Авг. 11, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

According to

According to Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK information about 62 000 signatures have been collected by the Sunday evening, 22 000 of them - in Riga. These figures show that the number of persons, willing to sign, increase. On Tuesday, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK organised a press conference where its Chairman M.Grinblats, trying to warm up the supporters of the referendum, reminded that the same situation was during the last campaign of collecting signatures when the activity of people increased radically during the last week. He also expressed an opinion that mass media often gave wrong information that this campaign was in favour of people opposing the amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Deputy Chairman J.Dobelis acknowledged that Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK had already spent for advertising the campaign part of resources meant for the pre-election campaign. He could not name the exact sum, just said that they have printed 240 000 leaflets, 1300 posters, published a special edition of the newspaper Nacionala Neatkariba as well as advertised the campaign five times a day on the National Radio. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Bizness & Baltiy, Rigas Balss

State President G.Ulmanis, during his vacation visit to Ukraine met the former Russian Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin, as well as Russian representative to the CIS I.Ribkin and the President of Tatarstan M.Shamiyev. Among other issues, they also discussed Russian Latvian relations.

State President G.Ulmanis, during his vacation visit to Ukraine met the former Russian Prime Minister V.Chernomirdin, as well as Russian representative to the CIS I.Ribkin and the President of Tatarstan M.Shamiyev. Among other issues, they also discussed Russian Latvian relations. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Latvian Embassy in Moscow do not demand foreigners, planning to go to Latvia, anything additional. And during interviews for receiving a visa, questions are asked only about the person requesting visa and the purpose of the visit. But the Embassy do not deny that there are long lines to submit documents. Some time ago there was information in the press that some famous Russia cinema scrip writers had problems to receive entry visas to Latvia. They had to stand in long lines, answer questions on the private life of the person they were going to visit. Latvian Consul E.Bondars told

Latvian Embassy in Moscow do not demand foreigners, planning to go to Latvia, anything additional. And during interviews for receiving a visa, questions are asked only about the person requesting visa and the purpose of the visit. But the Embassy do not deny that there are long lines to submit documents. Some time ago there was information in the press that some famous Russia cinema scrip writers had problems to receive entry visas to Latvia. They had to stand in long lines, answer questions on the private life of the person they were going to visit. Latvian Consul E.Bondars told Neatkariga that all who wanted to submit documents for receiving a visa and had come during reception hours could manage it within one day. He did not deny that there were long lines. The Embassy has to draw up 600 - 700 visas a day. Neatkariga

Rolands Petersons in

Rolands Petersons in Neatkariga analyses the position on national and citizenship of nine parties or coalitions, most real candidates to the 7th Saeima. Only some of them have openly voiced in their programs their position on citizenship, language and national policy aspects. Political activities of two parties Latvijas Cels and Democratic Party Saimnieks show that they do not plan to follow the ideas written in their programs, and their national orientation does not differ much from the one of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK. The coalition of the left wing parties For Human Rights in a United Latvia is pro Russian concerning the state language and citizenship and they demand the Russian language to be the second state language. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK consider that Latvians should have the political power in Latvia, but the rest of parties avoid discussing these issues in their programs. Neatkariga

Anna Stroy analyses the ethnic composition of the candidate list s to the 7th Saeima and finds a tendency that national minorities do not stand for the elections . From 1083 candidates only 5% (55 people) are Russians, 1.5% ( 16) are Poles, 0.55% (6) Lithuanians, 0.28% (3) represent Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Jewish people.

Anna Stroy analyses the ethnic composition of the candidate list s to the 7th Saeima and finds a tendency that national minorities do not stand for the elections . From 1083 candidates only 5% (55 people) are Russians, 1.5% ( 16) are Poles, 0.55% (6) Lithuanians, 0.28% (3) represent Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Jewish people. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs is very concerned about the political situation inside Latvia and in its relations to other countries. He speaks about so called “black scenario” - a trap Latvia could fall in if it does not amend the Law on Citizenship. The situation then could as follows - Russia continues its political and economic pressure, the prepared agreements ( also border agreement) are not signed, and Latvia has no strong arguments to protect its position neither in Europe nor the USA.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs is very concerned about the political situation inside Latvia and in its relations to other countries. He speaks about so called black scenario - a trap Latvia could fall in if it does not amend the Law on Citizenship. The situation then could as follows - Russia continues its political and economic pressure, the prepared agreements ( also border agreement) are not signed, and Latvia has no strong arguments to protect its position neither in Europe nor the USA. Lauku Avize

