Янв. 14, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Finishing his three day visit to Latvia, the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel announced that the status of the Latvian language had been endangered, and he supported any steps taken to strengthen the Latvian language. A very important tool to achieve this goal is a language law that corresponds to international norms. The High Commissioner pointed out that a state had rights to regulate the use of the language only in some private business spheres dealing with security, public health and customers rights. The Commissioner acknowledged that the education law as well should be used for strengthening the status of the Latvian language. He supported increase of the number of Latvian language lessons in national minority schools because it AS in their own interests to know this language, but the amount of lessons in the Latvian language and their mother tongue should be balanced. Max van der Stoel also repeated that Latvia had fulfilled all recommendations on the Law on Citizenship. He had received information that even the last not fulfilled recommendation on simplifying the history knowledge test was fulfilled by reducing the number of questions. He has no intention to put forward any new recommendations.

Finishing his three day visit to Latvia, the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel announced that the status of the Latvian language had been endangered, and he supported any steps taken to strengthen the Latvian language. A very important tool to achieve this goal is a language law that corresponds to international norms. The High Commissioner pointed out that a state had rights to regulate the use of the language only in some private business spheres dealing with security, public health and customers rights. The Commissioner acknowledged that the education law as well should be used for strengthening the status of the Latvian language. He supported increase of the number of Latvian language lessons in national minority schools because it AS in their own interests to know this language, but the amount of lessons in the Latvian language and their mother tongue should be balanced. Max van der Stoel also repeated that Latvia had fulfilled all recommendations on the Law on Citizenship. He had received information that even the last not fulfilled recommendation on simplifying the history knowledge test was fulfilled by reducing the number of questions. He has no intention to put forward any new recommendations. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

TheHigh Commissioner acknowledged that education law was in no contradiction to Hague recommendations on national minority language policy formation and refused the reproaches of the Saeima faction

TheHigh Commissioner acknowledged that education law was in no contradiction to Hague recommendations on national minority language policy formation and refused the reproaches of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRIUL) that the Hague recommendations had been neglected during the implementation of the education law. He did not see any contradictions in this process and had agreed to the intention of the Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals to increase the number of subjects taught in the Latvian language in national minority schools. (FHRIUL) member J.Pliner considers that Max van der Stoel, when speaking about the conformity of Latvian legislation to the Hague recommendations had been very diplomatic.

The Chairman of Russian National Council G.Seleznyov, during a meeting with Latvian Ambassador in Russia I.Daudiss, expressed his satisfaction about the recent changes in Latvia and was positive about the future development of bilateral relations. They discussed a possibility to continue a political dialogue between parliaments of those two countries, formation of Russian delegation for Latvian - Russian intergovernmental Commission.

The Chairman of Russian National Council G.Seleznyov, during a meeting with Latvian Ambassador in Russia I.Daudiss, expressed his satisfaction about the recent changes in Latvia and was positive about the future development of bilateral relations. They discussed a possibility to continue a political dialogue between parliaments of those two countries, formation of Russian delegation for Latvian - Russian intergovernmental Commission. Neatkariga

The Asylum Seekers Centre in Mucenieki, Olaine received the first refugees. They are nine people from Afghanistan, Iraq and Zaire. The Head of the Centre Z.Brikovska told

The Asylum Seekers Centre in Mucenieki, Olaine received the first refugees. They are nine people from Afghanistan, Iraq and Zaire. The Head of the Centre Z.Brikovska told Diena that for these people had been provided not by the state but NGOs.

The last year crisis in Latvian - Russian relations has led to establishing a working group with an aim to prepare a program “Public Integration in Latvia”. The draft project was completed already in September, but it had not been submitted for public discussion so far. The Chairman of the Public Integration Council J.Gaigals promises that it will be done at the end of January. But there is little hope for it because there is no financing for this in the state budget. The program aims at establishing a democratic, united and civic society in Latvia, based on common values. The program is against establishing a two community state, confrontation of different parts of the society, segregation and forced assimilation, and as one of the major forces in this process, the authors of the program see education, but the obstacle - lack of financing. Some of the authors consider that there is a necessity to establish the post of State Minister of Public Integration Affairs.

