May 21, 1994

Press Review

On May 20 President Ulmanis attended the opening of the new office of the New-York Mission of the Latvian Representatives to the UN. During the ceremony Mr.Ulmanis underlined the role played by the UN in the process of negotiations between Latvia and Russia.

On May 20 President Ulmanis attended the opening of the new office of the New-York Mission of the Latvian Representatives to the UN. During the ceremony Mr.Ulmanis underlined the role played by the UN in the process of negotiations between Latvia and Russia. Neatkariga

Russia is planning to touch upon the issue of territorial claims during the meeting of the Council of Baltic Sea States on May 24-25. Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev has stressed that in accordance with the CSCE principles the Baltic states should not put forward any territorial claims towards Russia irrespective of any historical reasons for such claims.

Russia is planning to touch upon the issue of territorial claims during the meeting of the Council of Baltic Sea States on May 24-25. Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev has stressed that in accordance with the CSCE principles the Baltic states should not put forward any territorial claims towards Russia irrespective of any historical reasons for such claims. Panorama Latvii

One of the members of Lithuanian Parliament in his interview for DIENA referred to the way ethnic Lithuanians were terated in Latvia as "racism". Member of the Committee for Human Rights and Ethnic Issues Mr.Rimantas Markauskas stressed that ethnic Lithuanians did not have any chances of receiving Latvian citizenship. There are around 35,000 ethnic Lithuanians currently residing in Latvia most of whom arrived to the country after being deported from their native country since Soviet laws banned them from returning to Lithuania. Lithuanian Parliament received a letter from the Lithuanian Embassy to Latvia pointing at various bureaucratic difficulties faced by ethnic Lithuanians including the non-implementation of court decrees by the CID. As one of the possible solutions of the problem the embassy suggests that since there is no alien law in Latvia all foreigners should have rights equal with citizens except for political rights.

One of the members of Lithuanian Parliament in his interview for DIENA referred to the way ethnic Lithuanians were terated in Latvia as "racism". Member of the Committee for Human Rights and Ethnic Issues Mr.Rimantas Markauskas stressed that ethnic Lithuanians did not have any chances of receiving Latvian citizenship. There are around 35,000 ethnic Lithuanians currently residing in Latvia most of whom arrived to the country after being deported from their native country since Soviet laws banned them from returning to Lithuania. Lithuanian Parliament received a letter from the Lithuanian Embassy to Latvia pointing at various bureaucratic difficulties faced by ethnic Lithuanians including the non-implementation of court decrees by the CID. As one of the possible solutions of the problem the embassy suggests that since there is no alien law in Latvia all foreigners should have rights equal with citizens except for political rights. Diena

Indulis Berzins of "Latvijas Cels" analyzes the political situation before the local elections in his article for DIENA. He stresses that due to the splitting of several parties it will be difficult to name a party that actually wins the campaign. He points out that certain nationalistic organizations are trying to politicize the elections. Still, he believes that the main objective of the elections is to form self-government bodies that will be able to co-operate with the government.

Indulis Berzins of "Latvijas Cels" analyzes the political situation before the local elections in his article for DIENA. He stresses that due to the splitting of several parties it will be difficult to name a party that actually wins the campaign. He points out that certain nationalistic organizations are trying to politicize the elections. Still, he believes that the main objective of the elections is to form self-government bodies that will be able to co-operate with the government.

May 20, 1994

Press Review

During his press-conference on May 19 before his departure for the USA President Ulmanis referred to the article in "AL-KOD" as the greatest provocation against Latvia and its president. As the main points of the curriculum of his trip to the United States Mr.Ulmanis pointed out meetings with the Secretary General of the UN and the President of the US. On top of the agenda of the meeting with Mr.Clinton will be the analysis of the agreement between Latvia and Russia. He also noted that recent decisions taken by the Farmers' Union had complicated the political situation within the governing coalition.

During his press-conference on May 19 before his departure for the USA President Ulmanis referred to the article in "AL-KOD" as the greatest provocation against Latvia and its president. As the main points of the curriculum of his trip to the United States Mr.Ulmanis pointed out meetings with the Secretary General of the UN and the President of the US. On top of the agenda of the meeting with Mr.Clinton will be the analysis of the agreement between Latvia and Russia. He also noted that recent decisions taken by the Farmers' Union had complicated the political situation within the governing coalition. Diena, Labrit

Saeima has adopted the last reading of the law on the KGB documents but still has not made any decision on the mandates of the five deputies accused in KGB connections. It is possible that the mandates will be restored upon a special decree before the final court decision. The law will allow to investigate the collaboration of individuals with the KGB and will make it possible to start criminal proceedings against persons who committed crimes during such collaboration.

