Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

marts 15, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Social Democrats did not provide with the name of their candidate to the post of Riga mayor as they promised. However, Social Democrats Party leader J.Bojars emphasised once again that they are not giving up the post. J.Bojars was also sure that FF/LNNK will form a coalition with them without People’s Party and LW, but that is in contradiction to the statements of FF/LNNK chairperson M.Grinblats to the mass media.

Social Democrats did not provide with the name of their candidate to the post of Riga mayor as they promised. However, Social Democrats Party leader J.Bojars emphasised once again that they are not giving up the post. J.Bojars was also sure that FF/LNNK will form a coalition with them without Peoples Party and LW, but that is in contradiction to the statements of FF/LNNK chairperson M.Grinblats to the mass media. Diena

The discussions among the parties are going on. LW says, “considering logic and stability of government LW should be in the coalition only on the condition that also People’s Party and FF/LNNK are the members of it”. However, FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats said that he does not want to make any written agreements regarding this condition.

The discussions among the parties are going on. LW says, considering logic and stability of government LW should be in the coalition only on the condition that also Peoples Party and FF/LNNK are the members of it. However, FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats said that he does not want to make any written agreements regarding this condition. Chas

“Danish Parliament and Government have decided to achieve the admission of the Baltic States to the EU already in fall 2002”, voiced Danish Prime Minister in his Wednesday’s press conference. Denmark will be in the EU Presidency at the time when the decision of the EU expansion is to be taken.

Danish Parliament and Government have decided to achieve the admission of the Baltic States to the EU already in fall 2002, voiced Danish Prime Minister in his Wednesdays press conference. Denmark will be in the EU Presidency at the time when the decision of the EU expansion is to be taken. Diena

Former political inmates have written an open letter to the President V.Vike-Freiberga asking to explain why A.Zakis who worked for Prosecutor Office at Soviet times and himself had interrogated Soviet dissidents in 80-ies will head President’s Chancellery. Former inmates say that they can prove that A.Zakis was aggressive against the traitors of Soviet regime. The President has inquired for additional information about A.Zakis’ possible link to KGB.

Former political inmates have written an open letter to the President V.Vike-Freiberga asking to explain why A.Zakis who worked for Prosecutor Office at Soviet times and himself had interrogated Soviet dissidents in 80-ies will head Presidents Chancellery. Former inmates say that they can prove that A.Zakis was aggressive against the traitors of Soviet regime. The President has inquired for additional information about A.Zakis possible link to KGB. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika, Chas

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel has been nominated for the Peace Award of Hessen state. According to Hessen newspapers the High Commissioner has been chosen for this award because “thanks to his persistent and quiet activities violent national conflicts have been prevented in the Baltic states, as he has persuaded Estonia and Lithuania to give fair treatment to their Russian minorities”.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel has been nominated for the Peace Award of Hessen state. According to Hessen newspapers the High Commissioner has been chosen for this award because thanks to his persistent and quiet activities violent national conflicts have been prevented in the Baltic states, as he has persuaded Estonia and Lithuania to give fair treatment to their Russian minorities. Diena doubts if the awarding institution really knows for what it is giving its recognition, as Lithuania was not in High Commissioner Max van der Stoel mission, it was Latvia, where the proposals of the High Commissioner, for example in regard to the Citizenship Law, not always were received with delight.

The decision of Russia’s Central Bank that gives Latvia the status of the offshore country and could be the ground for closing accounts of Latvian commercial banks in Russia does not have economic base, it is rather sanctions against Latvia or an economic conflict”, admits Bank of Latvia governor E.Repse.

The decision of Russias Central Bank that gives Latvia the status of the offshore country and could be the ground for closing accounts of Latvian commercial banks in Russia does not have economic base, it is rather sanctions against Latvia or an economic conflict, admits Bank of Latvia governor E.Repse. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Chas

The counting of votes is almost completed and the unofficial list of the elected candidates’ names are announced. In Riga the highest number of voices is received by the previous Riga mayor FF/LNNK A.Argalis, the second goes social democrat D.Ivans, however, D.Ivans is not named among the four candidates of social democrats for the post of mayor.

