Июнь 27, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Thirty-eight deputies signed the request to suspend the promulgation of the Citizenship Law amendments and on Friday submitted it to the State President. The Constitution provides that the law thus suspended should be submitted to a referendum, if not less than one-tenths of the electors so request. Juris Dobelis, Deputy Chair of the

Thirty-eight deputies signed the request to suspend the promulgation of the Citizenship Law amendments and on Friday submitted it to the State President. The Constitution provides that the law thus suspended should be submitted to a referendum, if not less than one-tenths of the electors so request. Juris Dobelis, Deputy Chair of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK said that the request to suspend the promulgation of the law was made because the amendments provide non-citizen children with rights to obtain the citizenship until reaching the age of 15 years without proving the command of the Latvian language. According to Mr. Dobelis, the referendum is the manifestation of the democracy, and the European experts should not have any objections regarding that. The Latvijas Cels has decided to ask people not to sign the request for the referendum. Ernests Jurkans, Chair of the Democratic Party Saimnieks faction, told the press that in case the Prime Minister does not take adequate steps in implementation of the Citizenship Law amendments, the Democratic Party Saimnieks is ready to summon the extraordinary session of the parliament to give the vote of no-confidence to the government. Commenting the possibility of the referendum, a journalist of the Panorama Latvii Sergey Zaletayev argues that essentially the referendum is a real democratic procedure. There are, however, issues which cannot be solved with the help of the referendum, and the citizenship for the non-citizens of Latvia is one of such issues. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Some thirty, already issued "Alien's Passports" are invalid due to the technical defects on one of the pages providing the description of the special peculiarities of the passort holder. These passports will be exchanged free of charge. The Head of the Passport Center of the DCMA Andris Krekis told 

Some thirty, already issued "Alien's Passports" are invalid due to the technical defects on one of the pages providing the description of the special peculiarities of the passort holder. These passports will be exchanged free of charge. The Head of the Passport Center of the DCMA Andris Krekis toldDiena that in order to avoid the further technical problems with the non-citizen passports, the pages will be covered with a special protective film.

The Press Center of the Council of Europe informs that on Friday Latvia signed the Protocol 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights regarding the elimination of the death penalty.

The Press Center of the Council of Europe informs that on Friday Latvia signed the Protocol 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights regarding the elimination of the death penalty. Diena

The Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Latvia will have more strict procedure for the issuance of visas to the Latvian citizens. This is a response action to the decision of the Latvian government not to soften the visa regime for the participants of the commemorational events on the Friendship Burial-Mound on the border intersection of Latvia, Russia and Belarus.

The Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Latvia will have more strict procedure for the issuance of visas to the Latvian citizens. This is a response action to the decision of the Latvian government not to soften the visa regime for the participants of the commemorational events on the Friendship Burial-Mound on the border intersection of Latvia, Russia and Belarus. Diena, Chas

Июнь 26, 1998

Press Review

The United States will grant 500 thousand US dollars for the implementation of the Citizenship Law amendments, Valdis Birkavs told after the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the CBSS in Denmark. The money will go mainly to the providing of the Latvian language teaching. Press Service of the State President informs that the State President has received a letter from the United States President Bill Clinton in which he expresses a hope that Latvians will unite in order to honour the decision of the parliament and support the complete and fast implementation of the amended Citizenship Law. The United States President called the amendments to the Citizenship Law important and far-seeing and in conformity with the OSCE recommendations. The Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister also welcomed the adoption of the Citizenship Law amendments, and said that they correspond with the OSCE recommendations.

The United States will grant 500 thousand US dollars for the implementation of the Citizenship Law amendments, Valdis Birkavs told after the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the CBSS in Denmark. The money will go mainly to the providing of the Latvian language teaching. Press Service of the State President informs that the State President has received a letter from the United States President Bill Clinton in which he expresses a hope that Latvians will unite in order to honour the decision of the parliament and support the complete and fast implementation of the amended Citizenship Law. The United States President called the amendments to the Citizenship Law important and far-seeing and in conformity with the OSCE recommendations. The Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister also welcomed the adoption of the Citizenship Law amendments, and said that they correspond with the OSCE recommendations. Diena, B&B

Yesterday the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs told press that Russia considers a possibility to terminate the status of the favourable economic relations with Latvia. It was announced by the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Yevgeny Primakov at the meeting of the CBSS Foreign Affairs Ministers in Denmark. Russia was the only country of the CBSS which did not welcome the Citizenship Law amendments. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister said that there have not been changes in Russia's position towards Latvia even though Latvia has taken considerable steps.

