Март 20, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Starting September 1, the Russian schools and schools of national minorities should offer the national minority primary education program. The Ministry of Education has prepared four bilingual education models. The school directors who met at the conference organised by the Ministry of Education, think that it is unrealistic to find teachers who would be ready to teach their subjects in two languages by 1 September. The Director of the Secondary school No 40 (with Russian as the language of instruction) Galina Jefremova said that now when there is the lack of teachers, it is rather the labor market that dictates the optimum teaching method than the director of the school. In her school several subjects are taught in the Latvian language, but she could not tell what type of model the school is implementing.Answering the question which of the models presented by the Ministry of Education, the school will start implementing on 1 September, Ms. Jefremova said that the school will name one, but in reality will d o what is the best for the pupils. The Director of the Education Strategy Department Baiba Petersone believes that the allocated financing means for the Latvian language teachers and the teachers who will teach their subjects in the Latvian language can improve the situation with the pedagogical staff in the minority schools.

Starting September 1, the Russian schools and schools of national minorities should offer the national minority primary education program. The Ministry of Education has prepared four bilingual education models. The school directors who met at the conference organised by the Ministry of Education, think that it is unrealistic to find teachers who would be ready to teach their subjects in two languages by 1 September. The Director of the Secondary school No 40 (with Russian as the language of instruction) Galina Jefremova said that now when there is the lack of teachers, it is rather the labor market that dictates the optimum teaching method than the director of the school. In her school several subjects are taught in the Latvian language, but she could not tell what type of model the school is implementing.Answering the question which of the models presented by the Ministry of Education, the school will start implementing on 1 September, Ms. Jefremova said that the school will name one, but in reality will d o what is the best for the pupils. The Director of the Education Strategy Department Baiba Petersone believes that the allocated financing means for the Latvian language teachers and the teachers who will teach their subjects in the Latvian language can improve the situation with the pedagogical staff in the minority schools. Neatkariga

Neatkariga writes about the student exchange program between the Daugavpils secondary school No 6 with Russian as the language of instruction and the Vandzenes secondary school in the Talsu region with Latvian as the language of instruction. This project received the Soros Fund - Latvia award for the promotion of the ethnic harmony.

The Latvian Television Broadcasting director Arvids Babris informed the LETA agency that the leadership of the Latvian Television has not planned to liquidate the news in the Russian language distributed on the 2nd channel. Mr. Babris believes that the statement that the simultaneous translation of the news broadcast “Panorama” into the Russian language would promote the discord between the Latvian audience and the audience of other nationality people, lacks the grounds.

The Latvian Television Broadcasting director Arvids Babris informed the LETA agency that the leadership of the Latvian Television has not planned to liquidate the news in the Russian language distributed on the 2nd channel. Mr. Babris believes that the statement that the simultaneous translation of the news broadcast Panorama into the Russian language would promote the discord between the Latvian audience and the audience of other nationality people, lacks the grounds.

Panorama Latvii publishes the full text of the statement by the leader of the fraction For Human Rights Janis Jurkans on the draft state language law adopted in the second reading. According to Mr. Jurkans, the draft law ignores the recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel concerning the use of the language in the private sphere. If adopted in such a version, the state language law would promote the forced assimilation rather than the integration. Panorama Latvii

Speaking about the Latvian-Russian relations in the interview for the SM, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans said that Latvia is ready for the dialogue - it has adopted the amendments to the Citizenship Law, implemented almost all recommendations by the OSCE, has appointed the co-chairman of the Latvia-Russian intergovernmental commission. Answering the question about the joining the EU with such large number of non-citizens, Mr. Kristopans reminded that everybody can take the naturalisation exams and become the citizen of Latvia. There are only technical problems - the Naturalisation Board cannot review big amount of applications, but the government will try to solve that by increasing the financing for the NB.