The last year crisis in Latvian - Russian relations has led to establishing a working group with an aim to prepare a program Public Integration in Latvia. The draft project was completed already in September, but it had not been submitted for public discussion so far. The Chairman of the Public Integration Council J.Gaigals promises that it will be done at the end of January. But there is little hope for it because there is no financing for this in the state budget. The program aims at establishing a democratic, united and civic society in Latvia, based on common values. The program is against establishing a two community state, confrontation of different parts of the society, segregation and forced assimilation, and as one of the major forces in this process, the authors of the program see education, but the obstacle - lack of financing. Some of the authors consider that there is a necessity to establish the post of State Minister of Public Integration Affairs. Rigas Balss (13.01.99)

The editor of Russian version of

The editor of Russian version of Diena A.Stroy interviews the Chairman of the public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-citizens V.Sorokin about their initiative to submit for Saeima consideration a draft law on amending the law on Municipal elections giving the right of vote also to non-citizens.

The translations of Russian speaking newspapers will come additionally.

The translations of Russian speaking newspapers will come additionally.

Янв. 13, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, meeting with the Prime Minister V.Kristopans, acknowledged that Latvia had fulfilled the recommendation on citizenship issues and there were no human rights violations and that he had expressed this opinion to Russian officials. During this visit the High Commissioner also supported the language program, stood for strengthening the position of the Latvian language and was positive about granting additional resources for teaching the Latvian language in Russian speaking schools. The representatives of

The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, meeting with the Prime Minister V.Kristopans, acknowledged that Latvia had fulfilled the recommendation on citizenship issues and there were no human rights violations and that he had expressed this opinion to Russian officials. During this visit the High Commissioner also supported the language program, stood for strengthening the position of the Latvian language and was positive about granting additional resources for teaching the Latvian language in Russian speaking schools. The representatives of Peoples Party A.Skele and V.Vike, after a meeting with Max van der Stoel, said that he had showed understanding and agreed that extremes should not be allowed while liberalising the language use in private businesses. The leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars discussed with the High Commissioner issues concerning Latvian international obligations concerning human and minority rights, as well as the draft language law. J.Bojars insisted that Latvia might not realise too liberal language policy taking into consideration the fact that in all major cities of Latvia the basic nation is in minority. The members of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia expressed their concern about Latvian education policy that could cause national minority schools to disappear within several years. The Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs acquainted the guest with the Latvian Society Integration Program and asked him to support the attempts of the Latvian government to implement this program and asked for a financial support. Neatkariga, Diena (Russian version), Bizness & Baltiya

The DCMA informed the Saeima Commission that their previous position considering Latvian citizens residing in Russia as illegal double-citizens was a misunderstanding. As

The DCMA informed the Saeima Commission that their previous position considering Latvian citizens residing in Russia as illegal double-citizens was a misunderstanding. As Diena has informed before, the DCMA considered about 250 Latvian citizens, permanently residing in Russia, to be illegal double citizens. A DCMA official explained that there was only one more problem hindering these people to travel to Latvia - present normative acts did not provide a possibility to issue entry visas to the citizens of the Republic of Latvia. Diena

An illegal immigrant from Algeria tried to escape from the illegal immigrants’ camp in Olaine, but this attempt was unsuccessful because he had fallen out of the window and broken his leg.

An illegal immigrant from Algeria tried to escape from the illegal immigrants camp in Olaine, but this attempt was unsuccessful because he had fallen out of the window and broken his leg. Diena

All the terms have expired for those Russian speaking teachers working in Liepaja, to pass the test of the Latvian language knowledge on the highest level. The decree was issued in 1996, and at that time there were 413 such people and only 96 of them had the highest level of knowledge. Next year 144 teachers out of 409 passed this test, but in 1998 - 369 out of 400. From the remaining 31 teachers, labour contract have been concluded only with 6 because they have been recognised as irreplaceable. The rest have been fired or their contracts expire this month, and new teachers have been found to replace them.

