Июль 10, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

According to the information distributed by the he Russian information agency Interfax the European Union asks the Latvian government to speed up the integration of the Russian -speaking minority. During the presentation at the Russian State Humanitarian University in Moscow the EU Commissioner Hans van den Broek stressed that the Citizenship Law amendments adopted by the Saeima are "important step towards the social integration in Latvia." The EU Commissioner confirmed that along with the adoption of these amendments the main recommendations of the OSCE are implemented. Still, the EU hopes for the sooner implementation of these amendments. Mr. van den Broek also emphasized how important it is that the international community welcomes these steps since it would facilitate the implementation of the amendments.

According to the information distributed by the he Russian information agency Interfax the European Union asks the Latvian government to speed up the integration of the Russian -speaking minority. During the presentation at the Russian State Humanitarian University in Moscow the EU Commissioner Hans van den Broek stressed that the Citizenship Law amendments adopted by the Saeima are "important step towards the social integration in Latvia." The EU Commissioner confirmed that along with the adoption of these amendments the main recommendations of the OSCE are implemented. Still, the EU hopes for the sooner implementation of these amendments. Mr. van den Broek also emphasized how important it is that the international community welcomes these steps since it would facilitate the implementation of the amendments. Diena

Referring to the economic sanction of Russia, the DIENA commentator Aivars Ozolins states that the sanctions most likely will continue and along with the aggravation of the economic and the political situation in Russia, they will be more intensive. Therefore, it would be more useful to learn from the experience of Estonians - to search for new markets in the West.

Referring to the economic sanction of Russia, the DIENA commentator Aivars Ozolins states that the sanctions most likely will continue and along with the aggravation of the economic and the political situation in Russia, they will be more intensive. Therefore, it would be more useful to learn from the experience of Estonians - to search for new markets in the West. Diena

Yesterday the Council of the Russian Federation adopted the appeal to the Russian President to intensify the pressure against Latvia in order to protect the rights of non-citizen. The initiator of this appeal was the Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov who considers the fact that the holders of the former USSR internal passports can return to Latvia only after receiving a visa, to be "an unprecedented violation of human rights."

Yesterday the Council of the Russian Federation adopted the appeal to the Russian President to intensify the pressure against Latvia in order to protect the rights of non-citizen. The initiator of this appeal was the Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov who considers the fact that the holders of the former USSR internal passports can return to Latvia only after receiving a visa, to be "an unprecedented violation of human rights." Diena, Panorama Latvii

The Central Electoral Commission ask the government to allot additional 53,000 Lats for the carrying out the collection of the signatures for the referendum.

The Central Electoral Commission ask the government to allot additional 53,000 Lats for the carrying out the collection of the signatures for the referendum. B&B argues that once more the tax-payers who are non-citizens will have to pay for the activities of national-radicals which are directed against the very non-citizens. According to the law, only citizens have rights to participate in the referendum. B&B, Chas

According to Mr. Zaletaev, the journalist of

According to Mr. Zaletaev, the journalist of Panorama Latvii, the money given by the Soros Fund in Latvia, the Swedish Institute and the Norwegian Embassy for the carrying out the Informative Program for the naturalization, is wasted since the action instead of getting support for the naturalization, initiated the flow of very critical opinions about it. As the main reason of this failure, Mr. Zaletaev names the wrong underlying assumption of the activities according to which the slow naturalization process is not related with the politics. According to Mr. Zaletaev, the issues of citizenship and naturalization are 99% of the political nature.

Yesterday the State President Guntis Ulmanis met with the Minister of Education and Science Janis Gaigals to talk about the issues related with the Latvian language in schools. The State President believes that the government should financially promote those teachers who have taken the big responsibility to teach the state language on the high level to the people of other nationalities. The State President agreed with the Minister that under certain circumstances (for instance in places where there are many schools with the Russian language as the language of instruction, the term for the certification of the state language might be prolonged.

Yesterday the State President Guntis Ulmanis met with the Minister of Education and Science Janis Gaigals to talk about the issues related with the Latvian language in schools. The State President believes that the government should financially promote those teachers who have taken the big responsibility to teach the state language on the high level to the people of other nationalities. The State President agreed with the Minister that under certain circumstances (for instance in places where there are many schools with the Russian language as the language of instruction, the term for the certification of the state language might be prolonged. SM

Mr. Arkadev,

Mr. Arkadev, SM journalist, criticizes the Latvian Prime Minister for asking guarantees against new recommendations from the OSCE by arguing that the OSCE is an international organization whose one of the tasks is to evaluate the conformity of one or another country - the member of the OSCE - with the European standards, as well as to monitor the fulfilment of the international obligations by that country. Mr. Arkadev ironically suggests that the Tevzemei un Brivibai could organize a referendum on the discontinuing the Latvia's membership in the OSCE, the Council of Europe, and even the UN, and then " for sure nobody will recommend Latvia anything." SM

