Nov. 14, 1994

Press Review

The CID Deputy Director Mr.Ugis Sulcs resigned on November 10. In his interview for

The CID Deputy Director Mr.Ugis Sulcs resigned on November 10. In his interview for "Neatkariga Cina" he named the pressure on the part of the Ministry of Interior as a main reason for the resignation. He connects the pressure with the fact that the CID has information on mafia and Russian intelligence service in its files. "We have become dangerous to someone since we started to draw the contours of drug trafficking and USSR Army intelligence system," says Mr.Sulcs. He also claims that if thoroughly checked the actual number of Russian retired officers will double and reach 22,000. He uses Mr.Litvinov's case as an example of arbitrary actions of the Ministry. According to Mr.Sulcs Mr.Litvinov concealed his previous service with the KGB by submitting a fake work-book to the CID. After the fraud was discovered Mr.Litvinov the CID refused to register him. He appealed against the decision and the Central District Court declined the appeal and decreed that Mr.Litvinov should apply for a TRP. Since there was no basis for issuing him with a TRP the CID prepared an expulsion order. After that the Vidzeme District court reconsidered the case and decreed to register Mr.Litvinov. Mr.Sulcs also mentions efforts taken by State Minister Bruvers to resolve several cases that ended in the Ministry of Interior pressing upon the CID to register those persons. The Deputy-Director also criticizes the draft law on foreigners for "containing hidden bombs that will explode later." Neatkariga Cina

Head of the Naturalization Department Mrs.Eizenija Aldermane told

Head of the Naturalization Department Mrs.Eizenija Aldermane told "LABRIT" that though the provisional regulations determining the functions of the Naturalization Department had not been developed yet the preparation of materials for testing in Latvian and history had been started already. The Saeima has adopted amendments to its statutes. Now the Saeima can form the Commission on the Citizenship Law. The commission will monitor the implementation of the law. Labrit

On November 13 the Fifth session of the Baltic Assembly was closed in Vilnius. Among the questions discussed was the participation in the "Partnership for Peace" program, security in the region, and economical issues.

On November 13 the Fifth session of the Baltic Assembly was closed in Vilnius. Among the questions discussed was the participation in the "Partnership for Peace" program, security in the region, and economical issues. Diena President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Miguel Martinez informed Chairman of the Saeima Mr.Gorbunov that the issue of latvia's admission to the Council of Europe would be included into the agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly on January 31, 1995. Mr.Martinez hopes that the decision of the Assembly will be in favor of Latvia. Diena

Nov. 11, 1994

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima ratified the second reading of agreements with Russia. The Saeima deputies followed recommendations by the Juridical Commission and voted for separately for each agreement. The agreement on migration was opposed by two

Yesterday the Saeima ratified the second reading of agreements with Russia. The Saeima deputies followed recommendations by the Juridical Commission and voted for separately for each agreement. The agreement on migration was opposed by two "Ravnopraviye" deputies and one LNNK member. Two LNNK deputies voted against the agreement on pensioned officers while "Tevzemei un Brivibai" did not take part in the voting. The final reading will be held in two weeks. Diena, Labrit, Panorama Latvii

During its yesterday's plenary meeting the Saeima voted in favor of Mr.Janis Adamsons taking the post of the Minister of Interior. Mr.Vladimir Makarov will take the post of the State Minister for Social Affairs.

During its yesterday's plenary meeting the Saeima voted in favor of Mr.Janis Adamsons taking the post of the Minister of Interior. Mr.Vladimir Makarov will take the post of the State Minister for Social Affairs. Diena Yesterday the Saeima adopted the second reading of the law on certificates. The law is to replace the "Law on Privatization Certificates" of November 1992. According to Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Economics Mr.Raimond Jonitis the certificates will be issued only for the last of the terms of residence in Latvia. Labrit

It is expected that the Consultative Forum of Political Parties (People's Harmony, Political Union of Economists, Democratic Party, Social Democrats, and

It is expected that the Consultative Forum of Political Parties (People's Harmony, Political Union of Economists, Democratic Party, Social Democrats, and "Latvijas Cels" as an observer) will adopt the national declaration on social accord. The declaration calls upon all political forces to support social and economical development of the country. The document also suggests that restrictions on former KGB officers' participation in elections and other activities should be canceled. Mr.Indulis Berzins of "LC" does not believe that the declaration will be adopted by the Forum on Monday. Diena

Neither Mr.Janis Tupesis nor Mr.Janis Ritenis are going to withdraw their mandates.

