Апрель 9, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

It is planned that next week the coalition council will discuss the assessment of the compliance of the draft Language law with the international standards which was prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Prime Minister has got acquainted with the assessment but will not comment it till its discussion at the meeting of the coalition council next week. According to unofficial information at the disposal of

It is planned that next week the coalition council will discuss the assessment of the compliance of the draft Language law with the international standards which was prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Prime Minister has got acquainted with the assessment but will not comment it till its discussion at the meeting of the coalition council next week. According to unofficial information at the disposal of Diena, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated contradiction of several provisions of the Draft Language Law regulating the use of the language in the private sphere, with the OSCE recommendations. The Saeima Standing Committee of Education, Culture and Science informedDiena that the draft law has also been sent to the OSCE for the assessment. However, no response has been received, yet. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Panorama Latvii returns to the discussion about the compliance of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 34 on Procedure of Receiving and Considering the Applications for the Naturalisation with the Citizenship Law. Regardless of the fact that the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane disagrees with the conclusions of the articles author, Mr. Zaletayev repeatedly argues that the Regulations does not comply with the provisions of the Law.

Panorama Latvii publishes the text of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 34 on the Procedure of Receiving and Considering the Applications for the Naturalisation.

In her letter to the Latvian Prime Minister US State Secretary M. Olbright positively appraises the Prime Minister’s stand concerning the 16 March events. She also welcomes the idea of the transferring the commemoration day to another date.

In her letter to the Latvian Prime Minister US State Secretary M. Olbright positively appraises the Prime Ministers stand concerning the 16 March events. She also welcomes the idea of the transferring the commemoration day to another date. Neatkariga

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry has received an official information about the appointment of Russian Minister for National Affairs Mr. Ramazan Abdulatipov to the post of the co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental committee. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry does not possess the information when the committee could resume the work.

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry has received an official information about the appointment of Russian Minister for National Affairs Mr. Ramazan Abdulatipov to the post of the co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental committee. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry does not possess the information when the committee could resume the work. Neatkariga

Dienainforms about the joined project Open School signed by the Soros Fund Latvia, Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board on Wednesday. The objective of the project if to form the common values for the Latvian pupils and the pupils of national minorities by promoting the tolerance and understanding. Within the framework of the project a special attention will be paid to popularising bilingual education methods and creating teaching materials for minority schools. Diena

The Russian Ambassador in Latvia A. Udalcov was infuriated over the explosion at the Jewish monument in suburbs of Riga but acknowledged the quick reaction of the Latvian authorities to the incident. He expressed the hope that the investigation will be professional and will not be influenced by notions of ideological and political state of affairs.

The Russian Ambassador in Latvia A. Udalcov was infuriated over the explosion at the Jewish monument in suburbs of Riga but acknowledged the quick reaction of the Latvian authorities to the incident. He expressed the hope that the investigation will be professional and will not be influenced by notions of ideological and political state of affairs. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Today the Russian State Duma has planned to discuss the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia. B&B; asked the initiators of the draft law - the deputy chairs of the Duma Committee on Affairs with the CIS A. Chehoev and J. Kuznetsov to comment on it. According to Mr. Chehoev, there will be no difficulties with the adoption of the law, since almost all decrees or laws concerning the protection of the interests of Russian countrymen have received the support of the majority of the Duma. Mr. Kuznetsov is convinced that if necessary, Russia will apply wide spectrum of pressure on Latvia.

Today the Russian State Duma has planned to discuss the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia. B&B asked the initiators of the draft law - the deputy chairs of the Duma Committee on Affairs with the CIS A. Chehoev and J. Kuznetsov to comment on it. According to Mr. Chehoev, there will be no difficulties with the adoption of the law, since almost all decrees or laws concerning the protection of the interests of Russian countrymen have received the support of the majority of the Duma. Mr. Kuznetsov is convinced that if necessary, Russia will apply wide spectrum of pressure on Latvia. B&B

Commenting the activities of Mr. Urbanovich (

Commenting the activities of Mr. Urbanovich (For Human Rights) in Moscow,Diena commentator Aivars Ozolins argues that the fraction For Human Rights is transforming from a pro-Russian political force into an implementer of the Russian state policy in Latvia.

