Окт. 31, 1998

Press Reports

Dienapublishes an article by Elena Koronovskaya about a seminar within the framework of an international project on integration in Latvia, Estonia and Russia which took place in St. Petersburg. According to a co-ordinator of the project Vladimir Veisman, the situation of Russians in the Baltic States is not hopeless, although a tradition of observing human rights cannot be created with a year.

The author of the article notes that the Russian diaspora in the Baltics is fragmented and lacks experience in protection of its culture, but hopefully it will change in future since “several hundreds of thousand people cannot, at once, get assimilated or leave.” 

The author of the article notes that the Russian diaspora in the Baltics is fragmented and lacks experience in protection of its culture, but hopefully it will change in future since several hundreds of thousand people cannot, at once, get assimilated or leave.Diena in Russian

Diena in Russian publishes a letter of Vladimir Sokolov, chair of the Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens, in which he presents an idea to organize a competition for preparation of an education system conception. The competition would help assess new ideas in this sphere.

Jauna Avize publishes an interview with the State President Guntis Ulmanis in which he stresses four important criteria for choosing a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. First, a candidate should possess political confidence which corresponds with tendencies of the Latvias development. Secondly, a candidate should professionally fit to the post. Third criteria concerns the candidates world outlook. And finally, the candidate should be able to consolidate predictable, practical persons for work in the government.

Окт. 30, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the State President Guntis Ulmanis met with representatives of the

Yesterday the State President Guntis Ulmanis met with representatives of the Latvian Way, Peoples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom. After the meeting the State President told journalists that he believes in a possibility to form a majority government consisting of these three parties plus the New Party. According to Mr. Ulmanis, Latvian Way, Peoples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom do not have serious contradictions concerning programmatic issues. Speaking of a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister, Mr. Ulmanis said that besides already named candidates - Vilis Kristopans and Andris Skele, he sees other possible nominees whose names he did not reveal. The State President is sure that on 3 November he will be able to name a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Law on Education according to which in state or municipal education institutions education will be acquired in the state language. During the session approximately 50 people were picketing outside the parliament demanding the right to acquire education in the Russian language.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Law on Education according to which in state or municipal education institutions education will be acquired in the state language. During the session approximately 50 people were picketing outside the parliament demanding the right to acquire education in the Russian language. SM comments provisions of the Law related with the language of exams. It is unclear whether student will have to take an exam of the Russian literature in the Latvian language. Diena, SM

Yesterday the Saeima also adopted amendments to the Law on Mass Media according to which all foreign films will have to be dubbed or provided with subtitles in the state language. Furthermore, the number of programs which are broadcasted in a foreign language will be reduced to 25 % of all programs. Until now, 30 % of programs were broadcasted in foreign languages.

Yesterday the Saeima also adopted amendments to the Law on Mass Media according to which all foreign films will have to be dubbed or provided with subtitles in the state language. Furthermore, the number of programs which are broadcasted in a foreign language will be reduced to 25 % of all programs. Until now, 30 % of programs were broadcasted in foreign languages. Diena

The Saeima adopted a declaration about the Latvian legionnaires in the Second World War. An initiator of the declaration Janis Maulins said that several world mass media unfairly turned against a commemoration event of the Latvian legionnaires in March of 1998. In the declaration it is stated that two totalitarian states the USSR and Germany, by turns, occupied Latvia, and by violating international agreements, conscripted citizens of the occupied country. Forced presence in the Latvian legion which was fighting on the side of the German Armed forces, did not depend on the Latvian citizens. The Latvian legion did not participate in punitive actions against civilians, did not fight against anti-fascist coalition, but only against the Soviet Union, the declaration states.

The Saeima adopted a declaration about the Latvian legionnaires in the Second World War. An initiator of the declaration Janis Maulins said that several world mass media unfairly turned against a commemoration event of the Latvian legionnaires in March of 1998. In the declaration it is stated that two totalitarian states the USSR and Germany, by turns, occupied Latvia, and by violating international agreements, conscripted citizens of the occupied country. Forced presence in the Latvian legion which was fighting on the side of the German Armed forces, did not depend on the Latvian citizens. The Latvian legion did not participate in punitive actions against civilians, did not fight against anti-fascist coalition, but only against the Soviet Union, the declaration states. B&B calls this document an aggressively declarative. The newspaper argues that there are no doubts that this declaration will draw the Russias attention and also attention of Western countries. SM states that by adopting such a declaration, the Latvian parliamentarians question the verdict of the Nuremberg trial. Diena, B&B

20, 800 Russian military pensioners residing in Latvia have not received their pensions starting September. Advisor of the Russian Embassy in Latvia Vladimir Ivanov told BIZNES&BALTIYA; that due to a economic crisis in Russia the transferring of money for pensions has been delayed, but he assured that the payments will start no later than next Tuesday.

