Фев. 10, 1999

Press Review

Press Review


The Union of Latvian Social Democrats, becoming a coalition member party, is now expanding its ambitions and demands for its share of the most influential posts. The Chairman of Riga City Council ULSD faction J.Gulbis said that the representation of political parties in the Council should be proportional to the number of deputies and therefore Social Democrats should be represented in the administration of the Council. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Latvian - German agreement on annuling the visa regime with Germany. The agreement will take effect on March 1.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Latvian - German agreement on annuling the visa regime with Germany. The agreement will take effect on March 1. Neatkariga, Diena

On Tuesday the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science rejected the motion, made by the faction

On Tuesday the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science rejected the motion, made by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia, to the draft language law to regulate to use of the language only in the state institutions. As the Chairman of this Commission Dz.Abikis told Diena, the Commission had started to consider proposals, submitted for the second reading of this draft language law and expressed his conviction that the OSCE recommendations would be conceptually supported in this draft law. Diena

SM informs that journalists, who came for this meeting, were asked to leave the premises before the discussion started. The representative of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia A.Bartashevich told journalists afterwards that Commission members rejected not only the above mentioned motion but also several other, e.g. to state that religious organisations have the right to chose the language freely, as well as the proposal of Max van der Stoel that the state should regulate the use of the language only at those enterprises, where the state owned more than 50 % of shares. The author of the article states that deputies are still unwilling to fulfil the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner and points out that, a representative of the OSCE Mission to Latvia was present at this meeting and she just could throw compassionate glances at the Deputy A.Bartashevich whose proposals were refused so unanimously. SM, Bizness & Baltiya

Prime Minister V.Kristopans announced at a press conference yesterday that, according to the opinion of all Prime Ministers of the Nordic countries, a guarantee for a stable situation in the Baltic Region was a need for good relationships with Russia.

Prime Minister V.Kristopans announced at a press conference yesterday that, according to the opinion of all Prime Ministers of the Nordic countries, a guarantee for a stable situation in the Baltic Region was a need for good relationships with Russia. SM

The demands of Russia concerning national minorities differ from the opinion of European structures. And it means that they are not mandatory for us. This announcement was made by Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins after his meeting with the Russian Depyty Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev. But M.Riekstins did not specify what demands he was talking about. Such statements caused incomprehension of the Russian party. A high MFA official informed that Russian party did not put forward any new demands, especially the ones contradicting to European recommendations. They just had discussed the draft language law, several norms of which were contradictory to a number of European conventions, and this fact had been recognised by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel during his visit to Riga. Russian party also had expressed their concern about the slow speed of naturalisation. In his turn, M.Riekstins, without providing any concrete facts, stated that Latvia did not have any accute problems with national minorities.


Фев. 9, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Discussing the EU Nordic Dimension Project at the meeting in Helsinki yesterday, the parliamentary and governmental representatives of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries supported this regional initiative and emphasised that it would strengthen the regional co-operation and would actively involve Russia. Meeting with the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans, the Norwegian Prime Minister K. M. Bondevik said that Latvia has fulfilled all the OSCE requirements and Russia should not present any claims with regard to that. The Norwegian Prime Minister also said that the Baltic State and the NATO should continue the co-operation programmes in the military sphere, so that Latvia would integrate into the NATO.

Discussing the EU Nordic Dimension Project at the meeting in Helsinki yesterday, the parliamentary and governmental representatives of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries supported this regional initiative and emphasised that it would strengthen the regional co-operation and would actively involve Russia. Meeting with the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans, the Norwegian Prime Minister K. M. Bondevik said that Latvia has fulfilled all the OSCE requirements and Russia should not present any claims with regard to that. The Norwegian Prime Minister also said that the Baltic State and the NATO should continue the co-operation programmes in the military sphere, so that Latvia would integrate into the NATO. Diena, Jauna Avize

Commenting the meeting with the State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins during his visit to Moscow, the head of the International Relations Commission of the Russian Duma Vladimir Lukin said that Latvia does not fulfil the requirements of the international organisations on national minorities and ignores the opinion of Russia regarding this issue.

