May 16, 1994

Press Review

The Baltic Assembly supported the agreement between the tree Baltic states and approved of the idea of the Baltic Council that will provide the framework for the co-operation between the Baltic Assembly and the Baltic Council of Ministers. The Baltic Council of Ministers is expected to be founded in June this year in Tallinn. The resolution by the Assembly calls upon Russia to stop its pressure on Estonia and to set August 31 as the date of complete withdrawal of its troops. It was also stated in the resolution that pressure on any of the three countries would be considered a threat to all three Baltic states.

The Baltic Assembly supported the agreement between the tree Baltic states and approved of the idea of the Baltic Council that will provide the framework for the co-operation between the Baltic Assembly and the Baltic Council of Ministers. The Baltic Council of Ministers is expected to be founded in June this year in Tallinn. The resolution by the Assembly calls upon Russia to stop its pressure on Estonia and to set August 31 as the date of complete withdrawal of its troops. It was also stated in the resolution that pressure on any of the three countries would be considered a threat to all three Baltic states. Diena, Labrit, Neatkariga Cina

Talks between the Ministry of Defence officials and the US delegation were held on May 15. Head of the US delegation Deputy-Secretary of Defence Charles Freeman told journalists that the President's administration asked the Congress for financial aid to Latvia for the improvement of its defence system.

Talks between the Ministry of Defence officials and the US delegation were held on May 15. Head of the US delegation Deputy-Secretary of Defence Charles Freeman told journalists that the President's administration asked the Congress for financial aid to Latvia for the improvement of its defence system. Diena, Neatkariga

May 14, 1994

Press Review

On May 13 the forth session of the Baltic Assembly began in Kemeri. On top of the agenda of the plenary meeting there will be the co-operation with Council of Ministers of the Baltic States and the agreement on the Baltic Council to unite the Assembly and the Council of Ministers. In his speech delivered at the opening of the session Mr.Ulmanis stressed that co-operation between the three Baltic republics had a vital importance for the integration of those countries into Western Europe. He mentioned that Latvia had been criticized for the agreements concluded with Russia and pointed out that the objective of the agreement on pensioned officers was to solve the security issues and to define the legal status of retired servicemen.Chairman of the Presidium of the Baltic Assembly Maris Budovskis marked that the agreement between Latvia and Russia had "shattered the unity" of the Baltic states. The Presidium of the Baltic Assembly suggested to adopt a resolution in support of Estonia.

On May 13 the forth session of the Baltic Assembly began in Kemeri. On top of the agenda of the plenary meeting there will be the co-operation with Council of Ministers of the Baltic States and the agreement on the Baltic Council to unite the Assembly and the Council of Ministers. In his speech delivered at the opening of the session Mr.Ulmanis stressed that co-operation between the three Baltic republics had a vital importance for the integration of those countries into Western Europe. He mentioned that Latvia had been criticized for the agreements concluded with Russia and pointed out that the objective of the agreement on pensioned officers was to solve the security issues and to define the legal status of retired servicemen.Chairman of the Presidium of the Baltic Assembly Maris Budovskis marked that the agreement between Latvia and Russia had "shattered the unity" of the Baltic states. The Presidium of the Baltic Assembly suggested to adopt a resolution in support of Estonia. Diena, Neatkariga Cina, Labrit

During the extraordinary meeting the of the Cabinet of Ministers government representatives responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of troop withdrawal agreements were appointed. Prime-Minister Birkavs was appointed a chairman of the commission on the agreements. Commander of the Defence Force Dainis Turlais was appointed the deputy-chairman of the commission. He also will be the head of the Latvian part of the joint Latvian-Russian commission. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aivars Vovers was appointed a plenipotentiary for the implementation of the agreement on the legal status of the Skrunda radar station. Member of the Latvian delegation to the talks with Russia Eduards Ikvilds was appointed a plenipotentiary for the implementation of the agreement on pensioned officers. Minister of Defence Valdis Pavlovskis reported on the defence concept that was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers.

During the extraordinary meeting the of the Cabinet of Ministers government representatives responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of troop withdrawal agreements were appointed. Prime-Minister Birkavs was appointed a chairman of the commission on the agreements. Commander of the Defence Force Dainis Turlais was appointed the deputy-chairman of the commission. He also will be the head of the Latvian part of the joint Latvian-Russian commission. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aivars Vovers was appointed a plenipotentiary for the implementation of the agreement on the legal status of the Skrunda radar station. Member of the Latvian delegation to the talks with Russia Eduards Ikvilds was appointed a plenipotentiary for the implementation of the agreement on pensioned officers. Minister of Defence Valdis Pavlovskis reported on the defence concept that was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers. Diena, Labrit, Neatkariga Cina

The Council of the Union of Nationalist Forces adopted a draft law on the elections of the Sixth Saeima. According to the draft law the new Saeima should be elected after 60 days from the date of the adoption of the law. According to Satversme the draft law can be considered if supported by at least one tenth of the total number of voters. The Union of Nationalist Forces is planning to collect votes on May 29 on the day of local elections.

