Янв. 8, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Finances are going to discuss a possibility to increase salaries for the teachers of the Latvian language in Russian speaking schools before adopting the state budget this week. To realise this project it would need at least half a million Lats from the budget. The Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals pointed out that this amount of money had already been planned in the budget.

The Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Finances are going to discuss a possibility to increase salaries for the teachers of the Latvian language in Russian speaking schools before adopting the state budget this week. To realise this project it would need at least half a million Lats from the budget. The Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals pointed out that this amount of money had already been planned in the budget. Neatkariga

J.Gaigals also informed about the priorities in the field of education, and they would be the adoption of the general education and professional education laws, establishing of education innovation fund, adoption of four year plan of education development at the Saeima, starting realisation of the World Bank project, crediting of studies and realisation of the Latvian language training program.

J.Gaigals also informed about the priorities in the field of education, and they would be the adoption of the general education and professional education laws, establishing of education innovation fund, adoption of four year plan of education development at the Saeima, starting realisation of the World Bank project, crediting of studies and realisation of the Latvian language training program. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The Ministry of Education and Science has issued a permit allowing 53 teachers with not adequate knowledge of the state language to continue their work at schools. The Ministry has not summed up the information how many teachers should be fired for not knowing the state language. According to the information about the situation on the end of 1998, there were 79 problematic teachers, firing of which could cause problems for teaching process at schools, and the Ministry of Education and Science has decided that 53 of them might continue working on a condition that they would improve their knowledge of the Latvian language.

The Ministry of Education and Science has issued a permit allowing 53 teachers with not adequate knowledge of the state language to continue their work at schools. The Ministry has not summed up the information how many teachers should be fired for not knowing the state language. According to the information about the situation on the end of 1998, there were 79 problematic teachers, firing of which could cause problems for teaching process at schools, and the Ministry of Education and Science has decided that 53 of them might continue working on a condition that they would improve their knowledge of the Latvian language. Diena, SM

Panorama Latvii

writes about the situation of Russian speaking teachers whose knowledge of the state language is inadequate. According to the recent information broadcasted by the radio Freedom there are 448 such people. And new laws, even stricter than the current ones, are under consideration. And the newspaper asks, What will Max van der Stoel say about all this?


interviewed Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov. The Ambassador, answering to the question about a possibility to sign a border agreement between those two countries, said that there were no necessary preconditions for such a step, and the primary problem was unwillingness of Latvia to grant Latvian citizenship to those non-citizens who would like to become Latvian citizens. He also expressed his opinion on the problem of double citizenship for Latvians residing in Russia and the future of Russian - Latvian relations. interviewed Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov. The Ambassador, answering to the question about a possibility to sign a border agreement between those two countries, said that there were no necessary preconditions for such a step, and the primary problem was unwillingness of Latvia to grant Latvian citizenship to those non-citizens who would like to become Latvian citizens. He also expressed his opinion on the problem of double citizenship for Latvians residing in Russia and the future of Russian - Latvian relations. NeatkarigaNeatkariga A conference of the Latvian intelligence “Latvian language and a unique education system - the base of an integrated society” is taking place today.

A conference of the Latvian intelligence Latvian language and a unique education system - the base of an integrated society is taking place today. Jauna Avize

Prime Ministers of Latvia and Estonia met yesterday to discuss common problems. Among them there was a problem of border agreement with Russia, and both parties agreed that they were ready to sign such an agreement. Estonian part expressed a proposal to allow Estonian citizens to stay in Latvia 90 days in half a year instead of one year because Latvian citizens may stay in Estonia 90 days in half a year. V.Kristopans promised to correct this discrepancy.

Jauna Avize

During the meeting with Latvian MPs, Israeli Ambassador Oded ben Gur expressed his concern about the fact that an anti-Semitic book The dreadful year, prepared by Nazis during the WW II, was circulated in Latvia.


Янв. 7, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Ministry of Education reviewed remaining 25 applications from teachers who by the end of the last year had not passed the Latvian language examination, and decided to allow these teachers to continue working. Director of the General Education Department at the Ministry of Education Guntis Vasilevskis told the press that these teachers come from distant rural schools where it would not be easy to find replacements. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane informed RIGAS BALSS that the Cabinet of Ministers plans to start considering regulations on the citizenship of children born after 21 August 1991, on 11 January. According to information presented by the DCMA, there are 8 children applying for citizenship on the waiting list.

Yesterday the Ministry of Education reviewed remaining 25 applications from teachers who by the end of the last year had not passed the Latvian language examination, and decided to allow these teachers to continue working. Director of the General Education Department at the Ministry of Education Guntis Vasilevskis told the press that these teachers come from distant rural schools where it would not be easy to find replacements. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane informed RIGAS BALSS that the Cabinet of Ministers plans to start considering regulations on the citizenship of children born after 21 August 1991, on 11 January. According to information presented by the DCMA, there are 8 children applying for citizenship on the waiting list.