Speaking about the Latvian-Russian relations in the interview for the SM, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans said that Latvia is ready for the dialogue - it has adopted the amendments to the Citizenship Law, implemented almost all recommendations by the OSCE, has appointed the co-chairman of the Latvia-Russian intergovernmental commission. Answering the question about the joining the EU with such large number of non-citizens, Mr. Kristopans reminded that everybody can take the naturalisation exams and become the citizen of Latvia. There are only technical problems - the Naturalisation Board cannot review big amount of applications, but the government will try to solve that by increasing the financing for the NB. SM

In the interview for 

In the interview forDiena the US Ambassador in Latvia J. Holmes said that good and stable relations between Latvia and its neighbours, including Russia, are important for the United States. The last months have been disappointing, since there were good chances to improve the relations between Latvia and Russia, but Moscow was not obliging. Mr. Holmes believes that during last 4-5 months Latvia has done a lot concerning the social integration and it is about the time that Russia recognises that. Diena

After the elections of the chair of the Saeima Commission on Budget and Finance during which the member of the

After the elections of the chair of the Saeima Commission on Budget and Finance during which the member of the For Fatherland and Freedom I. Kalnins was elected, the leader of the New Party Raimonds Pauls announced that the party will consider whether to remain in the ruling coalition. The reason of this disagreement is that the coalition had agreed to give this post to the I. Udre (the New Party) but that was disregarded by the For Fatherland and Freedom. Diena, Jauna Avize

The Saeima Commission on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law expressed incomprehension about the outdated information included into the draft framework document on the state integration program. For example, the chapter on the naturalisation does not mention the amendments to the Citizenship Law approved in the referendum in October of the last year. In response to that the authors of the framework document argued that amending of the text after it has been approved by the government, would have delayed its publication. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane told DIENA, that only the information about the Citizenship Law text is outdated, but the presented objectives are still up-to-date.

The Saeima Commission on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law expressed incomprehension about the outdated information included into the draft framework document on the state integration program. For example, the chapter on the naturalisation does not mention the amendments to the Citizenship Law approved in the referendum in October of the last year. In response to that the authors of the framework document argued that amending of the text after it has been approved by the government, would have delayed its publication. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane told DIENA, that only the information about the Citizenship Law text is outdated, but the presented objectives are still up-to-date. Diena

Juris Bojars, the leader of the

Juris Bojars, the leader of the Latvian Social Democratic Party, has drafted a new Citizenship Law which would be in conformity with the principles of the nation state. According to Mr. Bojars, the major shortcoming of the present law is that it does not promote the repatriation of the Latvians. There is a little chance that the Saeima might adopt a new Citizenship Law. Diena, Chas

Panorama Latvii interviews the Deputy State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aivars Ronis about the Latvian - Russian relations. According to Mr. Ronis Russia is busy with getting financial support from the Western countries, therefore there is nothing new in its relations with Latvia.

Март 19, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

All newspapers write about the expression of the Director of the Latvian Constitution Defence Bureau Lainis Kamaldins concerning the investigation versions of the explosion at the Riga Synagogue last April. According to Lainis Kamaldins, one version is that the members of the Jewish community might have been involved into the organising of the explosion. The Rabbi of Riga and Latvia Natans Barkans strongly denied these allegations, saying that Mr. Kamaldins should officially apologise. Today Mr. Kamaldins will meet with the President of the Riga Jewish Community Grigorijs Krupnikovs.

All newspapers write about the expression of the Director of the Latvian Constitution Defence Bureau Lainis Kamaldins concerning the investigation versions of the explosion at the Riga Synagogue last April. According to Lainis Kamaldins, one version is that the members of the Jewish community might have been involved into the organising of the explosion. The Rabbi of Riga and Latvia Natans Barkans strongly denied these allegations, saying that Mr. Kamaldins should officially apologise. Today Mr. Kamaldins will meet with the President of the Riga Jewish Community Grigorijs Krupnikovs. Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the deputies of the Russian Duma sent a letter to the Latvian Saeima with the request to change the date of the Latvian Soldiers Commemoration Day from the 16th of March to the 17th of March. In response, the Speaker of the Latvian Saeima J. Straume said that the issue of the 16th of March is under the Latvian parliament’s competence, and the Russian Duma should care more about the situation within Russia.