Neither Mr.Janis Tupesis nor Mr.Janis Ritenis are going to withdraw their mandates. Labrit

The Russian Embassy Social Security Department addressed Prime-Minister Gailis and Head of the CSCE Mission Magee with a letter pointing at the violations of the agreement on pensioned officers by Latvian authorities. The letter touches upon the issues of privatization certificates and property rights of pensioned officers.

The Russian Embassy Social Security Department addressed Prime-Minister Gailis and Head of the CSCE Mission Magee with a letter pointing at the violations of the agreement on pensioned officers by Latvian authorities. The letter touches upon the issues of privatization certificates and property rights of pensioned officers. SM Segodnya

The Supreme Court has canceled the Zemgale District Court decree on School 26. The District Court refused to accept the appeal against the decision by the Riga City Council. The Supreme Court decreed that appeal should be considered by the district Court.

The Supreme Court has canceled the Zemgale District Court decree on School 26. The District Court refused to accept the appeal against the decision by the Riga City Council. The Supreme Court decreed that appeal should be considered by the district Court. SM Segodnya

Nov. 10, 1994

Press Review

The Saeima will review the second reading of the draft law "On Agreements between the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation" during today's plenary meeting. According to the draft law the entire agreement package will be ratified. It is expected that around 60% of the deputies will vote in favor of the draft law.

The Saeima will review the second reading of the draft law "On Agreements between the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation" during today's plenary meeting. According to the draft law the entire agreement package will be ratified. It is expected that around 60% of the deputies will vote in favor of the draft law. Diena, Labrit

Among the issues to be discussed during the Saeima plenary session today is the candidature of Mr.Janis Adamsons for the post of the Minister of Interior. All factions except for "Tevzemei un Brivibai" are expected to support Mr.Adamson's candidature. The "TB" faction will most probably abstain. According to Mrs.Larisa Lavina of "Ravnopraviye" Mr.Adamsons promised that he would respect the laws and will see to it that others, including the CID, respected them as well.

Among the issues to be discussed during the Saeima plenary session today is the candidature of Mr.Janis Adamsons for the post of the Minister of Interior. All factions except for "Tevzemei un Brivibai" are expected to support Mr.Adamson's candidature. The "TB" faction will most probably abstain. According to Mrs.Larisa Lavina of "Ravnopraviye" Mr.Adamsons promised that he would respect the laws and will see to it that others, including the CID, respected them as well. Diena

Head of the Naturalization Department Mrs.Aldermane talked about the peculiarities naturalization process with the

Head of the Naturalization Department Mrs.Aldermane talked about the peculiarities naturalization process with the "DIENA" journalist. She said that the regulations for testing of the knowledge of the Latvian language, history, and Satversme will be prepared by the middle of December 1994. She also said that the Council of Europe experts will arrive to Latvia later this month to study the naturalization process. Mrs.Aldermane pointed out that in Latvia applicants for naturalization are permanent residents of the country and not just immigrants as in most of the European countries. She expects that naturalization could be started in February 1995. Diena


gives a survey of the activities of the Saeima Commission for Human Rights. Currently the Commission members are: gives a survey of the activities of the Saeima Commission for Human Rights. Currently the Commission members are: Inese Birzniece ("Latvijas Cels") - head

Inese Birzniece ("Latvijas Cels") - head

Andrejs Pantelejevs ("Latvijas Cels") - ethnic minorities;

Andrejs Pantelejevs ("Latvijas Cels") - ethnic minorities;

Antons Seiksts ("Latvijas Cels") - religion;

Antons Seiksts ("Latvijas Cels") - religion;

Aleksandrs Petersons ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") - rights of Latvians and politically repressed;

Aleksandrs Petersons ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") - rights of Latvians and politically repressed;

Eduards Berklavs (LNNK) - rights of Latvians and politically repressed;

Eduards Berklavs (LNNK) - rights of Latvians and politically repressed;

Nikolay Krasohin ("Ravnopraviye") - citizenship and immigration;

Nikolay Krasohin ("Ravnopraviye") - citizenship and immigration;

Janis Lucans ("Political Union of Economists") - children's rights;

Janis Lucans ("Political Union of Economists") - children's rights;

Janis Tupesis (former "Farmers' Union) - State Minister for Human Rights.

Janis Tupesis (former "Farmers' Union) - State Minister for Human Rights.
The article also gives a brief survey of the National human Rights Program. Mrs.Birzniece emphasized the importance of the program. She also noted that there was no mechanism for introducing certain changes into the laws and regulations in order to bring them into conformance with international standards and human rights instruments already joined by Latvia. Labrit

President Ulmanis is leaving for the USA to take part in the celebration of the 76-the anniversary of Latvia's independence and to have meetings with American Latvians. He will also deliver a speech at the UN

President Ulmanis is leaving for the USA to take part in the celebration of the 76-the anniversary of Latvia's independence and to have meetings with American Latvians. He will also deliver a speech at the UN. Diena

Nov. 9, 1994

Press Review

Yesterday the Government adopted regulations for naturalization.