Июль 9, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday there was the first meeting of the US - Baltic Partnership Commission, in which the Foreign Affairs Ministers of three Baltic States and the US Deputy State Secretary Strobe Talbotte participated. At the opening of the meeting, Mr. Talbotte said that if Russia could perceive the Baltic States not as a buffer zone against imagined enemies, but as the gates to new Europe in which it itself would be an active participant, all countries would only gain. "We all would feel more safe,"Mr. Talbotte said. Referring to the Latvian Citizenship Law amedments, he said that if some members of the society are deprived of opportunities and obligations of the citizenship, the whole society suffers from that. At the press conference the US representative welcomed the Citizenship Law amendments which correspond with the OSCE recommendations, and once they come into force, no country", especially Russia, would have grounds to use the tactics of "pressure." The participants of the meeting signed a joint communiqué which

Yesterday there was the first meeting of the US - Baltic Partnership Commission, in which the Foreign Affairs Ministers of three Baltic States and the US Deputy State Secretary Strobe Talbotte participated. At the opening of the meeting, Mr. Talbotte said that if Russia could perceive the Baltic States not as a buffer zone against imagined enemies, but as the gates to new Europe in which it itself would be an active participant, all countries would only gain. "We all would feel more safe,"Mr. Talbotte said. Referring to the Latvian Citizenship Law amedments, he said that if some members of the society are deprived of opportunities and obligations of the citizenship, the whole society suffers from that. At the press conference the US representative welcomed the Citizenship Law amendments which correspond with the OSCE recommendations, and once they come into force, no country", especially Russia, would have grounds to use the tactics of "pressure." The participants of the meeting signed a joint communiqué which inter alia envisages to put more efforts in development of security and stability in the region including Russia into the regional co-operation. Diena, Jauna Avize

Yesterday at the press conference following the two day visit of the Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski, the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis stressed that Latvia should get a confirmation from the OSCE that the latest OSCE recommendations will not be followed by new ones which Latvia would be unable to fulfil. When asked by the 

Yesterday at the press conference following the two day visit of the Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski, the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis stressed that Latvia should get a confirmation from the OSCE that the latest OSCE recommendations will not be followed by new ones which Latvia would be unable to fulfil. When asked by theDiena journalist whether the presiding country of the OSCE - Poland- can extend such guarantees, Mr. Kwasniewski did not give a straight answer, but said that the minority issues should be solved in a civilised manner in accordance with the OSCE standards. He also stressed the need for the dialogue between Russians and Latvians. Mr. Kwasniewski expressed a hope that the Citizenship Law amendments will be implemented. Diena

Dienapublishes an article by the Finnish Foreign Affairs Minister Tarja Halonen (spelling?) in which she argues that being a good participant in the OSCE and the Council of Europe, Latvia ensures the stability of its application to the European Union. She also states that the recent decision of the Saeima concerning the Citizenship law amendments was the crucially important step to fulfil the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Diena

Some 200 residents of Valka, the Latvian border town with Estonia, participated in a picket at the border check point demanding the free border crossing for residents of Valka and Valga.

Some 200 residents of Valka, the Latvian border town with Estonia, participated in a picket at the border check point demanding the free border crossing for residents of Valka and Valga. Diena

SM publishes a letter of the Russian Public Council (published by the Panorama Latvii on 4 July) in which it demands the "zero" version for granting of citizenship, the status of the second official language for the Russian language, and the education in the Russian language to be funded by the State.

Июль 8, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

From 15 May till 10 July the Soros Fund in Latvia implements the Information Program for the Social Integration. The task of the program was to initiate the discussion among the non-citizens about the integration and naturalization, and in such a way to promote the distribution of the objective and comprehensive information as well as the formulation of existing opinions and their analysis. Yesterday Nils Muiznieks, one of the organizers of the program told press that the discussion has started, but it is premature to evaluate the results of this action.

From 15 May till 10 July the Soros Fund in Latvia implements the Information Program for the Social Integration. The task of the program was to initiate the discussion among the non-citizens about the integration and naturalization, and in such a way to promote the distribution of the objective and comprehensive information as well as the formulation of existing opinions and their analysis. Yesterday Nils Muiznieks, one of the organizers of the program told press that the discussion has started, but it is premature to evaluate the results of this action. Diena, Jauna Avize

Only 3% of all non-citizens (or 18,400 persons) are the children-non-citizens born after 21 August 1991.The statistics show that since 1991 the number of these children has been decreasing. The sociologists which were interviewed by

Only 3% of all non-citizens (or 18,400 persons) are the children-non-citizens born after 21 August 1991.The statistics show that since 1991 the number of these children has been decreasing. The sociologists which were interviewed by Diena, mention three main reasons for that: 1) increasing number of mixed marriages in which one of parents is citizen, therefore the child has no problems with citizenship; 2) the age of non-citizens residing in Latvia (most of them are in age of retirement), and 3) the general demographic crises. Diena

Referring to the decision of the Latvian government to inform the international organizations about the Russian economic sanctions against Latvia, yesterday the Press Secretary of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Rahmanin said that "somebody in Riga wants to distract the attention of the world society from the main problem in the Russian -Latvian relations, namely, the unlawful situation of the national minorities in this country."