Yesterday the deputies of the Russian Duma sent a letter to the Latvian Saeima with the request to change the date of the Latvian Soldiers Commemoration Day from the 16th of March to the 17th of March. In response, the Speaker of the Latvian Saeima J. Straume said that the issue of the 16th of March is under the Latvian parliaments competence, and the Russian Duma should care more about the situation within Russia. Chas, Neatkariga

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the draft state language law in the 2nd reading. None of 36 proposals by the fraction

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the draft state language law in the 2nd reading. None of 36 proposals by the fraction For Human Rights was supported by the majority. Later the fraction For Human Rights distributed the statement in which it argues that the adopted draft law promotes the assimilation rather than integration of the society. The fraction is concerned that adopted provisions exclude the Russian language from many spheres and that it contradicts with the OSCE recommendations concerning the use of the language in the private sphere. The Chair of the Saeima Education Commission Dzintars Abikis informed that the OSCE representatives closely follow the consideration of the State Language Law and that they will provide their assessment of the draft law before the final reading.

B&B; publishes the opinion of the deputies from the ruling coalition about the draft law. According to MP Kristiana Libane at this stage the draft law does not contain anything scandalous. MP Andris Skele believes that after the assessment done by the experts there will be no changes in the draft law.

B&B publishes the opinion of the deputies from the ruling coalition about the draft law. According to MP Kristiana Libane at this stage the draft law does not contain anything scandalous. MP Andris Skele believes that after the assessment done by the experts there will be no changes in the draft law.

SM journalist A. Elkin summarises the proposals to the draft language law which were submitted by the fraction For Human Rights and rejected by the majority of the deputies. He concludes that the main objective of the drafted law is to humiliate the representatives of the national minorities, using repressive administrative methods. Diena, Neatkariga, B&B

SM publishes the article by MP J. Pliner and Dr. V. Buhalov analysing the chapter on education in the draft framework document on the State Social Integration Program. According to the authors, this program is directed towards the assimilation of the non-Latvians. “The exclusion of the Russian language from the education system will lead to the denial of the Russian culture and consequently to the formation of people who do not possess any cultural values (...)“ The authors believe that the integration in the education system can succeed only if the state schools with the Russian as the language of instruction will be preserved They suggest to revise the programs of the bilingual education, so, that the subjects taught in the Latvian language would not exceed the 30% of the total of the subjects.

SM publishes the article by MP J. Pliner and Dr. V. Buhalov analysing the chapter on education in the draft framework document on the State Social Integration Program. According to the authors, this program is directed towards the assimilation of the non-Latvians. The exclusion of the Russian language from the education system will lead to the denial of the Russian culture and consequently to the formation of people who do not possess any cultural values (...) The authors believe that the integration in the education system can succeed only if the state schools with the Russian as the language of instruction will be preserved They suggest to revise the programs of the bilingual education, so, that the subjects taught in the Latvian language would not exceed the 30% of the total of the subjects. SM

The journalist of the Latvian TV Irina Vinnika believes that the simultaneous translation of the news broadcast “Panorama” from Latvian to Russian will enlarge the gap between the Latvian and the Russian information spheres, since people of other nationalities prefer to watch the news read by non-Latvians. As a result, many people of other nationalities would refuse to watch the news prepared by the Latvian Television. She expressed the worries about the idea of the leadership of the Latvian TV to liquidate the TV news broadcast in the Russian language.

