Дек. 9, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian writer Viktors Avotins considers that the government has done almost nothing to ensure and motivate the use of the state language and to create a base for its teaching. Non-Latvians consider the Latvian language as an obstacle on their way to receive Latvian citizenship. Of course, there are some activities such as the language training programs on TV, certification in some institutions (e.g. police) but in general the whole process is based more on enthusiasm or profit. Mr. Avotins analyses the data of the Naturalisation Board showing that the number of people naturalised grow, it means that the level of the Latvian language knowledge should also grow, but when a Latvian speaker addresses a policemen or railroad official in the Latvian language, he risks to have no conversation at all.

Latvian writer Viktors Avotins considers that the government has done almost nothing to ensure and motivate the use of the state language and to create a base for its teaching. Non-Latvians consider the Latvian language as an obstacle on their way to receive Latvian citizenship. Of course, there are some activities such as the language training programs on TV, certification in some institutions (e.g. police) but in general the whole process is based more on enthusiasm or profit. Mr. Avotins analyses the data of the Naturalisation Board showing that the number of people naturalised grow, it means that the level of the Latvian language knowledge should also grow, but when a Latvian speaker addresses a policemen or railroad official in the Latvian language, he risks to have no conversation at all. Neatkariga

Russian State Council has adopted an announcement to the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia where it expresses satisfaction with amending the Law on Citizenship according to the OSCE and CE recommendations. The majority of deputies voted for this document.

Russian State Council has adopted an announcement to the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia where it expresses satisfaction with amending the Law on Citizenship according to the OSCE and CE recommendations. The majority of deputies voted for this document. Neatkariga

Latvijas Cels

organised a draw to establish the procedure how ministers, organised a draw to establish the procedure how ministers, LCLC members would terminate their mandates. After the draw it was clear that instead of present members would terminate their mandates. After the draw it was clear that instead of present LC LC members holding minister posts the substitute deputies would be N.Rudevics, T.Ketler, I.Birzniece, P.Apinis, R.Repsa, J.Bakmanis and M.Zile. members holding minister posts the substitute deputies would be N.Rudevics, T.Ketler, I.Birzniece, P.Apinis, R.Repsa, J.Bakmanis and M.Zile. NeatkarigaNeatkariga The Cabinet of Ministers confirmed yesterday a simplified border crossing procedure on Latvian -Estonian border for local residents. Now they will be allowed to stay on the territory of the other country with no visa for 180 days instead of former 90.

The Cabinet of Ministers confirmed yesterday a simplified border crossing procedure on Latvian -Estonian border for local residents. Now they will be allowed to stay on the territory of the other country with no visa for 180 days instead of former 90. Neatkariga, Diena

Latvia is satisfied to state that the proposals elaborated by the ministers of foreign affairs of EU member states allow EU Council in Vienna to express strong support to EC conclusions on readiness of Latvia to start negotiation about joining EU. Although EU foreign ministers rejected any possibility for any of the second group candidate states to start immediate discussion, they were positive about the progress made by Latvia, acknowledging that, if reforms proceeded, the discussion could start in 1999.

Latvia is satisfied to state that the proposals elaborated by the ministers of foreign affairs of EU member states allow EU Council in Vienna to express strong support to EC conclusions on readiness of Latvia to start negotiation about joining EU. Although EU foreign ministers rejected any possibility for any of the second group candidate states to start immediate discussion, they were positive about the progress made by Latvia, acknowledging that, if reforms proceeded, the discussion could start in 1999. Neatkariga, Diena

The Cabinet of Ministers accepted yesterday the Latvian - German draft agreement on readmitting illegal immigrants. It is anticipated the agreement will be signed by the Minister of the Interior on December 16. Signing of this agreement could remove one of the last obstacles for introducing no visa regime between those two countries.

The Cabinet of Ministers accepted yesterday the Latvian - German draft agreement on readmitting illegal immigrants. It is anticipated the agreement will be signed by the Minister of the Interior on December 16. Signing of this agreement could remove one of the last obstacles for introducing no visa regime between those two countries. Neatkariga

Estonian Parliament adopted in the final reading the amendments to the Law on Citizenship that would ease the procedure of receiving citizenship for children of non-citizens born in Estonia. The law will take effect from July 12, 1999.

