairman in the next party congress planned in autumn. Diena

Lauku Avize

continues to write about A.Gardas letter. This time they asked the opinion of some influential people. Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks states that neither of the government forming parties nor the involved politicians have condemned the letter. J.Radzevics, Chairman of Latvian Free Trade Unions thinks it does no good for the country when youngsters are urged to write such things. V.Terauda, Managing Director of Soros Foundation thinks it unacceptable that parties, deputies of which participated in Gardas actions, have not voiced their attitude towards the action of their members. continues to write about A.Garda’s letter. This time they asked the opinion of some influential people. Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Center Director N.Muiznieks states that neither of the government forming parties nor the involved politicians have condemned the letter. J.Radzevics, Chairman of Latvian Free Trade Unions thinks it does no good for the country when youngsters are urged to write such things. V.Terauda, Managing Director of Soros Foundation thinks it unacceptable that parties, deputies of which participated in Garda’s actions, have not voiced their attitude towards the action of their members.
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