Янв. 20, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs publicly censured the repeated publishing of the book “The Year of Horror.” According to Mr. Birkavs, this book can harm the Latvian state.

Yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs publicly censured the repeated publishing of the book The Year of Horror. According to Mr. Birkavs, this book can harm the Latvian state. B&B, Diena

The State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins plans to meet with the representative of the Russian MFA Alexander Avdeev on 5 February to discuss the resumption of the work of intergovernmental commission and the further development of the bilateral agreements. Yesterday in an interview for the Latvian radio the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that Russia might present new objections to the Latvian legislation, therefore it is important that at the meeting on 5 February the diplomats of both countries assess the real relations between Latvia and Russia.

The State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins plans to meet with the representative of the Russian MFA Alexander Avdeev on 5 February to discuss the resumption of the work of intergovernmental commission and the further development of the bilateral agreements. Yesterday in an interview for the Latvian radio the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that Russia might present new objections to the Latvian legislation, therefore it is important that at the meeting on 5 February the diplomats of both countries assess the real relations between Latvia and Russia. Diena, Neatkariga

Tatjana Zdanok, Harold Astachov and Alexander Rzhavin represented the Russians residing in Latvia at the forum The Europe of Culture in the Europe of Regions which took place in Brussels and was organised by the Assembly of Cultures in Europe. As Mr. Astachov told SM, Europe is informed about the problems of the Russians in Latvia, and it was suggested that Russian of Latvia should be directly represented in the European Parliament.

Tatjana Zdanok, Harold Astachov and Alexander Rzhavin represented the Russians residing in Latvia at the forum The Europe of Culture in the Europe of Regions which took place in Brussels and was organised by the Assembly of Cultures in Europe. As Mr. Astachov told SM, Europe is informed about the problems of the Russians in Latvia, and it was suggested that Russian of Latvia should be directly represented in the European Parliament. SM

If the provision to raise salaries for the teachers of the Latvian language in the Russian schools is implemented, the best teachers from the Latvian schools will transfer to work in the Russian schools. The Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education Dzintars Abikis believes that the proposal of the Ministry of Education shows the simplified approach to the problem. According to Dzintars Abikis, it is unconsidered policy, since there is already a tendency that Russian parents send their children to the Latvian schools.

If the provision to raise salaries for the teachers of the Latvian language in the Russian schools is implemented, the best teachers from the Latvian schools will transfer to work in the Russian schools. The Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education Dzintars Abikis believes that the proposal of the Ministry of Education shows the simplified approach to the problem. According to Dzintars Abikis, it is unconsidered policy, since there is already a tendency that Russian parents send their children to the Latvian schools. Jauna Avize

The Latvian Embassy in the United States has sent a letter to the Jamestown Foundation in which it has explained the official position of Latvia concerning the defence policy. Before the NATO summit in April in Washington DC the Latvian Embassy in the USA plans to actively the work in explaining the Latvia’s course to the NATO.

The Latvian Embassy in the United States has sent a letter to the Jamestown Foundation in which it has explained the official position of Latvia concerning the defence policy. Before the NATO summit in April in Washington DC the Latvian Embassy in the USA plans to actively the work in explaining the Latvias course to the NATO. Jauna Avize

The Saeima Commission of Defence and internal affairs rejected a proposal of the fraction

The Saeima Commission of Defence and internal affairs rejected a proposal of the fraction For Human Rights to the draft law on fire-arms and other special means for self defence providing non-citizens with the right to obtain, keep and carry arms. Neatkariga

It is planned to facilitate the visa requirements for persons whose one of the parents is the Latvian citizen residing in Russia, the Deputy Director of the DCMA A. Lejins informed DIENA. The new draft regulations provide which might be adopted in a month, provide that these persons will not be asked to present the invitation letter when applying for the Latvian visa.