Estonian Parliament adopted in the final reading the amendments to the Law on Citizenship that would ease the procedure of receiving citizenship for children of non-citizens born in Estonia. The law will take effect from July 12, 1999. Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Panorama Latvii states that due to the pressure of right-wing radicals, every year about 5000 people leave Latvia and move to the East. Last hear half of them - 2565 people applied for help to The Federal Migration service at the Embassy of Russia in Latvia. The newspaper interviews the Head of this Service V.Yentyakov.

Panorama Latvii states that due to the pressure of right-wing radicals, every year about 5000 people leave Latvia and move to the East. Last hear half of them - 2565 people applied for help to The Federal Migration service at the Embassy of Russia in Latvia. The newspaper interviews the Head of this Service V.Yentyakov.

The State Language inspection informs that 448 teachers have not passed the certification of the state language knowledge for the highest level by the December 1, and at least 183 of them are to be dismissed according to the amendments to the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of December 18, 1996. According to this decree, teachers should master the state language on the third level by September of this year. By that time 715 teachers had not fulfilled this demand, and they were given an extension till December 31, 1998. Only 267 teachers have used this possibility so far.

The State Language inspection informs that 448 teachers have not passed the certification of the state language knowledge for the highest level by the December 1, and at least 183 of them are to be dismissed according to the amendments to the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of December 18, 1996. According to this decree, teachers should master the state language on the third level by September of this year. By that time 715 teachers had not fulfilled this demand, and they were given an extension till December 31, 1998. Only 267 teachers have used this possibility so far. Diena

The Ministry of Education and Science General Education Department Director G.Vasilevskis told

The Ministry of Education and Science General Education Department Director G.Vasilevskis told Diena that the Ministry and Naturalisation Board had agreed on unified demands for the state language tests for non-Latvian secondary school students. The most important task for implementation of the bilingual system of education in minority schools according to MES is to find 20 000 Ls to finance the education of teachers. No such money is allocated for this purpose in the budget of 1999. Diena

Russian MP G.Raikov who participated in the conference “How secure are the Baltic states?” considers that the economic crisis in Russia could lead strengthen the positions of national radicals in Latvia. But he assured that Russia would never neglect the situation of Russian speakers and acted in all possible directions to ensure their rights.

Russian MP G.Raikov who participated in the conference How secure are the Baltic states? considers that the economic crisis in Russia could lead strengthen the positions of national radicals in Latvia. But he assured that Russia would never neglect the situation of Russian speakers and acted in all possible directions to ensure their rights. SM

The newspaper

The newspaper Chas describes a case when the DCMA had issued a decree of departure for Galina Olya. She is residing in Latvia since 1982, married in 1992 and had to get registered in the Resident Register but the local house manager refused to issue her a certificate No 22-z, necessary for registration as he explained due to a debt for communal services payment. Therefore, instead of the square seal, Galina, whose husband is a Latvian citizen, got the round seal.

Дек. 8, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian President G.Ulmanis is an optimist an thinks that even if at the EU Council meeting in Vienna on December 11 and 12 it will not be announced when Latvia is able to start discussions on joining this organisation, it will be invited for discussions in 1999.

Latvian President G.Ulmanis is an optimist an thinks that even if at the EU Council meeting in Vienna on December 11 and 12 it will not be announced when Latvia is able to start discussions on joining this organisation, it will be invited for discussions in 1999. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Prime Minister V.Kristopans chose yesterday the minister of Agriculture from the six candidates offered by the

Prime Minister V.Kristopans chose yesterday the minister of Agriculture from the six candidates offered by the Social Democrats and it was P.Salkazanovs. V.Kristopans also announced that there could be created a post of the Minister of State Administration Reform, Local Government and Forest Affairs. Neatkariga, Diena

OSCE experts are coming to Latvia today to inspect the dismantling of Skrunda Radar Station. As MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis said, it would be the first inspection concerned with dismantling. Representatives from France, Norway and Great Britain will examine also the influence of dismantling activities upon the environment and station security. Mr.Baumanis added that Latvian MFA was satisfied with the job done so far by the Russia party and had no complaints.