Lauku Avize informs about the upcoming visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that there are no grounds to think that new recommendations concerning citizenship migt be presented.

Newspapers inform about the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel. During the visit the High Commissioner will meet with the State President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, the Speaker of the Saeima, the Head of the Naturalisation Board. The main issues to be discussed concern implementation of the Education Law and the draft Language Law.

Newspapers inform about the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel. During the visit the High Commissioner will meet with the State President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, the Speaker of the Saeima, the Head of the Naturalisation Board. The main issues to be discussed concern implementation of the Education Law and the draft Language Law. B&B, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Commission supported the ratification of the 6th Protocol of the European Human Rights Convention providing elimination of capital punishment.

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Commission supported the ratification of the 6th Protocol of the European Human Rights Convention providing elimination of capital punishment. Jauna, Neatkariga

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Commission rejected a proposal of the fraction “

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Commission rejected a proposal of the fraction For Human Rights to grant the status of politically repressed person to all residents of Latvia who have suffered the Nazi regime. At the moment, the status of politically repressed person is granted only to citizens of Latvia. As the chair of the Commission Antons Seiksts told SM, there is a lot of people who suffered the Nazi regime and the state simply has no money to cover all privileges that come along with the status of a politically repressed person. SM

Yesterday the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told the press that an implementation plan of the governmental declaration will be made public at the beginning of March.

Yesterday the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told the press that an implementation plan of the governmental declaration will be made public at the beginning of March. Neatkariga

Major branches of the

Major branches of the For Fatherland and Freedom have supported nomination of a representative of the Social Democrats Peteris Salkazanovs for the post of the Minister of Agriculture. Diena

Social Democrats under the leadership of Juris Bojars are determined to fulfil a pre-election promise to draft a new Constitution with a year, chair of the Social Democrats fractions Egils Baldzens informs.

Social Democrats under the leadership of Juris Bojars are determined to fulfil a pre-election promise to draft a new Constitution with a year, chair of the Social Democrats fractions Egils Baldzens informs. Diena

Янв. 6, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the DCMA received an official information about military persons of the Skrunda Radar Station whose residence permits expired 31 December 1998. Forty military persons and their families left Latvia. A spouse and a daughter of a military person stayed in Latvia due to injuries got before the departure, but they will leave soon, the head of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins informed the press.

Yesterday the DCMA received an official information about military persons of the Skrunda Radar Station whose residence permits expired 31 December 1998. Forty military persons and their families left Latvia. A spouse and a daughter of a military person stayed in Latvia due to injuries got before the departure, but they will leave soon, the head of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins informed the press. Diena

The draft budget of 1999 provides for an increase in financing of education system for 9.4%. It will go for the crediting of students and investments. At the same time, no money for participation in the EU 5th framework program, transition to education in the state language as well as other priorities of education sphere mentioned in the governmental declaration has been allocated.

The draft budget of 1999 provides for an increase in financing of education system for 9.4%. It will go for the crediting of students and investments. At the same time, no money for participation in the EU 5th framework program, transition to education in the state language as well as other priorities of education sphere mentioned in the governmental declaration has been allocated. Diena

The Saeima Human Rights Commission considers a possibility to start work on a draft law on national minority languages, the chair of the commission Antons Seiksts told DIENA. It was a proposal of the fraction “

The Saeima Human Rights Commission considers a possibility to start work on a draft law on national minority languages, the chair of the commission Antons Seiksts told DIENA. It was a proposal of the fraction For Human Rights in the United Latvia to define a status of national minority languages, which the Commission supported on Monday. The Commission also supported a proposal stating that it is not necessary for export goods and services to contain markings in the state language which is an obligatory requirement for goods distributed within the country. Diena

Chasinforms that by 1 January 1999 twenty two teachers in Liepaja had not passed the state language examination. Sixteen of them will be dismissed, chair of the School Board of Liepaja told.

Panorama Latvii informs that at the end of the last year it was found that 20 teachers of Daugavpils possessed counterfeited certificates about the command of the Latvian language. According to Head of the School Board of Daugavpils J. Dukshinski, these teachers most likely will be dismissed. Panorama Latvii

The government has not adopted regulations according to which children born after 21 August 1991 will be granted citizenship as provided for by the Amendments to the Citizenship Law. Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane does not think that it can cause serious problems, since the regulations are prepared and most likely will be adopted next week. At the same time, the NB staff has received draft regulations according to which they can inform persons interested in submitting applications about the necessary documents. At the moment, all applicants are put on a waiting list. Boris Tsilevich (