The Council of the Union of Nationalist Forces adopted a draft law on the elections of the Sixth Saeima. According to the draft law the new Saeima should be elected after 60 days from the date of the adoption of the law. According to Satversme the draft law can be considered if supported by at least one tenth of the total number of voters. The Union of Nationalist Forces is planning to collect votes on May 29 on the day of local elections. Labrit

May 13, 1994

Press Review

Deputy-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Egil Levits stressed at his press-conference that joining the West-European Union as an associated member opens the door to Union of Europe and NATO. He added that Latvia's membership in the West-European Union should be considered in the context of the participation in the Partnership for Peace program

Deputy-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Egil Levits stressed at his press-conference that joining the West-European Union as an associated member opens the door to Union of Europe and NATO. He added that Latvia's membership in the West-European Union should be considered in the context of the participation in the Partnership for Peace program. Diena

During a press-conference on May 12 Prime-Minister Birkavs pointed out that Latvia would obtain international guarantees of the implementation of the agreements with Russia by joining the Balladur plan. He also noted that France is undertaking serious efforts to involve Russia into the plan. During the talks in France the Latvian delegation emphasized that the problems of state borders and ethnic minorities should be discussed within the framework of the pact on the basis of historical facts associated with the occupation.

During a press-conference on May 12 Prime-Minister Birkavs pointed out that Latvia would obtain international guarantees of the implementation of the agreements with Russia by joining the Balladur plan. He also noted that France is undertaking serious efforts to involve Russia into the plan. During the talks in France the Latvian delegation emphasized that the problems of state borders and ethnic minorities should be discussed within the framework of the pact on the basis of historical facts associated with the occupation. Diena, Labrit

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Rannikh and Deputy-Commander of the North-Western Group Fyodor Melnichuk handed over a more precise schedule of troop withdrawal to Prime-Minister Birkavs. The schedule names exact dates of joint inspections of military units. According to Mr.Birkavs the data of schedule still does not coincide with the information on Russian military units at the disposal of the Bureau for the Monitoring of Troop Withdrawal. He also informed the journalists that the withdrawal of the navy would be accomplished before July 1.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Rannikh and Deputy-Commander of the North-Western Group Fyodor Melnichuk handed over a more precise schedule of troop withdrawal to Prime-Minister Birkavs. The schedule names exact dates of joint inspections of military units. According to Mr.Birkavs the data of schedule still does not coincide with the information on Russian military units at the disposal of the Bureau for the Monitoring of Troop Withdrawal. He also informed the journalists that the withdrawal of the navy would be accomplished before July 1. Diena, Labrit

Non-citizens are facing serious difficulties when going abroad since there is a shortage of former USSR travel passports at the disposal of the Ministry of Interior. Still, according to the Passport Department of the Ministry the situation will improve in several weeks.

Non-citizens are facing serious difficulties when going abroad since there is a shortage of former USSR travel passports at the disposal of the Ministry of Interior. Still, according to the Passport Department of the Ministry the situation will improve in several weeks. Labrit

SM Sevodnya published a statement of the League of Stateless Individuals. The league announces the ballot for the candidates to the representative body of the League. It is stressed in the statement that the League has no intention to create alternative government structures and its objective is to solve the problems of the stateless through a dialogue with everyone concerned. It is also said that the representative body is not a political union and its members do not represent any political parties. The 22 candidates include 4 citizens and 6 Latvians so it is not a Russian ethnic organization, says the statement.

SM Sevodnya published a statement of the League of Stateless Individuals. The league announces the ballot for the candidates to the representative body of the League. It is stressed in the statement that the League has no intention to create alternative government structures and its objective is to solve the problems of the stateless through a dialogue with everyone concerned. It is also said that the representative body is not a political union and its members do not represent any political parties. The 22 candidates include 4 citizens and 6 Latvians so it is not a Russian ethnic organization, says the statement.

May 12, 1994

Press Review

Talks between Estonia and Russia reached deadlock both regarding both humanitarian and military aspects. Head of the Russian delegation to the talks Mr.Svirin suggests that all four working groups should work on the proposals that could help to continue the talks.

Talks between Estonia and Russia reached deadlock both regarding both humanitarian and military aspects. Head of the Russian delegation to the talks Mr.Svirin suggests that all four working groups should work on the proposals that could help to continue the talks. Diena

The meeting of the governing coalition discussed candidatures for the position of the Director of the Bureau for the Protection of Satversme. According to the law the Director will also perform the duties of the Head of the Council of the State Security institutions.