It is planned to facilitate the visa requirements for persons whose one of the parents is the Latvian citizen residing in Russia, the Deputy Director of the DCMA A. Lejins informed DIENA. The new draft regulations provide which might be adopted in a month, provide that these persons will not be asked to present the invitation letter when applying for the Latvian visa. Diena

The Deputy Director of the DCMA A. Lejins informed about the examination of documents submitted to received the Alien’s passport. Since the Russian Embassy in Latvia is not co-operative in providing the information the status of the applicant in the Russian Federation, the examination of some applications take two to three months. A special attention is paid to the cases when the applicant has lost his/her USSR passport after 1992. According to Mr. Lejins, people lost their passports on purpose to receive double status - the citizenship of the Russian Federation and a status of non-citizens of Latvia. Mr. Lejins also said that the persons who will fail to receive the Alien’s passports by 31 December 1999, will become either foreign citizens or stateless persons.

The Deputy Director of the DCMA A. Lejins informed about the examination of documents submitted to received the Aliens passport. Since the Russian Embassy in Latvia is not co-operative in providing the information the status of the applicant in the Russian Federation, the examination of some applications take two to three months. A special attention is paid to the cases when the applicant has lost his/her USSR passport after 1992. According to Mr. Lejins, people lost their passports on purpose to receive double status - the citizenship of the Russian Federation and a status of non-citizens of Latvia. Mr. Lejins also said that the persons who will fail to receive the Aliens passports by 31 December 1999, will become either foreign citizens or stateless persons. Chas

Yesterday at the meeting with members of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights, the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane said that in the near future Latvia might be accused of artificial impeding of the naturalisation process. Since the elimination of the naturalisation “windows”, the number of applications has increased. Besides the naturalisation Board is dealing with issues of granting citizenship through registration and depriving citizenship, as well as with integration problems. Therefore, Ms. Aldermane asked the deputies to support her request to allocate means for 15 more staff units. According to Ms. Aldermane, 200-300 thousand non-citizens will use the rights provided by the Amendments to the citizenship Law. Some 310 thousand non-citizens are elderly people who most likely will not learn the Latvian language and will not apply for the citizenship. Speaking about the young people, Ms. Aldermane said that the Cabinet of Ministers is working on amendments to regulations which would provide that the Latvian language examination when graduating the school, will simultaneously count as the naturalisation examination. The same will be with the examination of the Latvian history. Ms. Aldermane informed the deputies about new tests on the history and constitution, as well as oral examination of the Latvian language. Speaking about the delay with the adoption of the regulations on granting citizenship to children of non-citizens, Ms. Aldermane thinks that since the former USSR passports and certificates of non-citizens are considered valid in Latvia, there are no grounds not to use them as documents certifying the period of parent’s residence in Latvia.

Yesterday at the meeting with members of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights, the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane said that in the near future Latvia might be accused of artificial impeding of the naturalisation process. Since the elimination of the naturalisation windows, the number of applications has increased. Besides the naturalisation Board is dealing with issues of granting citizenship through registration and depriving citizenship, as well as with integration problems. Therefore, Ms. Aldermane asked the deputies to support her request to allocate means for 15 more staff units. According to Ms. Aldermane, 200-300 thousand non-citizens will use the rights provided by the Amendments to the citizenship Law. Some 310 thousand non-citizens are elderly people who most likely will not learn the Latvian language and will not apply for the citizenship. Speaking about the young people, Ms. Aldermane said that the Cabinet of Ministers is working on amendments to regulations which would provide that the Latvian language examination when graduating the school, will simultaneously count as the naturalisation examination. The same will be with the examination of the Latvian history. Ms. Aldermane informed the deputies about new tests on the history and constitution, as well as oral examination of the Latvian language. Speaking about the delay with the adoption of the regulations on granting citizenship to children of non-citizens, Ms. Aldermane thinks that since the former USSR passports and certificates of non-citizens are considered valid in Latvia, there are no grounds not to use them as documents certifying the period of parents residence in Latvia. SM

At the end of the last year the Daugavpils State Language Inspector M. Akmenkalne questioned the validity of 40 language certificates issued to the Russian teachers. The investigation proved that majority of them are false.

At the end of the last year the Daugavpils State Language Inspector M. Akmenkalne questioned the validity of 40 language certificates issued to the Russian teachers. The investigation proved that majority of them are false. Diena interviews three teachers of Daugavpils whose language certificates turned out to be void. According to the Head of the School Board of Daugavpils J. Duksinskis, teachers were informed about the prolongation of deadline for the language examination till 1 June 1999, therefore there were no grounds for hysterics. No teacher has been dismissed. Persons holding void certificates will be warned after the directors of respective schools receive official statements that the documents are forged. Aija Priedite, director of the State Language Training Program, thinks that 42 750 000 Lats and 35, 000 teachers of the Latvian language would be enough. At the moment there are 1200 teachers and the last year the state allocated 125, 000 Lats for the teaching materials.

