May 4, 1994

Press Review

According to the Bureau for the Monitoring of Troop Withdrawal it is possible to withdraw 7 thousand Russian servicemen before August 31 as determined by the agreement signed in Moscow. The Chief of the bureau Mr.Upmalis was surprised by the figure of 12 thousand named by the Russian side at the meeting in Moscow which differs from the information of the bureau.

According to the Bureau for the Monitoring of Troop Withdrawal it is possible to withdraw 7 thousand Russian servicemen before August 31 as determined by the agreement signed in Moscow. The Chief of the bureau Mr.Upmalis was surprised by the figure of 12 thousand named by the Russian side at the meeting in Moscow which differs from the information of the bureau. Diena

Import taxes on Latvian goods will be reduced by 50% after the coming into force of the agreement on the favored nation status. Russia has to adopt the note of confirmation of the agreement.

Import taxes on Latvian goods will be reduced by 50% after the coming into force of the agreement on the favored nation status. Russia has to adopt the note of confirmation of the agreement. Diena

The presidents of the tree Baltic states had a meeting in Jurmala yesterday. On top of the agenda were the agreements signed in Moscow and further relations of the three states with Russia. Lithuanian President Brazauskas highly evaluated the agreements on troop withdrawal.

The presidents of the tree Baltic states had a meeting in Jurmala yesterday. On top of the agenda were the agreements signed in Moscow and further relations of the three states with Russia. Lithuanian President Brazauskas highly evaluated the agreements on troop withdrawal. Diena

On May 3 Russian President's Office confirmed that Mr.Yeltsin was planning to visit Latvia "in the nearest future". Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin is expected to visit Latvia in May.

On May 3 Russian President's Office confirmed that Mr.Yeltsin was planning to visit Latvia "in the nearest future". Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin is expected to visit Latvia in May. Neatkariga, Cina

US President Clinton congratulated the presidents of Russia and Latvia in connection with the signing of the agreement on troop withdrawal. He referred to the agreement as an important contribution to the maintenance of international security.

US President Clinton congratulated the presidents of Russia and Latvia in connection with the signing of the agreement on troop withdrawal. He referred to the agreement as an important contribution to the maintenance of international security. Neatkariga, Cina

Saeima is expected to consider the law on the use of the KGB documents in its second reading during its plenary meeting on May 5. All five cases may be considered in court within three months after the adoption of the law if sufficient evidences were collected. The demand for the cancellation of the Saeima decision on the suspension of the mandates signed by five other deputies could be voted on tomorrow.

Saeima is expected to consider the law on the use of the KGB documents in its second reading during its plenary meeting on May 5. All five cases may be considered in court within three months after the adoption of the law if sufficient evidences were collected. The demand for the cancellation of the Saeima decision on the suspension of the mandates signed by five other deputies could be voted on tomorrow. Diena

On May 3 "Latvijas Cels" and "Farmers' Union" fractions which form the governing coalition held a joint meeting. The subject of the discussion was the draft citizenship law. The FU fraction did not agree to certain points of the law associated with the quota principle. Four LC deputies suggested their amendments to the draft regarding naturalization quotas. It is not known to the press whether LC agreed to the demands put forward by their coalition partners.

On May 3 "Latvijas Cels" and "Farmers' Union" fractions which form the governing coalition held a joint meeting. The subject of the discussion was the draft citizenship law. The FU fraction did not agree to certain points of the law associated with the quota principle. Four LC deputies suggested their amendments to the draft regarding naturalization quotas. It is not known to the press whether LC agreed to the demands put forward by their coalition partners. Labrit