Referring to the decision of the Latvian government to inform the international organizations about the Russian economic sanctions against Latvia, yesterday the Press Secretary of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Rahmanin said that "somebody in Riga wants to distract the attention of the world society from the main problem in the Russian -Latvian relations, namely, the unlawful situation of the national minorities in this country." B&B, Chas

Sergey Zaletaev, a journalist of

Sergey Zaletaev, a journalist of Panorama Latvii, doubts the possibility of the dialogue between the authorities and non-citizens and the Latvians and non-Latvians, since the determining factor of the social life is the all-embracing striving for the regime of national hegemony, national domination and eventually - national dictatorship.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers did not consider the question about the dismissing of the Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, since, at fist, it has to be reviewed by the Council of the government forming factions.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers did not consider the question about the dismissing of the Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, since, at fist, it has to be reviewed by the Council of the government forming factions. Panorama Latvii

SM publishes an article by Dmitry Mart, one of journalists who took part in a show-examination for the naturalization, in which he describes the naturalization exam as a "real psychological and moral torture."

Июль 7, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs met with the Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Jakovlev. The meeting was efficient and conducted in a friendly atmosphere, Mr. Birkavs told

Yesterday the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs met with the Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Jakovlev. The meeting was efficient and conducted in a friendly atmosphere, Mr. Birkavs told Diena.

The Financial Times published a survey on Latvia. For this purpose the Latvian government had allotted 39,000 Lats from the State Property Privatization Fund.

The Financial Times published a survey on Latvia. For this purpose the Latvian government had allotted 39,000 Lats from the State Property Privatization Fund. Diena

The collection of signatures to hold the referendum on the Citizenship law amendments will be carried out also in the Latvian representations in abroad, the Central Electoral Commission informed the press.

The collection of signatures to hold the referendum on the Citizenship law amendments will be carried out also in the Latvian representations in abroad, the Central Electoral Commission informed the press. Diena

Yesterday at the press conference the Acting Head of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins said that some 180,000 non-citizen passports which have been printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company until 24 April of this year, might have defects. The mass media already informed about the passports in which the print of a page containing information about the person's distinctive marks, could be easily erased. At the moment the DCMA has detected 140 passports with defects, and they are being exchanged free of charge. In August the passports which pages are not covered with the special film, will be laminated.

Yesterday at the press conference the Acting Head of the DCMA Andris Janis Lejins said that some 180,000 non-citizen passports which have been printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company until 24 April of this year, might have defects. The mass media already informed about the passports in which the print of a page containing information about the person's distinctive marks, could be easily erased. At the moment the DCMA has detected 140 passports with defects, and they are being exchanged free of charge. In August the passports which pages are not covered with the special film, will be laminated. Diena, Neatkariga, B&B

Janis Birzkops, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, in his article for the

Janis Birzkops, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, in his article for the Neatkariga, argues that before speaking about the integration, one should have knowledge in history, ethno-psychology, psycholinguistics, social sciences and pedagogy. New terms such as integrative environment, integration rate and quantity of ones to be integrated shall be introduced. According to Mr. Birzkops, if there is an integrative environment (many Latvians, strong local traditions and cultural life), the integration occurs easy and naturally. But if the quantity of persons to be integrated is overwhelming, the normal and natural integration process cannot happen. Therefore, "if we want the integration to begin, we have to think how to reduce the number of persons of other nationalities by stimulating and materially supporting their emigration to West or repatriation to the East. And here the Western commissioners and Russia could help, since it is to their advantage - to create a favourable environment for the integration of people who will stay here. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Press Secretary of the Governor of Pskov region Sergey Begovchiy told journalists that the Pskov administration supports the statement of the Yelcin administration concerning the relations with Latvia, and has not planned official meeting with the Latvian authorities. The Governor of the Pskov Region Evgeny Mihailov blames the nationalistic ambitions of the Latvian politicians driving the relations between two countries into a deadlock. According to the Governor of Pskov region Evgeny Mihailov, the conflict between Latvia and Russia puts off the signing of the border agreement indefinitely.