Yesterday the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs told press that Russia considers a possibility to terminate the status of the favourable economic relations with Latvia. It was announced by the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Yevgeny Primakov at the meeting of the CBSS Foreign Affairs Ministers in Denmark. Russia was the only country of the CBSS which did not welcome the Citizenship Law amendments. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister said that there have not been changes in Russia's position towards Latvia even though Latvia has taken considerable steps. Diena, B&B

The State President Guntis Ulmanis will promulgate the Criminal Law which keeps the death penalty. The Legal Advisor of the State President Vineta Uskane told 

The State President Guntis Ulmanis will promulgate the Criminal Law which keeps the death penalty. The Legal Advisor of the State President Vineta Uskane toldDiena that the Saeima will have to decide on the death penalty on two more occasions -first, when ratifying the 6 Supplementary Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights, and secondly, when considering the second part of the Constitution which will include the provision on the rights to life.

Today the request to suspend the promulgation of the Citizenship Law amendments might be submitted to the State President. As the Head of the Saeima Legal Office Gunars Kusins told

Today the request to suspend the promulgation of the Citizenship Law amendments might be submitted to the State President. As the Head of the Saeima Legal Office Gunars Kusins told Diena, the State President will have to announce the suspension of the promulgation not later than the eight day after the adoption of the law. The Central Election Commission will announce to the local election commissions about the starting of the canvassing of the signatures which should be done within two months. If the necessary one-tenth of the electors signs the request the referendum, within three days the referendum has to be announced. The Head of the Central Election Commission Arnis Cimdars said that in case there will be a referendum, it might take place at the day of the 7th Saeima elections on 3 October. And it will cost approximately 1,047 million Lats.

Yesterday the State President had a round table discussion about the formation of the civic society in Latvia in which participated US Ambassador and the EU Ambassador to Latvia, Head of the Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks, Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, and others. The main topic of the discussion was the integration program being prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Yesterday the State President had a round table discussion about the formation of the civic society in Latvia in which participated US Ambassador and the EU Ambassador to Latvia, Head of the Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks, Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, and others. The main topic of the discussion was the integration program being prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers. Neatkariga

Jauna Avize publishes the opinion of Janis Straume, Chair of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK faction, about the Citizenship Law amendments. According to Mr. Straume, if there is no a common language uniting the citizens of the state, such terms as "civic society" and "state"in general will become absurd concepts in Latvia. Jauna Avize

Juriy Kuznecov, deputy of the Russian Duma (parliament) visits Latvia. Yesterday he met with the Chair of the Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts, and the leader of the people's harmony Party Janis Jurkans. According to Mr. Kuznecov. the amendments essentially did not solve the problem of citizenship for those people who have lived in Latvia for many years and have to go through the "humiliating procedure of the naturalisation."

Juriy Kuznecov, deputy of the Russian Duma (parliament) visits Latvia. Yesterday he met with the Chair of the Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts, and the leader of the people's harmony Party Janis Jurkans. According to Mr. Kuznecov. the amendments essentially did not solve the problem of citizenship for those people who have lived in Latvia for many years and have to go through the "humiliating procedure of the naturalisation." SM

According to the information at the disposal of the newspaper

According to the information at the disposal of the newspaper Chas, some 80 thousand of non-citizens will have to exchange their newly issued "Alien's passports" due to the technical defects of the documents - print of the entry "Distinctive Marks" easily comes off the page.

Panorama Latvii journalist Sergey Zaletayev criticises the some provisions of the Citizenship Law amendments which were not co-ordinated with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel. For example, the draft law which was approved by the High Commissioner did not include the requirement for the child - applicant for the citizenship - not be convicted.

Июнь 25, 1998

Press Report

Press Report

On Monday the Saeima adopted the Citizenship Law amendments according to the OSCE recommendations. Forty-nine deputies from the