20, 800 Russian military pensioners residing in Latvia have not received their pensions starting September. Advisor of the Russian Embassy in Latvia Vladimir Ivanov told BIZNES&BALTIYA that due to a economic crisis in Russia the transferring of money for pensions has been delayed, but he assured that the payments will start no later than next Tuesday. B&B

Yesterday the speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis presented a memorial medal with a picture of the Saeima to the head of the OSCE Mission Richard Samuel. He expressed a hope that the co-operation with the OSCE will continue to be prolific also in the future.

Yesterday the speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis presented a memorial medal with a picture of the Saeima to the head of the OSCE Mission Richard Samuel. He expressed a hope that the co-operation with the OSCE will continue to be prolific also in the future. Chas

There will be no delay in opening of a refugee centre “Mucenieki” at the end of October or beginning of November. A couple days ago the government approved statutes of the centre.

There will be no delay in opening of a refugee centre Mucenieki at the end of October or beginning of November. A couple days ago the government approved statutes of the centre. Neatkariga

Окт. 29, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday talks between the

Yesterday talks between the Poeples Party and the For Fatherland and Freedom brought no results concerning formation of a coalition, since the Fatherland and Freedom did not provide a clear answer whether it is ready to participate in formation of a rightist coalition or it will participate in a government directly or indirectly supported by the social democrats. At the same time, the board of the Peoples Party named Andris Skele as a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister. Now there are two candidates for the post of a Prime Minister since right after the elections the Latvian Way named its candidate - Vilis Kristopans. Politicians speculate that if there is a possibility to reach an agreement between three biggest parties, most likely it will happen during their talks with the State President on 3 November. Diena

Dienain Latvian publishes an article by Nellija Locmele about the new Chapter of the Satversme (Constitution) on human rights. Many lawyers who were interviewed by Diena admitted that incorporation of human rights in the constitution shows that the state recognizes them as important. It will make persons who apply legal norms, to be more aware that the human rights should be taken into account when passing a decision. Furthermore, it will hopefully encourage each individual to be more aware of his/her own rights. Martins Mits, deputy director of the Human Rights Institute at the Latvian University, believes that along with growing of educational level of population, the Satversme might become a powerful legal instrument in protection of human rights. According to Egils Levits, a justice of a European Human Rights Court, the main problem in Latvia is not a lack of laws but a lack of experience in proper their application. Several lawyers admitted that determination of human rights in the Constitution might require to revise some of currently existing laws.

Diena in Russian publishes an interview with Baiba Petersone, a director of the Educational Strategy Department of the Ministry of Education, in which she informs readers about provisions of new Education Law. According to Ms. Petersone, the main idea of the law is to structurize education of Latvia in accordance with European standards. Among the novelties of the law there is a transition to a bilingual education. Ms. Petersone believes that majority of schools with other language of instruction than Latvian will choose to become state or municipal schools of national minorities. Referring to proposals of Russian Society in Latvia concerning education in the native language, Baiba Petersone said that educational program in Russian schools should not only provide preservation of national identity, but also a mechanism for integrating of a national minority in the Latvian society. According to Ms. Petersone, the project of the Russian Society in Latvia lacked such mechanism.

Diena in Russian also publishes a joint statement signed by the representatives of associations of Russian language teachers, Russian cultural society, Russian Society in Latvia and Committee of Human Rights supporting Russian schools. The draft Education Law and draft Language Law do not correspond with the international human rights norms, therefore law makers are asked to include into the aforementioned laws provisions which would guarantee acquiring of education on all education levels in languages of national minorities. Diena

Russian military pensioners residing in Latvia who have not been paid their pensions since the summer, decided not to attack the Russian Embassy in Riga. Such a resolution was passed after a meeting of representatives of Russian military pensioners with officials of the embassy who informed that money will be transferred this week, and the pensions will be paid on Monday or Tuesday.

Russian military pensioners residing in Latvia who have not been paid their pensions since the summer, decided not to attack the Russian Embassy in Riga. Such a resolution was passed after a meeting of representatives of Russian military pensioners with officials of the embassy who informed that money will be transferred this week, and the pensions will be paid on Monday or Tuesday. Chas

In an interview for the Russian newspaper “Izvestiya”, the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivanov said that Russian MFA which has recently taken serious steps to improve the human rights situation in Russia, has moral right to require protection of such rights in the Baltic States.