All the terms have expired for those Russian speaking teachers working in Liepaja, to pass the test of the Latvian language knowledge on the highest level. The decree was issued in 1996, and at that time there were 413 such people and only 96 of them had the highest level of knowledge. Next year 144 teachers out of 409 passed this test, but in 1998 - 369 out of 400. From the remaining 31 teachers, labour contract have been concluded only with 6 because they have been recognised as irreplaceable. The rest have been fired or their contracts expire this month, and new teachers have been found to replace them. Jauna Avize

Cultural Society of Russians Living in Latvia (CSRLL) has decided to discontinue its membership in the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies (LANCS). Leaders of this society motivate their decision with the fact that the position of the leadership of LANCS on national minority education is radically opposite to theirs. CSRLL do not support the transition to the tuition in the state language, planned in the national public integration program. They stand for bilingual system in schools as the only means to preserve existence of Russian intelligence.

Cultural Society of Russians Living in Latvia (CSRLL) has decided to discontinue its membership in the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies (LANCS). Leaders of this society motivate their decision with the fact that the position of the leadership of LANCS on national minority education is radically opposite to theirs. CSRLL do not support the transition to the tuition in the state language, planned in the national public integration program. They stand for bilingual system in schools as the only means to preserve existence of Russian intelligence. Diena


publishes a comment on the decision of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to stop granting citizenship to children of non-citizens who are eligible to become citizens after adopting the amendments to the Law on Citizenship.

Янв. 12, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Coalition Council of the government forming factions supported the objections of

The Coalition Council of the government forming factions supported the objections of TB/LNNK to the draft regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers establishing the procedure how applications for recognising a child to be a Latvian citizen should be submitted and considered. TB/LNNK Deputy Chairman J.Dobelis told Neatkariga that these government draft regulations listed to many documents valid for submitting a request for granting citizenship for a child. This would create an artificial chaos, and where there is a chaos, there it is possible to make mistakes. And we know that in this country they fake many different documents. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane acknowledged that these

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane acknowledged that these TB/LNNK recommendations limited the rights of children to Latvian citizenship, established by the Law on Citizenship. Diena

The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel considers that Latvian education policy should correspond to European norms, but during this visit he has not given any new recommendations. During the meeting at the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, he mostly spoke about the state language and education laws and said that the use of state language in private businesses should be regulated as little as possible, although he admitted that such a regulation might be permissible if it concerned interests, security and health care of employees and consumers. Max van der Stoel thinks that Latvia has fulfilled his recommendation on the Law on Citizenship, therefore no questions about amendments to the Law on Citizenship were discussed. While meeting with the Commission, the High Commissioner expressed a wish let the state language law should not contradict to international norms. When speaking about the education law, Max van der Stoel did not express any objections only pointed out that the Ministry of Education and Science, when implementing this law, should also observe international recommendations.

The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel considers that Latvian education policy should correspond to European norms, but during this visit he has not given any new recommendations. During the meeting at the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, he mostly spoke about the state language and education laws and said that the use of state language in private businesses should be regulated as little as possible, although he admitted that such a regulation might be permissible if it concerned interests, security and health care of employees and consumers. Max van der Stoel thinks that Latvia has fulfilled his recommendation on the Law on Citizenship, therefore no questions about amendments to the Law on Citizenship were discussed. While meeting with the Commission, the High Commissioner expressed a wish let the state language law should not contradict to international norms. When speaking about the education law, Max van der Stoel did not express any objections only pointed out that the Ministry of Education and Science, when implementing this law, should also observe international recommendations. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The newspapers for the Russian speaking public

The newspapers for the Russian speaking public SM and Panorama Latvii see this visit in a slightly different light and states that the High Commissioner has not changed his position of strictness and principality. During the meeting with A.Seiksts the Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science, he continued insisting on Latvia observing all international and European conventions, binding for Latvia. What concerns the draft language law, he thinks that the articles, admitting state regulation of the language use in private businesses, should be amended. A.Seiksts, commenting this meeting, said that, in spite this strict position of the High Commissioner, a compromise was still possible.

The government, by adopting the new budget, decided to allocate 350 000 Ls to additional salary payments for teachers of the Latvian language in minorities schools. The Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals stressed that these teachers needed the most support.

The government, by adopting the new budget, decided to allocate 350 000 Ls to additional salary payments for teachers of the Latvian language in minorities schools. The Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals stressed that these teachers needed the most support. Neatkariga

The State Language Centre informed that about 120 teachers had acquired their state language knowledge certificates illegally. There are 96 such cases in Daugavpils and 24 in Riga.