Янв. 19, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Dienapublishes a translation of the analysis by the Jamestown Foundation, USA, What is the course of the Latvian Way?

Diena'scommentator Aivars Ozolins argues that the US analysts state an obvious fact - Russias goal is to isolate Latvia from the West and to block the accession of Lithuania and Estonia into the NATO.

Dienaalso publishes excerpts from interviews of several Russian newspapers such as Izvestiya, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, with the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans in which he had stated that the Latvias goal is to join the NATO. Diena

The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans denies the arguments by the Jamestown Foundation stating that there are certain groups within

The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans denies the arguments by the Jamestown Foundation stating that there are certain groups within the Latvian Way which want to change the course of the Latvian foreign policy towards the NATO. He described these statements as inaccurate and false. The Peoples Party is the only party represented in the parliament which considers the statements by the Jamestown Foundation valid. Diena, B&B

The news agency LETA informs that the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis in an interview for the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta said that within five to seven years Latvia will solve the issue of citizenship. According to Guntis Ulmanis, the citizenship issue is closely related with the language and education. Mr. Ulmanis told that no assimilation of persons of other nationalities is permissible.

The news agency LETA informs that the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis in an interview for the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta said that within five to seven years Latvia will solve the issue of citizenship. According to Guntis Ulmanis, the citizenship issue is closely related with the language and education. Mr. Ulmanis told that no assimilation of persons of other nationalities is permissible. Neatkariga

The State Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins leaves for the United State where he will have meetings with the Deputy State Secretary Mr.Talbout and other officials responsible for the Baltic region, the Press Centre of the Latvian MFA informs.

The State Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins leaves for the United State where he will have meetings with the Deputy State Secretary Mr.Talbout and other officials responsible for the Baltic region, the Press Centre of the Latvian MFA informs. Neatkariga

Next week a public organisation “ Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens” will submit to all fraction of the Saeima a draft of Amendments to the Law on Municipal Elections prepared by the organisation. According to these amendments, all residents of Latvia would be able to vote in the municipal elections. Mr. Dolgopolov, a member of the

Next week a public organisation Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens will submit to all fraction of the Saeima a draft of Amendments to the Law on Municipal Elections prepared by the organisation. According to these amendments, all residents of Latvia would be able to vote in the municipal elections. Mr. Dolgopolov, a member of the Peoples Harmony Party and initiator of the amendments, believes that the draft law will be supported not only by the fraction For Human Rights, but also by the New party, the Latvian Way and Social Democrats. B&B, Chas

SM publishes excerpts from a presentation by the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs in a press briefing, published by the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Speaking about the Latvian-Russian relations, the Foreign Affairs Minister said that Latvia wants the currently existing pause in the Latvian -Russian relations to be turned into the active co-operation. With regard to the Citizenship Law, Mr. Birkavs argued that Latvia, in fact, has the most liberal law on Citizenship in Europe, and there is no need to make any new amendments.

SM publishes excerpts from a presentation by the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs in a press briefing, published by the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Speaking about the Latvian-Russian relations, the Foreign Affairs Minister said that Latvia wants the currently existing pause in the Latvian -Russian relations to be turned into the active co-operation. With regard to the Citizenship Law, Mr. Birkavs argued that Latvia, in fact, has the most liberal law on Citizenship in Europe, and there is no need to make any new amendments. SM


A SM journalist Y.Akishina thinks that after four years of studying in a higher educational institutions in Latvia where the language of instruction is Latvian, it is difficult for a Russian student to feel himself/herself Russian. The will to survive is needed, the journalist concludes.