The counting of votes is almost completed and the unofficial list of the elected candidates names are announced. In Riga the highest number of voices is received by the previous Riga mayor FF/LNNK A.Argalis, the second goes social democrat D.Ivans, however, D.Ivans is not named among the four candidates of social democrats for the post of mayor. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Saeima Human Rights Committee gave its approval to the amendments in the Administrative Violation Code, which authorises the National Radio and TV Council to impose administrative fines on the means of mass media for violating language norms. In February NRTC established language violations in Latvian Independent TV. The TV channel showed the movie dubbed in Russian.

Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Chas Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga can not imagine that Social Democrats could be excluded from the ruling coalition on the Riga city council and "politics in general" after their impressive victory in the municipal election in Riga.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga can not imagine that Social Democrats could be excluded from the ruling coalition on the Riga city council and "politics in general" after their impressive victory in the municipal election in Riga. Panorama Latvii

Russia’s embassy has not yet received the official information about the arrival date of the new Russia’s ambassador to Latvia. Latvia has received the official note from Russia about the arrival of new ambassador I.Studennikov where the possible date of ambassador’s arrival is mentioned 18 March.

Russias embassy has not yet received the official information about the arrival date of the new Russias ambassador to Latvia. Latvia has received the official note from Russia about the arrival of new ambassador I.Studennikov where the possible date of ambassadors arrival is mentioned 18 March. Lauku Avize

Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee has agreed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that during this week the Committee will receive the records of Russian and Latvian Presidents’ meeting in Austria, thus deputies who have access to state secrets could learn them. The reason why these records were included in the category of secret documents is still unclear.

Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee has agreed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that during this week the Committee will receive the records of Russian and Latvian Presidents meeting in Austria, thus deputies who have access to state secrets could learn them. The reason why these records were included in the category of secret documents is still unclear. Lauku Avize, Chas

The most real candidate of Social Democrats for the post of mayor G.Bojars talks about his party’s plans – first, Social Democrats will involve in decision taking process also opposition parties, second, all municipal tenders are to be open, third, bigger attention should be paid to solving social problems.

The most real candidate of Social Democrats for the post of mayor G.Bojars talks about his partys plans – first, Social Democrats will involve in decision taking process also opposition parties, second, all municipal tenders are to be open, third, bigger attention should be paid to solving social problems. Vesti Segodnja

Russian Minister of National and Migration Affairs A.Blohin announced the new regulations on immigration. The new regulations will include legal norms on citizen quotas and naturalisation period. According to the minister in the closest future several drafts “On Immigration”, “On Refugees”, “On Citizenship” will be submitted to the State Duma for the revision.

Russian Minister of National and Migration Affairs A.Blohin announced the new regulations on immigration. The new regulations will include legal norms on citizen quotas and naturalisation period. According to the minister in the closest future several drafts On Immigration, On Refugees, On Citizenship will be submitted to the State Duma for the revision. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Chas

“The municipal election of 2001 in students history books most likely will be described as peaceful come back of Latvia’s Russians to their legitimate place”, writes

The municipal election of 2001 in students history books most likely will be described as peaceful come back of Latvias Russians to their legitimate place, writes Vesti Segodnja. Although the new citizens are educated and quite well-off people, they did not vote for liberal parties, because the middle class of Latvias Russians have organic links with the community of non-citizens. Also Russians in Latvia have never stopped get involved in political activities even at the times when it is was banned, thus Russians in Latvia did not acquire low-esteem complex as Russian communities in other former Soviet Union republics. Vesti Segodnja

European Integration Institution director, political scientist I.Ostrovskaya answers the questions of

European Integration Institution director, political scientist I.Ostrovskaya answers the questions of Respublica about the municipal election. In her opinion, ruling parties – LW and Peoples Party – have to decide themselves to go in the opposition not only in Riga City Council but also in the Parliament. It is the only way how they could win at the next Saeima election.


asks the opinion of the leading specialist of political technologies A.Voroncov about the results of the election. In his opinion Prime Minister A.Berzins should be blamed for the loss of LW at the election and A.Berzins should resign from the post of Prime Minister. For Peoples Party leader A.Skele A.Voroncov suggests to cease the activities of his party. In his opinion the most suitable partner for Social Democrats is FHRUL. asks the opinion of the leading specialist of political technologies A.Voroncov about the results of the election. In his opinion Prime Minister A.Berzins should be blamed for the loss of LW at the election and A.Berzins should resign from the post of Prime Minister. For People’s Party leader A.Skele A.Voroncov suggests to cease the activities of his party. In his opinion the most suitable partner for Social Democrats is FHRUL.
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