The State Language Centre informed that about 120 teachers had acquired their state language knowledge certificates illegally. There are 96 such cases in Daugavpils and 24 in Riga. Diena

SM tries to explain the situation in Daugavpils when teachers purchased the state language knowledge certificates by a psychological stress and fear they felt of this test.

Янв. 11, 1999

Press Report

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel has arrived for a three day visit to Latvia. He has requested a meeting with the Prime Minister , Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Saeima Speaker as well as representatives of the Saeima commissions on Human Rights, Social Affairs, Education, Science and Culture.

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel has arrived for a three day visit to Latvia. He has requested a meeting with the Prime Minister , Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Saeima Speaker as well as representatives of the Saeima commissions on Human Rights, Social Affairs, Education, Science and Culture. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

A MFA representative predicted that the High Commissioner would not make any recommendations on the Law on Citizenship.

A MFA representative predicted that the High Commissioner would not make any recommendations on the Law on Citizenship. Diena

Panorama Latvii

asked several MPs a question what they expected from this visit of Max van der Stoel to Latvia. A representative of left wing parties M.Lujanis said that there could be nothing unexpected. His colleague P.Maksimov thought that the High Commissioner could address the problem of national minorities rights in Latvia. The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights A.Seiksts wished not to have any demonstrative recommendations, not because there were no problems in Latvia, because they such sharp recommendations could cause a sharp reaction from TB/LNNK and also some other forces. D.Lemesonoks in

D.Lemesonoks in Neatkariga writes about the current situation with naturalisation in Latvia. The voting on amendments to the Law on Citizenship was a release and at the same time the end of a dream about ethnically pure Latvia. But not everybody would become a Latvian. The Head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane thinks that only 280 - 300 000 people will naturalise. The major influence of the increase of the number of citizens will be in the voting districts - especially in Kurzeme and Riga. The Chairman of Central Election Commission A.Cimdars thinks that there will be no problems due to the increase of the number of voters. A.Kaktins, Director of Socially Correlative data system Research Centre thinks that the greatest impact of naturalisation will be on politics. with increasing number of non-Latvian citizens, parties will have to regard their opinion. They will have to change their programs, slogans to preserve the current proportion of the electorate.

Almost 200 unemployed people in Daugavpils completed a two month training course in the Latvian language. This course was organized by the city’s Employment office. The participants received also a grant - 21 LS. The money was given by the Ministry of Well-being and was taken from the social budget.

Almost 200 unemployed people in Daugavpils completed a two month training course in the Latvian language. This course was organized by the citys Employment office. The participants received also a grant - 21 LS. The money was given by the Ministry of Well-being and was taken from the social budget. Neatkariga

The Head of the Public Integration Board of the Cabinet of Ministers J.Gaigals told

The Head of the Public Integration Board of the Cabinet of Ministers J.Gaigals told Diena that the concept of the national Public Integration program would be submitted for public discussion at the end of January. The society would need 4 to 5 months to evaluate this concept.


journalist Anna Stroy writes about the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia starting with those children of non-citizens who received the right to receive Latvian citizenship after amending the Law on Citizenship. The amendments were adopted but the procedure how to register them was still missing although the registration should start on January 1. The Naturalisation Board came with an offer to prepare their lists of children of independence. Then she discusses the situation of those teachers in Russian speaking schools who did not pass the test on the Latvian language knowledge. journalist Anna Stroy writes about the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia starting with those children of non-citizens who received the right to receive Latvian citizenship after amending the Law on Citizenship. The amendments were adopted but the procedure how to register them was still missing although the registration should start on January 1. The Naturalisation Board came with an offer to prepare their lists of “children of independence”. Then she discusses the situation of those teachers in Russian speaking schools who did not pass the test on the Latvian language knowledge. DienaDiena (Russian version)(Russian version)

Янв. 9, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister V.Kristopans met with the Head of OSCE Mission to Latvia D.Johnson. During this meeting he acknowledged co-operation of the Mission with Latvian institutions was good and that the information about Latvia circulated by the OSCE was correct. In his turn D.Johnson interested about the national integration program and discussed the language and education laws.