Panorama Latvii publishes a story of Mrs. Gapeeva who encountered difficulties related with the Latvian spelling of her last name when exchanging her former USSR passport to the Aliens passport. Panorama Latvii

Winners of a competition “ Traffic ABC” for pupils in Daugavpils received diploma in the Russian language. The diploma were signed by officials of the Daugavpils Traffic Security Department. The MP Juris Dobelis (

Winners of a competition Traffic ABC for pupils in Daugavpils received diploma in the Russian language. The diploma were signed by officials of the Daugavpils Traffic Security Department. The MP Juris Dobelis (For Fatherland and Freedom) submitted a request to assess this incident which qualifies as violation of the State Language law providing that all official documents signed by the state officials should be in the state language. Diena

Rigas Balss' journalist Anita Daukste blames For Fatherland and Freedom for the delay of the adoption of the Regulations on the procedure for granting citizenship to children of non-citizens. The party wants to limit the number of document which would be valid to certify the period of a persons residence in Latvia. According to the journalist, it will increase the influence of the DCMA on the naturalisation process. In the recent past the DCMA was known for its exaggerated care for the cleanness of the race and it still has problems with issuing of non-citizens passports, the journalist argues. In conclusion, Ms. Daukste states that this delay gives a bad signal to people who hoped that the outcome of the referendum indicated the readiness of the Latvian society for the co-operation and integration.

Янв. 18, 1999

Press Report

Chas publishes a story of a Palestinian refugee who was the first person in the history of Latvia receiving the official status of the refugee.

SM publishes opinion of readers about the private education which is suggested by the Ministry of Education as one of possibilities for the Russian children to acquire education in the native language. Majority of respondents were negative about the quality of education offered by private schools.

SM publishes opinion of readers about the private education which is suggested by the Ministry of Education as one of possibilities for the Russian children to acquire education in the native language. Majority of respondents were negative about the quality of education offered by private schools. SM

An analysis by the Jamestown Foundation, USA, concludes that certain groups in Latvian political elite wants to change the direction of the Latvian foreign policy towards the NATO. Such conclusion was based on publications in the Latvian and Russian press during the last couple of weeks. In response to that the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs assured that there are no changes in the course of the Latvian governmental policy. He described the study of the Jamestown Foundation as a signal to the Latvian politicians that they should be consistent and precise in their actions. 

An analysis by the Jamestown Foundation, USA, concludes that certain groups in Latvian political elite wants to change the direction of the Latvian foreign policy towards the NATO. Such conclusion was based on publications in the Latvian and Russian press during the last couple of weeks. In response to that the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs assured that there are no changes in the course of the Latvian governmental policy. He described the study of the Jamestown Foundation as a signal to the Latvian politicians that they should be consistent and precise in their actions.Diena

Янв. 16, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Naturalisation Board has received 36 preliminary applications from parents who are non-citizens and who would like their children to become the Latvian citizens in accordance with the Amendments to the Citizenship Law. Thirty one application were registered in Riga.

The Naturalisation Board has received 36 preliminary applications from parents who are non-citizens and who would like their children to become the Latvian citizens in accordance with the Amendments to the Citizenship Law. Thirty one application were registered in Riga. Diena, B&B

During a visit to Lithuania the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans and the Lithuanian State President Valdas Adamkus agreed to speed up the process of the solving the border problems between Latvia and Lithuania.

During a visit to Lithuania the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans and the Lithuanian State President Valdas Adamkus agreed to speed up the process of the solving the border problems between Latvia and Lithuania. Diena

The State President Guntis Ulmanis does not want the Commemoration Day of the Latvian Soldiers - 16 March - to become ideologized. He will meet with soldiers of former Soviet Army as well as with the legionnaires to find out how they want to commemorate this day. “Nobody can be above the law and prohibit anybody to commemorate the 16th of March according to his/her beliefs [...]” the State President told journalists.

The State President Guntis Ulmanis does not want the Commemoration Day of the Latvian Soldiers - 16 March - to become ideologized. He will meet with soldiers of former Soviet Army as well as with the legionnaires to find out how they want to commemorate this day. Nobody can be above the law and prohibit anybody to commemorate the 16th of March according to his/her beliefs [...] the State President told journalists. Neatkariga

The State President has planned to organise several conferences on the issues which are important for the state and public. The first conference will take place on 17 January and its topic will be Latvia as a state of the Rule of Law.