The journalist of the Latvian TV Irina Vinnika believes that the simultaneous translation of the news broadcast Panorama from Latvian to Russian will enlarge the gap between the Latvian and the Russian information spheres, since people of other nationalities prefer to watch the news read by non-Latvians. As a result, many people of other nationalities would refuse to watch the news prepared by the Latvian Television. She expressed the worries about the idea of the leadership of the Latvian TV to liquidate the TV news broadcast in the Russian language. Diena

Март 18, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Diena reviews the world press and concludes that the 16th of March events in Riga did not receive considerable attention by the world mass media. The reaction of the Russian media also was much more moderate this year than last year.

B&B writes that the Russian TV company RTR was the only one which presented the marching of the legionnaires in Riga as the main news of the day. The channel NTV named the past of the legionnaires as the tragedy, but the ORT did not mention the 16th of March events at all. Diena, B&B

In the letter to the Latvian Prime Minister the US Ambassador in Latvia J. Holmes praises the action of the Latvian government, and especially of the Prime Minister, in connection with the 16th of March commemoration day.

In the letter to the Latvian Prime Minister the US Ambassador in Latvia J. Holmes praises the action of the Latvian government, and especially of the Prime Minister, in connection with the 16th of March commemoration day. Diena, Panorama Latvii

The World Zionist Organisation and the Jewish Association in Israel expressed gratitude to Latvia over its contribution to the Holocaust Fund in the amount of 25, 000 US dollars.

The World Zionist Organisation and the Jewish Association in Israel expressed gratitude to Latvia over its contribution to the Holocaust Fund in the amount of 25, 000 US dollars. Diena

The European Commission urges Latvia to prepare the next progress report by 1 July which will serve as a basis for the EC report and , consequently, the resolution of the EU leaders about the inviting Latvia to the EU accession talk.

The European Commission urges Latvia to prepare the next progress report by 1 July which will serve as a basis for the EC report and , consequently, the resolution of the EU leaders about the inviting Latvia to the EU accession talk. Diena

The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans requested the Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs to assess the compliance of the draft language law with the international law standards. The opinion should be given before the draft law is prepared for the 3rd reading in the parliament.

The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans requested the Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs to assess the compliance of the draft language law with the international law standards. The opinion should be given before the draft law is prepared for the 3rd reading in the parliament. Chasinforms that the head of the Saeima Commission on Education Dzintars Abikis has said that in preparation of the draft langauage law the committee has consulted the experts of the OSCE Mission and they have approved the draft.

The draft law contradicts with the provisions of the Framework Convention on the National Minorities which has been signed by Latvia.

The draft law contradicts with the provisions of the Framework Convention on the National Minorities which has been signed by Latvia. Chas

B&B; and 

B&B andChas inform about the rally of the supporters of the USSR restoration at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. The participants handed the Latvian Embassy officials a document in which they call for the creation of the voluntary Soviet type federative union of the equal former USSR countries. The Council of the government forming parties postponed the consideration of the issue of dismissal of the National Human Rights Offices director Olafs Bruvers due to the fact that two social democratic parties constituting the Union of the Social Democrats could not agree on the new candidate for the post. At the moment there are two candidates - Elmars Vebers and Antons Petrovskis nominated by the social democrats. Neatkariga

Deputy Chair of the Saeima fraction

Deputy Chair of the Saeima fraction For Human Rights Janis Urbanovich believes that in Latvia the features of the fascism are being observed. He argues that the proof for this statement is the fact that 36 proposals for the draft language law submitted by the fraction For Human Rights were rejected. Today the draft language law which is supported by all fraction except for the fraction For Human Rights, is considered by the parliament in the 2nd reading. SM journalist A. Arkadev reviews the two day meeting of the Committee on the Affairs with the Council of Europe during which the issues of human rights, mass media and the relations between the state and public organisations were discussed. He pays the special attention to the report of the Chair of the Daugavpils Multinational Culture Centre Arturs Prieditis on the Mentality of the European periphery distributed in writing and in the Latvian language only. This report contains the critics against the Latvian government concerning the language policy.

