Nov. 7, 1994

Press Review

The first congress of the Political Union of the Destitute was held last Saturday. The Union opposes the "Latvijas Cels" policies. The program of the Union lays a special emphasis on the development of agriculture and medium-size businesses, and on social guarantees for pensioners and disabled persons. The Union was established on August 29 this year.

The first congress of the Political Union of the Destitute was held last Saturday. The Union opposes the "Latvijas Cels" policies. The program of the Union lays a special emphasis on the development of agriculture and medium-size businesses, and on social guarantees for pensioners and disabled persons. The Union was established on August 29 this year. Diena, Neatkariga Cina

Mr.Laimonis Kops, the head of a construction company and the owner of land at the Skrunda radar site addressed President Ulmanis with an open letter. Mr.Kops suggests that the Skrunda facility should be dismantled and not demolished. He claims that the value of construction materials obtained by dismantling the buildings could be several million lats.

Mr.Laimonis Kops, the head of a construction company and the owner of land at the Skrunda radar site addressed President Ulmanis with an open letter. Mr.Kops suggests that the Skrunda facility should be dismantled and not demolished. He claims that the value of construction materials obtained by dismantling the buildings could be several million lats. Diena

Russian parliamentary delegation headed by Mr.Sergey Baburin had meetings with the "Ravnopraviye" faction members, journalists, and public. Mr.Baburin's political group "Russky Put" ("Russian Way") is in opposition to Yeltsin's government. Mr.Baburin criticized the Citizenship Law. He also spoke in favor of introducing a more strict visa regime on the Russian border and added that he would not like Russia having an open border with an "apartheid state". He refused to recognize the agreement between Latvia and Russia of January 12, 1991. Sergey Baburin promised that Russia would use all possible political and economical means to force Latvia to respect the rights of its Russian-speaking population. During a press-conference he referred to Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev as the greatest disaster for Russia's foreign policies.

Russian parliamentary delegation headed by Mr.Sergey Baburin had meetings with the "Ravnopraviye" faction members, journalists, and public. Mr.Baburin's political group "Russky Put" ("Russian Way") is in opposition to Yeltsin's government. Mr.Baburin criticized the Citizenship Law. He also spoke in favor of introducing a more strict visa regime on the Russian border and added that he would not like Russia having an open border with an "apartheid state". He refused to recognize the agreement between Latvia and Russia of January 12, 1991. Sergey Baburin promised that Russia would use all possible political and economical means to force Latvia to respect the rights of its Russian-speaking population. During a press-conference he referred to Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev as the greatest disaster for Russia's foreign policies. Diena, Neatkariga Riga City Council deputy Juris Dobelis will negotiate with Riga racket bosses in order to make the situation in the city safer. That was also confirmed by Procurator General Janis Skrastins. Diena

In their interview for

In their interview for "LABRIT" Mr. Indulis Berzins (Deputy Chairman of the LNNK faction), Mr.Aleksandrs Kirsteins (Head of the Saeima Commission for Foreign Affairs), and Mr.Juris Sinka (spokesman for the Foreign affairs Department of the LNNK Secretariat) stressed the necessity of an international recognition of the fact of Latvia's occupation. According to Mr.Kirsteins the LNNK and "Tevzemei un Brivibai" voting against the ratification was a form of protest against the "low quality of the agreements". He also objects against providing of social guarantees to pensioned Russian army servicemen. He stressed the importance of Latvia's admission to the Council of Europe in February but not in May as it had been suggested previously. In his opinion it showed that Europe was aware of the fact that "Latvia was not liberated in the spring of 1995." Labrit

Nov. 4, 1994

Press Review

In their telephone conversations with the

In their telephone conversations with the "Diena" readers Head of the Privatization Certificate Department Aivars Brenans and Head of the Citizenship and Immigration Department division Andris Leins confirmed that an earlier employment of a civilian by the Russian armed forces cannot be the reason for restricting the number of certificates issued to a person. Diena

It is possible that charges against Mr.Aivars Kreituss and Mr.Edvins Inkens will be revoked due to the lack of evidence. Both deputies have been charged with concealing their collaboration with the KGB.