May 3, 1994

Press Review

Most of the Saeima fraction gave positive evaluation of the agreements signed in Moscow. Still, they believe that a prompt ratification is not necessary since several articles come into power upon being signed by the two sides. The general opinion is that Saeima should wait for reaction on the part of the Russian Parliament. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" representatives criticized the agreements and pointed out that they had not abandoned the idea of demanding the dismissal of Saeima in case the agreements were ratified. The LNNK fraction had to study the agreements, said its spokesman Mr.Lambergs. He added that the negative attitude of the fraction to the agreements would most probably remain unchanged and doubted the possibility of their ratification by the Russian Parliament. "Latviajs Cels" leader Andrejs Pantelejevs noted that a meeting of the representatives of commissions for foreign affairs of both parliaments is necessary before the ratification. The Head of the Legal Commission of the Saeima Mr.Aivars Endzins explained that according to the law on international agreements the ratification of an agreement should be preceded by three readings. Mr.Janis Jurkans, the Leader of the "People's Harmony" party stressed the importance of the denouncement of stalinist repression in Latvia and insisted that the agreements should be ratified without waiting for the reaction of the Russian Parliament. "Saskana Latvijai" according to its leader Mr.Edvin Kide especially welcomes the agreement on a favorable nation's status and will suggest to wait for the response of the Russian Duma. A "Farmers' Union" spokesman said that the party supported the signing of the agreements and so it would also favor the ratification. Mrs.Ilga Grava of Democratic party was not sure about the attitude her party would take. Still, she noted that her party had denounced the agreement on pensioned officers. Christian Democrats will vote against the ratification. "Equal Rights" deputies informed the press that their fraction would act in support of the ratification. DIENA has interviewed most influential political groups outside Saeima. Deputy-leader of Social Democrats approved of the compromise achieved but stressed that a further pressure on the part of Russia could be quite possible which could result in a government crisis. Chairman of the "Popular Front" Mr.Augstkalns criticized the Government for keeping the details of the agreement and the protocol on pensioned officers secret. Co-Chairmen of the Green Party Mr.Batarevskis refused to give any comments on the agreement explaining that neither he nor his party had studied the protocol on pensioned officers.

Most of the Saeima fraction gave positive evaluation of the agreements signed in Moscow. Still, they believe that a prompt ratification is not necessary since several articles come into power upon being signed by the two sides. The general opinion is that Saeima should wait for reaction on the part of the Russian Parliament. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" representatives criticized the agreements and pointed out that they had not abandoned the idea of demanding the dismissal of Saeima in case the agreements were ratified. The LNNK fraction had to study the agreements, said its spokesman Mr.Lambergs. He added that the negative attitude of the fraction to the agreements would most probably remain unchanged and doubted the possibility of their ratification by the Russian Parliament. "Latviajs Cels" leader Andrejs Pantelejevs noted that a meeting of the representatives of commissions for foreign affairs of both parliaments is necessary before the ratification. The Head of the Legal Commission of the Saeima Mr.Aivars Endzins explained that according to the law on international agreements the ratification of an agreement should be preceded by three readings. Mr.Janis Jurkans, the Leader of the "People's Harmony" party stressed the importance of the denouncement of stalinist repression in Latvia and insisted that the agreements should be ratified without waiting for the reaction of the Russian Parliament. "Saskana Latvijai" according to its leader Mr.Edvin Kide especially welcomes the agreement on a favorable nation's status and will suggest to wait for the response of the Russian Duma. A "Farmers' Union" spokesman said that the party supported the signing of the agreements and so it would also favor the ratification. Mrs.Ilga Grava of Democratic party was not sure about the attitude her party would take. Still, she noted that her party had denounced the agreement on pensioned officers.Christian Democrats will vote against the ratification. "Equal Rights" deputies informed the press that their fraction would act in support of the ratification. DIENA has interviewed most influential political groups outside Saeima. Deputy-leader of Social Democrats approved of the compromise achieved but stressed that a further pressure on the part of Russia could be quite possible which could result in a government crisis. Chairman of the "Popular Front" Mr.Augstkalns criticized the Government for keeping the details of the agreement and the protocol on pensioned officers secret. Co-Chairmen of the Green Party Mr.Batarevskis refused to give any comments on the agreement explaining that neither he nor his party had studied the protocol on pensioned officers. Diena

27 Saeima deputies signed a letter addressed to the Council of Europe, the CSCE, and the CSCE Mission to Riga pointing at a certain lack of understanding of the situation in Latvia shown by those organizations and their recommendations regarding the citizenship law and possible naturalization conditions. The letter calls upon the nations and international bodies to discuss and support repatriation of individuals who had arrived to the country during occupation and to leave it to the citizens of Latvia to determine naturalization conditions. The letter has been signed by representatives of LNNK, "Tevzemei un Brivibai", Mr.Leiskalns and Mr.Cepanis of the Democratic Party, Mr.Tomins, Mr.Grigs, Mr.Kalnins of the Farmers' Union, Mrs.Rugate and Mrs.Predele of the Christian Democrats, and independent deputy Mr.Saulitis. The letter says that the above-mentioned deputies are not satisfied with the draft citizenship law adopted by the Saeima in its first reading and have prepared an alternative draft to be signed by one tenth of the deputies and presented to the Saeima.