Last week great agitation was aroused by the announcement of V.Nesterushkin that Russia would not change the status of the most favourite nation in trade for Latvia if Riga maintains the agreement of Skrunda Radar station, The diplomat also stressed that “this status was given to Latvia in 1994 as a Moscow’s gesture of “good will” , and it was not formally connected with any bilateral obligations in this respect.” Officials in Latvia have already expressed their negative opinion on such a position of Moscow. Also Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses his regret for it. Agency BNS yesterday announced that V.Nestryushkin voiced the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, that every agreement with Latvia had an independent meaning and they should be realised in close conformity with obligations stated in the agreements.

Last week great agitation was aroused by the announcement of V.Nesterushkin that Russia would not change the status of the most favourite nation in trade for Latvia if Riga maintains the agreement of Skrunda Radar station, The diplomat also stressed that this status was given to Latvia in 1994 as a Moscows gesture of good will , and it was not formally connected with any bilateral obligations in this respect. Officials in Latvia have already expressed their negative opinion on such a position of Moscow. Also Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses his regret for it. Agency BNS yesterday announced that V.Nestryushkin voiced the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, that every agreement with Latvia had an independent meaning and they should be realised in close conformity with obligations stated in the agreements. Jauna Avize

The Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced at a press conference yesterday that if

The Minister of Communications V.Kristopans announced at a press conference yesterday that if Latvijas Cels came to power it would improve relations with Russia. But no discussions could be started while the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were not adopted. Bizness & Baltiya

Авг. 10, 1998

Press Report

The block of left wing parties “For Equal rights in a United Latvia” seems to become more popular in Russia than in Latvia. Along with their supporter A.Luzhkow and the co-operation agreement between

The block of left wing parties For Equal rights in a United Latvia seems to become more popular in Russia than in Latvia. Along with their supporter A.Luzhkow and the co-operation agreement between Peoples Harmony Party and Yabloko, several other parties such as Union of Communist Parties announced their support to this block. Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

Авг. 8, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

“Operation of Skrunda Radar station will be stopped at the end of August, and after this, according to an agreement between Latvia and Russia, it will be dismantled,” announced an official representative of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs V.Nesterushkin. A day before it the very official said that the status of most favourite nation in trade between Russia and Latvia would be preserved if the current status of Skrunda Radar station remained. The diplomat stressed that both parties had been strictly observing the conditions of the agreement and it had been confirmed by repeated OSCE inspections. V.Nesterushkin, being asked about whether Russia would loose its interest in keeping the status of the most favoured nation in trade for Latvia after dismantling of Skrunda Radar station, gave a negative answer. He stressed that the situation had changed since 1994 when the agreement was signed, and now the trade regime depended on several aspects of Russian - Latvian relations. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced that no information had been received that Russia could connect the status on the most favoured nation to the Skrunda issue. But in such a case Latvia could hope for support from the international society because in preparation of the agreement were involved both representatives of OSCE, EU and CE. V.Birkavs admitted that rumours about this had been heard before, but it was the first time when a Russian official had said anything like that to the press. He also said that Latvia would never discuss Skrunda Radar station issue.

Operation of Skrunda Radar station will be stopped at the end of August, and after this, according to an agreement between Latvia and Russia, it will be dismantled, announced an official representative of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs V.Nesterushkin. A day before it the very official said that the status of most favourite nation in trade between Russia and Latvia would be preserved if the current status of Skrunda Radar station remained. The diplomat stressed that both parties had been strictly observing the conditions of the agreement and it had been confirmed by repeated OSCE inspections. V.Nesterushkin, being asked about whether Russia would loose its interest in keeping the status of the most favoured nation in trade for Latvia after dismantling of Skrunda Radar station, gave a negative answer. He stressed that the situation had changed since 1994 when the agreement was signed, and now the trade regime depended on several aspects of Russian - Latvian relations. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced that no information had been received that Russia could connect the status on the most favoured nation to the Skrunda issue. But in such a case Latvia could hope for support from the international society because in preparation of the agreement were involved both representatives of OSCE, EU and CE. V.Birkavs admitted that rumours about this had been heard before, but it was the first time when a Russian official had said anything like that to the press. He also said that Latvia would never discuss Skrunda Radar station issue. Neatkariga, Diena. Jauna Avize, Chas

On Friday Prime Minister G.Krasts organised a press conference due to the one year anniversary of his government. He called it the year of stability but journalists writing about it, say that the Prime Minister did not mention several aspects that caused problems for the government and it allows to doubt the statement that the year was so stable. He mentions relations with Russia and contradictory amendments to the Law on Citizenship.

Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya (10.08.98)

Rigas Balss

publishes an interview with the Prime Minister. Speaking about other things, G.Krasts also mentions the issue of citizens. He considers it not so important in a long run as it seems today. When contradicted about his own statements on new political demands for Latvias joining EU, G.Krasts answers that it is his guilt. He has requested if there would be no more additional demands for Latvia and had not received a positive answer. The very Ole Espersen, a possible candidate for Max van der Stoels post, talks about reunion of families and voting rights for non-citizens on municipal level. If Latvia adopts the amendments to the Law on Citizenship it would be one of the most liberal countries in Europe in this respect and therefore there should be a clear signal from EU that no more demands will follow. The Prime Minister also stressed that Max van der Stoel during the last four years after his version of the Law on Citizenship was adopted, had added 15 more recommendations.

Latvian poet Mara Zalite publishes her opinion on the referendum and the situation around it. She is positive about it and considers that, while amending the Law on Citizenship, a precedent is created when a group of Latvian citizens do not have to know (in principle) the Latvian language. Neatkariga

Political commentator V.Hermanis writes about the situation with the state language. In Latvia there is a situation when about 1/4 of non-Latvians consider it not to be necessary to use the state language in their every day life, therefore they do not know it. V.Hermanis considers that the Latvian language knowledge should be the measure of ones loyalty.

Political commentator V.Hermanis writes about the situation with the state language. In Latvia there is a situation when about 1/4 of non-Latvians consider it not to be necessary to use the state language in their every day life, therefore they do not know it. V.Hermanis considers that the Latvian language knowledge should be the measure of ones loyalty. Neatkariga

About 35 000 people have signed the proposal for a referendum by Wednesday, informed the head of the Head of TB/LNNK Co-ordination Centre J.Bernans. About 14 500 signatures have been collected in Riga. According to the data of the research centre “Socially Correlative Data Systems” 52.6% of all Latvian citizens would participate in the referendum if it took place.

About 35 000 people have signed the proposal for a referendum by Wednesday, informed the head of the Head of TB/LNNK Co-ordination Centre J.Bernans. About 14 500 signatures have been collected in Riga. According to the data of the research centre Socially Correlative Data Systems 52.6% of all Latvian citizens would participate in the referendum if it took place. Rigas Balss, Bizness & Baltiya (10.08.98)

Авг. 7, 1998

Press Report  

Press Report

There is information from Ludza, a regional centre in the Eastern part of Latvia, that the administration of the enterprise

There is information from Ludza, a regional centre in the Eastern part of Latvia, that the administration of the enterprise Ludzas piensaimnieks (Ludza milk refinery plant) have organised a meeting of their employees where they have threatened to fire those who would have the stamp of signing for the proposal for a referendum. The local newspaper informed that, according to the ststements of workers, the administration of the enterprise had always been negative towards their Latvian employees looking for any reason to dismiss them.

Meanwhile about 38 000 signatures have been collected in all Latvia and 16 000 from them in Riga.

Meanwhile about 38 000 signatures have been collected in all Latvia and 16 000 from them in Riga. Neatkariga

Mutual understanding has been finally achieved in the discussion between the Ministry of Education and Science and public organisations and deputies representing interests of Russian speaking teachers. It was decided to establish a working group that would consider cases when a contract could be signed with some of those 400 teachers which do not have a certificate on the highest level of the state language knowledge. The Ministry suggests teachers with the middle level knowledge to improve their Latvian language knowledge. Those teachers would have to produce a certificate that they attend the highest level Latvian language course. It is anticipated that from 3034 Russian teachers about 400

Mutual understanding has been finally achieved in the discussion between the Ministry of Education and Science and public organisations and deputies representing interests of Russian speaking teachers. It was decided to establish a working group that would consider cases when a contract could be signed with some of those 400 teachers which do not have a certificate on the highest level of the state language knowledge. The Ministry suggests teachers with the middle level knowledge to improve their Latvian language knowledge. Those teachers would have to produce a certificate that they attend the highest level Latvian language course. It is anticipated that from 3034 Russian teachers about 400 (numbers contradict. Transl.) could have the highest level of the Latvian language. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

DCMA Refugee Centre has received 15 and considered 13 requests for receiving the status of a refugee. There are 2 requests from citizens of Georgia, two from Armenia, one from Sudan, Egypt, Congo, India and Pakistan but three from citizens of Afghanistan and Vietnam. The most common motivation was the low living standard in the fatherland. None of the applicants has received the status, yet.