Chaswrites about the court case of the Shishkin family vs. the DCMA in which the Shishkins claimed the right to have their family name written in the English transcription as Shishkins and not as Siskins as the DCMA had done.

Март 17, 1999

 Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the marching of the former Latvian legionnaires passed without serious incidents. The State President and the government did not observe this commemoration day, but several deputies from the For Fatherland and Freedom and the People’s Party took part in the marching. The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans commenting the participation of the politicians in the marching of the former legionnaires said that “one can only amaze the wish of these politicians to show to stand out against the tragic destiny of many people.” The State President Guntis Ulmanis said that after the emotions abate the historian commission will need to assess the situation and the Saeima sooner or later will have to return to the issue of the 16th of March. Yesterday the Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs met with the foreign journalists to explain the governmental position on this date. The Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs commented this marching as the attempt to rehabilitate the fascism. The Latvian MFA believes that Russia does not understand the situation in Latvia.

Yesterday the marching of the former Latvian legionnaires passed without serious incidents. The State President and the government did not observe this commemoration day, but several deputies from the For Fatherland and Freedom and the Peoples Party took part in the marching. The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans commenting the participation of the politicians in the marching of the former legionnaires said that one can only amaze the wish of these politicians to show to stand out against the tragic destiny of many people. The State President Guntis Ulmanis said that after the emotions abate the historian commission will need to assess the situation and the Saeima sooner or later will have to return to the issue of the 16th of March. Yesterday the Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs met with the foreign journalists to explain the governmental position on this date. The Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs commented this marching as the attempt to rehabilitate the fascism. The Latvian MFA believes that Russia does not understand the situation in Latvia. B&B publishes the full text of the statement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dienainforms that the information distributed by the Russian Television companies about the 16th of March events in Latvia, in general, was proper. According to the information provided by the Riga City Central Police Department Press Centre, the Police detained two persons – one was holding the poster praising Hitler, the other was drunk and tried to cause disorder. The picketing organised by the Russian Society to protest against the marching of the legionnaires ended without any serious incidents, except for the attempt to send on air the picture of Y. Stalin by the members of the radical organisations. The Chair of the Russian Society G. Astahov called it the provocation of the national-Bolsheviks. Chaspublishes the opinion of the Russian MFA, Russian Duma, the Centre of Simon Vizental, and the Latvian Prime Minister about this date.

Chas, commenting yesterdays events, argues that the marching of the former legionnaires was met with surprising indifference. According to CHAS, this year the world community reacted on these events rather indifferent.

Dienainforms that the 16th of March commemoration events in other cities of Latvia passed without incidents. Chas, B&B

Commenting the Saeima’s decision to declare the 16th of March as the commemoration day of the Latvian Legion, journalist Anna Stroj asks whether the society in which some observe the 16th of March, while others – the 9th of May, is able to integrate. She supports the idea of assessing the events of the WWII from the point of view of democratic and liberal values and finding “the third hero” – “the soldiers in own uniforms”- members of the Central Council of Latvia.

Commenting the Saeimas decision to declare the 16th of March as the commemoration day of the Latvian Legion, journalist Anna Stroj asks whether the society in which some observe the 16th of March, while others – the 9th of May, is able to integrate. She supports the idea of assessing the events of the WWII from the point of view of democratic and liberal values and finding the third hero – the soldiers in own uniforms- members of the Central Council of Latvia. Diena

It is planned that starting 6 April every evening from 9 p.m. the 2nd channel of the Latvian Television will present the so-called integration column in which the broadcasts in the Russian language will be shown, the Latvian TV broadcast director Arvids Babris informed

It is planned that starting 6 April every evening from 9 p.m. the 2nd channel of the Latvian Television will present the so-called integration column in which the broadcasts in the Russian language will be shown, the Latvian TV broadcast director Arvids Babris informed Diena.