27 Saeima deputies signed a letter addressed to the Council of Europe, the CSCE, and the CSCE Mission to Riga pointing at a certain lack of understanding of the situation in Latvia shown by those organizations and their recommendations regarding the citizenship law and possible naturalization conditions. The letter calls upon the nations and international bodies to discuss and support repatriation of individuals who had arrived to the country during occupation and to leave it to the citizens of Latvia to determine naturalization conditions. The letter has been signed by representatives of LNNK, "Tevzemei un Brivibai", Mr.Leiskalns and Mr.Cepanis of the Democratic Party, Mr.Tomins, Mr.Grigs, Mr.Kalnins of the Farmers' Union, Mrs.Rugate and Mrs.Predele of the Christian Democrats, and independent deputy Mr.Saulitis. The letter says that the above-mentioned deputies are not satisfied with the draft citizenship law adopted by the Saeima in its first reading and have prepared an alternative draft to be signed by one tenth of the deputies and presented to the Saeima. Diena, Labrit

It is possible that Saeima will reconsider the suspension of the five mandates. This issue will be included into the agenda on the request Karlis Leiskalns (Democratic Party), Velta Purina (LNNK), Ilmars Dalins (Tevzemei un Brivibai), Andrejs Pantelejevs and Maris Graudins (Latvijas Cels).

It is possible that Saeima will reconsider the suspension of the five mandates. This issue will be included into the agenda on the request Karlis Leiskalns (Democratic Party), Velta Purina (LNNK), Ilmars Dalins (Tevzemei un Brivibai), Andrejs Pantelejevs and Maris Graudins (Latvijas Cels). Diena

In his interview for DIENA Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr.Georgs Andrejevs said that he would not resign unless the Prime-Minister decides so. He stressed that the KGB scandal was started in order to prevent the signing of the agreements with Russia after the majority of the deputies voted in support of the Government. As for his possible collaboration with the KGB he explained that his work had been connected with high medical technologies and his name was included into the secret files as well as the names of other well-known scientists. He pointed out that sometimes Western politicians and international bodies could not fully understand the attitude of Latvia towards the agreement with Russia after the infamous decree by President Yeltsin. He pointed out that such understanding had been achieved which is proved by the readiness of several Western countries to finance the repatriation plan for pensioned officers. He stressed that the only way for Latvia to make its way into the Union of Europe was to agree to "unpleasant compromises."

In his interview for DIENA Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr.Georgs Andrejevs said that he would not resign unless the Prime-Minister decides so. He stressed that the KGB scandal was started in order to prevent the signing of the agreements with Russia after the majority of the deputies voted in support of the Government. As for his possible collaboration with the KGB he explained that his work had been connected with high medical technologies and his name was included into the secret files as well as the names of other well-known scientists. He pointed out that sometimes Western politicians and international bodies could not fully understand the attitude of Latvia towards the agreement with Russia after the infamous decree by President Yeltsin. He pointed out that such understanding had been achieved which is proved by the readiness of several Western countries to finance the repatriation plan for pensioned officers. He stressed that the only way for Latvia to make its way into the Union of Europe was to agree to "unpleasant compromises." Diena

April 30, 1994

Press Review

According to the BNS news agency Latvia is insisting on 130 million dollar compensation for Skrunda that could be covered by supplying natural gas. The extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the draft agreements and the protocol to the fourth agreement on April 29. The agreements and the protocol are expected to be signed during President Ulmanis' visit to Moscow on April 30.

According to the BNS news agency Latvia is insisting on 130 million dollar compensation for Skrunda that could be covered by supplying natural gas. The extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the draft agreements and the protocol to the fourth agreement on April 29. The agreements and the protocol are expected to be signed during President Ulmanis' visit to Moscow on April 30. Diena

According to Prime-Minister Birkavs the decision on the suspension of the mandates of the five deputies of the Saeima may be canceled. He pointed out that the suspension of the mandates had not been provided for by Satversme. He informed the press that the Latvian delegation would ask Russian side for the documents of the Latvian KGB.

According to Prime-Minister Birkavs the decision on the suspension of the mandates of the five deputies of the Saeima may be canceled. He pointed out that the suspension of the mandates had not been provided for by Satversme. He informed the press that the Latvian delegation would ask Russian side for the documents of the Latvian KGB. Diena

In his interview for DIENA Prime-Minister Birkavs said that the second reading of the draft citizenship law will be considered in the end of May. He stressed the citizenship law should be adopted after the signing of the agreements with Russia. The Legal Commission of the Saeima has suspended the consideration of the draft until the consultations between fractions on the law are accomplished. According to Mr.Grinbalts of "Tevzemei un Brivibai" the Association of National Organizations still does not exclude the possibility of submitting the alternative draft citizenship law to the nation-wide referendum. The draft has been worked out by the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" fraction. 

