Ноя. 13, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday at the plenary meeting of the Saeima, the deputies elected the composition of 16 Saeima commissions. The parties represented in the Saeima got seats according to the number of their members in the parliament. Six of these commissions hold their first meeting already yesterday and elected their chairmen. Former Finance Minister R.Zile was elected to lead the Budget and Finances Commission, G.Krasts became the Chairman of Foreign Affairs Commission, A.Seile would head the Commission of National Economy, Agriculture, Environment and Regional environment, A.Seiks would continue his work in the Human Rights Commission but Dz.Abikis in the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science. State Administration and Municipality Commission would be chaired by K.Greiskalns.

Yesterday at the plenary meeting of the Saeima, the deputies elected the composition of 16 Saeima commissions. The parties represented in the Saeima got seats according to the number of their members in the parliament. Six of these commissions hold their first meeting already yesterday and elected their chairmen. Former Finance Minister R.Zile was elected to lead the Budget and Finances Commission, G.Krasts became the Chairman of Foreign Affairs Commission, A.Seile would head the Commission of National Economy, Agriculture, Environment and Regional environment, A.Seiks would continue his work in the Human Rights Commission but Dz.Abikis in the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science. State Administration and Municipality Commission would be chaired by K.Greiskalns. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

The proposal of the candidate to the post of the Prime Minister V.Kristopans made on Tuesday to

The proposal of the candidate to the post of the Prime Minister V.Kristopans made on Tuesday to Peoples Party to take three minister positions in his government ended with a conflict between the leader of Peoples Party A.Skele and V.Kristopans. Both politicians interpreted this proposal differently. V.Kristopans explained journalists that he had just proposed to Peoples Party to take three minister posts not excluding a possibility to sign a coalition agreement some time later, but A.Skele stressed that unwillingness of V.Kristopans to give a direct answer to the question whether Peoples Party would be an equal partner in the coalition showed that V.Kristopans was just performing. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, SM

Adoption of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship has causes a real explosion of interest for naturalisation - during the first day the law took effect there were more applications than in a month before it. According to the data of the Naturalisation Board these are people who did not have the right to naturalise due to the window mechanism - mostly representatives of intelligence: physicians and others who have received their education in the Latvian language and speak good Latvian.

Diena visited several Naturalisation Board offices and interviewed people there. They had different opinions about the level of difficulty of naturalisation tests and about the political situation in Latvia. Diena

Rigas Balss

interviewed V.Kristopans about the process of forming the new government, principles of co-operation among coalition parties and seeking for the fourth coalition member. He promised that there would be a new government in Latvia on November 26.

Aija Priedite, Director of the National Language training Programme, tells about the activities of the Programme, Latvian language text books they have prepared for non-Latvians and speaks about the role of Ministry of Education and Science in the language training process. Rigas Balss

Composer R.Pauls, after his return from Moscow, announced that he would think about his running for presidency after the new government was formed.

Composer R.Pauls, after his return from Moscow, announced that he would think about his running for presidency after the new government was formed. Chas

Ноя. 12, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Amendments to the Citizenship Law which abolished naturalisation window system, came into force on 3 November. Next day the Naturalisation Board received 125 applications for naturalisation. Some 211 persons signed up in a waiting list for a certain date when they will submit their applications. In comparison, in August the Naturalisation Board received 298 applications, in September 232, and in October - 408. Persons who submitted their applications in the first day after the Law came into force, belong to age categories which, according to the “window” system, were not eligible for naturalization now.

Amendments to the Citizenship Law which abolished naturalisation window system, came into force on 3 November. Next day the Naturalisation Board received 125 applications for naturalisation. Some 211 persons signed up in a waiting list for a certain date when they will submit their applications. In comparison, in August the Naturalisation Board received 298 applications, in September 232, and in October - 408. Persons who submitted their applications in the first day after the Law came into force, belong to age categories which, according to the window system, were not eligible for naturalization now. Diena

Yesterday talks between the candidate for the post of Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans and representatives of the

