Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Aug. 9, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The OSCE considers that several norms included in the regulations of the state language law on the degrees of the state language proficiency, adopting the spelling of personal names to the Latvian language spelling system and ensuring interpretation in public events are still unclear, too strict and not corresponding to public interests and international standards. The Minister of Justice I.Labucka acknowledged that some of the OSCE proposals would be in elaborated in the regulations by the Ministry of Justice but the Government would have to decide about the others. The major objections of the High Commissioner are against the plan to introduce six levels of the state language proficiency according to person’s professional and positional duties. He voiced his concern that the demands for the highest level would exceed any public interest concerning all positions and duties. He also pointed out that the population most likely had no access the explanation of the numeral codes of the draft professions classifier and they would simply not know what demands were for what position.

The OSCE considers that several norms included in the regulations of the state language law on the degrees of the state language proficiency, adopting the spelling of personal names to the Latvian language spelling system and ensuring interpretation in public events are still unclear, too strict and not corresponding to public interests and international standards. The Minister of Justice I.Labucka acknowledged that some of the OSCE proposals would be in elaborated in the regulations by the Ministry of Justice but the Government would have to decide about the others. The major objections of the High Commissioner are against the plan to introduce six levels of the state language proficiency according to persons professional and positional duties. He voiced his concern that the demands for the highest level would exceed any public interest concerning all positions and duties. He also pointed out that the population most likely had no access the explanation of the numeral codes of the draft professions classifier and they would simply not know what demands were for what position. Diena

According to the information received by the Russian speaking newspaper

According to the information received by the Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya the High Commissioner was indignant about the actions of the Latvian authorities and thought that he was just done in. Yesterday evening the editors of this newspaper received two versions of High Commissioner Max van der Stoels letter – the original in English and an unofficial translation, made by the Ministry of Justice. The first version comes with High Commissioners address, but the second – with comments of the Ministry of Justice. The newspaper cites the address where the Commissioner states that several draft norms do not correspond to Latvian constitution and in the standards, but the Ministry of Justice sent information that the preparation of the draft regulations was coming to an end and only technical harmonisation remained. Vesti Segodnya also writes that oposition, unlike the High Commissioner, did not have any illusions about the adoption of a normal regulations and the opposition MP M.Mitrofanov announced that there was no other way for the opposition just actions of disobidience.

N.Ushakov in Respublika thinks that Latvian authorities will follow the recommendations of the High Commissioner and correct the norms under discussion but speaking about the planned actions of disobedience, announced by the opposition, saiys that there would be nothing like this. There would be no more than 100 participants, majority of which do mot miss any opportunity to attend such actions.

N.Ushakov in Respublika thinks that Latvian authorities will follow the recommendations of the High Commissioner and correct the norms under discussion but speaking about the planned actions of disobedience, announced by the opposition, saiys that there would be nothing like this. There would be no more than 100 participants, majority of which do mot miss any opportunity to attend such actions.

The Prosecutor General J.Maizitis asked the Saeima to allow to start criminal action against the former Chairman of the Saeima Investigation Commission on Paedoplhilia cases J.Adamsons. He is accused of misuse of position resulting in heavy consequences for the state and personal interests. J.Adamsons, reporting on the activities of the Commission, named the former Prime Minister A.Skele, former Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and the head of the State Revenue service A.Sonciks as liked to this scandal.

The Prosecutor General J.Maizitis asked the Saeima to allow to start criminal action against the former Chairman of the Saeima Investigation Commission on Paedoplhilia cases J.Adamsons. He is accused of misuse of position resulting in heavy consequences for the state and personal interests. J.Adamsons, reporting on the activities of the Commission, named the former Prime Minister A.Skele, former Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs and the head of the State Revenue service A.Sonciks as liked to this scandal. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Respublika, Chas

On Tuesday the Government amended the state budget for 2.94 million Ls but due to the budget deficite decided to give up the idea to continue increase teachers’ salaries in January, postponing it for the beginning of the next school year. Teachers’ average salary will be increased in September for 10 Ls.

On Tuesday the Government amended the state budget for 2.94 million Ls but due to the budget deficite decided to give up the idea to continue increase teachers salaries in January, postponing it for the beginning of the next school year. Teachers average salary will be increased in September for 10 Ls. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize , Vesti Segodnya

The Co-Chairmen of the Latvian – Russian Intergovernmental Commission A.Gorbunov and A.Blohin agreed on Tuesday in Moscow that the first meeting of the Commission could take place in November in Riga. They could sign six agreements on railroad transport, co-operation in customs, avoiding double taxation, protection of investments, social well-fare, on culture and information centre and military graveyards. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The Co-Chairmen of the Latvian – Russian Intergovernmental Commission A.Gorbunov and A.Blohin agreed on Tuesday in Moscow that the first meeting of the Commission could take place in November in Riga. They could sign six agreements on railroad transport, co-operation in customs, avoiding double taxation, protection of investments, social well-fare, on culture and information centre and military graveyards. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Latvian Ambassador to the USA A.Ronis and the Head of the Presidential Chancellary M.Bondars met with high officials of the USA national Security Council and diplomats responsible for US policy in Northeast Europa. The Goal of this consultation was to point out the priorities of the President’s foreign policy and outline possibilities of co-operation. Diena

Latvian Ambassador to the USA A.Ronis and the Head of the Presidential Chancellary M.Bondars met with high officials of the USA national Security Council and diplomats responsible for US policy in Northeast Europa. The Goal of this consultation was to point out the priorities of the Presidents foreign policy and outline possibilities of co-operation. Diena

Publicist and writer V.Avotins writes that Latvian polioticians have lost their national identity and are just blindly following directions. He suggests that Latvia like Japan could seek for some individual way and put Latvian identity as one of cornerstones of national policy.

Publicist and writer V.Avotins writes that Latvian polioticians have lost their national identity and are just blindly following directions. He suggests that Latvia like Japan could seek for some individual way and put Latvian identity as one of cornerstones of national policy. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, conmmenting the article in the magazine Kapitals, stated that there were no real signs of anti-semitism in Latvia. He pointed out that this tendency should be condemned in any country.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins, conmmenting the article in the magazine Kapitals, stated that there were no real signs of anti-semitism in Latvia. He pointed out that this tendency should be condemned in any country. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Government decided to start negotiations on possibilities for border-crossing within three Baltic states with minimal border crossing procedures as it is the case in Shengen Agreement countries.

Yesterday the Government decided to start negotiations on possibilities for border-crossing within three Baltic states with minimal border crossing procedures as it is the case in Shengen Agreement countries. Neatkariga

Chas adds that this simplified procedure would affect just the citizens of these countries.

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