In his interview for DIENA Prime-Minister Birkavs said that the second reading of the draft citizenship law will be considered in the end of May. He stressed the citizenship law should be adopted after the signing of the agreements with Russia. The Legal Commission of the Saeima has suspended the consideration of the draft until the consultations between fractions on the law are accomplished. According to Mr.Grinbalts of "Tevzemei un Brivibai" the Association of National Organizations still does not exclude the possibility of submitting the alternative draft citizenship law to the nation-wide referendum. The draft has been worked out by the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" fraction.Diena

On April 29 during the press-conference of the League of the Stateless Individuals it was announced that the poll will be held in order to nominate the representatives of the stateless inhabitants of Latvia. Mr.Tsilevich stressed that the refusal to register the League by the Ministry of Justice would not force it to stop its activities.

On April 29 during the press-conference of the League of the Stateless Individuals it was announced that the poll will be held in order to nominate the representatives of the stateless inhabitants of Latvia. Mr.Tsilevich stressed that the refusal to register the League by the Ministry of Justice would not force it to stop its activities. Panorama Latvii

April 29, 1994

Press Review

During his meeting with Ambassador Rannikh President Ulmanis confirmed his readiness to meet in Moscow with President Yeltsin. The participants of the Latvian delegation to Moscow have not been named yet. It also has not been decided whether one person sign all four documents. During the meeting between the Ambassador and the President on March 28 both sides agreed that there were certain political forces both in Latvia and in Russia exercising pressure on expert groups. According to President Ulmanis' office both sides are prepared for the signing of the agreements. The date of the visit is expected to be announced on April 29. According to RADIO RIGAI Minister of Justice Levits failed to agree on the date of the visit during the meetings he had in Moscow.

During his meeting with Ambassador Rannikh President Ulmanis confirmed his readiness to meet in Moscow with President Yeltsin. The participants of the Latvian delegation to Moscow have not been named yet. It also has not been decided whether one person sign all four documents. During the meeting between the Ambassador and the President on March 28 both sides agreed that there were certain political forces both in Latvia and in Russia exercising pressure on expert groups. According to President Ulmanis' office both sides are prepared for the signing of the agreements. The date of the visit is expected to be announced on April 29. According to RADIO RIGAI Minister of Justice Levits failed to agree on the date of the visit during the meetings he had in Moscow. Diena, Labrit

On April 28 the Swedish Prime-Minister Carl Bildt informed Prime-Minister Birkavs that Sweden had allotted one million dollars for the dismantling of the Skrunda radar and another million for the repatriation of pensioned officers. During a press-conference Mr.Birkavs noted that other Western countries also promised to render their financial assistance.

On April 28 the Swedish Prime-Minister Carl Bildt informed Prime-Minister Birkavs that Sweden had allotted one million dollars for the dismantling of the Skrunda radar and another million for the repatriation of pensioned officers. During a press-conference Mr.Birkavs noted that other Western countries also promised to render their financial assistance. Diena, Labrit

A USAID representative informed the press about the construction projects financed by the USA. The aim of the project is to provide housing for Russian officers retired from the units distributed in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe. In addition special certificates will be issued to cover the costs of apartments and houses purchased by the officers. The total amount allotted to the project will exceed 160 million dollars.

A USAID representative informed the press about the construction projects financed by the USA. The aim of the project is to provide housing for Russian officers retired from the units distributed in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe. In addition special certificates will be issued to cover the costs of apartments and houses purchased by the officers. The total amount allotted to the project will exceed 160 million dollars. Neatkariga, Diena

On April 28 Saeima suspended the mandates of the five deputies who are suspected in collaborating with the KGB. A prompt adoption of the law on the use of the KGB documents was suggested. The deputies will not take part in the parliament proceedings until the decision by the court based upon the above-mentioned law is made. The suspension of the five mandates will destroy the balance in Saeima since the governing coalition does not have the majority anymore.

On April 28 Saeima suspended the mandates of the five deputies who are suspected in collaborating with the KGB. A prompt adoption of the law on the use of the KGB documents was suggested. The deputies will not take part in the parliament proceedings until the decision by the court based upon the above-mentioned law is made. The suspension of the five mandates will destroy the balance in Saeima since the governing coalition does not have the majority anymore. Diena

Today a three-day conference on ethnic relations starts in Latvia. The objective of the event is to promote a dialogue between ethnic groups and to provide an opportunity to representatives of different parties and organizations to express their attitude to the current ethnic situation and suggest their own visions of its possible development.

