Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

aprīlis 26, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Non-observance of human rights in Latvia, including the high number of cases pending for trial, prolonged terms of arrest and increased activity of Latvian and Russian nationalist extremist groups may affect admission of Latvia to the European Union. The opinion was expressed Wednesday by Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre head Nils Muiznieks in a ceremony presenting the centre’s annual research about Latvia's human rights problems. He said Latvia is threatened by numerous legal proceedings in the international courts in Strasbourg and Geneva and, losing these proceedings may involve paying big amounts by Latvia. Moreover, there is no political will at all in the country to build an independent court system, which results in deficiencies in litigation and prolonged legal proceedings, Muiznieks said. The centre regards as a dangerous trend the growing number and increased activity of extremist groups. Muiznieks said upsurge in activity of such groups signals of insufficient integration in society. Activities of such groups may endanger security in the country because they are splitting society from inside, he said. The report praised as an achievement in the area of human rights adoption of the state language law regulations and liberalisation of the law on constitutional court, allowing private individuals too file claims with that court.

Non-observance of human rights in Latvia, including the high number of cases pending for trial, prolonged terms of arrest and increased activity of Latvian and Russian nationalist extremist groups may affect admission of Latvia to the European Union. The opinion was expressed Wednesday by Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre head Nils Muiznieks in a ceremony presenting the centres annual research about Latvia's human rights problems. He said Latvia is threatened by numerous legal proceedings in the international courts in Strasbourg and Geneva and, losing these proceedings may involve paying big amounts by Latvia. Moreover, there is no political will at all in the country to build an independent court system, which results in deficiencies in litigation and prolonged legal proceedings, Muiznieks said. The centre regards as a dangerous trend the growing number and increased activity of extremist groups. Muiznieks said upsurge in activity of such groups signals of insufficient integration in society. Activities of such groups may endanger security in the country because they are splitting society from inside, he said. The report praised as an achievement in the area of human rights adoption of the state language law regulations and liberalisation of the law on constitutional court, allowing private individuals too file claims with that court. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika

The parliament fraction of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) has decided to prepare a demand for the resignation of Minister of Economy Aigars Kalvitis or Prime Minister Andris Berzins, for the unsatisfactory management of the Latvian Shipping Company (LASCO) privatisation process.

The parliament fraction of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) has decided to prepare a demand for the resignation of Minister of Economy Aigars Kalvitis or Prime Minister Andris Berzins, for the unsatisfactory management of the Latvian Shipping Company (LASCO) privatisation process. Diena, Vesti Segodnja, Jauna, Lauku Avize

Yesterday Peoples party deputies organised a press conference stating their opinions about the work of the new Riga City Council. Peoples party deputies are not satisfied with language skills of some deputies and in their opinion Rigas mayor G.Bojars has violated the Law on Municipalities. Peoples party sent the letter where all violations are compiled to special task minister and has turned the State Language Centre with the request to examine Latvian language proficiency of 6 Riga Council deputies.

Diena, Chas, Jauna, Lauku Avize Russian ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov launched his introduction with the means of mass media in Latvia with the visit to

Russian ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov launched his introduction with the means of mass media in Latvia with the visit to Vesti Segodnja. The ambassador and journalists discussed different actual topics – Latvian-Russian relations, official assistance from Moscow to Russian people in Latvia, integration of Latvian society, the future of Russian education in Latvia. Vesti Segodnja.

Vesti Segodnja

writes that spring is supposed to be the most difficult time in Russian Latvian relations and this year is not an exception. Russias TV companies RTR and ORT broadcast about the case of the Slivenko in the news almost every day; and on Tuesday Russias Prime Minister M.Kasjanov during his visit to Sweden drew special attention to the situation concerning national minorities in Latvia and Estonia. The same day at night the former ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov, who currently is the director of Russias MoFA, European Department, took part in live broadcast on TV. A.Udalcov noted that Latvia is a very unique country, which in one night deprived citizenship from one third of Latvias people, including those who voted for its independence. The former ambassador also talked about discrimination in regard to the Russian language. Latvian diplomats reacted to these statements voicing that international organisations, such as the OSCE and EC, are satisfied with the situation in Latvia. writes that spring is supposed to be the most difficult time in Russian Latvian relations and this year is not an exception. Russia’s TV companies RTR and ORT broadcast about the case of the Slivenko in the news almost every day; and on Tuesday Russia’s Prime Minister M.Kasjanov during his visit to Sweden drew special attention to the situation concerning national minorities in Latvia and Estonia. The same day at night the former ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov, who currently is the director of Russia’s MoFA, European Department, took part in live broadcast on TV. A.Udalcov noted that “Latvia is a very unique country, which in one night deprived citizenship from one third of Latvia’s people, including those who voted for its independence”. The former ambassador also talked about discrimination in regard to the Russian language. Latvian diplomats reacted to these statements voicing that international organisations, such as the OSCE and EC, are satisfied with the situation in Latvia. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, RespublikaNeatkariga, Lauku Avize, Respublika After three deputies from FHRUL turned to the Latvian Prosecutor General's Office, the Office has resolved to examine for corpus delicti a youth competition of essays organised by Vieda publishers which has been sharply criticised by Russia as nationalistic.