On Monday the Saeima adopted the Citizenship Law amendments according to the OSCE recommendations. Forty-nine deputies from the Latvijas Cels, Democratic Party Saimnieks, the Latvian Farmer Union/Christian Democratic Union, People's Harmony Party, National Reform Party/Green Party, and some independent deputies supported the amendments. The deputies of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK voted against or abstained. After the session the Tevzemei un Brivibai/ LNNK decided to use the rights set by Article 72 of the Satversme (Constitution) and ask the State President suspend the promulgation of the law for a period of two months. According to the Constitution, the President shall suspend the promulgation of the law at the request of not less than one-third of the members of the Saeima. These rights shall be exercised within 7 days after the adoption of the law. The law thus suspended, shall be submitted to a referendum, if not less than one-tenth of the electors so request. The referendum shall not be taken, however, if the Saeima puts this law to a vote once more and if then not less than three-fourths of all the members are in favour of the adoption. According to the information at the disposal of Diena, the necessary signatures of one-third of the deputies have been canvassed and the request will be submitted to the State President within 7 days. Vladlen Dozorcev, Deputy of the People's Harmony Party, told Panorama Latvii that he does not believe in possibilities of the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK to get signatures of the one-tenth of the electors. Still, the party will use it as a free-of -charge political campaign before the elections. Dienaasked the State President to evaluate the initiative to suspend the promulgation of the law. Mr. Ulmanis said that Latvia is the parliamentary state in which the laws are observed. At the moment he was pleased with the Saeima decision. At the session the major debate was about the command of the Latvian language. B&B, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

The United States and the European Union welcomed the Citizenship Law amendments adopted by the Saeima on Monday. The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel believes that the basic statements of his recommendations were taken into account when adopting the amendments. In his statement for the press, Max van der Stoel says that when this law comes into force, the main elements of his recommendations concerning the citizenship and naturalization will be fulfilled. At the same time, the Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs thinks that the adopted amendments to the Citizenship Law are only correction of undemocratic laws. Vitaliy Markov, an official representative of the Russian MFA, spoke positively about the elimination of the naturalization windows. Still, he said that the adopted amendments do not correspond fully with the OSCE High Commissioner's recommendations. "The granting of citizenship to children born after August 1991 is connected with many requirements. "

The United States and the European Union welcomed the Citizenship Law amendments adopted by the Saeima on Monday. The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel believes that the basic statements of his recommendations were taken into account when adopting the amendments. In his statement for the press, Max van der Stoel says that when this law comes into force, the main elements of his recommendations concerning the citizenship and naturalization will be fulfilled. At the same time, the Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs thinks that the adopted amendments to the Citizenship Law are only correction of undemocratic laws. Vitaliy Markov, an official representative of the Russian MFA, spoke positively about the elimination of the naturalization windows. Still, he said that the adopted amendments do not correspond fully with the OSCE High Commissioner's recommendations. "The granting of citizenship to children born after August 1991 is connected with many requirements. " Diena

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced the decision recently adopted by the Saeima to promulgate 16 March as the Commemoration Day of the Latvian soldiers.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced the decision recently adopted by the Saeima to promulgate 16 March as the Commemoration Day of the Latvian soldiers. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Leader of the Latvijas Cels Andrejs Pantelejevs told press on Monday that the Krasts governments has lost the confidence, and exists not as a political unit but a technical cabinet. At the same time, Mr. Pantelejevs said that there is no point in calling for the vote of confidence a couple of months before the elections.

Leader of the Latvijas Cels Andrejs Pantelejevs told press on Monday that the Krasts governments has lost the confidence, and exists not as a political unit but a technical cabinet. At the same time, Mr. Pantelejevs said that there is no point in calling for the vote of confidence a couple of months before the elections. Diena

Sergey Zaletayev, a journalist of

Sergey Zaletayev, a journalist of Panorama Latvii, analyzes the Citizenship Law amendments adopted by the Saeima on Monday. According to Mr. Zaletayev. the provision of the Article 3.1. requiring the applicant for the citizenship to submit the document about the education in the Latvian school or to pass the exam of the Latvian language contradicts the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Besides, the Article 3.1. has the provision which was not included in the draft submitted to the High Commissioner for the approval, namely the stipulation stating that the person can use the rights of this Article until the reaching of the age of 18 years. After that, he/she has to undergo the general procedure of the naturalization. According to Mr. Zaletayev, such "amateur performance" should provoke Mr. Stoel to protest, since the OSCE insists on the granting citizenship to the children born after 21 August 1991 without any requirements and examinations.

Июнь 22, 1998

Press Review

Neatkarigapublishes the story of two applicants for the naturalization who recently took the naturalization exams. The conclusion is that the talks about the complicated naturalization exams which are impossible to pass, do not correspond with the reality. Neatkariga

SM publishes an opinion of the Chair of the Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts about the decision of the Saeima to keep the death penalty. According to Mr. Seiksts, by keeping the death penalty, the Saeima has violated the Latvia's obligations towards the European Council and the European Union.