Today a three-day conference on ethnic relations starts in Latvia. The objective of the event is to promote a dialogue between ethnic groups and to provide an opportunity to representatives of different parties and organizations to express their attitude to the current ethnic situation and suggest their own visions of its possible development. SM Segodnja

April 28, 1994

Press Review

The date of the meeting of the presidents of Latvia and Russia will depend on the date of the accomplishment of the negotiations over the agreement on social guarantees for Russian pensioned officers, said the Head of the Russian delegation Mr.Zotov. Still, according to the Deputy-Head of the Latvian delegation Mr.Virsis the result achieved by the expert groups will not determine the date of the meeting. Mr.Zotov said that Russian side would take into consideration several proposals put forward by Latvia and try to find suitable compromises. Still, according to ITAR-TASS Mr.Zotov stated on Tuesday that Russia would probably suspend the troop withdrawal in case the agreement were not signed before mid-May.

The date of the meeting of the presidents of Latvia and Russia will depend on the date of the accomplishment of the negotiations over the agreement on social guarantees for Russian pensioned officers, said the Head of the Russian delegation Mr.Zotov. Still, according to the Deputy-Head of the Latvian delegation Mr.Virsis the result achieved by the expert groups will not determine the date of the meeting. Mr.Zotov said that Russian side would take into consideration several proposals put forward by Latvia and try to find suitable compromises. Still, according to ITAR-TASS Mr.Zotov stated on Tuesday that Russia would probably suspend the troop withdrawal in case the agreement were not signed before mid-May. Diena, Labrit

President Ulmanis has received a letter from the Chancellor of Germany Mr.Köhl in support of the signing of the agreements with Russia. During his meeting with German Ambassador Mr.Ulmanis named Saturday this week as a possible day of his visit to Russia. He also mentioned the amendments to be introduced into the agreement on pensioned officers.

President Ulmanis has received a letter from the Chancellor of Germany Mr.Köhl in support of the signing of the agreements with Russia. During his meeting with German Ambassador Mr.Ulmanis named Saturday this week as a possible day of his visit to Russia. He also mentioned the amendments to be introduced into the agreement on pensioned officers. Labrit

On April 27 during a plenary meeting of the Saeima the Procurator General Janis Skrastins officially named the five Saeima deputies mentioned in the KGB agent files. The Saeima has to choose between two options. First option is to wait until the adoption of the law on the use of the KGB documents which will be the basis of a court decision on the annulment of deputy mandates. Other option is to annul the mandates upon by a Saeima decree in accordance with Article 18 of Satversme. Mr.Inkens informed the Saeima that he had applied for a suspension of his activities as a minister until the court decision is made. He is ready to take the post again if proved innocent. According to unofficial information Mr.Andreyevs have already asked for resignation. "Latvijas Cels", "Tevzemei un Brivibai", "Ravnopraviye", and Democratic party do not agree to annul the mandates without having sufficient proofs of the involvement of the deputies with the KGB. It was also suggested that the mandates could be suspended though such decision contradicts Satversme.

On April 27 during a plenary meeting of the Saeima the Procurator General Janis Skrastins officially named the five Saeima deputies mentioned in the KGB agent files. The Saeima has to choose between two options. First option is to wait until the adoption of the law on the use of the KGB documents which will be the basis of a court decision on the annulment of deputy mandates. Other option is to annul the mandates upon by a Saeima decree in accordance with Article 18 of Satversme. Mr.Inkens informed the Saeima that he had applied for a suspension of his activities as a minister until the court decision is made. He is ready to take the post again if proved innocent. According to unofficial information Mr.Andreyevs have already asked for resignation. "Latvijas Cels", "Tevzemei un Brivibai", "Ravnopraviye", and Democratic party do not agree to annul the mandates without having sufficient proofs of the involvement of the deputies with the KGB. It was also suggested that the mandates could be suspended though such decision contradicts Satversme. Labrit, Diena

The Deputy-Head of the "Latvijas Cels" fraction Indulis Berzins in his interview for LABRIT stated that LNNK and other nationalist political organizations tried to benefit from the KGB scandal and cause a government crisis which would result in agreements with Russia not being signed, the citizenship law not being adopted, and extraordinary elections being held.

The Deputy-Head of the "Latvijas Cels" fraction Indulis Berzins in his interview for LABRIT stated that LNNK and other nationalist political organizations tried to benefit from the KGB scandal and cause a government crisis which would result in agreements with Russia not being signed, the citizenship law not being adopted, and extraordinary elections being held. Labrit

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