Saeima has adopted the last reading of the law on the KGB documents but still has not made any decision on the mandates of the five deputies accused in KGB connections. It is possible that the mandates will be restored upon a special decree before the final court decision. The law will allow to investigate the collaboration of individuals with the KGB and will make it possible to start criminal proceedings against persons who committed crimes during such collaboration. Diena

Prime-Minister Birkavs during his meeting with journalists said that any changes in the government would be made only in case it was necessary to provide the stability of the government and the state. He added that ministers accused in collaboration with the KGB could be replaced only upon a corresponding court decree.

Prime-Minister Birkavs during his meeting with journalists said that any changes in the government would be made only in case it was necessary to provide the stability of the government and the state. He added that ministers accused in collaboration with the KGB could be replaced only upon a corresponding court decree. Diena, Neatkariga

Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr.Andreyev's vacation has been prolonged. According to acting Minister Mr.Levits Mr.Andreyevs has not made up his mind whether to resign or not. Still, his resignation is quite possible.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr.Andreyev's vacation has been prolonged. According to acting Minister Mr.Levits Mr.Andreyevs has not made up his mind whether to resign or not. Still, his resignation is quite possible. Diena

The interview of CID Director Mr.Ints Zitars for SM SEVODNYA focuses on family reunion problems. He points at certain contradictions in the existing legislation causing the situation when the Department issues expulsion orders to spouses of non-citizens who have permanent "propiska". Still, he stresses that his institution acts in accordance with the existing law and notes that the law or, to be more precise, the absence of a proper law, works against such persons. Mr.Zitars informed the journalists that the CID was working out an instruction stating that persons having no army connections living in KECH houses should be registered on a regular basis. another instruction will order to register hostel inhabitants with hostel propiska dated earlier than February 14, 1989, on a regular basis as well.

The interview of CID Director Mr.Ints Zitars for SM SEVODNYA focuses on family reunion problems. He points at certain contradictions in the existing legislation causing the situation when the Department issues expulsion orders to spouses of non-citizens who have permanent "propiska". Still, he stresses that his institution acts in accordance with the existing law and notes that the law or, to be more precise, the absence of a proper law, works against such persons. Mr.Zitars informed the journalists that the CID was working out an instruction stating that persons having no army connections living in KECH houses should be registered on a regular basis. another instruction will order to register hostel inhabitants with hostel propiska dated earlier than February 14, 1989, on a regular basis as well. SM Segodnya

May 19, 1994

Press Review

Premier Chernomirdin's visit to Latvia has been postponed until June. According to Secretary of the Russian delegation to the talks with Latvia Mr.Andreyev the reason for that was the fact that the documents to be signed by the Prime-Ministers have not been prepared yet. Head of the Russian delegation to the talks Mr.Zotov stressed that Latvia would receive the note on the most favored nation's status by the end of May. The status will come into force on June 1 irrespective of the date of Chernomirdin's visit. Mr.Zotov also informed "DIENA" that Russian and Latvian working groups would probably have a meeting in Riga the following week. The groups are expected to work out the declaration on the principles for economic relations to be signed by the Prime-Ministers.

Premier Chernomirdin's visit to Latvia has been postponed until June. According to Secretary of the Russian delegation to the talks with Latvia Mr.Andreyev the reason for that was the fact that the documents to be signed by the Prime-Ministers have not been prepared yet. Head of the Russian delegation to the talks Mr.Zotov stressed that Latvia would receive the note on the most favored nation's status by the end of May. The status will come into force on June 1 irrespective of the date of Chernomirdin's visit. Mr.Zotov also informed "DIENA" that Russian and Latvian working groups would probably have a meeting in Riga the following week. The groups are expected to work out the declaration on the principles for economic relations to be signed by the Prime-Ministers. Diena

In his article in "DIENA" Mr.Juris Dobelis of LNNK analyzes the troop withdrawal process. He points out that some of the units distributed in Latvia have submitted the lists for the extension of residence permits for the staff. The author also notes that the withdrawal schedule is not complete and includes only one fifth of the miliary installations actually deployed in Latvia. He stresses that even if Russia succeeds in withdrawing the navy before June 1 it will not manage to withdraw the navy personnel by that time. He also complains about the lack of information on the apartments currently occupied by the Russian military.