Yesterday the Press Secretary of the Governor of Pskov region Sergey Begovchiy told journalists that the Pskov administration supports the statement of the Yelcin administration concerning the relations with Latvia, and has not planned official meeting with the Latvian authorities. The Governor of the Pskov Region Evgeny Mihailov blames the nationalistic ambitions of the Latvian politicians driving the relations between two countries into a deadlock. According to the Governor of Pskov region Evgeny Mihailov, the conflict between Latvia and Russia puts off the signing of the border agreement indefinitely. SM

Arkady Elkin, a journalist of

Arkady Elkin, a journalist of SM, argues that the Latvian mass media talks only about the rights of persons who want to sign the petition for the referendum (referring to the issue of putting stamp in passports upon the signing the petition), and keeps shut about the people whose rights will be violated by those "signatories." SM

Yesterday at the interview on the radio the State President called for the discussion on advantages and disadvantages of the referendum. Mr. Guntis Ulmanis would like to hear the clear opinion of politicians about the referendum, possibilities to acquire the Latvian language and the value of citizenship, in general.

Yesterday at the interview on the radio the State President called for the discussion on advantages and disadvantages of the referendum. Mr. Guntis Ulmanis would like to hear the clear opinion of politicians about the referendum, possibilities to acquire the Latvian language and the value of citizenship, in general. B&B

Today there is a conference on observance of human rights in various divisions of the Ministry of the Interior, organized by the Soros Fund in Latvia and the Ministry of the Interior. 

Today there is a conference on observance of human rights in various divisions of the Ministry of the Interior, organized by the Soros Fund in Latvia and the Ministry of the Interior.Jauna Avize

In response to the 

In response to theDiena publication on 1 July calling for the discussion on naturalization issues, the Acting Director of the Ukrainian Union in Latvia Anatoly Skalsky argues that already in April of 1997 the Ukrainian Union submitted its analysis about the reasons of slow naturalization process to the State President, the Saeima, and the DCMA. Unfortunately, no response had been receive yet. Statistics show that only 5% of Ukrainians living in Latvia are the Latvian citizens. Mr. Skalsky addresses the Ukrainians who are Latvian citizens and citizens of other nationalities not to participate in the referendum. Diena

Июль 6, 1998

Press Report

On Friday the major Russian newspapers had enclosed a brochure explaining the naturalization process in Latvia. The Director of Human Rights and Ethnic Harmony Program Nils Muiznieks said that this brochure was a part of the Project on Integration of Non-citizens in Latvia in 1998 with the aim to inform people about the naturalization and convince them that this process is not humiliating.

On Friday the major Russian newspapers had enclosed a brochure explaining the naturalization process in Latvia. The Director of Human Rights and Ethnic Harmony Program Nils Muiznieks said that this brochure was a part of the Project on Integration of Non-citizens in Latvia in 1998 with the aim to inform people about the naturalization and convince them that this process is not humiliating. Diena

Referring to the referendum on the Citizenship Law amendments, Janis Straume argues that the referendum will only strengthen the democratic traditions in Latvia.

Referring to the referendum on the Citizenship Law amendments, Janis Straume argues that the referendum will only strengthen the democratic traditions in Latvia. Diena

On Saturday at the press conference the Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov once more called for more attention to the situation in Latvia and Estonia, the information agency BNS and INTEFAX inform.

On Saturday at the press conference the Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov once more called for more attention to the situation in Latvia and Estonia, the information agency BNS and INTEFAX inform. Diena

SMSubbota publishes an interview with the Advisor of the Mayor of Moscow, Alexander Pereligin in which he argues the Russian policy towards Latvia will remain the same, since nothing shows that the political conflict between Latvia and Russia has ended. Subbota

On Saturday at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow some 500 people participated in a picket protesting against the fact that starting 1 July holders of the former USSR internal passports cannot return to Latvia.

On Saturday at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow some 500 people participated in a picket protesting against the fact that starting 1 July holders of the former USSR internal passports cannot return to Latvia. B&B

Irina Vinnik, a member of the Commission on Ethnic Harmony of the Soros Fund in Latvia, publishes a letter in 

Irina Vinnik, a member of the Commission on Ethnic Harmony of the Soros Fund in Latvia, publishes a letter inChas in which she argues that integration is two-way process, since non-citizens is a value for the country while Latvia provides its residents with opportunities. Chas

Leonid Fedoseev, a journalist of CHAS, states that by implementing the existing education policy, the ruling politicians "put the bomb under the Russian schools." According to Mr. Fedoseev, the quality of teaching will drop when teachers of the Russian schools will be forced to teach their subjects in the poor Latvian language. Parents will start sending their children to the Latvian schools, and that eventually will lead to the closing of Russian schools.

Leonid Fedoseev, a journalist of CHAS, states that by implementing the existing education policy, the ruling politicians "put the bomb under the Russian schools." According to Mr. Fedoseev, the quality of teaching will drop when teachers of the Russian schools will be forced to teach their subjects in the poor Latvian language. Parents will start sending their children to the Latvian schools, and that eventually will lead to the closing of Russian schools. Chas

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