Апрель 8, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The State President, Prime Minister, Ministers of the Interior and Foreign Affairs denounced the act of vandalism on Wednesday night when unknown persons attempted to blow up a Jewish monument in Riga. The State Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins said that the policy of the Latvian government and the state regarding the Jewish community and the Jewish minority is well-know, therefore all attempts by the vandals to undermine the image of Latvia would fail.

The State President, Prime Minister, Ministers of the Interior and Foreign Affairs denounced the act of vandalism on Wednesday night when unknown persons attempted to blow up a Jewish monument in Riga. The State Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Maris Riekstins said that the policy of the Latvian government and the state regarding the Jewish community and the Jewish minority is well-know, therefore all attempts by the vandals to undermine the image of Latvia would fail. Diena, B&B

In order to promote the social integration in the sphere of education, the Minister of Education Janis Gaigals, Director of the Soros Fund Latvia Vita Terauda and the Director of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane signed the joined project yesterday. The objective of the project is to promote the rapprochement of the Latvian and minority schools and the elimination of the information barriers. The project will be implemented during the period of 1999 - 2003. Eight kindergartens, ten schools with other than Latvian language of instruction and ten Latvian schools will be involved in the first stage of the project implementation. Within the framework of this project it is planned to create new teaching materials, to further educate the teachers and to draft new examinations of the social sciences for primary school.

In order to promote the social integration in the sphere of education, the Minister of Education Janis Gaigals, Director of the Soros Fund Latvia Vita Terauda and the Director of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane signed the joined project yesterday. The objective of the project is to promote the rapprochement of the Latvian and minority schools and the elimination of the information barriers. The project will be implemented during the period of 1999 - 2003. Eight kindergartens, ten schools with other than Latvian language of instruction and ten Latvian schools will be involved in the first stage of the project implementation. Within the framework of this project it is planned to create new teaching materials, to further educate the teachers and to draft new examinations of the social sciences for primary school. Jauna Avize

All ruling coalition parties support the nomination of Elmars Vebers to the post of the National Human Rights Office Director. On Monday the Social Democrats that nominated Mr. Vebers will submit to the Presidium of the Saeima the draft decree on dismissal of the present NHRO Director Olafs Bruvers.

All ruling coalition parties support the nomination of Elmars Vebers to the post of the National Human Rights Office Director. On Monday the Social Democrats that nominated Mr. Vebers will submit to the Presidium of the Saeima the draft decree on dismissal of the present NHRO Director Olafs Bruvers. Jauna Avize, Chas

During the visit in Moscow the deputy of the fraction

During the visit in Moscow the deputy of the fraction For Human Rights J. Urbanovich reached an agreement with representatives of the Russian State Duma, Moscow City Council and the Russian Foreign Affairs providing that the Russian side will inform the fraction For Human Rights about the sanctions that are prepared against Latvia and will listen to its opinion. Diena

The New Party will ask the Prime Minister to discuss the changes in the governmental coalition agreement aiming at the formation of the stable majority government. According to Silvija Dreimane, the chair of the

The New Party will ask the Prime Minister to discuss the changes in the governmental coalition agreement aiming at the formation of the stable majority government. According to Silvija Dreimane, the chair of the New Part fraction in the Saeima, the social democrats should sign the agreement with the governmental coalition. Diena

According to the sociological survey done by the Baltic Data House, the majority of the Latvian population does not support the NATO military actions against Yugoslavia. The survey showed that only 18% of the respondents support the NATO actions, 59% are against, and 23% could not give the answer.

According to the sociological survey done by the Baltic Data House, the majority of the Latvian population does not support the NATO military actions against Yugoslavia. The survey showed that only 18% of the respondents support the NATO actions, 59% are against, and 23% could not give the answer. Diena

Diena in Russian publishes a readers letter in which he describes the law on integration as the usual bluff to confuse the West and to ensure the privileges for the local activists.

According to MP M. Mitrofanov (For Human Rights), the Education Law dictates the strategy of survival for the Russian education. One of its directions is towards the Latvian state. Mr. Mitrofanov argues that the conscious mastering of the Latvian language will give the opportunity with the help of the language to protect the rights of the Russians. The other way is to put pressure upon the executive power by protesting against the education policy. Mr. Mitrofanov believes that when Latvians start seeing Russian as fellow-citizens, the psychological grounds for the discrimination will disappear.