In his article in "DIENA" Mr.Juris Dobelis of LNNK analyzes the troop withdrawal process. He points out that some of the units distributed in Latvia have submitted the lists for the extension of residence permits for the staff. The author also notes that the withdrawal schedule is not complete and includes only one fifth of the miliary installations actually deployed in Latvia. He stresses that even if Russia succeeds in withdrawing the navy before June 1 it will not manage to withdraw the navy personnel by that time. He also complains about the lack of information on the apartments currently occupied by the Russian military. Diena

President Ulmanis left for the USA to meet the Secretary General of the United Nations. He will also have a meeting with Bill Clinton and visit Chicago.

President Ulmanis left for the USA to meet the Secretary General of the United Nations. He will also have a meeting with Bill Clinton and visit Chicago. Labrit

Executives of the Procurator's Office of Latvia and the Center for the Problems of Totalitarism have called the information printed by a Russian-Palestinian newspaper "AL-KOD" to be a "falsification". The article states that President Ulmanis worked as a KGB agent in Soviet times. Yesterday President Ulmanis invited Russian Ambassador Rannih and passed him a letter addressed to the Procurator General of Russia. The letter demanded to take all possible measures to revoke the information. Legal executives also called "irrelevant" the information spread by the "Gazeta" agency and reprinted by "LABRIT" on May 5 stating that another five deputies had been involved with the KGB including Kostanda, Bukovskis, and Cepanis.

Executives of the Procurator's Office of Latvia and the Center for the Problems of Totalitarism have called the information printed by a Russian-Palestinian newspaper "AL-KOD" to be a "falsification". The article states that President Ulmanis worked as a KGB agent in Soviet times. Yesterday President Ulmanis invited Russian Ambassador Rannih and passed him a letter addressed to the Procurator General of Russia. The letter demanded to take all possible measures to revoke the information. Legal executives also called "irrelevant" the information spread by the "Gazeta" agency and reprinted by "LABRIT" on May 5 stating that another five deputies had been involved with the KGB including Kostanda, Bukovskis, and Cepanis. Diena

Minister for Human Rights Mr.Olafs Bruvers, Legal Consultant of the Ministry Mr.Ivars Krievans, and Ziemele District Court Executive Mrs.Gunta Liepina visited the CID Ziemele District Office. The reason of the visit was a regular non-implementation of court decrees by the office. Head of the Office Mr.Kirsis refused to have a meeting with the Minister. One of the inspectors agreed to have a talk with the Minister after one hour. As a result most of the court decrees were implemented by the office.

Minister for Human Rights Mr.Olafs Bruvers, Legal Consultant of the Ministry Mr.Ivars Krievans, and Ziemele District Court Executive Mrs.Gunta Liepina visited the CID Ziemele District Office. The reason of the visit was a regular non-implementation of court decrees by the office. Head of the Office Mr.Kirsis refused to have a meeting with the Minister. One of the inspectors agreed to have a talk with the Minister after one hour. As a result most of the court decrees were implemented by the office. Panorama Latvii

May 18, 1994

Press Review

A seminar for military attaches organized by the Ministry of Defence of Latvia. Latvian officials delivered reports on defence, economics, and human rights issues and citizenship. On May 17 the participants visited the Skrunda radar. The Ministry of Defence is planning to organize annual meeting of this type.

A seminar for military attaches organized by the Ministry of Defence of Latvia. Latvian officials delivered reports on defence, economics, and human rights issues and citizenship. On May 17 the participants visited the Skrunda radar. The Ministry of Defence is planning to organize annual meeting of this type. Diena

During the visit of Prime-Minister Birkavs to Finland the Government of the country expressed its support for the Skrunda Foundation for the dismantling of the radar and the repatriation of pensioned officers. The amount that will be contributed by Finland to the foundation has not been discussed yet.

During the visit of Prime-Minister Birkavs to Finland the Government of the country expressed its support for the Skrunda Foundation for the dismantling of the radar and the repatriation of pensioned officers. The amount that will be contributed by Finland to the foundation has not been discussed yet. Diena

The Ministry of Economics has prepared the rules for the contest for the contract for the dismantling of the new building of the Skrunda radar. The objective of the contest is to select a Latvian company that will dismantle the facility at the lowest costs possible.