Chas journalist Leonid Fedoseev states that by presenting the draft document of the state program on the social integration in Latvia, the government asks non-Latvians to believe that the government really wishes the integration, not the assimilation. What Mr. Fedoseev sees is the old assimilative programs in the new wrapping. Furthermore, Mr. Fedoseev states that it is difficult to trust the Latvian politicians who have all the time lied to the non-Latvians. Chas

The co-ordinator of the national integration program Russians of the West Dmitry Nikolaev comments the draft framework document of the state program on the Social Integration in Latvia. According to Mr. Nikolaev, in the introduction the priority of the individual, his rights against the state is emphasised. Unfortunately, in the further chapters the issue of the individual as the subject and the object of integration is replaced by the needs of the state. Mr. Nikolaev argues that the content analysis allows him to conclude that this “intellectual product reflects the egocentrism of the state and the Latvian nation.” The aim of the interethnic integration declared by the program is to overcome the alienation from the values of the Latvian culture. The loyalty of the individual towards the state is declared as the main motivation of its behaviour in the society and its relations with the state. Regardless of the fact that the program emphasises importance of the non-governmental organisations in relations between the state and the society, the state has already determined the partners in the dialogue with the society.

The co-ordinator of the national integration program Russians of the West Dmitry Nikolaev comments the draft framework document of the state program on the Social Integration in Latvia. According to Mr. Nikolaev, in the introduction the priority of the individual, his rights against the state is emphasised. Unfortunately, in the further chapters the issue of the individual as the subject and the object of integration is replaced by the needs of the state. Mr. Nikolaev argues that the content analysis allows him to conclude that this intellectual product reflects the egocentrism of the state and the Latvian nation. The aim of the interethnic integration declared by the program is to overcome the alienation from the values of the Latvian culture. The loyalty of the individual towards the state is declared as the main motivation of its behaviour in the society and its relations with the state. Regardless of the fact that the program emphasises importance of the non-governmental organisations in relations between the state and the society, the state has already determined the partners in the dialogue with the society. Diena in Russian

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs believes that the resignation of the European Commission may have the negative impact on the Latvia’s efforts to join the EU.

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs believes that the resignation of the European Commission may have the negative impact on the Latvias efforts to join the EU. B&B, Diena

The Cabinet of Ministers postponed the issue of nomination of the former Latvian Ambassador in Denmark Gvido Zamribo to the post of the Latvian governmental representative in international human rights institutions. The Coalition Council will be asked to assess whether the former activities of Mr. Zemribo as the Chairman of the Supreme Court might cause him problems in the new office.

The Cabinet of Ministers postponed the issue of nomination of the former Latvian Ambassador in Denmark Gvido Zamribo to the post of the Latvian governmental representative in international human rights institutions. The Coalition Council will be asked to assess whether the former activities of Mr. Zemribo as the Chairman of the Supreme Court might cause him problems in the new office. Diena

BIZNES&BALTIYA; publishes the story of Marina Krecu whose deportation order issued by the DCMA was annulled by the Riga City Centre court decision.

BIZNES&BALTIYA publishes the story of Marina Krecu whose deportation order issued by the DCMA was annulled by the Riga City Centre court decision.

Март 16, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

In the statement distributed by the Ministry of the Interior it is stated that the special co-ordination work group and the Ministry of the Interior possess the information about the attempts by some radical organisations to organise illegal activities on the 16th of March. Therefore the Ministry of the Interior warns that the individuals who will support or organise such actions will be called to the responsibility. The Minister of Defence Girts Kristovskis recommended the leadership of the National Armed Forces not to participate at the 16th of March events. As it was informed earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers agreed not to officially participate in the public events on this date. 