Yesterday talks between the candidate for the post of Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans and representatives of the Peoples Party brought no results in coalition forming process. Vilis Kristopans offered the Peoples Party delegate its candidates for some ministerial offices without signing a coalition agreement. Secretary General of the Peoples Party Gundars Berzins told journalists that the Poeples Party would not accept such an offer. Vilis Kristopans still hopes that he will be able to form a majority government. Diena


Latvian WayLatvian Way, , For Fatherland and FreedomFor Fatherland and Freedom, , the New Partythe New Party, and the , and the People’s PartyPeoples Party reached an agreement concerning candidates for a post of chairman in 9 out of 16 Commissions of the Saeima. It was greed that Mr. Dzintars Abikis ( reached an agreement concerning candidates for a post of chairman in 9 out of 16 Commissions of the Saeima. It was greed that Mr. Dzintars Abikis (People’s PartyPeoples Party) would be a chair of the Commission on Education, Science and Culture, Mr. Antons Seiksts () would be a chair of the Commission on Education, Science and Culture, Mr. Antons Seiksts (Latvian WayLatvian Way) - Commission on Human Rights and Public Affairs, Mr. Janis Legzdins () - Commission on Human Rights and Public Affairs, Mr. Janis Legzdins (People’s PartyPeoples Party ) Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law. ) Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law. Jauna AvizeJauna Avize According to a survey done by the Baltic Data House, 73% of residents whose native language is not Latvian, watch TV programs in the Latvian language. Majority watch the news in Latvian. Some 41% of people of other nationalities read Latvian newspapers, and approximately 39% listen to the Latvian radio.

According to a survey done by the Baltic Data House, 73% of residents whose native language is not Latvian, watch TV programs in the Latvian language. Majority watch the news in Latvian. Some 41% of people of other nationalities read Latvian newspapers, and approximately 39% listen to the Latvian radio. Diena

Recently members of the Association of Support for Schools with Education in the Russian language met with pedagogues and parents of Russian schools in Daugavpils.

Recently members of the Association of Support for Schools with Education in the Russian language met with pedagogues and parents of Russian schools in Daugavpils. Dienapublishes opinions of some participants of the meeting - the Chair of the Association Igor Pimenov, a member of the Russian Cultural Society Tatjana Arshavskaya, and a history teacher Elena Matjakubova. According to Mr. Pimenov, the main problem is a program of transition to education in the Latvian language prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science which relates normalisation of ethno-demographic situation in Latvia with increase of number of non-Latvians who would identify themselves with Latvians. The Association asks guarantees for education in the Russian language. It also asks that in the Ministry of Education there would be a department on linguistic minorities and its director would have direct influence on formation of the state policy in education. Ms. Tatjana Arshavskaya states that a bilingual system of education when a native language would be used during a half of a lesson and the state language during other half of a lesson, will reduce amount of knowledge obtained during the class hours. Thus, graduates of these programs will have less knowledge and will be competitive in the labour market. Besides, in Latvia there are not enough specialists who would be able to implement programs of bilingual education. A history teacher Elena Matjakubova argues that children will not be able understand material presented in a non-native language. That, in turn, will make them learn subjects by heart. They will not learn to think, and as a result they will be inferior personalities. Diena

Ноя. 11, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

At the 53rd UN General Assembly Russia once again addressed the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. Russian permanent representative S.Lavrov announced on Monday that this problem was requiring timely reaction. He mentioned the laws on education and language that ignored universal standards of national minority education, as well as concerning freedom of speech and information.

At the 53rd UN General Assembly Russia once again addressed the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia. Russian permanent representative S.Lavrov announced on Monday that this problem was requiring timely reaction. He mentioned the laws on education and language that ignored universal standards of national minority education, as well as concerning freedom of speech and information. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Yesterday discussion among three coalition parties -

Yesterday discussion among three coalition parties - LC, TB/LNNK and NP did not bring any changes. The official version is that the parties agrees to form the government basing it on the principle of consensus. V.Kristopans avoided to make any comments, but M.Grinblats made a hint the main reason for all problems was A.Skele himself. It is difficult for V.Kristopans to accept that A.Skele could work in his government. If PP would take him off, the negative attitude of LC could also be changed because LC has never objected to PPs programmatic principles. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

Starting from October 10 all Latvian non-citizens may submit their documents for receiving citizenship according to a new procedure. It does not anticipate any windows. All people who willing to naturalise have to go to the local Naturalisation Board office. They need to submit is an application, birth certificate, certificate on domicile registration, certificate on employment, three photos and to pay a state fee of 30 Ls.


