Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

jūnijs 7, 2000

Press Review

The second day of the Jűmala conference on Latvian-Russian relations discussed issues of economic cooperation and society integration. At the press conference closing the conference a Russian representative stated that rights of non-citizens and Latvia’s aspirations to join NATO and not economic cooperation will be on the foreground of Russia’s attention. The democratic forces will oppose introduction of economic sanctions against Latvia but the ruling environment in the parliament makes to predict that the sanctions will be introduced. Member of Russia’s Foreign Security Policy Council Igor Yurgen stated that in order to improve the relations, Latvia and Russia should treat their manias: Latvia - the mania of persecution, Russia – the mania of arrogance. The next meeting of this level is planned to take place this November in St. Petersburg to discuss economic issues.

The second day of the Jűmala conference on Latvian-Russian relations discussed issues of economic cooperation and society integration. At the press conference closing the conference a Russian representative stated that rights of non-citizens and Latvias aspirations to join NATO and not economic cooperation will be on the foreground of Russias attention. The democratic forces will oppose introduction of economic sanctions against Latvia but the ruling environment in the parliament makes to predict that the sanctions will be introduced. Member of Russias Foreign Security Policy Council Igor Yurgen stated that in order to improve the relations, Latvia and Russia should treat their manias: Latvia - the mania of persecution, Russia – the mania of arrogance. The next meeting of this level is planned to take place this November in St. Petersburg to discuss economic issues. Diena, Vesti, Chas, Respublika, Jauna Avize

After meeting with the Latvian President Freiberga a member of the Russian Duma Boris Pastuhov said he believed that the relations between the two countries develops positively. As unfavorable aspects he mentioned the situation of Russian speakers, persecution of war veterans, NATO accession.

After meeting with the Latvian President Freiberga a member of the Russian Duma Boris Pastuhov said he believed that the relations between the two countries develops positively. As unfavorable aspects he mentioned the situation of Russian speakers, persecution of war veterans, NATO accession. Neatkariga

At the closure of his visit in Latvia the German Chancellor Schroder said that Germany understands that the Baltic countries need security but did not want to speak about concrete military cooperation and assistance programs. Observers comment that the chancellor is quite supportive as for EU accession but more reserved about NATO as Germany takes into account Russia’s considerations. During the visit in Tallinn the chancellor praised Estonia’s achievements in economy and other fields but reminded about the unsolved problems in the language law.

At the closure of his visit in Latvia the German Chancellor Schroder said that Germany understands that the Baltic countries need security but did not want to speak about concrete military cooperation and assistance programs. Observers comment that the chancellor is quite supportive as for EU accession but more reserved about NATO as Germany takes into account Russias considerations. During the visit in Tallinn the chancellor praised Estonias achievements in economy and other fields but reminded about the unsolved problems in the language law. Diena, Jauna Avize

As the Acting Head of DCMA Bičevskis reported to the Saeima’s Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law, 31,065 or of the registered non-citizens and 10,904 citizens still hold the old USSR passports. However, out of this number, 7000 have left Latvia in mid-nineties. 467,528 or 92% of non-citizens have obtained the Latvian non-citizen passports.

As the Acting Head of DCMA Bičevskis reported to the Saeimas Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law, 31,065 or of the registered non-citizens and 10,904 citizens still hold the old USSR passports. However, out of this number, 7000 have left Latvia in mid-nineties. 467,528 or 92% of non-citizens have obtained the Latvian non-citizen passports. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

After the public opinion Almost half of Latvia’s residents (42.1% of citizens and 75.9% of non-citizens) believe that the wellbeing of Latvia mainly depends on Russia while 45% do not agree.

After the public opinion Almost half of Latvias residents (42.1% of citizens and 75.9% of non-citizens) believe that the wellbeing of Latvia mainly depends on Russia while 45% do not agree. Diena, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

One of the leaders of Parex Bank Viktors Krasovickis in an interview to Neatkarîgâ disagrees that the political parties should be financed from the state budget saying that the parties can take care of themselves, instead, the money should go for pensioners, students, education, health care. Over the last years the bank has sponsored political parties for more than 100,000 lats.

One of the leaders of Parex Bank Viktors Krasovickis in an interview to Neatkarîgâ disagrees that the political parties should be financed from the state budget saying that the parties can take care of themselves, instead, the money should go for pensioners, students, education, health care. Over the last years the bank has sponsored political parties for more than 100,000 lats. Diena

CNN yesterday ran the second this year report prepared by the news service of the Latvian national TV, this time about the Latvian soldiers serving in Bosnia. Two more reports are sent to CNN – one about the meeting of EBRD governors in Riga and the other about the President Freiberga as the first female president in Eastern Europe.

CNN yesterday ran the second this year report prepared by the news service of the Latvian national TV, this time about the Latvian soldiers serving in Bosnia. Two more reports are sent to CNN – one about the meeting of EBRD governors in Riga and the other about the President Freiberga as the first female president in Eastern Europe. Diena

The Senate of the Supreme Court plans to consider on June 27 the protest of the prosecutor’s office concerning the court ruling to send Kononov’s case for additional investigation.

The Senate of the Supreme Court plans to consider on June 27 the protest of the prosecutors office concerning the court ruling to send Kononovs case for additional investigation. Diena, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

A Latvian National TV report about a woman who has allegedly cheated out jewelry worth of 4000 lats from a young girl has unnecessarily stressed the fact that the suspect was a gypsy woman but the report was not intended to raise national hostility. This statement was made by National TV and Radio Council. Head of the Saeima’s Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts expressed his astonishment about the way the story was presented. Latvia’s Gypsy National Culture Society considers turning to law enforcement institutions asking to investigate the case.

A Latvian National TV report about a woman who has allegedly cheated out jewelry worth of 4000 lats from a young girl has unnecessarily stressed the fact that the suspect was a gypsy woman but the report was not intended to raise national hostility. This statement was made by National TV and Radio Council. Head of the Saeimas Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts expressed his astonishment about the way the story was presented. Latvias Gypsy National Culture Society considers turning to law enforcement institutions asking to investigate the case. Diena, Vesti, Rigas Balss

The Cabinet of Ministers yesterday decided to send 2 Latvian militaries to Gergia to participate in the OSCE border observing mission.

The Cabinet of Ministers yesterday decided to send 2 Latvian militaries to Gergia to participate in the OSCE border observing mission. Neatkariga, Vesti

The government yesterday confirmed regulations of the special 2-year military training for university students.

The government yesterday confirmed regulations of the special 2-year military training for university students. Chas

Advisor to the mayor of Moscow Alexander Pereligin announced during the Jurmala conference that the government of Moscow is ready to buy food from Latvian farmers if they can supply large amounts of products.

Advisor to the mayor of Moscow Alexander Pereligin announced during the Jurmala conference that the government of Moscow is ready to buy food from Latvian farmers if they can supply large amounts of products. Vesti

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes the speech of Justice Minister Ingrîda Labucka about the Society Integration Program she made at the integration seminar in Riga last Friday.

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