In the statement distributed by the Ministry of the Interior it is stated that the special co-ordination work group and the Ministry of the Interior possess the information about the attempts by some radical organisations to organise illegal activities on the 16th of March. Therefore the Ministry of the Interior warns that the individuals who will support or organise such actions will be called to the responsibility. The Minister of Defence Girts Kristovskis recommended the leadership of the National Armed Forces not to participate at the 16th of March events. As it was informed earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers agreed not to officially participate in the public events on this date.Diena informs that 22 Saeima deputies, including the Speaker of the Saeima, and 8 ministers will be on the business trips in abroad on 16 March. Neatkariga

The social democrats have nominated Elmars Vebers for the candidate to the post of the Director of the National Human Rights Office. The fraction of

The social democrats have nominated Elmars Vebers for the candidate to the post of the Director of the National Human Rights Office. The fraction of the Latvian Way and For Fatherland and Freedom speak positively about this nomination, however, none of them will initiate the dismissal of the present NHRO director Olafs Bruvers. That will have to be done by the social democrats. Diena

The State Presidents Chancellery informs that the State President Guntis Ulmanis has invited six Swedish, American and German researchers to participate in the commission of the historians who will study the totalitarian regimes of the period from 1939 till 1991.

The State Presidents Chancellery informs that the State President Guntis Ulmanis has invited six Swedish, American and German researchers to participate in the commission of the historians who will study the totalitarian regimes of the period from 1939 till 1991. Diena

During the working visit to the United States, the Saeima Speaker J. Straume got assurance that the United States is ready to financially support the social integration in Latvia.

During the working visit to the United States, the Saeima Speaker J. Straume got assurance that the United States is ready to financially support the social integration in Latvia. Diena

The sociological survey done by the SKDS shows that majority of Latvians believes that the Latvian legionnaires should be commemorated, while the majority of people of other nationalities holds the opposite opinion.

The sociological survey done by the SKDS shows that majority of Latvians believes that the Latvian legionnaires should be commemorated, while the majority of people of other nationalities holds the opposite opinion. Diena

In the report distributed yesterday the Commission of the Council of Europe states that in Latvia the incidents of the aggressive nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism are being observed, that, however, does not characterise the society in general. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that this poorly prepared report does not show the real situation in the country. It also contradicts with the reports provided by other international experts and organisations, including the OSCE High Commissioner’s Max van der Stoel, EU Commission, and the US State Department. The Press Secretary of the MFA Toms Baumanis said that the experts of the Council of Europe have used the outdated information instead of the materials provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the report distributed yesterday the Commission of the Council of Europe states that in Latvia the incidents of the aggressive nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism are being observed, that, however, does not characterise the society in general. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that this poorly prepared report does not show the real situation in the country. It also contradicts with the reports provided by other international experts and organisations, including the OSCE High Commissioners Max van der Stoel, EU Commission, and the US State Department. The Press Secretary of the MFA Toms Baumanis said that the experts of the Council of Europe have used the outdated information instead of the materials provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Diena, Jauna Avize

Russian newspapers pay special interest to the theme of the Latvian legionnaires and the commemoration events that will take place today.

Russian newspapers pay special interest to the theme of the Latvian legionnaires and the commemoration events that will take place today.
SM publishes the interviews with the Minister of the Interior Roberts Jurdzs and the Chief of the Riga Municipal Police Martins Andersons. Both officials assure that the Ministry of the Interior structures are ready for the 16 th of March.
Leonid Fedoseev, theChas journalist, argues that the Latvian politicians seems not to be aware what price Latvia will pay for todays celebrations. According to him, the leading politicians seriously damaged the started integration process in Latvia. CHAS also publishes the opinions of some leading politicians of Latvia concerning todays events.

PanoramaLatvii reminds about the picket that will take place today to protest against the marching of the SS in Riga.

SM publishes the opinion of the Chair of the Russian Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs G. Tichonov about the 16th of March events in Latvia. Mr. Tichonov states that Russia should react on that, using all civilised means, including the political, diplomatic and economic ones.

B&B informs about the picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow planned by the communists for tomorrow, 17 March. Chas, SM, Panorama Latvii

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