Peoples Party

faction is going to submit to the Saeima a new draft language law. It is based on the existing draft law, the one Saeima did not manage to adopt in the third reading. The reason for doing it was that this law was not harmonised with amendments to the education and TV and radio laws. faction is going to submit to the Saeima a new draft language law. It is based on the existing draft law, the one Saeima did not manage to adopt in the third reading. The reason for doing it was that this law was not harmonised with amendments to the education and TV and radio laws. Neatkariga Neatkariga, , DienaDiena

After the amendments to the Law on Citizenship have taken effect, the number of visitors to the Naturalisation Board has increased. The Deputy Heard of the Naturalisation Board J.Kahanovics told

After the amendments to the Law on Citizenship have taken effect, the number of visitors to the Naturalisation Board has increased. The Deputy Heard of the Naturalisation Board J.Kahanovics told Diena that more people that usual attended Riga and Daugavpils offices. To avoid queues, NB has established a special registration system - a visitor first agrees on the time he could come to the office to submit his documents. At some places there are queues for already one or two months ahead. Now the Naturalisation Board is ready to naturalise 12 000 people a year, but when they receive computers, up to 25 000. Diena

A journalist from the newspaper

A journalist from the newspaper SM visited several NB offices and made sure that the situation there was normal.

Bizness & Baltiya

looks at it from the other side and states that there were no queues in the Naturalisation Board offices after the amendments took effect. looks at it from the other side and states that there were no queues in the Naturalisation Board offices after the amendments took effect. To find out whether the rumours about delayed pension payments to Russian military pensioners were true,

To find out whether the rumours about delayed pension payments to Russian military pensioners were true, Panorama Latvii called the Press Secretary of Russian Embassy V.Ivanov and he confirmed that due to the financial crisis in Russia there was some delays during previous months. But at that moment they had paid pensions for September and were planning to finish pension payments for October that very week. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

writes about the situation with the Victory monument. Part of its granite plates were stolen, but official Russian and Latvian institutions reacted only after the foundation Panorama told about these events to the public. writes about the situation with the Victory monument. Part of its granite plates were stolen, but official Russian and Latvian institutions reacted only after the foundation “Panorama” told about these events to the public.

Ноя. 10, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

State President G.Ulmanis hopes that the new government could be formed in the second half of November. The activities of V.Kristopans have not been very successful so far. In his interview G.Ulmanis expressed his hope that after November 18 V.Kristopans would announce the composition of the new government and the Cabinet of Ministers could be affirmed by the end of November.

State President G.Ulmanis hopes that the new government could be formed in the second half of November. The activities of V.Kristopans have not been very successful so far. In his interview G.Ulmanis expressed his hope that after November 18 V.Kristopans would announce the composition of the new government and the Cabinet of Ministers could be affirmed by the end of November. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Director of DCMA I.Zitars and the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior A.Grigulis opened a new centre for asylum seekers in Mucenieki, Riga region. It is 20 km from Riga on the territory of a former USSR military base. But the first tenants of this building will have to wait for a while because the equipment and furniture from Sweden is to arrive only in December. All the money for establishing for this centre comes from foreign sources. So far there have been 25 applications for receiving the status of a refugee; imn total - 46 persons (30 adults and 16 children), but the status has been granted only to one person.

Yesterday the Director of DCMA I.Zitars and the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior A.Grigulis opened a new centre for asylum seekers in Mucenieki, Riga region. It is 20 km from Riga on the territory of a former USSR military base. But the first tenants of this building will have to wait for a while because the equipment and furniture from Sweden is to arrive only in December. All the money for establishing for this centre comes from foreign sources. So far there have been 25 applications for receiving the status of a refugee; imn total - 46 persons (30 adults and 16 children), but the status has been granted only to one person. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas


Union of Social Democrats submitted to V.Kristopans the basic principles for their participation in the new government: a necessity to elaborate a national employment program, within four years raise minimal salaries and pensions to the level of subsistence wage, etc. V.Kristopans thinks that they may be discussed, and there is nothing they could not come to an agreement. Diena, Rigas Balss, Jauna Avize