Commenting the meeting with the State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins during his visit to Moscow, the head of the International Relations Commission of the Russian Duma Vladimir Lukin said that Latvia does not fulfil the requirements of the international organisations on national minorities and ignores the opinion of Russia regarding this issue. Chas

Neatkariga's journalist Viktors Avotins comments the draft law providing the non-citizens with the right to participate in the municipal elections that was initiated by the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia. Even though the draft law might be rejected by the majority of the MPs, it should be taken seriously be because this issue will be brought up again. V. Avotins suggests not to wait till other will start teaching us and to prepare a political, well-grounded opinion regarding this issue.

Neatkariga's journalist Voldemars Hermanis discusses the role of the OSCE in the conflict situations. The question is whether the OSCE is a noteworthy arbitrator in a case of a real conflict before the NATO arrives in the region. Mr. Hermanis quotes the magazine Transitions saying that the OSCE is a useful helper to the NATO for fulfilling extraordinary and thankless work.

The Centre of the Non-Governmental Organisations believes that many of the suggested amendments to the Law on the Public Organisations will not promote the development of the NGO’ s in Latvia, therefore the Centre prepares own version of the amendments that will be submitted to the Saeima State Administration and Municipal Committee.

The Centre of the Non-Governmental Organisations believes that many of the suggested amendments to the Law on the Public Organisations will not promote the development of the NGO s in Latvia, therefore the Centre prepares own version of the amendments that will be submitted to the Saeima State Administration and Municipal Committee. Diena

Фев. 8, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

On Monday the State Language Inspectorate will submit to the State Education Inspectorate a report about 285 forged state language certificates held by the educators. The majority of the forged certificates was stated in Daugavpils -90 certificates, in Riga - 84, in Liepaja - 11.

On Monday the State Language Inspectorate will submit to the State Education Inspectorate a report about 285 forged state language certificates held by the educators. The majority of the forged certificates was stated in Daugavpils -90 certificates, in Riga - 84, in Liepaja - 11. Diena, Jauna Avize, Neatkariga

The Head of the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law Janis Lagzdins told 

The Head of the Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law Janis Lagzdins toldDiena that the commission supports the allocation of additional 10 thousand Lats for the Naturalisation Board to hire new staff members for the examination commissions.

Russia is ready for the normalisation of the relations with Latvia if there is the cardinal improvement of the situation of the Russian-speaking population in the country, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated after the visit of the State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins to Moscow. Many important issues, for example, fastening of the naturalisation process, adoption of not-discriminating Education law, facilitation of family reunion process, are still not being solved. Mr. Riekstins admitted that the visit did not become a turning point in the Latvian-Russian relations. According to Mr. Riekstins, the main disagreements between Latvia and Russia remain concerning the situation of the Russian speaking population. BIZNES&BALTIYA; quotes Mr. Riekstins who said that” While the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel during his last visit said that the Law on Education complies with the international norms, Russia argues that it does not comply. “ During the meeting with the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister A. Avdeev the Latvian delegation emphasised the importance of the resumption of the intergovernmental commission’s work. There are several draft agreements tat are prepared to be signed, for example, the border agreement, the agreement on investment promotion and protection.

Russia is ready for the normalisation of the relations with Latvia if there is the cardinal improvement of the situation of the Russian-speaking population in the country, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated after the visit of the State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins to Moscow. Many important issues, for example, fastening of the naturalisation process, adoption of not-discriminating Education law, facilitation of family reunion process, are still not being solved. Mr. Riekstins admitted that the visit did not become a turning point in the Latvian-Russian relations. According to Mr. Riekstins, the main disagreements between Latvia and Russia remain concerning the situation of the Russian speaking population. BIZNES&BALTIYA quotes Mr. Riekstins who said that While the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel during his last visit said that the Law on Education complies with the international norms, Russia argues that it does not comply. During the meeting with the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister A. Avdeev the Latvian delegation emphasised the importance of the resumption of the intergovernmental commissions work. There are several draft agreements tat are prepared to be signed, for example, the border agreement, the agreement on investment promotion and protection. Diena, Neatkariga, B&B, Chas

Фев. 6, 1999

Press Report

In an interview for the SM Antons Seiksts, the Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission regrets that the previous Saeima did not adopt the State Language Law whose draft for the 3rd reading was quite liberal. Mr. Seiksts supports the state control over the use of the language in the service sphere no matter whether it is a public or a private enterprise which provides the services. The present draft law, however, provides for the state control in any private enterprise and that, according to Mr. Seiksts, is a wrong approach. “As far as I know, Mr. Abikis continues corresponding with the European experts and during the 3rd reading of the draft law, these experts will be invited to the meetings of the Commission in order to help bring the document in conformity with the international and the European conventions, “ Mr. Seiksts told the journalist.