Yesterday the Government adopted regulations for naturalization. Diena

Head of the Naturalization Department Mrs.Eizenija Aldermane in her telephone conversation with the

Head of the Naturalization Department Mrs.Eizenija Aldermane in her telephone conversation with the "DIENA" readers said that persons over 60 years old will be probably relieved from passing a test in the Latvian language. Currently the Department is studying recommendations by international human rights organizations. Diena

According to

According to "VAKARA ZINAS" members of the CSCE mission to Latvia have not discovered any evidence of discrimination of Russian-speakers in Daugavpils. Most of the complaints in Daugavpils were connected with citizenship, "propiska", and the non-implementation of court decrees by the CID. The mission members also noted that Latvia's legislation was still in its transition stage.


published a general analysis of human rights-associated problems in Latvia. published a general analysis of human rights-associated problems in Latvia.

Nov. 8, 1994

Press Review

Press Review

The Cabinet of Ministers Committee for State and Social Affairs has adopted the draft regulations for submission and review of application for naturalization. It is expected that the regulations will be adopted on Tuesday during the meeting of the Government. According to the rules the applicants will have to pass a test in the Latvian language, the Satversme, Latvia's history, and the Constitutional Law on the Rights and Obligations of an Individual. Applications will be received by the Naturalization Department regional offices. Decision on naturalization will be approved by the Minister of Interior. Applicants will be informed about final decisions within the term of one year starting from the date of the submission of their applications.

The Cabinet of Ministers Committee for State and Social Affairs has adopted the draft regulations for submission and review of application for naturalization. It is expected that the regulations will be adopted on Tuesday during the meeting of the Government. According to the rules the applicants will have to pass a test in the Latvian language, the Satversme, Latvia's history, and the Constitutional Law on the Rights and Obligations of an Individual. Applications will be received by the Naturalization Department regional offices. Decision on naturalization will be approved by the Minister of Interior. Applicants will be informed about final decisions within the term of one year starting from the date of the submission of their applications. Diena

Upon the recommendation by the Saeima Commission for Foreign Affairs the document "On the Agreement between the Government of Latvia and the Government of Russia on the Process of Repatriation and the Rights of Repatriates" will be reviewed separately from the agreement package. The document has been signed by both parties and ratified by Russia earlier than other agreements under discussion

Upon the recommendation by the Saeima Commission for Foreign Affairs the document "On the Agreement between the Government of Latvia and the Government of Russia on the Process of Repatriation and the Rights of Repatriates" will be reviewed separately from the agreement package. The document has been signed by both parties and ratified by Russia earlier than other agreements under discussion. Labrit

Yesterday around 11:00 a.m. an unidentified person phoned the police and informed of the bombs planted in the building of the Supreme Court and in the building of the Central District Court. No explosives were discovered. The police connect the incident with the 77-th anniversary of October revolution in Russia. A railroad bridge was blown up in Lithuania yesterday. Fortunately there were no casualties as the train that was to cross the bridge at the time of explosion was late. The police believe that the terrorists could be former OMON troopers or Lithuanian right-wing nationalists.

Yesterday around 11:00 a.m. an unidentified person phoned the police and informed of the bombs planted in the building of the Supreme Court and in the building of the Central District Court. No explosives were discovered. The police connect the incident with the 77-th anniversary of October revolution in Russia. A railroad bridge was blown up in Lithuania yesterday. Fortunately there were no casualties as the train that was to cross the bridge at the time of explosion was late. The police believe that the terrorists could be former OMON troopers or Lithuanian right-wing nationalists. Diena

Mr.Dobelis' idea to negotiate Riga racket bosses has been criticized and opposed by both City Council members and the Saeima Deputies.

Mr.Dobelis' idea to negotiate Riga racket bosses has been criticized and opposed by both City Council members and the Saeima Deputies. Diena

"SM SEVODNYA" reported about the meeting of Head of the CSCE Mission Mr.Magee and officials of the social security department of the Russian Embassy. On top of the agenda were the "round stamp" problems and the KECH houses. A Russian spokesman stressed that according to the Latvian laws it was a tenant who determined whether a rent contract was a temporary or a permanent one. Still, local authorities tried to impose 3-year contracts on KECH house dwellers. Russian spokesmen also mentioned repatriation accounts that had been opened by the Latvian side. They had no information about such accounts, said Russia's representative. SM Segodnya

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