OSCE experts are coming to Latvia today to inspect the dismantling of Skrunda Radar Station. As MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis said, it would be the first inspection concerned with dismantling. Representatives from France, Norway and Great Britain will examine also the influence of dismantling activities upon the environment and station security. Mr.Baumanis added that Latvian MFA was satisfied with the job done so far by the Russia party and had no complaints. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Foreign ministers of EU member states, after examining the EC report on progress made by the candidate states, did not suggest to invite any more candidates for discussion. From the wording of the final document of this meeting one can guess that it is not planned to evaluate progress made in any of the second group candidate states.

Foreign ministers of EU member states, after examining the EC report on progress made by the candidate states, did not suggest to invite any more candidates for discussion. From the wording of the final document of this meeting one can guess that it is not planned to evaluate progress made in any of the second group candidate states. Diena

At the TB/LNNK Saeima faction meeting, Andrejs Pozarnovs was unanimously elected the Chairman of the faction.

At the TB/LNNK Saeima faction meeting, Andrejs Pozarnovs was unanimously elected the Chairman of the faction. Jauna Avize

Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian

Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Social Democrats stressed during a meeting with their Western partners in Stockholm that integration of the Baltic states into EU should proceed simultaneously. Latvian Social Democrats intend to realise their ideas very actively by participating in several Saeima Commissions. They have some very experienced foreign affairs specialists working in Saeima European and Foreign Affairs Commissions , as well as in the Presidium of the Saeima therefore they have real possibilities to influence the foreign policy of Latvia. Jauna Avize

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs met with his Russian counterpart I.Ivanov during the meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of the OSCE member states. Both ministers agreed that the activities of the intergovernmental commission should be resumed, as well as the relations of MPs of both countries - developed. The ministers discussed preparation of their possible meeting either in Moscow or in Riga.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs met with his Russian counterpart I.Ivanov during the meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of the OSCE member states. Both ministers agreed that the activities of the intergovernmental commission should be resumed, as well as the relations of MPs of both countries - developed. The ministers discussed preparation of their possible meeting either in Moscow or in Riga. Rigas Balss (07.12.98)

“I can not imagine any other European state that would favor so much the right of minorities to receive elementary and secondary education in their mother tongue,” announced Latvian President G.Ulmanis during his presentation in Copenhagen University. He explained Danish students that Latvia was not a mono-ethnic country, therefore the Republic of Latvia took into account also the interests of national minorities in the field of education. G.Ulmanis also announced that they have started to work on creation of a NEW NATION.

I can not imagine any other European state that would favor so much the right of minorities to receive elementary and secondary education in their mother tongue, announced Latvian President G.Ulmanis during his presentation in Copenhagen University. He explained Danish students that Latvia was not a mono-ethnic country, therefore the Republic of Latvia took into account also the interests of national minorities in the field of education. G.Ulmanis also announced that they have started to work on creation of a NEW NATION. SM

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs, while participating in the conference “ How secure are the Baltic states?”, spoke very much about Latvian - Russian relations. He did not hide that this was due to the policy of the new government which had announced this direction as a priority one. And this government intends to conduct a dialogue on very pragmatic base - with no historic and ideological prejudices.

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs, while participating in the conference How secure are the Baltic states?, spoke very much about Latvian - Russian relations. He did not hide that this was due to the policy of the new government which had announced this direction as a priority one. And this government intends to conduct a dialogue on very pragmatic base - with no historic and ideological prejudices. SM


interviews A.Prieditis, Director of Daugavpils Centre of Multinational Culture, about his ideas on the national program for integrating national minorities. Mr.Prieditis is positive about the idea as such and finds there some new things and statements. One of them is the statement that Latvia is a multi-cultural state. But he disagrees with the idea that the Latvian language should play the main role in the process of integration. interviews A.Prieditis, Director of Daugavpils Centre of Multinational Culture, about his ideas on the national program for integrating national minorities. Mr.Prieditis is positive about the idea as such and finds there some new things and statements. One of them is the statement that Latvia is a multi-cultural state. But he disagrees with the idea that the Latvian language should play the main role in the process of integration. SMSM Already in August, activists of the Society of Russians in Latvia announced signing up for the Latvian language training courses. Interest was huge. There were 90 applicants on the first day and in total - 700 people. Mostly they were teachers from schools and kindergartens who felt threat to be dismissed from their job for not knowing the Latvian language. But it turned out that there would be no financing for this program. SRiL activists addressed the Head of UNDP Mr. Sorensen for explanations and describe things experienced in the UNDP office.