The Ministry of Economics has prepared the rules for the contest for the contract for the dismantling of the new building of the Skrunda radar. The objective of the contest is to select a Latvian company that will dismantle the facility at the lowest costs possible. Labrit

During the meeting of the Council of the Farmers' Federation of Latvia on May 17 a resolution on the continuation of the negotiations with the Government on further participation of the Farmers' Union in the governing coalition was adopted. The issues under negotiation will include economical demands of farmers focused on the protection of the domestic market. The idea of the poll on the extraordinary elections to the Saeima was not supported by the Council.

During the meeting of the Council of the Farmers' Federation of Latvia on May 17 a resolution on the continuation of the negotiations with the Government on further participation of the Farmers' Union in the governing coalition was adopted. The issues under negotiation will include economical demands of farmers focused on the protection of the domestic market. The idea of the poll on the extraordinary elections to the Saeima was not supported by the Council. Diena, Rigas Balss

According to the Head of the Legal Commission of the Saeima Aivars Endzins the voting for the re-election of the Saeima planned by the Union of Nationalist Forces contradicts Satversme. New elections can be held only after the dismissal of the current parliament by the President. LNNK spokesmen said that the draft law on the extraordinary election would be submitted in accordance with Article 78 of Satversme. Aigars Jirgens of "Tevzemei un Brivibai" admitted that the draft law did not fully comply with Satversme but also did not contradict it.

According to the Head of the Legal Commission of the Saeima Aivars Endzins the voting for the re-election of the Saeima planned by the Union of Nationalist Forces contradicts Satversme. New elections can be held only after the dismissal of the current parliament by the President. LNNK spokesmen said that the draft law on the extraordinary election would be submitted in accordance with Article 78 of Satversme. Aigars Jirgens of "Tevzemei un Brivibai" admitted that the draft law did not fully comply with Satversme but also did not contradict it. Diena, Labrit

The Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes have considered around 12,000 candidates nominated for local elections. Around 120 candidates were mentioned in the KGB files. According to the Head of the Commission it is hard to name the party having the greatest number of candidates formerly involved with the KGB. 

The Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes have considered around 12,000 candidates nominated for local elections. Around 120 candidates were mentioned in the KGB files. According to the Head of the Commission it is hard to name the party having the greatest number of candidates formerly involved with the KGB.Diena

May 17, 1994

Press Review

President Ulmanis is leaving for the United States to meet with the Secretary General of the UN. It also possible that Mr.Ulmanis will have a meeting with the US President.

President Ulmanis is leaving for the United States to meet with the Secretary General of the UN. It also possible that Mr.Ulmanis will have a meeting with the US President. Diena

Votes in favor of the extraordinary election to the Saeima will be collected on the day of local elections. 10,000 signatures of voters should be collected for the Central Electoral Commission to announce the voting for the draft law on the extraordinary election to the Sixth Saeima. To submit the document to the Saeima around 125,000 votes should be gathered. In case the Saeima does not adopt the draft it will be voted on during a nation-wide referendum.

Votes in favor of the extraordinary election to the Saeima will be collected on the day of local elections. 10,000 signatures of voters should be collected for the Central Electoral Commission to announce the voting for the draft law on the extraordinary election to the Sixth Saeima. To submit the document to the Saeima around 125,000 votes should be gathered. In case the Saeima does not adopt the draft it will be voted on during a nation-wide referendum. Diena, SM Segodnya

The Second Conference of the "Equal Rights" movement was held last Sunday. In his speech Philip Stroganov, the leader of the Saeima fraction stressed that the Constitution was not observed in Latvia and that dictate dominated in the Parliament. He also predicted the adoption of an undemocratic citizenship law. Movement leader Dimanis forecasted the strengthening of nationalist forces. Both speakers expressed hope for the success of the Socialist Party.

The Second Conference of the "Equal Rights" movement was held last Sunday. In his speech Philip Stroganov, the leader of the Saeima fraction stressed that the Constitution was not observed in Latvia and that dictate dominated in the Parliament. He also predicted the adoption of an undemocratic citizenship law. Movement leader Dimanis forecasted the strengthening of nationalist forces. Both speakers expressed hope for the success of the Socialist Party. SM Segodnja, PL

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