Prime Minister V.Kristopans met with the Head of OSCE Mission to Latvia D.Johnson. During this meeting he acknowledged co-operation of the Mission with Latvian institutions was good and that the information about Latvia circulated by the OSCE was correct. In his turn D.Johnson interested about the national integration program and discussed the language and education laws. Neatkariga

During inspections State Language Inspection has discovered 120 cases when teachers produced illegally acquired certificates on the knowledge of the state language. In Daugavpils there were about 100 such cases. The inspection has to ask for expert’s opinion to state whether these certificates are fake.

During inspections State Language Inspection has discovered 120 cases when teachers produced illegally acquired certificates on the knowledge of the state language. In Daugavpils there were about 100 such cases. The inspection has to ask for experts opinion to state whether these certificates are fake. Neatkariga

On Friday, the 25th Conference of Latvian Intelligence took place in Riga. Its topic was “Latvian language and a unique education system - the basis for public integration”. Writer V.Avotins, commenting on this event, writes that state authorities had to advertise still the draft version of public integration program therefore the floor was given mostly to the “right” people, and the real contradictions were not revealed.

On Friday, the 25th Conference of Latvian Intelligence took place in Riga. Its topic was Latvian language and a unique education system - the basis for public integration. Writer V.Avotins, commenting on this event, writes that state authorities had to advertise still the draft version of public integration program therefore the floor was given mostly to the right people, and the real contradictions were not revealed. Neatkariga

Diena informs that some speakers reproached the Ministry of Education and Science for a low professional level of teaching the state language in minority schools.

SM writes about a statement, made by J.Gaigals, that the situation with mastering the Latvian language in Latvia is very good. He said that the number of children trained in the Latvian language was increasing and added that those were not only Latvian but also non-Latvian children.

SM in its turn interviewed the speaker at this conference the Director of Philosophy Institute M.Kule who stated in her presentation that learning of the Latvian language should not be forced, but she admitted a possible situation when this language could be introduced by force and ousting of subjects taught in the Russian language from the curriculum.

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs still hopes that they could persuade LC member A.Gorbunovs to run for the presidency. Representatives of Peoples Party, TB/LNNK and Social Democrats informed that the decision taking institutions of these parties would decide about their candidates until spring. But all they agreed that there could be a situation that parties could not agree to support a candidate representing some political party and they would have to agree to support some bright person not connected to any political force. Diena

The Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals told

The Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals told Diena that in the draft budget for this year there were 500 000 - 700 000 Ls allocated to increase salaries for those minority schools teachers who teach their subjects in the Latvian language. This amount should be sufficient to raise these salaries for at least 1.5 times. There only 750 teachers of the Latvian language working in minority schools, but to introduce the bilingual education system this number should be at least 5 times more. Diena

Public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-citizens plans to submit to the Parliament with a help of some deputies the draft law on amending the law on municipal elections that would grant the right to elect municipalities also to non-citizen. As pointed out one of the organisers of this Union S.Dolgopolov, that this draft law did not anticipate the right for non-citizens to be elected, just the right to vote.

Public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-citizens plans to submit to the Parliament with a help of some deputies the draft law on amending the law on municipal elections that would grant the right to elect municipalities also to non-citizen. As pointed out one of the organisers of this Union S.Dolgopolov, that this draft law did not anticipate the right for non-citizens to be elected, just the right to vote. Diena

Several well-known persons have signed a letter of protest against publishing the anti-Semitic book, prepared by Nazis during WW II “Dreadful Year”. This letter states that the publisher of this book is L.Inkins - an active member of

Several well-known persons have signed a letter of protest against publishing the anti-Semitic book, prepared by Nazis during WW II Dreadful Year. This letter states that the publisher of this book is L.Inkins - an active member of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK . Diena, Neatkariga

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel has announced that the main political task for Estonia is to integrate non-Estonians. He made this announcement to Estonian newspaper “Eesti Paevaleht”. One of the components of the integration process should be teaching the Estonian language to non-Estonians. The High Commissioner pointed out that his criticism about the amendments to strengthen the demands of knowing the Estonian language were not connected to the analogous criticism made by Russia.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel has announced that the main political task for Estonia is to integrate non-Estonians. He made this announcement to Estonian newspaper Eesti Paevaleht. One of the components of the integration process should be teaching the Estonian language to non-Estonians. The High Commissioner pointed out that his criticism about the amendments to strengthen the demands of knowing the Estonian language were not connected to the analogous criticism made by Russia. Jauna Avize

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