Already in August, activists of the Society of Russians in Latvia announced signing up for the Latvian language training courses. Interest was huge. There were 90 applicants on the first day and in total - 700 people. Mostly they were teachers from schools and kindergartens who felt threat to be dismissed from their job for not knowing the Latvian language. But it turned out that there would be no financing for this program. SRiL activists addressed the Head of UNDP Mr. Sorensen for explanations and describe things experienced in the UNDP office. SM

Panorama Latvii

writes about certification process of Russian speaking teachers as a humiliation and a real ban on profession. writes about certification process of Russian speaking teachers as a humiliation and a real ban on profession.

Дек. 5, 1998

Press Report

ULSD proposed even six candidates to the post of the Minister of Agriculture. It was their answer to the negative attitude of V.Kristopans towards their first candidate G.Freimanis. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Rigas Balss

The Chairman of

The Chairman of ULSD faction E.Baldzens told Diena that Social Democrats could expand their influence in the parliament and also in the government. They have managed to achieve that they were offered this post of the minister of Agriculture and had come to an agreement on exchanging the chairman of the Saeima Economy, Agriculture and Regional Policy Commission. Social Democrats will delegate their representative A.Kalnins to this post to replace the present Chairman A.Slakteris (PP) Diena

In an interview, given to

In an interview, given to SM, E.Baldzens confirms that there was a written agreement between ULSD and V.Kristopans on offering certain posts to Social Democrats. Of course, Social Democrats know the history of offers made by Latvijas Cels to SDP Saimnieks, when they were not fulfilled. And it may affect the attitude of ULSD to the government of V.Kristopans. Speaking about national policy of their party, E.Baldzens said that they did not support the revanchist policy of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK but in certain aspects they might be more radical that Latvijas Cels. They stand for national, democratic Latvia. ULSD disagree with B.Cilevich that human rights should be prior to national rights. They are sure that until the title nation feels endangered, oppressed, it will not be possible to ensure the rights of national minorities. SM

Panorama Latvii

writes about a case when, following a demand of the Ministry of Education and Science, a director of some Russian speaking school requested the parents of their pupils to replace text books, published in Moscow or Sankt-Petersburgh with the ones published in Latvia that cost 5 Ls. And it is not a single case. writes about a case when, following a demand of the Ministry of Education and Science, a director of some Russian speaking school requested the parents of their pupils to replace text books, published in Moscow or Sankt-Petersburgh with the ones published in Latvia that cost 5 Ls. And it is not a single case. Deputy Minister of Russian Ministry of Defence N.Mihailov announced in Warsaw that Russia had reconciled itself with the fact that Poland would become a NATO member state but was still negative about the Baltic states joining this union. Russia is not interested in NATO topic any more, but the attempt to attract to this union the Baltic states and especially Ukraine.

Deputy Minister of Russian Ministry of Defence N.Mihailov announced in Warsaw that Russia had reconciled itself with the fact that Poland would become a NATO member state but was still negative about the Baltic states joining this union. Russia is not interested in NATO topic any more, but the attempt to attract to this union the Baltic states and especially Ukraine. Neatkariga

EC President J.Santer considers that discussion with Latvia on its joining to EU should be started before the end of 1999 if the present rate of development would be preserved.

EC President J.Santer considers that discussion with Latvia on its joining to EU should be started before the end of 1999 if the present rate of development would be preserved. Neatkariga

German Chancellor G.Schrëder promised to the Latvian Prime Minister V.Kristopans in his letter of congratulations that Germany would be a faithful partner of Latvia in its movement to integrate into European institutions. German Chancellor would stand for expanding the relations between these two countries in all aspects.


Lauku Avize

interviews the leader of Peoples Party A.Skele about the tactics of this party while being in opposition. A.Skele promised that PP would not become a jelly and would not change their position and programme but would support all those decisions that corresponded to PP position. When describing PPs priorities, A.Skele stressed that the most important things were education and agriculture.