In an interview for the Russian newspaper Izvestiya, the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivanov said that Russian MFA which has recently taken serious steps to improve the human rights situation in Russia, has moral right to require protection of such rights in the Baltic States. Panorama Latvii, Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii publishes a story of a non-citizen Tatjana Shishkin whose non-citizen passport contains distorted English spelling of her last name- Siskin. Ms. Shishkin has submitted a complaint to a court.

Validity term of former USSR foreign passports for departure for CIS countries will not be prolonged, director of the passport department of the DCMA Dzintra Peneze informed. After 31 October 1998 the former USSR foreign passports will not be valid for travelling to a CIS country. Those passport holders who will leave the country before 31 October, will be able to return to Latvia by 31 December of this year.

Validity term of former USSR foreign passports for departure for CIS countries will not be prolonged, director of the passport department of the DCMA Dzintra Peneze informed. After 31 October 1998 the former USSR foreign passports will not be valid for travelling to a CIS country. Those passport holders who will leave the country before 31 October, will be able to return to Latvia by 31 December of this year. SM

Окт. 28, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the leader of the People’s Party Andris Skele informed about the resolution of the Board of the party to invite the Fatherland and Freedom to bilateral talks about the formation of the coalition. Maris Grinblats, leader of the Fatherland and Freedom, told journalists that in government forming process a lot will depend on an agreement between the People’s Party and the Latvian Way. At the same time, the leader of the Latvian Way Andrejs Pantelejevs does not see any fundamental contradictions between the Latvian Way, For Fatherland and Freedom and the New Party that would hinder the formation of the government. However, last night the board of the Latvian Way adopted a resolution stating that if the Fatherland and Freedom insists on amending the Citizenship Law by ignoring the outcome of the referendum, the talks about formation of a coalition with this party will bring no results. At a meeting of representatives of the Fatherland and Freedom and the Latvian Way yesterday Mr. Juris Dobelis explained the position of the party and said that what the party actually meant was to have a control over the naturalization process. According to Vilis Kristopans, the Latvian Way agreed with this notion in principle.

Yesterday the leader of the Peoples Party Andris Skele informed about the resolution of the Board of the party to invite the Fatherland and Freedom to bilateral talks about the formation of the coalition. Maris Grinblats, leader of the Fatherland and Freedom, told journalists that in government forming process a lot will depend on an agreement between the Peoples Party and the Latvian Way. At the same time, the leader of the Latvian Way Andrejs Pantelejevs does not see any fundamental contradictions between the Latvian Way, For Fatherland and Freedom and the New Party that would hinder the formation of the government. However, last night the board of the Latvian Way adopted a resolution stating that if the Fatherland and Freedom insists on amending the Citizenship Law by ignoring the outcome of the referendum, the talks about formation of a coalition with this party will bring no results. At a meeting of representatives of the Fatherland and Freedom and the Latvian Way yesterday Mr. Juris Dobelis explained the position of the party and said that what the party actually meant was to have a control over the naturalization process. According to Vilis Kristopans, the Latvian Way agreed with this notion in principle. Rigas Balss, SM, Chas, Neatkariga

Chascomments the announcement of the Fatherland and Freedom about the possible amendments to the Citizenship Law, and a reaction of the Latvian Way to that. The Latvian Way not only supported an idea of formation of some type of commissions supervising the naturalization process, but also agreed to participate in this project. Parties agreed. The law will not be amended. Europe will be satisfied. And the percentage of citizens naturalized by the next elections will not undermine the political stability of the national state.

Commenting the government forming process, Janis Ikstens argues that there are two realistic possibilities: the first, coalition of the Latvian Way, New Party, People’s Party and For Fatherland and Freedom, and the second, coalition of the Latvian Way, Poeple’s Party and For Fatherland and Freedom. The Latvian Way supports the first variant which would ensure bigger party’s influence in the new government. For the People’s Party more acceptable would be a three rather than a four party coalition. It seems that the Fatherland and Freedom holds similar opinion. Janis Ikstens argues that the Fatherland and Freedom will play a decisive role in the government forming process.

Commenting the government forming process, Janis Ikstens argues that there are two realistic possibilities: the first, coalition of the Latvian Way, New Party, Peoples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom, and the second, coalition of the Latvian Way, Poeples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom. The Latvian Way supports the first variant which would ensure bigger partys influence in the new government. For the Peoples Party more acceptable would be a three rather than a four party coalition. It seems that the Fatherland and Freedom holds similar opinion. Janis Ikstens argues that the Fatherland and Freedom will play a decisive role in the government forming process. Rigas Balss

On Tuesday the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts demanded a resignation of the Defence Minister Talavs Jundzis. As a main reason for that was named inability of the minister to carry out his responsibilities. The Defence Minister agreed to resign.