The Saeima Presidium and Council of factions decided to hold the first Saeima meeting on Thursday. The only question on the agenda - electing Saeima commissions. Neatkariga names all the candidates to these commissions. Neatkariga

As it can be understood from the expressions of V.Kristopans, the Board of

As it can be understood from the expressions of V.Kristopans, the Board of Latvijas Cels tended to support a minority government that could be formed by the current coalition members - Latvijas Cels, Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK and New Party, but the final decision had not been made yet. The Chairman of New Party A.Slesers supports the idea of a minority government. But TB/LNNK still stands for a majority government and refuses to work in one government with Social Democrats. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

Dainis Lemesonoks in

Neatkariga wonders what the outcome of the amendments to the Law on Citizenship could be because nobody in Latvia knows what the tempo of naturalisation could be. The first changes in the situation could be felt in 2001, when municipal election is held, and in 2002 with the 8th Saeima election. One of the major influences of naturalization will be the increased number of the Saeima deputy seats in Riga electoral district and decreased in Latvian countryside. All these newly naturalized citizens will cause many changes in Latvia, and it depends on Latvians how fruitful or devastating these changes will be. And the main thing, according to D.Lemesonoks, is that these people should not feel like double citizens: Latvian citizens in their passports and former USSR citizens in their heart. And the author is not sure about loyalty of these to be citizens. Neatkariga

The amendments to the Law on Citizenship took effect yesterday, and it means that there are no window mechanism any more. S.Zaletayev in Panorama Latvii writes about the situation in August last year when suddenly the government led by TB/LNNK representative G.Krasts decided to implement all OSCE recommendations. S.Zaletayev explains it as pure calculation because the law would not take effect before July. And there would not be so many new citizens to influence the outcome of the Saeima election. By 2002, when the next election is held, the window mechanism would be open anyway, because the last window group would have been opened by that time (here S.Zaletayev makes a mistake - the last window for those over 30 is to be opened from January 1, 2203) and calls the future new citizens to remember this fact at the next Saeima election. Panorama Latvii

Ноя. 9, 1998

Press Report

At the 24th conference of Latvian intelligence there was also a discussion on the location of political powers in the 7th Saeima and their wish to fulfil their pre-election promises. The representatives of

At the 24th conference of Latvian intelligence there was also a discussion on the location of political powers in the 7th Saeima and their wish to fulfil their pre-election promises. The representatives of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK and Latvijas Cels expressed an opinion that the government would be formed with participation of Peoples Party. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats stressed that their party would not participate in coalition with Social Democrats. LC representative E.Inkens pointed out that the government might not be formed without support of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK. He acknowledged that the obstacle to the formation of the new government was the subjective attitude towards exact persons. E.Inkens allowed the participation of Social Democrats in the government but only upon a condition that they in order to receive some minister posts would have to give up inclusion of their ideology in the government program. The politicians allowed that the question on the participation of PP or Social Democrats would be decided within few days. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

The new European Human Rights Court will receive five applications from Latvia that had been submitted earlier. According to the procedure a judge commission will decide whether these cases are to be considered by this court. Four of these cases are about everyday problems, one on the procedure of the election to the 6th Saeima.

The new European Human Rights Court will receive five applications from Latvia that had been submitted earlier. According to the procedure a judge commission will decide whether these cases are to be considered by this court. Four of these cases are about everyday problems, one on the procedure of the election to the 6th Saeima. Neatkariga, Diena

Rikard Berug, formed Head of Nordic Information Centre, thinks that the current development of political life in Latvia is illogical and opposite to the common sense. Looking at the events of the election night, he characterises the actions of V.Kristopans and A.Pantelejevs as light minded and completely opposite to the one of K.Libane in her TV interview a few hours later. Her comments showed her national thinking, trying to avoid blind alley situations and establish a constructive and favourable climate for discussions with all right wing parties. R.Berug characterises V.Kristopans’s behaviour as a feminine and that of K.Libane as a masculine one. In the current complicated situation Latvia needs a responsible, rationally thinking, honest prime minister, but according to the author of this article, V.Kristopans is not such a person. R.Berug names two possible candidates for this post, and they are A.Skele and A.Poca from