DCMA Refugee Centre has received 15 and considered 13 requests for receiving the status of a refugee. There are 2 requests from citizens of Georgia, two from Armenia, one from Sudan, Egypt, Congo, India and Pakistan but three from citizens of Afghanistan and Vietnam. The most common motivation was the low living standard in the fatherland. None of the applicants has received the status, yet. Neatkariga

The employees of Skrunda Radar station, Russian military specialists and their family members will leave Latvia in the nearest future, informs BNS. According to DCMA information, 599 Russian military specialists and their family members, as well as 199 civilians, working at this object, live in Skrunda. Latvian - Russian government agreement on Skrunda radar station states that several specialists will remain at the object till 2001 when the station is dismantled completely. Within one week the administration of the Radar station will submit detailed list of the employees to the DCMA that will be considered individually.

The employees of Skrunda Radar station, Russian military specialists and their family members will leave Latvia in the nearest future, informs BNS. According to DCMA information, 599 Russian military specialists and their family members, as well as 199 civilians, working at this object, live in Skrunda. Latvian - Russian government agreement on Skrunda radar station states that several specialists will remain at the object till 2001 when the station is dismantled completely. Within one week the administration of the Radar station will submit detailed list of the employees to the DCMA that will be considered individually. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

Jauna Avize, adding to this, writes about unofficial information that Russia would start to take away the military armour belonging to the radar station without informing officially neither state officials, nor security services, nor the local people. According to the agreement of Skrunda Radar station, the armour should be evacuated until August 31, it is not understandable why these evacuation activities have been started without a prior announcement. Although there was primary information that Latvian Defence Ministry had made an announcement on the fact of evacuation of this armour, the representatives of the DM Press Centre, National Armed Forces, and Skrunda Police neither confirmed nor denied this fact.

Jauna Avize, adding to this, writes about unofficial information that Russia would start to take away the military armour belonging to the radar station without informing officially neither state officials, nor security services, nor the local people. According to the agreement of Skrunda Radar station, the armour should be evacuated until August 31, it is not understandable why these evacuation activities have been started without a prior announcement. Although there was primary information that Latvian Defence Ministry had made an announcement on the fact of evacuation of this armour, the representatives of the DM Press Centre, National Armed Forces, and Skrunda Police neither confirmed nor denied this fact.

Unilateral border demarcation started by Latvia will cause no territorial losses and would not effect Russia’ s security, such an announcement was made yesterday RF Bordergard Service Director Colonel-general N.Bordyuzha. He considers that this border demarcation had changed nothing from the point of view of service or performing military tasks.

Unilateral border demarcation started by Latvia will cause no territorial losses and would not effect Russia s security, such an announcement was made yesterday RF Bordergard Service Director Colonel-general N.Bordyuzha. He considers that this border demarcation had changed nothing from the point of view of service or performing military tasks. Neatkariga, SM

It is possible that demarcation of Latvian Byelorussian border would repeat the same history as it was with Russia. Latvian party has twice in a written form invited Byelorussia to renew talks on border demarcation, but the agreement had not been signed yet. On its side, Latvia has conducted all necessary geodesic works and is ready to equip the border.

It is possible that demarcation of Latvian Byelorussian border would repeat the same history as it was with Russia. Latvian party has twice in a written form invited Byelorussia to renew talks on border demarcation, but the agreement had not been signed yet. On its side, Latvia has conducted all necessary geodesic works and is ready to equip the border. Respublika

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK J.Straume warned that within 10 - 15 years, should the amendments to the Law on Citizenship took effect, the regions where the majority of population constitute Russian speakers would split apart from Latvia and join Russia. As one of the possible regions he mentioned was Daugavpils. Rigas Balss, Respublika

Авг. 6, 1998

 Press Review

Press Review

According to the data of the Social Research Centre 48% of all Latvian citizens, when asked about their opinion about a referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, think a national voting is necessary, 31% do not agree with this idea and 16.1% have not made their minds. Among the supporters 52.8% are Latvians and 36.4% non-Latvians. If there were a referendum, the greatest activity would be in Riga - 56.6%, the least - in Zemgale - 42.6%.