According to MP M. Mitrofanov (For Human Rights), the Education Law dictates the strategy of survival for the Russian education. One of its directions is towards the Latvian state. Mr. Mitrofanov argues that the conscious mastering of the Latvian language will give the opportunity with the help of the language to protect the rights of the Russians. The other way is to put pressure upon the executive power by protesting against the education policy. Mr. Mitrofanov believes that when Latvians start seeing Russian as fellow-citizens, the psychological grounds for the discrimination will disappear. Panorama Latvii

Апрель 7, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The representative of the People’s Harmony Party Janis Urbanovich went to Moscow to try to convince the Russian Duma not to impose the economic sanctions onto Latvia, 

The representative of the Peoples Harmony Party Janis Urbanovich went to Moscow to try to convince the Russian Duma not to impose the economic sanctions onto Latvia,Diena informs.

The Daugavpils division of the Russian Community in Latvia started to collect the signatures against the Draft Language Law adopted in the second reading. In the official letter to the State President and the Saeima the Russian Community calls for the granting of the official status to the Russian language and the state financed education in the Russian language.

The Daugavpils division of the Russian Community in Latvia started to collect the signatures against the Draft Language Law adopted in the second reading. In the official letter to the State President and the Saeima the Russian Community calls for the granting of the official status to the Russian language and the state financed education in the Russian language. Diena

In order to ensure the effective work of the Naturalisation Board, the government decided to allocate additional 25, 000 Lats that is a half of the amount requested by the Naturalisation Board.

In order to ensure the effective work of the Naturalisation Board, the government decided to allocate additional 25, 000 Lats that is a half of the amount requested by the Naturalisation Board. Neatkariga

According to the MP’s of the fraction

According to the MPs of the fraction For Human Rights, the provisions of the existing Draft State Language Law once adopted in the final reading, will lead to the discrimination on the basis of language. MP J. Pliner (For Human Rights) states that all attempts by the fraction to amend the draft language law in correspondence with the OSCE recommendations are in vain, since it represent the minority. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday during the interview for the Latvian Radio the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that it is clear that the Russian anti-democratic forces look for any reason to force the Baltic States to give up their strategical goals of the foreign policy, namely the participation in the NATO and the EU.

Yesterday during the interview for the Latvian Radio the Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that it is clear that the Russian anti-democratic forces look for any reason to force the Baltic States to give up their strategical goals of the foreign policy, namely the participation in the NATO and the EU. Chas

The Saeima deputies doubt that Russia might decide to use the military forces against the Baltic States due to the Yugoslavian precedent. Such an opinion was expressed when commenting the statement by the representative of the Russian Duma V. Lukin that by supporting the NATO military action against Yugoslavia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia give to the Russian communists an indirect justification to possible military actions against the Baltic States.

The Saeima deputies doubt that Russia might decide to use the military forces against the Baltic States due to the Yugoslavian precedent. Such an opinion was expressed when commenting the statement by the representative of the Russian Duma V. Lukin that by supporting the NATO military action against Yugoslavia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia give to the Russian communists an indirect justification to possible military actions against the Baltic States. Diena in Russian

Март 31, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Russian President B.Yeltsin in his speech in the Federal Assembly of Russia announced yesterday that one of priorities of Russia’s foreign policy would be defence of Russian speakers living abroad. He said that the question of discrimination of Russian speaking population in Latvia and Estonia were still on the agenda and Russia would insist demanding these countries to change their approach towards human rights.

Russian President B.Yeltsin in his speech in the Federal Assembly of Russia announced yesterday that one of priorities of Russias foreign policy would be defence of Russian speakers living abroad. He said that the question of discrimination of Russian speaking population in Latvia and Estonia were still on the agenda and Russia would insist demanding these countries to change their approach towards human rights. Neatkariga, Diena

Russian TV days in Latvia started yesterday by a press conference with participation of the heads of major Russian TV channels. Russian journalists told the audience that they would make reports on social, cultural and political life in Latvia, but no warranties were given that this information would by unbiased.