The leader of Peoples Harmony Party J.Jurkans assured a journalist from the newspaper Lauku Avize that Prime Minister V.Kristopans had promised PHP for their support for the new government several posts in the Saeima Human Rights Commission and some more. In his turn, V.Kristopans denied any such promise. When asked about their plans to exchange the name of PHP to For equal human rights in Latvia, J.Jurkans answered that the union of left wing parties had this name already before the election but it the Ministry of Justice refused to register it. Lauku Avize

Дек. 4, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans asked the

Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans asked the Union of Social Democrats to nominate several candidates for the post of the Minister of Agriculture. Prime Minister thinks that the social democrats should nominate a stronger candidate than initial nominee Gunars Freibergs. Post of the Minister of Agriculture is the only one currently offered office to social democrats. Yesterday the Board of the Fatherland and Freedom passed a resolution to ask the Partys Council to finally decide on participation of social democrats in the government. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Board of the

Yesterday the Board of the Fatherland and Freedom began a discussion about a possible candidate for the post of the State President. Until now, the Latvian Way has nominated Anatolijs Gorbunovs, the Peoples Party - Vaira Paegle, and the New Party - Raimonds Pauls as possible candidates for the State Presidents office. The presidency of Guntis Ulmanis ends in summer 1999. Neatkariga

Neatkarigareviews articles about Latvia published in the newspapers Rosijskij Izrailtjanin and Die Presse. Rosijskij Izrailtjanin writes that currently existing situation in human rights sphere in Latvia can be described as a segregation on the basis of citizenship, and it would be improper, the least, for Latvia to apply for membership in the EU. Die Press, on the other hand, mentions that after adoption of the amendments to the Citizenship Law Latvia hopes that relations with Russia will improve.Neatkariga

Yesterday the European Parliament adopted a resolution which favours starting immediate EU accession talk with Latvia. After return from the meeting of the OSCE Foreign Affairs Ministers in Oslo, the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs told journalists that participants of the Oslo meeting expressed an opinion that during the EU summit in Vienna should adopt an individual approach to each candidate to the EU, and should observe recommendations of the European Commission. Valdis Birkavs also briefed journalists about his meeting with the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister during which it was agreed to prepare grounds for resumption of Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission. According to Mr. Birkavs, the Latvian delegation would be led by Anatolijs Gorbunovs. The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister acknowledged progress in the sphere of human rights in Latvia, meaning the outcome of the referendum, Mr. Birkavs told the press.

Yesterday the European Parliament adopted a resolution which favours starting immediate EU accession talk with Latvia. After return from the meeting of the OSCE Foreign Affairs Ministers in Oslo, the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs told journalists that participants of the Oslo meeting expressed an opinion that during the EU summit in Vienna should adopt an individual approach to each candidate to the EU, and should observe recommendations of the European Commission. Valdis Birkavs also briefed journalists about his meeting with the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister during which it was agreed to prepare grounds for resumption of Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission. According to Mr. Birkavs, the Latvian delegation would be led by Anatolijs Gorbunovs. The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister acknowledged progress in the sphere of human rights in Latvia, meaning the outcome of the referendum, Mr. Birkavs told the press. Neatkariga, Chas, Diena

Yesterday Janis Jurkans (People’s Harmony Party) was elected to the post of Chair of the inter-parliamentary commission on co-operation between Latvia and Russia.

Yesterday Janis Jurkans (Peoples Harmony Party) was elected to the post of Chair of the inter-parliamentary commission on co-operation between Latvia and Russia. Panorama Latvii

In an interview for the Russian newspaper “The Moscow Times” the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis said that in future Latvia will be multi-national state. 90% of non-citizens want to stay in Latvia and they should be provided with an opportunity to become Latvian citizens, Mr. Ulmanis said.

In an interview for the Russian newspaper The Moscow Times the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis said that in future Latvia will be multi-national state. 90% of non-citizens want to stay in Latvia and they should be provided with an opportunity to become Latvian citizens, Mr. Ulmanis said. Neatkariga

Dienain Russian in co-operation with journalists from Estonia and Lithuania introduces a new column We in the Baltics. In todays issue there are articles about Estonia: the Russian Cultural centre in Tallinn, and a law regulating procedure of deportation from Estonia which was recently adopted by the Estonian parliament, as well as statistics provided by the Estonian DCMA and Information Centre on Human Rights. Diena