The government has not adopted regulations according to which children born after 21 August 1991 will be granted citizenship as provided for by the Amendments to the Citizenship Law. Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane does not think that it can cause serious problems, since the regulations are prepared and most likely will be adopted next week. At the same time, the NB staff has received draft regulations according to which they can inform persons interested in submitting applications about the necessary documents. At the moment, all applicants are put on a waiting list. Boris Tsilevich ( For Human Rights in the United Latvia) expressed a concern about the staff of the Naturalisation Board which might not be prepared for flow of applicants. Rigas Balss

SM commentator A. Elkin predicts that in this year there might be positive tendencies in the Russian-Latvian relations such as resumption of the work of the intergovernmental working group and meetings of high ranking officials. At the same time, Mr. Elkin observes that the relations can be undermined in a case Latvia ignores the OSCE recommendations concerning the draft Language law.

SM commentator A. Elkin predicts that in this year there might be positive tendencies in the Russian-Latvian relations such as resumption of the work of the intergovernmental working group and meetings of high ranking officials. At the same time, Mr. Elkin observes that the relations can be undermined in a case Latvia ignores the OSCE recommendations concerning the draft Language law. SM

Panorama Latvii publishes excerpts from an interview with the State President Guntis Ulmanis published in the Russian newspaper NEZAVISIMAYA GAZETA at the end of the last year. Speaking about education system, Mr. Ulmanis reminded that at the moment education in Latvia is conducted in eight languages. Besides, the education in the Russian language is financed by the state.

Panorama Latvii publishes an interview with the Saeima deputy and a member of the Commission on Human Rights Miroslav Mitrofanov (For Human Rights) who expresses a regret that the Commission did not take into account arguments of the fraction For Human Rights for liberalising the draft Language Law. Mr. Mitrofanov expects that during his upcoming visit the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities will present the same recommendations as during his previous visits. In conclusion, a journalist who took an interview, comments that according to information received from Moscow, the High Commissioner had expressed a thought that it might be worth to make concessions to such an unimportant issue as the language. Besides, the journalist argues that a reason for such tiredness of the Commissioner might be his nomination for a Noble Peace Prize which requires recommendation letters from different countries, including Latvia. Rumours are that the Saeima Commission on Human Rights was ask to give such a recommendation and it refused to include this question in its agenda, most likely with a purpose to make the candidate yield.

Янв. 5, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The government has approved a schedule for consideration of the budget for 1999. It is planned to submit the draft budget to the Saeima on 12 January, to have the first reading on 28 January and the second reading on 22 February.

The government has approved a schedule for consideration of the budget for 1999. It is planned to submit the draft budget to the Saeima on 12 January, to have the first reading on 28 January and the second reading on 22 February. Diena

It is possible than in 2001 residents of Latvia will be able to use personal identification cards instead of passports for dealings in Latvia. The passports will be needed only for a travel abroad, the head of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins informed

It is possible than in 2001 residents of Latvia will be able to use personal identification cards instead of passports for dealings in Latvia. The passports will be needed only for a travel abroad, the head of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins informed Diena in Russian.

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Commission denied majority of proposals to the draft Language law submitted by the fraction “

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Commission denied majority of proposals to the draft Language law submitted by the fraction For Human Rights in United Latvia. As the chair of the Commission Antons Seiksts told Jauna Avize these proposals called for complete non-interference of the state in private sphere, providing that other than the Latvian language might be used in communication and office work of private businesses. According to Mr. Seiksts, during the 6th Saeima an agreement was reached with the European experts concerning the necessity to provide a certain control in this sphere. The Commission supported a proposal of the fraction For Human Rights providing a definition of a status of national minority languages in Latvia. The present version of the Law provides only for two groups of languages- the state language and foreign languages.

SM,Chas and B&B publish the opinion of the member of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights Boris Tsilevich (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) who thinks that the Commission demonstrated a nihilistic attitude towards the international norms ratified by Latvia. By ignoring OSCE recommendations and international conventions, the deputies, in fact, create new obstacles on the road to Latvias integration into the EU, Mr. Tsilevich told SM. The Saeima Commission on Education, Science and Culture will prepare the draft Language law for the second reading which might take place no earlier than in a month. All newspapers remind that the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities arrive in Latvia on 10 January. Jauna Avize, B&B

The Ministry of Education and Science does not have information about the exact number of teachers who were dismissed at the beginning of this year due to insufficient command of the Latvian language, yet. Such information might be available after 7 January which is the deadline for regional municipalities to submit the data to the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Education and Science does not have information about the exact number of teachers who were dismissed at the beginning of this year due to insufficient command of the Latvian language, yet. Such information might be available after 7 January which is the deadline for regional municipalities to submit the data to the Ministry of Education. B&B

The military persons of the Skrunda Radar Station whose residence permits expired on 31 December of 1998, have left Latvia, the head of the DCMA Janis Lejins informed the press.