It is possible that charges against Mr.Aivars Kreituss and Mr.Edvins Inkens will be revoked due to the lack of evidence. Both deputies have been charged with concealing their collaboration with the KGB. Diena

"Panorama Latvii" interviewed Head of the LNNK Mr.Lamberts regarding the recent proposal made by his faction. The LNNK faction suggested draft amendments to the Employment Law. The amendments deprived permanent residents who have not passed the test in the Latvian language or have studied in a school with the language of training other that Latvian of the right for unemployment benefits. Mr.Lamberts said that the amendment was aimed at motivating the unemployed Russian-speakers to study the Latvian language. He also noted that incapability to speak Latvian was often the main reason for employment problems. Baltiskaya Gazeta

A Russian parliamentary delegation is arriving today to Latvia. The group of four

A Russian parliamentary delegation is arriving today to Latvia. The group of four Duma deputies is headed by M.Sergey Baburin who is a leader of an opposition faction "Russky Put". The delegation is coming to Riga upon the invitation of the "Ravnopraviye" faction. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Saeima decreed to establish a permanent commission for control of the implementation of the Citizenship Law.

Yesterday the Saeima decreed to establish a permanent commission for control of the implementation of the Citizenship Law. SM Segodnya

In his interview for

In his interview for "Rigas Balss" Head of the Bureau for the Control of Troop Withdrawal Ilgonis Upmalis said that 1,115 demobilized Russian servicemen who would have to leave the country this year are residing currently in Latvia. The figure is quoted from the official lists provided by the Russian side. According to Mr.Upmalis the Russian side ignores his requests to provide the Bureau with a more precise updated list. The Bureau has no information on certificates for the purchase of apartments in Russia. The certificates are part of the US-sponsored housing program for demobilized Russian officers. Rigas Balss

Nov. 3, 1994

Press Review

The Saeima Commission for Foreign affairs still insists on a separate ratification of each agreement between Russia and Latvia. Head of the Commission Mr.Kirsteins stressed that there were juridical but not political reasons for the suggested approach. He proposes to split the agreement package before the second reading on November 10. Mr.Kirsteins noted that in Russia the agreements had been discussed separately from each other. He expects the results of the voting on the second reading to be same as during the first reading. A delegation of the

The Saeima Commission for Foreign affairs still insists on a separate ratification of each agreement between Russia and Latvia. Head of the Commission Mr.Kirsteins stressed that there were juridical but not political reasons for the suggested approach. He proposes to split the agreement package before the second reading on November 10. Mr.Kirsteins noted that in Russia the agreements had been discussed separately from each other. He expects the results of the voting on the second reading to be same as during the first reading. A delegation of the Duma Commission for Foreign Affairs will visit the Saeima later this month. Labrit, Diena

The "Latvijas Cels" faction decided to support Janis Adamsons' candidature for the post of the Minister of Interior. The candidature is also supported by "LC" coalition partners and the Democratic Party faction. "LC" also supported Vladimir Makarov's candidature for the post of the State Minister for Social Affairs. It was stressed that he was an expert of social issues and had left "Tevzemei un Brivibai" before he was nominated. The National Block decided to support the suggestion put forward by the "LC" to postpone the consideration of the candidates by the Saeima until next week to make it possible for the deputies to discuss the candidates.

The "Latvijas Cels" faction decided to support Janis Adamsons' candidature for the post of the Minister of Interior. The candidature is also supported by "LC" coalition partners and the Democratic Party faction. "LC" also supported Vladimir Makarov's candidature for the post of the State Minister for Social Affairs. It was stressed that he was an expert of social issues and had left "Tevzemei un Brivibai" before he was nominated. The National Block decided to support the suggestion put forward by the "LC" to postpone the consideration of the candidates by the Saeima until next week to make it possible for the deputies to discuss the candidates. Diena, Neatkariga

When asked by

When asked by "DIENA" about the possibility of a step-by-step dismantling of the Skrunda radar Minister for Foreign Affairs Birkavs said that a complete demolition of the facility was important from a political point of view. He added that the Skrunda radar was the case when political aspect should prevail over economics.