In an interview for the SM Antons Seiksts, the Chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission regrets that the previous Saeima did not adopt the State Language Law whose draft for the 3rd reading was quite liberal. Mr. Seiksts supports the state control over the use of the language in the service sphere no matter whether it is a public or a private enterprise which provides the services. The present draft law, however, provides for the state control in any private enterprise and that, according to Mr. Seiksts, is a wrong approach. As far as I know, Mr. Abikis continues corresponding with the European experts and during the 3rd reading of the draft law, these experts will be invited to the meetings of the Commission in order to help bring the document in conformity with the international and the European conventions, Mr. Seiksts told the journalist. SM

Фев. 5, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Saeima with no discussion affirmed

The Saeima with no discussion affirmed Social Democrat P.Salkazanovs in the post of the Minister of Agriculture. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The Saeima conceptually supported abandoning of the capital punishment as it was provided in the 6 th Protocol of European Convention on Protecting Human Rights and Freedoms. There were 76 votes for, 16 - against and 1 deputy refrained.

The Saeima conceptually supported abandoning of the capital punishment as it was provided in the 6 th Protocol of European Convention on Protecting Human Rights and Freedoms. There were 76 votes for, 16 - against and 1 deputy refrained. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

Russia is still showing interest in human issues in Latvia, but Latvian and Russian positions in this question are different. This conclusion was made during the meeting of Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins and Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev. And Russian position differs not only from Latvian position but also from the position of international organisations, e.g. OSCE. M.Riekstins also discussed a possibility to organise a meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both countries. This meeting could take place in May during the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Nordic countries and Russia.

Russia is still showing interest in human issues in Latvia, but Latvian and Russian positions in this question are different. This conclusion was made during the meeting of Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins and Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Avdeyev. And Russian position differs not only from Latvian position but also from the position of international organisations, e.g. OSCE. M.Riekstins also discussed a possibility to organise a meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both countries. This meeting could take place in May during the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Nordic countries and Russia. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya


Union of Latvian Social Democrats is increasing its influence in the Saeima. A few hours after their representative P.Salkazanovs was affirmed in the post of the Minister of Agriculture, the ULSD faction called to replace the leader of Saeima Commission on Social and labour Affairs TB/LNNK representative A.Pozarnovs, and the Commission members did so. TB/LNNK and LC representatives were surprised by such an activity of Social Democrats.

The number of children, to be naturalised together with their parents, has rapidly increased in January. From 1288 applicants, about 50 have asked to naturalise also their children. The Deputy Head of the Naturalisation Board told the journalist that the situation in future could be the same as in January when the most increase of non-citizen activity was observed in Riga, Daugavpils region, Valmiera and Jelgava. Many people come together with their children because it is more convenient both for drawing up documents and saving time. Rigas Balss (04.02.99)

Belgium MFA Press Secretary informed that no visa regime between Latvia and Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg could come into force starting with April 1. He anticipated that by this time Belgium would complete the formal procedure provided by the state constitution on introducing no visa regime. Diena (Russian version)

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

has decided to start finding out those teachers who, in order to keep their job, have acquired fake certificates of the knowledge of the state language. This decision was made after they met with the Director of the National Language Centre Dz.Hirsa who told them that buying of fake certificates was a very common case. The Chairman of TB/LNNK Saeima faction A.Pozarnovs described it as a violation of the law, but the police, being busy with other cases did not pay much attention to this problem. Therefore TB/LNNK want to make the police to increase their activity in this direction. The faction will address the Minister of Interior R.Judzs who is also a TB/LNNK member. SM


correspondent T.Marthuk describes her experiences during the process of naturalisation and sounds very positive about the tests and the whole procedure. SM

Yesterday the Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov visited the Saeima upon an invitation of the group of deputies standing for co-operation with Russian National Council. During this visit the parties discussed many issues important for both countries. Panorama Latvii

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