The military persons of the Skrunda Radar Station whose residence permits expired on 31 December of 1998, have left Latvia, the head of the DCMA Janis Lejins informed the press. B&B, Neatkariga

Answering to letters of readers,

Answering to letters of readers, Panorama Latvii denies rumours that the term for exchanging of old Soviet passports to the Latvian Aliens passports has been shortened till 30 November 1999. The validity term of the old passports remains the same - the year of 2000.

Дек. 22, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Peoples Party faction G.Berzins has decided to do the duties of the PP Secretary General only till the middle of January. The reason for this decision is that the main task of partys Secretary General will be preparation for municipal election, be he as the chairman of the faction has no time for it. Neatkariga

Lithuanian President V.Adamkus has signed a decree on appointing P.Vaitekun to the post of Lithuanian Ambassador to Latvia.

Lithuanian President V.Adamkus has signed a decree on appointing P.Vaitekun to the post of Lithuanian Ambassador to Latvia. Neatkariga

The Chairman of the

The Chairman of the Social Democrats Saeima faction E.Baldzens assured that the Union of Social Democrats had not received the promised draft budget, and therefore they were not able to study it in details an prepare their recommendations. Neatkariga

Prime Minister V.Kristopans entrusted the Minister of Environment and Regional Development V.Balodis to undertake the duties of the Minister of Agriculture.

Prime Minister V.Kristopans entrusted the Minister of Environment and Regional Development V.Balodis to undertake the duties of the Minister of Agriculture. Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Lingering of

Lingering of TB/LNNK to voice their position concerning Social Democrats was the reason for the announcement made by LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs that a part of Peoples Party deputies could replace TB/LNNK in the government. The Secretary General of PP G.Berzins rejected a possibility that even a part of PP members could participate in the government of V.Kristopans. TB/LNNK Deputy Chairman J.Straume evaluated the announcement of A.Pantelejevs as an attempt to divert attention from other problems. Diena, Jauna Avize

Russian Vice-Prime Minister V.Bulgak informed the Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs over the phone that Russia was ready to reconsider railway tariffs for transporting freight and to introduce easements. The Saeima deputy J.Urbanovics, who represents left-wing parties, informed

Russian Vice-Prime Minister V.Bulgak informed the Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs over the phone that Russia was ready to reconsider railway tariffs for transporting freight and to introduce easements. The Saeima deputy J.Urbanovics, who represents left-wing parties, informed Diena that the delegation of these parties lobbied this decision last week in Moscow. Diena

To improve co-operation among the NHRO and regional Human Rights centres, it is planned to establish a NGO Consultative Council next year. This agreement was achieved among the Director of NHRO O.Bruveris and representatives of regional Human Rights centres from Liepaja, Talsi, Cesis, Daugavpils and other Latvian towns.

To improve co-operation among the NHRO and regional Human Rights centres, it is planned to establish a NGO Consultative Council next year. This agreement was achieved among the Director of NHRO O.Bruveris and representatives of regional Human Rights centres from Liepaja, Talsi, Cesis, Daugavpils and other Latvian towns. Jauna Avize

The leader of

The leader of New Party R.Pauls has made a decision not to run for the next presidency. Jauna Avize

Lauku Avize

publishes a large interview with TB/LNNK Deputy Chairman J.Dobelis where he analyses their attitude towards publishes a large interview with TB/LNNK Deputy Chairman J.Dobelis where he analyses their attitude towards Social DemocratsSocial Democrats. . Russian version of

Russian version of Diena interviews the Chairman of the Union of Russian Entrepreneurs Arkady Volsky about the economic situation in Russia and their business plans with the Baltic states.

Panorama Latvii

writes about one more positive side of naturalisation - larger pensions for citizens. When calculating the amount of pensions for Latvian citizens, all the length of service is included in the calculation, disregarding the place of work; for non-citizens - they exclude the time of working outside Latvia. writes about one more positive side of naturalisation - larger pensions for citizens. When calculating the amount of pensions for Latvian citizens, all the length of service is included in the calculation, disregarding the place of work; for non-citizens - they exclude the time of working outside Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

also writes about the visa regime in Latvia and the institutions involved in this. also writes about the visa regime in Latvia and the institutions involved in this. A Latvian language teacher for Russian speaking people has written a letter to

A Latvian language teacher for Russian speaking people has written a letter to Panorama Latvii calling those Russian speakers who have problems with learning this language to move to the USA. She states that Russian speakers living in Latvia are not Russians because real Russians live in Russia and solve their problems. People living here are migrants, and migrants have a right to seek for a better life. Panorama Latvii

In his interview to

In his interview to Panorama Latvii the leader of Peoples Harmony Party A.Jurkans speaks about his decision to form a political party, his politicial life, PHP visits to Moscow and relations with Y.Luzhkov.

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