The Vidzeme District court is considering Mr.Aivars Kreituss' case. Deputy Kreituss has been accused in concealing his collaboration with the KGB. Currently there is no evidence to support the charge except for a single registration card in the KGB files.

The Vidzeme District court is considering Mr.Aivars Kreituss' case. Deputy Kreituss has been accused in concealing his collaboration with the KGB. Currently there is no evidence to support the charge except for a single registration card in the KGB files. Diena, Neatkariga Cina

Nov. 2, 1994

Press Review

On November 31 the plenary session of the Supreme Court declared the decree by the Ministry of Justice on supervision over the Supreme Court to contradict the legislation and the UN conventions. The decree by the Ministry of Justice was adopted on August 23, 1994. According to the decree the Minister of Justice and the State Secretary of the Ministry is in the position to issue instructions to be implemented by the Supreme Court. Before the plenary session the heads of the Supreme Court had consultations with Minister of Justice Romans Apsitis. According to Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr.Guljans the Minister of Justice "understands the situation".

On November 31 the plenary session of the Supreme Court declared the decree by the Ministry of Justice on supervision over the Supreme Court to contradict the legislation and the UN conventions. The decree by the Ministry of Justice was adopted on August 23, 1994. According to the decree the Minister of Justice and the State Secretary of the Ministry is in the position to issue instructions to be implemented by the Supreme Court. Before the plenary session the heads of the Supreme Court had consultations with Minister of Justice Romans Apsitis. According to Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr.Guljans the Minister of Justice "understands the situation". Diena, Neatkariga

Yesterday Prime-Minister Gailis informed the Ministry of Interior executives that he had suggested Mr.Janis Adamsons who is the Commander of the border guard brigade. The candidature may be discussed by the Saeima tomorrow though it is possible that the Prime-Minister will ask the Saeima to review the issue later. According to Mr.Gailis the Economists, the People's Harmony, and the Democratic Party have already approved of Mr.Adamsons' candidature.

Yesterday Prime-Minister Gailis informed the Ministry of Interior executives that he had suggested Mr.Janis Adamsons who is the Commander of the border guard brigade. The candidature may be discussed by the Saeima tomorrow though it is possible that the Prime-Minister will ask the Saeima to review the issue later. According to Mr.Gailis the Economists, the People's Harmony, and the Democratic Party have already approved of Mr.Adamsons' candidature. Diena The Government decided to establish the post of the State Minister for Social Affairs at the Ministry of Welfare. The Plenary Meeting of the Saeima will discuss the candidature of Mr.Vladimir Makarov on Thursday. The State Minister will be responsible for the State Social Insurance Department. Diena

State Minister for Human Rights Mr.Tupesis continues the series of articles for

State Minister for Human Rights Mr.Tupesis continues the series of articles for "DIENA" on human rights-related issues. He gives a survey of the UNDP High level Mission on the human right situation in Latvia. Among the drawbacks the report mentions a bureaucratic approach to human rights, certain violations by the CID, and the lack of professional experts on human rights in the government. The report also points at the necessity of including clear references to human rights instruments joined by Latvia into the Satversme and the Constitutional Law on the Rights and Obligations of the Citizen and the Individual. The report also contains several recommendations on the improvement of human rights-related institutions, development of the national human rights program, improvement of the understanding of the essence of the notion of "human rights". Mr.Tupesis believes that the report should not be perceived by the Latvian government as a dogma. He admits that the document points at certain serious problems that require a fast solution. He pays special attention to the establishment of an independent commission on human rights. Diena