The meeting of the governing coalition discussed candidatures for the position of the Director of the Bureau for the Protection of Satversme. According to the law the Director will also perform the duties of the Head of the Council of the State Security institutions. Diena

President Ulmanis has demanded reconsideration of Article 93 of the Law on Self-Government adopted on May 5. According to the article the chairman of a self-government body is to be relieved of his duties by the Minister for State Reforms while the President suggests that this should be done by the Cabinet of Ministers. In case Saeima does not agree to introduce the President's amendment he will have to agree to such decision.

President Ulmanis has demanded reconsideration of Article 93 of the Law on Self-Government adopted on May 5. According to the article the chairman of a self-government body is to be relieved of his duties by the Minister for State Reforms while the President suggests that this should be done by the Cabinet of Ministers. In case Saeima does not agree to introduce the President's amendment he will have to agree to such decision. Diena, Labrit

According to leader of the "Latviajs Cels" fraction Mr.Panteleyevs the consideration of the last reading of the Citizenship Law will take place on June 16. Discussions over the draft Law will be continued next week by the governing coalition. Farmers' Union is expected to come up with its propositions. The Union does not support the substitution of the quota principle of naturalization by naturalization schedule for various groups of population.

According to leader of the "Latviajs Cels" fraction Mr.Panteleyevs the consideration of the last reading of the Citizenship Law will take place on June 16. Discussions over the draft Law will be continued next week by the governing coalition. Farmers' Union is expected to come up with its propositions. The Union does not support the substitution of the quota principle of naturalization by naturalization schedule for various groups of population. Diena

In his interview for SM SEVODNYA Mr.Indulis Berzins of "Latvijas Cels" expresses hope that Saeima will vote in favor of the ratification of the agreements with Russia. He believes that the Citizenship Law will be adopted in June and stresses that the main outcome of the adoption will be the precise specification of the perspectives of all inhabitants of Latvia. Mr.Berzins also notes that the law will be based upon compromises between different political forces in the parliament.

In his interview for SM SEVODNYA Mr.Indulis Berzins of "Latvijas Cels" expresses hope that Saeima will vote in favor of the ratification of the agreements with Russia. He believes that the Citizenship Law will be adopted in June and stresses that the main outcome of the adoption will be the precise specification of the perspectives of all inhabitants of Latvia. Mr.Berzins also notes that the law will be based upon compromises between different political forces in the parliament. SM Segodnya

Mr.Vladimir Bogdanov, the Chairman of the Foundation for the Protection of the Repressed, has been refusing to pay the rent for his apartment for nearly two years. This has been done as an act of protest against high rent rates established by the state. His case is expected to be considered by the Latgale District Court.

Mr.Vladimir Bogdanov, the Chairman of the Foundation for the Protection of the Repressed, has been refusing to pay the rent for his apartment for nearly two years. This has been done as an act of protest against high rent rates established by the state. His case is expected to be considered by the Latgale District Court. Panorama Latvii

May 11, 1994

Press Review

The status of an associated member of the West-European Union was given to nine East-European countries including Latvia during the meeting of the Union in Luxembourg on May 9. The associated members were offered regular consultations and military contacts with the countries that were the full-fledged members of the Union. The status does not provide security guarantees and the right of veto regarding decisions taken by the Union.

The status of an associated member of the West-European Union was given to nine East-European countries including Latvia during the meeting of the Union in Luxembourg on May 9. The associated members were offered regular consultations and military contacts with the countries that were the full-fledged members of the Union. The status does not provide security guarantees and the right of veto regarding decisions taken by the Union. Diena

French premier Balladur stressed the necessity of the participation of Russia in the Security Pact during his meeting with Prime-Minister Birkavs. It was mentioned that France would like all three Baltic states negotiating with Russia within the framework of the Pact. After the meeting it was confirmed by Mr.Birkavs that Latvia's participation in the Balladur plan would provide it with political and international guarantees and contribute to the implementation of its agreements with Russia.

French premier Balladur stressed the necessity of the participation of Russia in the Security Pact during his meeting with Prime-Minister Birkavs. It was mentioned that France would like all three Baltic states negotiating with Russia within the framework of the Pact. After the meeting it was confirmed by Mr.Birkavs that Latvia's participation in the Balladur plan would provide it with political and international guarantees and contribute to the implementation of its agreements with Russia. Diena

The joint address LNNK and the Green Party published in NEATKARIGA CINA quotes the data on the number of Russian servicemen in Riga and Riga Region. The total number of the servicemen in the area is 3,000. It is also mentioned that 45 facilities in Riga are still run by the Russian Army. The address also points out that Russian officers do not apply for temporary residence permits and reside in Latvia illegally.

The joint address LNNK and the Green Party published in NEATKARIGA CINA quotes the data on the number of Russian servicemen in Riga and Riga Region. The total number of the servicemen in the area is 3,000. It is also mentioned that 45 facilities in Riga are still run by the Russian Army. The address also points out that Russian officers do not apply for temporary residence permits and reside in Latvia illegally. Neatkariga Cina

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