After three deputies from FHRUL turned to the Latvian Prosecutor General's Office, the Office has resolved to examine for corpus delicti a youth competition of essays organised by Vieda publishers which has been sharply criticised by Russia as nationalistic. Chas

American means of mass media have not paid any attention to the visit of Latvian President to the States and no American news agency has given information about this visit.

American means of mass media have not paid any attention to the visit of Latvian President to the States and no American news agency has given information about this visit. Vesti Segodnja explains that obviously Americans doubted for a long time whether to invite Latvian President or dont and finally they chose unofficial alternative – they met with V.Vike-Freiberga, however, pretended that they did not.

Rigas Balss

publishes the considerations of Liberty/Free Europe communication director P.Goble in regard to the latest statistic data about the language situation in Latvia, particularly 2 indicators – 84.4% people speak Russian, however, Latvian is spoken by 81.7%. This is challenging situation for both Latvian and Russian sides, as well as for foreign governments which want stability in the Baltic region. Moscow officials could use the data to force Latvia to adopt Russias requirements, however, most likely the effect will be the opposite. Western countries also face a difficult choice – a majority of western countries has determined the domain of one language in their own countries and if they tell Latvia to do otherwise they would be called hypocrites. publishes the considerations of Liberty/Free Europe communication director P.Goble in regard to the latest statistic data about the language situation in Latvia, particularly 2 indicators – 84.4% people speak Russian, however, Latvian is spoken by 81.7%. This is challenging situation for both Latvian and Russian sides, as well as for foreign governments which want stability in the Baltic region. Moscow officials could use the data to force Latvia to adopt Russia’s requirements, however, most likely the effect will be the opposite. Western countries also face a difficult choice – a majority of western countries has determined the domain of one language in their own countries and if they tell Latvia to do otherwise they would be called hypocrites. Education minister K.Greiskalns and Curriculum Examination Centre work at the regulations which would grant to grade 9 graduates of other national schools acquisition of so called comparative paper which would allow them not to re-take the naturalisation exam in the Latvian language.

Education minister K.Greiskalns and Curriculum Examination Centre work at the regulations which would grant to grade 9 graduates of other national schools acquisition of so called comparative paper which would allow them not to re-take the naturalisation exam in the Latvian language. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

interviews publishing house Vieda director A.Garda. He says that he does not hate Russians who live here, he just wants that people who are not friendly towards Latvia leave the country. interviews publishing house “Vieda” director A.Garda. He says that he does not hate Russians who live here, he just wants that people who are not friendly towards Latvia leave the country.

Panorama Latvii

publishes the discussion of Latvian journalists in the TV programme A Look from the Other Side. The newspaper draws readers attention to two topics discussed. First, journalists equalised publishing house Vieda director with the leader of For Equality T.Zhdanok. Second, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that For Equality congress took place exclusively in Russian and no translation was provided although there were many journalists and invited guests. publishes the discussion of Latvian journalists in the TV programme “A Look from the Other Side”. The newspaper draws readers’ attention to two topics discussed. First, journalists equalised publishing house “Vieda” director with the leader of “For Equality” T.Zhdanok. Second, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that “For Equality” congress took place exclusively in Russian and no translation was provided although there were many journalists and invited guests. Rigas Balss gives reference of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby to the study “Towards Civic Society”. “OSCE Mission to Latvia head was rather careful when providing evaluation to the information provided by Soros Foundation Latvia director V.Teraude that 20% non-citizens are planning to be naturalised during this year. European experts persistently recommends to decrease the amount of the state fee, which is an obstacle for many people who want to be naturalised”.

Rigas Balss gives reference of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby to the study Towards Civic Society. OSCE Mission to Latvia head was rather careful when providing evaluation to the information provided by Soros Foundation Latvia director V.Teraude that 20% non-citizens are planning to be naturalised during this year. European experts persistently recommends to decrease the amount of the state fee, which is an obstacle for many people who want to be naturalised.

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