Russian TV days in Latvia started yesterday by a press conference with participation of the heads of major Russian TV channels. Russian journalists told the audience that they would make reports on social, cultural and political life in Latvia, but no warranties were given that this information would by unbiased. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas , SM, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

E.Goncharov from the Russian Society in Latvia writes about the concept of national program for public integration. He does not claim to represent the opinion of al Russian speaking population but he knows the opinion of all major Russian speaking public organisations. Mr.Goncharov states that it is high time for people of all nationalities to learn to understand each other, otherwise it could lead to a situation as it was and is in Karabach, Abchasia and Kosovo. And such an integration program was needed already in 1991 - 1993.

Diena (Russian version)

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs told a German newspaper that Latvia would like to improve the relations with Russia, and the grounds for it could be a common document on the period of Soviet occupation in Latvia. The Minister confirmed that joining NATO and EU would be the main priority of Latvia, but at the same time it would try to renew it political dialogue with Russia. Latvia is ready to discuss all Latvian - Russian problems. Diena (Russian version)

Panorama Latvii writes about the results of the telephone opinion poll, organised by this newspaper. People see the situation as follow: after hundreds of thousands of them have been deprived of their citizenship, now the authorities try to ban their language, and it could lead to escalation of tension. The current policy of the government is assimilation, not integration. Therefore the newspaper proposes to organise Days of our memory (commemoration).

Last year Russia annulled eased railroad cargo tariffs, and it made transporting of goods through Latvian ports unprofitable. One of the last Latvian attempts to solve the situation was during the visit of Russian Minister of Communications N.Akseyenko. After this visit the Latvian Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs announced that the parties had come to an agreement on tariffs policy, and it a was planned that tariffs would be changed within several months. But no changes have been made yet, and Latvian authorities have received no information on any changes planned for April. It seems that the big brother will not change its policy, at least for the time until political problems, existing between these two countries, are not solved. Bizness & Baltiya

Март 30, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister V.Kristopans does not consider that it would be necessary to amend the coalition agreement because in the existing document covers the most important government coalition forming regulations sufficiently. This was an answer to the announcement made by the

Prime Minister V.Kristopans does not consider that it would be necessary to amend the coalition agreement because in the existing document covers the most important government coalition forming regulations sufficiently. This was an answer to the announcement made by the New Party that they were going to make proposals how to improve the coalition agreement. Neatkariga

Prime Minister V.Kristopans has decided to organise just press briefings instead of press conferences as it has been so far. Prime Minister’s Press Secretary L.Krapane explained this decision with radical changes in the relations with mass media. All questions have to be submitted in a written form and so will be the answers.

Prime Minister V.Kristopans has decided to organise just press briefings instead of press conferences as it has been so far. Prime Ministers Press Secretary L.Krapane explained this decision with radical changes in the relations with mass media. All questions have to be submitted in a written form and so will be the answers. Neatkariga, Diena Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

Panorama Latvii continues its series of articles on the naturalisation process. This time these are answers to the questins of the Latvian history test.

Panorama Latvii continues its series of articles on the naturalisation process. This time these are answers to the questins of the Latvian history test.

On March 10, a group of government representatives, scientists and experts presented for public discussion the concept of the draft “Public integration in Latvia”, announcing that this document was available at local Naturalisation Board offices, municipalities, libraries, etc. Regional correspondents of the newspaper

On March 10, a group of government representatives, scientists and experts presented for public discussion the concept of the draft Public integration in Latvia, announcing that this document was available at local Naturalisation Board offices, municipalities, libraries, etc. Regional correspondents of the newspaper Lauku Avize questioned the self-government representatives in Gulbene Region but none of them had received this document at that time.

At the same time they (

At the same time they ( Lauku Avize) asked local farmers if they had heard about such a draft and what they thought about it. None of the farmers had heard anything about this document, but the opinion on integration differed - one of the farmers said it was up to the politicians to set the things straight because they were guilty of this mess in Latvia, another did not think that people would need this Riga made document in the countryside, the third one had a different opinion on Russian speakers in Latvia - the part which came to work here had nothing against Latvia and they could integrate, but former militaries and their family members would always be hostile towards the independent Latvia, and the Saeima should adopt a law allowing to evict the most active hatred kindlers from the country. Lauku Avize

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