Yesterday at a press conference the Latvian Minister of Education and Science Janis Gaigals proposed to change methods of work in order to increase the Ministry’s efficiency. Next year ministerial officials will participate in special seminars whose goal will be to prepare a 4 year plan. A primary task for the Ministry is to build a modern and comprehensively integrated education system, Mr. Gaigals said. Answering question on examination of teachers of Russian schools, Mr. Gaigals answered that, unfortunately, the number of teachers who did not pass the language exam on the highest level of the language command, is rather big. According to

Yesterday at a press conference the Latvian Minister of Education and Science Janis Gaigals proposed to change methods of work in order to increase the Ministrys efficiency. Next year ministerial officials will participate in special seminars whose goal will be to prepare a 4 year plan. A primary task for the Ministry is to build a modern and comprehensively integrated education system, Mr. Gaigals said. Answering question on examination of teachers of Russian schools, Mr. Gaigals answered that, unfortunately, the number of teachers who did not pass the language exam on the highest level of the language command, is rather big. According to B&B, the Minister immediately tried to comfort the audience by saying that those who are granted status of unemployed person have a possibility to take language courses free of charge, and then repeat the exam. B&B

A. Arkadyev in an article for the SM reminds that the Saeima resumes consideration of the draft Language Law. Two parliamentary fraction -

A. Arkadyev in an article for the SM reminds that the Saeima resumes consideration of the draft Language Law. Two parliamentary fraction - For Fatherland and Freedom and the Peoples Party - have submitted their versions of the law. According to the author, there are almost no differences between these two proposals. Regardless of recommendations of the European experts, the proposed draft laws regulate use of language in private business. SM

Co-chair of the Latvian Committee on Human Rights Vladimir Buzayev summarises complaints received by the committee, which are related with difficulties in obtaining alien’s passports. He divides all cases into several categories: 1) cases when an applicant or his/her family member has citizenship of a foreign country; 2) cases when an applicant is a family member of a military person; 3) cases when a person has been registered (propisan) outside Latvia; 4) cases when a person’s legal status in Latvia is not clear; 5) cases when the DCMA requires additional documents; 6) cases when documents are sent to unclear and unjustified examination; 7) cases when names and surnames are misspelled. 

Co-chair of the Latvian Committee on Human Rights Vladimir Buzayev summarises complaints received by the committee, which are related with difficulties in obtaining aliens passports. He divides all cases into several categories: 1) cases when an applicant or his/her family member has citizenship of a foreign country; 2) cases when an applicant is a family member of a military person; 3) cases when a person has been registered (propisan) outside Latvia; 4) cases when a persons legal status in Latvia is not clear; 5) cases when the DCMA requires additional documents; 6) cases when documents are sent to unclear and unjustified examination; 7) cases when names and surnames are misspelled.SM

Дек. 3, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The Union of Social Democrats

and the and the People’s Harmony PartyPeoples Harmony Party hope that Vilis Kristopans will fulfil promises given before the voting on new government. Vilis Kristopans said the government forming fractions agreed to give social democrats a post of the Chair of Commission on Economics, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy which is currently held by a deputy of the hope that Vilis Kristopans will fulfil promises given before the voting on new government. Vilis Kristopans said the government forming fractions agreed to give social democrats a post of the Chair of Commission on Economics, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy which is currently held by a deputy of the People’s PartyPeoples Party Atis Slakteris. Social democrats, however, hope to get the post of the Minster of Agriculture and State Minister of Higher Education and Science. Speaking of Atis Slakteris. Social democrats, however, hope to get the post of the Minster of Agriculture and State Minister of Higher Education and Science. Speaking of People’s Harmony Party’sPeoples Harmony Partys claims, Vilis Kristopans said that he had no agreements with this Party. Juris Dobelis ( claims, Vilis Kristopans said that he had no agreements with this Party. Juris Dobelis (For Fatherland and FreedomFor Fatherland and Freedom) who represents a party that was against appointment of the social democrats to the government, told DIENA that the Coalition Council has discussed about a gradual inclusion of the social democrats into the government, starting with their presidency over the Commission of Economics. ) who represents a party that was against appointment of the social democrats to the government, told DIENA that the Coalition Council has discussed about a gradual inclusion of the social democrats into the government, starting with their presidency over the Commission of Economics. DienaDiena Yesterday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission discussed about realisation of unified foreign policy. Need for such a discussion originated after a recent unofficial visit of representatives of the