According to the data of the Social Research Centre 48% of all Latvian citizens, when asked about their opinion about a referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, think a national voting is necessary, 31% do not agree with this idea and 16.1% have not made their minds. Among the supporters 52.8% are Latvians and 36.4% non-Latvians. If there were a referendum, the greatest activity would be in Riga - 56.6%, the least - in Zemgale - 42.6%. Diena

It seems possible that UNDP could stop its financial support to the NHRO. A UNDP representative neither confirmed nor affirmed this information and said that there would be no comments until the Head of the UNDP J.Sorensen were back from his vacation. NHRO Director O.Bruveris told

It seems possible that UNDP could stop its financial support to the NHRO. A UNDP representative neither confirmed nor affirmed this information and said that there would be no comments until the Head of the UNDP J.Sorensen were back from his vacation. NHRO Director O.Bruveris told Neatkariga that he had no information about such a decision, but he would not be surprised if there were one. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced yesterday that Russia’s reproaches about Latvia starting a unilateral demarcation of its Eastern border did not correspond to the truth: according to Latvian - Russian border delimitation maps, Russia was the first to install the first boundary post, thus starting a unilateral demarcation of its border. The Minister wanted to stress once more that the announcement on a unilateral border demarcation should be understood not as an immediate start of the process but as a consideration of such a possibility. At the same time MFA had requested Byelorussia to renew talks on establishing a demarcation border between those two countries.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs announced yesterday that Russias reproaches about Latvia starting a unilateral demarcation of its Eastern border did not correspond to the truth: according to Latvian - Russian border delimitation maps, Russia was the first to install the first boundary post, thus starting a unilateral demarcation of its border. The Minister wanted to stress once more that the announcement on a unilateral border demarcation should be understood not as an immediate start of the process but as a consideration of such a possibility. At the same time MFA had requested Byelorussia to renew talks on establishing a demarcation border between those two countries. Neatkariga, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

EU and the USA have achieved a compromise in their different approach to liberalisation of audio - visual market that was an obstacle to Latvia’s joining the World Trade Organisation. Therefore it is planned that Latvia would be accepted to WTO on October 14.

EU and the USA have achieved a compromise in their different approach to liberalisation of audio - visual market that was an obstacle to Latvias joining the World Trade Organisation. Therefore it is planned that Latvia would be accepted to WTO on October 14. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

About 70% of Russian military pensioners or their widows, residing in Latvia, have not received their pensions for July,

About 70% of Russian military pensioners or their widows, residing in Latvia, have not received their pensions for July, Diena was informed by O.Shchepkin, the Chairman of Liepaja branch of the Association of Military pensioners. There are about 20 000 people that would have to receive monthly pensions from the budget of Russia. In July only pensioners residing in Jelgava Region and Riga City Centre Region have received their pensions, there was no money for the rest. Diena

One year after the law on the status of a refugee was adopted in Lithuania, fifteen persons have received such a status. From nine present refugees, five are from Afghanistan, two - from Iraq, one from Russian and one is a stateless person. This year the Migration Department has received 77 applications with a request for a refugee status, last year there were 186 applications, and 59 have already been considered by the Interior Ministry.

One year after the law on the status of a refugee was adopted in Lithuania, fifteen persons have received such a status. From nine present refugees, five are from Afghanistan, two - from Iraq, one from Russian and one is a stateless person. This year the Migration Department has received 77 applications with a request for a refugee status, last year there were 186 applications, and 59 have already been considered by the Interior Ministry. Diena

Latvian President G.Ulmanis is leaving for the Crimea tomorrow to celebrate the 60th anniversary of his Ukrainian colleague L.Kuchma. During the celebration both officials will have discussions, the topics of which are not made public.

Latvian President G.Ulmanis is leaving for the Crimea tomorrow to celebrate the 60th anniversary of his Ukrainian colleague L.Kuchma. During the celebration both officials will have discussions, the topics of which are not made public. Bizness & Baltiya

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