SM publishes an opinion of the Chair of the Human Rights Commission Antons Seiksts about the decision of the Saeima to keep the death penalty. According to Mr. Seiksts, by keeping the death penalty, the Saeima has violated the Latvia's obligations towards the European Council and the European Union. SM

SM publishes an article prepared by the Latvian Committee of Human Rights about the unimplemented recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the Citizenship Law, naturalization requirements and naturalization examinations.

SM publishes an article prepared by the Latvian Committee of Human Rights about the unimplemented recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the Citizenship Law, naturalization requirements and naturalization examinations. SM

Commenting the Citizenship Law amendments to be adopted at the extraordinary session of the Saeima on Monday, Aivars Ozolins, a journalist of DIENA, states that in case the amendments are not adopted in accordance with the OSCE recommendations or they are postponed until the fall, Latvia. without doubts, will renounce its chances to join Estonia in talks with the EU in the near future.

Commenting the Citizenship Law amendments to be adopted at the extraordinary session of the Saeima on Monday, Aivars Ozolins, a journalist of DIENA, states that in case the amendments are not adopted in accordance with the OSCE recommendations or they are postponed until the fall, Latvia. without doubts, will renounce its chances to join Estonia in talks with the EU in the near future. Diena

Atis Lejins, Director of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Institute, states that the resistance OSCE recommendations and statements that the Citizenship Law amendments will bring Latvia to its end, show that a part of the Latvian society holds to the beliefs formed during the Soviet period about the Russia's military political potential which has been equalized with the Russia’s capacity during the Soviet period.

Atis Lejins, Director of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Institute, states that the resistance OSCE recommendations and statements that the Citizenship Law amendments will bring Latvia to its end, show that a part of the Latvian society holds to the beliefs formed during the Soviet period about the Russia's military political potential which has been equalized with the Russias capacity during the Soviet period. Diena

Two young people were detained for the vandalism act near the synagogue in Riga on 16 June. The detained persons told the police that that night they were drunk and were not aware that they wrote Fascistic symbols at the wall near the synagogue.

Two young people were detained for the vandalism act near the synagogue in Riga on 16 June. The detained persons told the police that that night they were drunk and were not aware that they wrote Fascistic symbols at the wall near the synagogue. Diena

Июнь 20, 1998

Press Review

On 19 June at the Ministry of Education and Science some 50 teachers from the Russian schools protested against the decree of the former Minister of Education Maris Grinblats, issued in 1996, stating that by 1 September 1998 all teachers of schools with the Russian language as the language of instruction have to take the Latvian language examination at the highest level; otherwise they will be dismissed from their positions. The Minister of Education Janis Gaigals described the picket as the political action of the

On 19 June at the Ministry of Education and Science some 50 teachers from the Russian schools protested against the decree of the former Minister of Education Maris Grinblats, issued in 1996, stating that by 1 September 1998 all teachers of schools with the Russian language as the language of instruction have to take the Latvian language examination at the highest level; otherwise they will be dismissed from their positions. The Minister of Education Janis Gaigals described the picket as the political action of the Equality movement rather than the protest of teachers. Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Education Guntis Tomsons said that the Ministry will not terminate the decree, and both parties have to seek compromise. Tatjana Zdanoka, a deputy of the Riga City Council and the member of Equality, told Lauku Avize that the solution might be to postpone the implementation of the decree until the year of 2005. At the moment, some 3000 teachers of 11,334 have not taken examination, and 2,000 of those 3,000 have submitted the documents for the examination. Mr. Tompsons said that some 461 teachers might have problems with the examination. SM and Panorama Latvii publish the opinions of the participants of the picket.

On 19 June the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts told 

On 19 June the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts toldDiena that Latvia needed to postpone the adoption of the Citizenship Law amendments till the fall like Estonia did. The Prime Minister admitted that it would be a mistake to solve the issue under the pressure without a public discussion. At the same time, he said that he will not disassociate himself from the governmental proposals. At the meeting with the foreign ambassadors accredited in Latvia, the Latvijas Cels faction asked for the support for Latvia, in case the Citizenship Law amendments corresponding with the OSCE recommendations, would not satisfy Russia. Andrejs Pantelejevs, Leader of the Latvijas Cels, toldDiena that such support was promised.

In the column of the Soros Fund Action.

In the column of the Soros Fund Action. Panorama Latvii publishes the article of Sergey Zaletayev about the naturalization requirements. Mr. Zaletayev urges people maximaly use their rights given by the Latvian state, meaning, the rights to naturalization.

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