The State President has planned to organise several conferences on the issues which are important for the state and public. The first conference will take place on 17 January and its topic will be Latvia as a state of the Rule of Law. Neatkariga

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will ask the Office of the Procurator General to assess the ideas of anti-Semitism and nazism declared in the book “The Year of Horror” which was published in 1942 and re-published in 1997. The State President told journalists that he consolidates with the MFA position to assess the content of the book.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will ask the Office of the Procurator General to assess the ideas of anti-Semitism and nazism declared in the book The Year of Horror which was published in 1942 and re-published in 1997. The State President told journalists that he consolidates with the MFA position to assess the content of the book. Diena, SM

The reviews by the mass media about the OSCE High Commissioner’s visit to Latvia last week were of a different character than those about the previous visits of Mr. Max van der Stoel. It was noted that this time the High Commissioner did not present any recommendations and had “favourable tone” . Still, the right wing politicians as well as the left wing politicians argue that the fact that there are no new recommendations now does not mean that such recommendations will not come later. Secretary General of

The reviews by the mass media about the OSCE High Commissioners visit to Latvia last week were of a different character than those about the previous visits of Mr. Max van der Stoel. It was noted that this time the High Commissioner did not present any recommendations and had favourable tone . Still, the right wing politicians as well as the left wing politicians argue that the fact that there are no new recommendations now does not mean that such recommendations will not come later. Secretary General of the Fatherland and Freedom Aigars Kimelis believes that new recommendations are possible. He is concerned about the High Commissioners statements with regard to the language requirement in the Estonian legislation providing that all deputies should know the state language. In Latvia such a provision exists for a couple of years. Mr. Kimelis thinks that the High Commissioner might want to have similar liberalisation of legislation also in Latvia. Mr. Tsilevich thinks that the High Commissioners position has not changed. The fact that he has not presented new recommendations does not mean that everything is all right. According to Mr. Tsilevich, the High Commissioner has decided to observe the situation with the Education Law and draft Language Law which is unclear at the moment. Commenting the reaction of both radical forces - For Fatherland and Freedom and For Human Rights, the chair of the Saeima Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts toldDiena that for both political forces any peaceable solution is not optimum. The Chair of the Saeima Commission on Education and Science Dzintars Abikis toldDiena that the statements by the High Commissioner concerning the compliance of the Education Law with the international standards are serious. He believes that in talks with the OSCE experts Latvia managed to achieve much, and for example, with regard to the draft Language Law, they [OSCE experts] have, in fact, yielded. Diena

Янв. 15, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian Minister of Justice I.Labucka met yesterday with Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov. They discussed several topics, but the Ambassador was specially interested in the fate of those Russian teachers who were dismisses due to lack of adequate Latvian language knowledge. The Ambassador wanted to find out whether their dismissal was not illegal. The Minister of Justice explained that, if teachers considered their dismissal to be illegal, they might appeal to a court with a request to be returned to their posts. According to the Ministry of Education and Science data, there are 89 teachers who could be dismissed due to this reason.

Latvian Minister of Justice I.Labucka met yesterday with Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov. They discussed several topics, but the Ambassador was specially interested in the fate of those Russian teachers who were dismisses due to lack of adequate Latvian language knowledge. The Ambassador wanted to find out whether their dismissal was not illegal. The Minister of Justice explained that, if teachers considered their dismissal to be illegal, they might appeal to a court with a request to be returned to their posts. According to the Ministry of Education and Science data, there are 89 teachers who could be dismissed due to this reason. Neatkariga

Diena writes about 88 such teachers, according to the information provided by the Director of Ministry of Education and Science General Education Department G.Valujevs. As he explained these teachers should be dismissed only at those places where there were enough teachers to replace the dismissed ones. And these 88 teachers (as other unemployed persons) might attend free of charge Latvian language training courses and pass this language knowledge test.

Chas speaks about 147 Russian teachers who have not passed the test, and states that 89 have already been dismissed, 9 are sick and their future is obscure, and 53 have their employment contracts only till 31 May 1999.