Aug. 16, 1994

Press Report

The Saeima factions are in the process of forming their attitude towards the LNNK cabinet. The Farmers have decided to support the cabinet and will have an "obligatory voting" while the Democrats have not officially announced their position which will be stated on Thursday. Decisions of the Forum of the Centrist parties are not mandatory for the Democrats. Yesterday the Forum stated that the LNNK government declaration had not taken into consideration the demands put forward by the Forum. "Latvijas Cels", People's Harmony, and Christian Democrats are expected to state their attitude today. "Ravnopraviye" and Political Union of Economists will make their final decision tomorrow. It is expected that the new cabinet will be also supported by "Tevzemei un Brivibai" while "Latvijas Cels" will probably vote against the new government or abstain. People's Harmony will not support the LNNK government. Currently LNNK can expect 45 votes in its favor. In case all 95 deputies are present the new cabinet will need to collect 48 votes. Meanwhile "LC" has formed a shade cabinet which differs from the existing one but is still headed by Mr.Birkavs. Head of the "Farmers' Union" Mr.Kinna told the press that there is "a theoretical possibility" of his faction forming the government.

The Saeima factions are in the process of forming their attitude towards the LNNK cabinet. The Farmers have decided to support the cabinet and will have an "obligatory voting" while the Democrats have not officially announced their position which will be stated on Thursday. Decisions of the Forum of the Centrist parties are not mandatory for the Democrats. Yesterday the Forum stated that the LNNK government declaration had not taken into consideration the demands put forward by the Forum. "Latvijas Cels", People's Harmony, and Christian Democrats are expected to state their attitude today. "Ravnopraviye" and Political Union of Economists will make their final decision tomorrow. It is expected that the new cabinet will be also supported by "Tevzemei un Brivibai" while "Latvijas Cels" will probably vote against the new government or abstain. People's Harmony will not support the LNNK government. Currently LNNK can expect 45 votes in its favor. In case all 95 deputies are present the new cabinet will need to collect 48 votes. Meanwhile "LC" has formed a shade cabinet which differs from the existing one but is still headed by Mr.Birkavs. Head of the "Farmers' Union" Mr.Kinna told the press that there is "a theoretical possibility" of his faction forming the government. Diena, Neatkariga Cina

The Government of Latvia will work out a national program for human rights protection within 60 days. Prime-Minister Birkavs said that Latvia needs an independent institution to monitor human rights issues and stressed that there was no comprehensive understanding of the human rights concept in the country. According to Mr.Birkavs all discussions are focused on the rights of ethnic minorities and non-citizens which are only one aspect of the whole human rights spectrum.

The Government of Latvia will work out a national program for human rights protection within 60 days. Prime-Minister Birkavs said that Latvia needs an independent institution to monitor human rights issues and stressed that there was no comprehensive understanding of the human rights concept in the country. According to Mr.Birkavs all discussions are focused on the rights of ethnic minorities and non-citizens which are only one aspect of the whole human rights spectrum. Panorama Latvii

The Riga City Council has not changed its decision on School 26 in spite of the picketing of the City Council yesterday. The Zemgale district authorities issued a decree banning any demonstrations associated with the school. Minister for Human Rights Bruvers in his interview referred to the actions taken by the authorities as "regrettable". He said that those steps cannot be classified as a violation of human rights but are an instance of "the total lack of respect for people."

The Riga City Council has not changed its decision on School 26 in spite of the picketing of the City Council yesterday. The Zemgale district authorities issued a decree banning any demonstrations associated with the school. Minister for Human Rights Bruvers in his interview referred to the actions taken by the authorities as "regrettable". He said that those steps cannot be classified as a violation of human rights but are an instance of "the total lack of respect for people." Diena, SM Segodnya

Members of the staff of Lithuanian Embassy to Latvia Mr.Lanchinskas and Mr.Vinchunas in their interview for "Panorama Latvii" criticized Latvian legislation for being inconsistent. They also pointed out the importance of the adoption of the alien law. Lithuanian diplomats had contacts with the CID while trying to protect the rights of ethnic Lithuanians residing in Latvia. PL

Members of the staff of Lithuanian Embassy to Latvia Mr.Lanchinskas and Mr.Vinchunas in their interview for "Panorama Latvii" criticized Latvian legislation for being inconsistent. They also pointed out the importance of the adoption of the alien law. Lithuanian diplomats had contacts with the CID while trying to protect the rights of ethnic Lithuanians residing in Latvia. PL

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