Yesterday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission discussed about realisation of unified foreign policy. Need for such a discussion originated after a recent unofficial visit of representatives of the Peoples Harmony Party to Moscow. Janis Jurkans, leader of this Party, was asked to answer questions concerning this visit. Later Mr. Jurkans told journalists that the commission should make a distinction between a deputy as an official and a politician of a particular party. According to Guntars Krasts, chair of the Commission, prior to going to Moscow deputies should have had consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to posess official argumentation for a visit. The Commission agreed to discuss distribution of responsibilities for improvement of foreign affairs mechanism during next meetings of the Commission. Neatkariga, B&B

During a meeting Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister and the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister agreed to start preparations for resumption of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission’s work. They also agreed on preparation of a meeting of both ministers in Riga or in Moscow. Austrian Foreign Affairs Minister Schuessel expressed an opinion that during the Vienna summit the EU will support proposal of the European Commission to begin the accession talks with Latvia.

During a meeting Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister and the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister agreed to start preparations for resumption of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commissions work. They also agreed on preparation of a meeting of both ministers in Riga or in Moscow. Austrian Foreign Affairs Minister Schuessel expressed an opinion that during the Vienna summit the EU will support proposal of the European Commission to begin the accession talks with Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga

During a visit in Stockholm, the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov expressed an opinion that Latvia and Estonia should do more in sphere of integration of Russian-speaking population.

During a visit in Stockholm, the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov expressed an opinion that Latvia and Estonia should do more in sphere of integration of Russian-speaking population. Diena

The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister and the Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister think that Sweden could play a role of a mediator in resumption of a dialogue between Latvia and Russia, the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta informs.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister and the Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister think that Sweden could play a role of a mediator in resumption of a dialogue between Latvia and Russia, the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta informs. Neatkariga

On Thursday the European Parliament will vote on the draft resolution which recommends the Council of the European Union to start accession talks with Latvia immediately.

On Thursday the European Parliament will vote on the draft resolution which recommends the Council of the European Union to start accession talks with Latvia immediately. Diena

In a tender organised by the DCMA for modernisation of the Latvian citizen passports six firms have submitted their applications. The cost of modernisation vary between 2.5. and 10 million US dollars.

In a tender organised by the DCMA for modernisation of the Latvian citizen passports six firms have submitted their applications. The cost of modernisation vary between 2.5. and 10 million US dollars. Diena, Chas

Polina Elksne in an article for

Polina Elksne in an article for Diena in Russian describes experience of two schools of national minorities which were founded in early 1990s - the Ukrainian school and the Jewish school. In both schools instruction is conducted in three languages - the language of national minority, Latvian and Russian.

Speaking of the qualification of teachers who according to law, should have the highest level of the command of the Latvian language, director of the Jewish School Ela Kozireva said that all teachers attend courses and pass exams, and, in general, they try to observe requirements of the new Education law. Still, Ms Kozireva questions the ways of implementation of the Law. The author of the article concludes that the major difficulty for schools of national minorities is integration of teachers and parents and not integration of pupils into the Latvian environment. In conclusion, Polina Elksne expresses a hope that Russian schools will consider bilingual methodology implemented by schools of national minorities as a way of life in the Latvian environment and not as a way of adaptation to it.

Speaking of the qualification of teachers who according to law, should have the highest level of the command of the Latvian language, director of the Jewish School Ela Kozireva said that all teachers attend courses and pass exams, and, in general, they try to observe requirements of the new Education law. Still, Ms Kozireva questions the ways of implementation of the Law. The author of the article concludes that the major difficulty for schools of national minorities is integration of teachers and parents and not integration of pupils into the Latvian environment. In conclusion, Polina Elksne expresses a hope that Russian schools will consider bilingual methodology implemented by schools of national minorities as a way of life in the Latvian environment and not as a way of adaptation to it. Diena

Dienain Russian publishes information provided by the Skrunda Radar Station Fund about financial assistance to former military persons of the Russian Armed Forces, pensioners who demobilised in Latvia before 28 January 1992 and voluntary leaves Latvia. On January 1, 1999 new Regulations come into force. According to them, a family is entitled to a single allowance of 1200 to 2700 Lats depending on the number of family members. Documents necessary for receiving allowance, should be submitted to the Welfare division of the Russian Embassy.

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