Rikard Berug, formed Head of Nordic Information Centre, thinks that the current development of political life in Latvia is illogical and opposite to the common sense. Looking at the events of the election night, he characterises the actions of V.Kristopans and A.Pantelejevs as light minded and completely opposite to the one of K.Libane in her TV interview a few hours later. Her comments showed her national thinking, trying to avoid blind alley situations and establish a constructive and favourable climate for discussions with all right wing parties. R.Berug characterises V.Kristopanss behaviour as a feminine and that of K.Libane as a masculine one. In the current complicated situation Latvia needs a responsible, rationally thinking, honest prime minister, but according to the author of this article, V.Kristopans is not such a person. R.Berug names two possible candidates for this post, and they are A.Skele and A.Poca from Latvijas Cels. Diena

Nellija Locmele from

Nellija Locmele from Diena still writes about the results of the Saeima election. This time she analyses Latvian election system where a voter may put a + or - opposite to the name of a candidate thus increasing his or her possibility to get a seat in the Saeima. The most popular in this respect was A.Skele - 49% of PP supporters put a + with his name. The most negative attitude was showed towards LC representative E.Inkens.

The parties that have signed the coalition agreement on working in the new government -

The parties that have signed the coalition agreement on working in the new government - Latvijas Cels, TB/LNNK and New Party are considering at their board meetings the question whom to invite as the fourth partner in the government coalition - Peoples Party or Social Democrats. The candidate to the post of the Prime Minister V.Kristopans anticipated that the final decision would not be made today. The Chairman of the Saeima LSDA faction E.Baldzens thinks that their party will be invited because Peoples Party is a party hard to cooperate with. He also does not see much difference among LSDA and other party programs. They are the same, only dressing and souse differ a little bit. In their turn the representatives of Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK admitted at the conference of Latvian intelligence that Peoples Party would be the chosen one. Jauna Avize

Parties, elected to the Saeima, have agreed that one party might mot take the leading post at a ministry and the corresponding Saeima commission. On Friday the parties submitted their lists for 16 Saeima commissions. It is possible that the decision on commissions could be taken on Thursday, but the lists could change before the new Cabinet is formed. The parties have informed about the positions they would like to have.

Parties, elected to the Saeima, have agreed that one party might mot take the leading post at a ministry and the corresponding Saeima commission. On Friday the parties submitted their lists for 16 Saeima commissions. It is possible that the decision on commissions could be taken on Thursday, but the lists could change before the new Cabinet is formed. The parties have informed about the positions they would like to have. Peoples Party would go for the Saeima Budget and Finance, as well as Education an Science commissions nominating M.Vitols and Dz.Abikis for these posts. PP is also ready to head the commissions of Foreign Affairs ( V.Paegle) and State Administration and Municipality (K.Greiskalns). Latvijas Cels goes for Human Rights and Public Affairs commission (A.Seiksts), Budget and Finance, Social and Employment affairs, National Security and European Affairs commissions. Also Social Democrats would rather head Social and Employment Affairs commission (A.Barca), and National Economy Rural, Environment and Regional Policy commissions. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK claims the leading posts in Foreign Affairs, Budget and Finances, Defense and Internal Affairs well as Social and Employment Affairs commissions. And New Party is ready to delegates its representatives to different Saeima commissions.

N.Lebedeva from

N.Lebedeva from SM interviews the Head of OSCE Mission Richard Samuel on his last days in Latvia. It was rather busy time for the Head of the Mission . Mr. Samuel told the journalist that, when he came here, he did not expect any amendments to the Law on Citizenship to be made, but these amendments had opened a door to a considerable part of non-citizens for naturalization. N.Lebedeva was rather skeptic about the speed of naturalization process and that non-citizens would be able to naturalize with no problems. Answering to this, R.Samuel said that there should be soon changes in the process of naturalization and described the activities of the Mission in cooperation with the Naturalization Board. When asked about the adoption of the new law on education not corresponding to OSCE recommendations, R.Samuel expressed his incomprehension about this situation when the law on education was adopted before the law on the state language. They should be two parallel processes. SM

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