On Tuesday the Prime Minister Guntars Krasts demanded a resignation of the Defence Minister Talavs Jundzis. As a main reason for that was named inability of the minister to carry out his responsibilities. The Defence Minister agreed to resign. Diena

Yesterday the new US Ambassador in Latvia James H. Holmes presented his credentials to the Latvian State President. The ambassador also handed over letters of US President Bill Clinton and State Secretary Madelein Albright in which they acknowledge close co-operation and friendly relationship between Latvia and the United States. In his letter the US President pledged to help Latvia with the implementation of the Citizenship Law. The State Secretary, in her turn, informed that the US will co-operate with the OSCE in order to ensure that the work to be done in the spheres of language, education and labor legislature is accomplished as soon as possible.

Yesterday the new US Ambassador in Latvia James H. Holmes presented his credentials to the Latvian State President. The ambassador also handed over letters of US President Bill Clinton and State Secretary Madelein Albright in which they acknowledge close co-operation and friendly relationship between Latvia and the United States. In his letter the US President pledged to help Latvia with the implementation of the Citizenship Law. The State Secretary, in her turn, informed that the US will co-operate with the OSCE in order to ensure that the work to be done in the spheres of language, education and labor legislature is accomplished as soon as possible. Diena

In the first six months of 1998 the Migration Service of the Russian Federation has registered 891 persons who have moved for permanent residence to Russia from the Baltic State, including 343 persons from Latvia. According to the Migration Service, almost all these persons have moved “under pressure” and only two persons from Latvia have been granted a refugee status.

In the first six months of 1998 the Migration Service of the Russian Federation has registered 891 persons who have moved for permanent residence to Russia from the Baltic State, including 343 persons from Latvia. According to the Migration Service, almost all these persons have moved under pressure and only two persons from Latvia have been granted a refugee status. Diena

Residence permits (service visas) of 40 military persons currently working on dismantling of the Skrunda Radar Station, will be prolonged, Deputy Director of the DCMA Andris Lejins informed BNS

Residence permits (service visas) of 40 military persons currently working on dismantling of the Skrunda Radar Station, will be prolonged, Deputy Director of the DCMA Andris Lejins informed BNS. Jauna Avize

Panorama Latvii publishes an interview with Mr. Jan Sorensen, UNDP resident representative in Latvia, in which he informs about spheres of UNDP activities in Latvia, like assistance in development of an efficient system of the state administration and solution of social problems created by the transition to the market economy. Mr. Sorensen also emphasises the importance of the State Language Training Program developed and implemented by the UNDP.

The Movement “For Equality” invites everybody who supports “true integration” participate in a picket tomorrow when the Saeima will be considering the Education Law in final reading.

The Movement For Equality invites everybody who supports true integration participate in a picket tomorrow when the Saeima will be considering the Education Law in final reading. Panorama Latvii

Окт. 27, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

State President G.Ulmanis considers that last week party consultations and activities show that there is a possibility to form a majority government. The President likes especially the position of

State President G.Ulmanis considers that last week party consultations and activities show that there is a possibility to form a majority government. The President likes especially the position of TB/LNNK. After returning from his European trip, G.Ulmanis met with representatives of several patriots to find the a solution for the task of forming a government. He expressed an opinion that parties should give up their ambitions concerning certain persons and agree about the basis they could proceed to form the new government. G.Ulmanis agreed to the statement of TB/LNNK that a minority government had no perspectives. The President also informed that during his visit many foreign officials inquired about A.Skele - why he as the leader of the winning party had not received a support to form a government. Ulmaniss answer was that if A.Skele would get support of the majority at the Saeima, he would be entrusted to form the government. But Skeles latest speech on the radio shows that he is ready to give up his claim for the post of the Prime Minister and Peoples Party is ready to discuss formation of the government on taking into consideration the opinions of other two major parties. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

The Board of

The Board of Peoples Party in its extraordinary meeting has taken a very serious decision. A.Skele announced that, willing to stop uncertainty, the Board had decided that there were only two acceptable principles for forming government coalition - either in the coalition with TB/LNNK and Latvijas Cels or to remain in opposition. Due to ideological reasons Peoples Party can not accept a coalition with participation of Social Democrats. As the last week announcement of TB/LNNK almost completely corresponds to the position of Peoples Party, it is up to TB/LNNK to say the decisive word. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats, commenting on this, said that A.Skele overestimated the importance of TB/LNNK and that also the opinion of Latvijas Cels was important. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs told Diena that party consultations would not help the President who had to make a decision on the first candidate for the post of the Prime Minister, and then government formation consultations would start from the very beginning. Diena

Yesterday the State President signed amendments to the Law on Citizenship that were supported by the referendum. It is planned that they are to be published in the newspaper

Yesterday the State President signed amendments to the Law on Citizenship that were supported by the referendum. It is planned that they are to be published in the newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis today and, according to law, will take effect after 14 days.

Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

The Board of

The Board of Latvijas Cels expresses its incomprehension about TB/LNNK proposal to amend the Law on Citizenship, making the norms of the law stricter, thus ignoring the results of the national voting. Such a position may cause a situation that further talks with TB/LNNK on possibilities to form a government coalition may end with no results, was a statement in the announcement of the Board. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

N.Locmele in

Diena analyses the situation with human right principles in Latvian constitution. There have been several attempts to elaborate this aspect in the Satversme but only this month - on October 15 the 6th Saeima in one of its last meetings supplemented it with a new Chapter 8 Human Basic Rights that had to take effect in the nearest future. Diena

Rigas Balss

continues the series of articles about activities of the 6th Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science. This time it is about the aspect of human rights. The Head of this Commission A.Seiksts considers that the most important things they managed to achieve in this respect was adoption Satversme chapter on Human Rights. One more important thing the Commission has achieved is that now so-called East Latvians may candidate for citizenship through the procedure of registration. And the Commission was the first to raise the question of easing the procedure for receiving citizenship for Polish people. Commission member V.Dozortsev finds it positive that the problem of Law on Citizenship was solved. Non-citizens now have new possibilities to integrate in the society. He also speaks about the language law the Commission made many proposals to and some other aspects of Commission activities.

The Chairman of New Party R.Pauls in his interview to Lauku Avize said that New Party had not concluded any written agreement with Latvijas Cels, and all 8 their deputies just had to wait what a decision the State President would make on the future Prime Minister. When asked why their party favour V.Kristopans instead of A.Skele, R.Pauls said that during their pre-election visits they noticed that not all people supported Peoples Party, and even then their opinion was not to support A.Skele . The decision to support V.Kristopans came later. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

interviews also the leader of interviews also the leader of TB/LNNKTB/LNNK M.Grinblats about the letter of V.Kristopans where he voiced his opinion about M.Grinblats about the letter of V.Kristopans where he voiced his opinion about TB/LNNKTB/LNNK proposal to make the state language law stricter and reprimanded proposal to make the state language law stricter and reprimanded them forthem for their national policy. M.Grinblats agreed that their national policy differed from the one of their national policy. M.Grinblats agreed that their national policy differed from the one of Latvijas CelsLatvijas Cels and Kristopans knew it quite well. and Kristopans knew it quite well. TB/LNNKTB/LNNK will be interested how the new Minister of Foreign Affairs will apply the results of referendum let all the promised goodies would not be just empty promises, whether it will favor integration of Latvia into EU. will be interested how the new Minister of Foreign Affairs will apply the results of referendum let all the promised goodies would not be just empty promises, whether it will favor integration of Latvia into EU. TB/LNNKTB/LNNK have no doubt that a strict language law must be adopted. It should be achieved that non-Latvians study this language not only for a tick, but due to a necessity to know it. have no doubt that a strict language law must be adopted. It should be achieved that non-Latvians study this language not only for a tick, but due to a necessity to know it. L.Smirnova in Russian version of

L.Smirnova in Russian version of Diena writes about the future of minority (particularly Russian) schools in Latvia. She states that there are two radically opposite opinions on this problem, and none of the parties is ready for a constructive dialogue. Diena (Russian version)

Two journalists of

Two journalists of SM visited the Illegal Immigrants Center and interviewed the Head of this institution A.Eglitis. Mr.Eglitis told the journalists that there were 31 persons from Armenia, Chechna, Zaire, Afghanistan, etc. Some time ago there were whole families of Vietnamese, but they had been recently deported to their homeland. Mr. Eglitis told also about everyday life of these people. SM

UNDP Resident Representative to Latvia Mr. Sorensen, speaking about current problems of Latvia, mentioned integration of non-Latvians and was positive about the adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship characterising them as a large step towards this goal. He also told about UN assistance to Latvia in Latvian language training program.

UNDP Resident Representative to Latvia Mr. Sorensen, speaking about current problems of Latvia, mentioned integration of non-Latvians and was positive about the adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship characterising them as a large step towards this goal. He also told about UN assistance to Latvia in Latvian language training program. Bizness & Baltiya

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