Panorama Latvii

informs that a special working group of the Ministry of Education and Science supported the proposal of local governments not to dismiss for some time 53 teachers who had not passed the language test because they were irreplaceable or it was their last working year before reaching the age of retirement. The rest 52 teachers do not plan to pass this test, and 12 more will be replaced by teachers who had registered themselves as unemployed persons. informs that a special working group of the Ministry of Education and Science supported the proposal of local governments not to dismiss for some time 53 teachers who had not passed the language test because they were irreplaceable or it was their last working year before reaching the age of retirement. The rest 52 teachers do not plan to pass this test, and 12 more will be replaced by teachers who had registered themselves as unemployed persons. Russian newspaper

Russian newspaper Obschaya Gazeta published an interview with Latvian Prime Minister V.Kristopans where he stated that Latvia should maintain as active dialogue with Russia as it had with England, Germany and the USA. V.Kristopans told that Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov had recently persuaded him that Russia was ready for this. According to the Prime Ministers opinion , the sign of a new era in Latvian - Russian relation might be the renewal of activities of the bilateral intergovernmental commission. Diena

The Speaker of Russian Parliament S.Baburin speaks about many facts showing that the basis of contemporary foreign policy of the Baltic states is explicit anti-Russian position, and he considers that Russian policy towards the Baltic states should be built from this. It does not mean endless confrontations. The refusal of these states to recognise any Russian initiatives is a means of demonstrating their loyalty to the West. Therefore the first thing for Russia to do is to come to an agreement with their new masters at first. If the West says “yes”, Russian initiatives will be received, but neither the USA nor Germany are interested in Russia and Byelorussia establishing closer ties with these three countries.

The Speaker of Russian Parliament S.Baburin speaks about many facts showing that the basis of contemporary foreign policy of the Baltic states is explicit anti-Russian position, and he considers that Russian policy towards the Baltic states should be built from this. It does not mean endless confrontations. The refusal of these states to recognise any Russian initiatives is a means of demonstrating their loyalty to the West. Therefore the first thing for Russia to do is to come to an agreement with their new masters at first. If the West says yes, Russian initiatives will be received, but neither the USA nor Germany are interested in Russia and Byelorussia establishing closer ties with these three countries. SM

Panorama Latvii

analyses the law on education and finds contradictions in the very basic principles of the law. E.g. Article 1 states that the only language of tuition in state and municipal schools must be in the state language. (Period) Article 2 names some exemptions. But there are no exemptions in Article 1. And, as the practice of decades shows, it is done not by a mistake but on purpose because any ambiguity leaves a greater space of manoeuvring for implementing institutions. Other such thing is exchanging the term national minority school for national minority program. And the author of the article cites the answer of the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, given to the question whether the new education law violated human rights (statement made by the Saeima faction analyses the law on education and finds contradictions in the very basic principles of the law. E.g. Article 1 states that the only language of tuition in state and municipal schools must be in the state language. (Period) Article 2 names some exemptions. But there are no exemptions in Article 1. And, as the practice of decades shows, it is done not by a mistake but on purpose because any ambiguity leaves a greater space of manoeuvring for implementing institutions. Other such thing is exchanging the term “national minority school” for “national minority program”. And the author of the article cites the answer of the High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, given to the question whether the new education law violated human rights (statement made by the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United LatviaFor Human Rights in United Latvia), that one of the most typical features of this law was that it gave a lot of authority to the executive institution for decision making. Theoretically it could lead to a situation that authorities established norms contradictory to international conventions, but after a meeting with the Minister of Education and Science the High Commissioner had come to an opinion that regulations adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science would correspond to international norms and interests of national minorities. This answer was very diplomatic, but it could be noticed easily that that Max van der Stoel does not reject the FHRIUL statement. The main task of a law is to provide guarantees which do not depend on political situation and ruling parties. And the High Commissioner thinks that this law does not provide such guarantees. ), that one of the most typical features of this law was that it gave a lot of authority to the executive institution for decision making. Theoretically it could lead to a situation that authorities established norms contradictory to international conventions, but after a meeting with the Minister of Education and Science the High Commissioner had come to an opinion that regulations adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science would correspond to international norms and interests of national minorities. This answer was very diplomatic, but it could be noticed easily that that Max van der Stoel does not reject the FHRIUL statement. The main task of a law is to provide guarantees which do not depend on political situation and ruling parties. And the High Commissioner thinks that this law does not provide such guarantees.
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