Апрель 22, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Minister of Transportation A. Gorbunovs who yesterday returned from the official visit to Moscow, thinks that the turning point in the Latvian-Russian relations have been achieved, since he believes that the meeting with the Russian Co-chairman of the intergovernmental committee R. Abdulatipov was successful. This time the Russian side in the person of Mr. R. Abdulatipov had not presented any political requirements and problems. “It, of course, does not mean that during the work process the Russian side will not raise the political questions, but they will be solved during the normal discussion,” Mr. Gorbunovs told journalists.

The Minister of Transportation A. Gorbunovs who yesterday returned from the official visit to Moscow, thinks that the turning point in the Latvian-Russian relations have been achieved, since he believes that the meeting with the Russian Co-chairman of the intergovernmental committee R. Abdulatipov was successful. This time the Russian side in the person of Mr. R. Abdulatipov had not presented any political requirements and problems. It, of course, does not mean that during the work process the Russian side will not raise the political questions, but they will be solved during the normal discussion, Mr. Gorbunovs told journalists. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

The fraction

The fraction For Human Rights has prepared several amendments to the Law on Education which has recently been opened for amendments related with the financing of the pre-school education institutions. MP Jakov Pliner told SM, that the fraction proposes to include into the law a provision guaranteeing the right to obtain education in the languages of the national minorities at the state and municipal schools. Besides, the fraction suggests to establish an institution within the Ministry of Education which would deal with the issues of the minority education. The main proposal, however, is that the Ministry of Education might only recommend what disciplines it would be advisable to teach in the Latvian language. The fraction For Human Rights hopes to attract the attention of the experts of the Council of Europe and OSCE who will visit Riga on 4-5 May to discuss the draft language law, also to these issues. SM

Only 64 children born after the restoration of the independence have been granted the Latvian citizenship at the request of their parents, even though some 20 000 children have such a right. The organization of the referendum concerning this issue cost almost 400, 000 Lats. Still, the initiators of the referendum -

Only 64 children born after the restoration of the independence have been granted the Latvian citizenship at the request of their parents, even though some 20 000 children have such a right. The organization of the referendum concerning this issue cost almost 400, 000 Lats. Still, the initiators of the referendum - the For Fatherland and Freedom - think that they fought for the principle and it paid off. Diena

According to the information provided by the Head of the Naturalisation Board E. Aldermane, the percentage of the applicants who have failed the naturalisation exams in Daugavpils last month has reached 23%. The applicants mainly fail the language exam. Speaking about the transition to the education in Latvian as the language of instruction, Mr. Aldermane said that the subjects in schools should be taught only in the good Latvian language. If it is impossible, it is, then, better not to teach in Latvian at all.

According to the information provided by the Head of the Naturalisation Board E. Aldermane, the percentage of the applicants who have failed the naturalisation exams in Daugavpils last month has reached 23%. The applicants mainly fail the language exam. Speaking about the transition to the education in Latvian as the language of instruction, Mr. Aldermane said that the subjects in schools should be taught only in the good Latvian language. If it is impossible, it is, then, better not to teach in Latvian at all. SM

Lauku Avize publishes the full text of the proposals for the 3rd reading of the draft language law submitted to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education by the Prime Minister V. Kristopans.

Lauku Avize also interviews the Chair of the Standing Committee on Education Dzintars Abikis concerning the proposals to the draft language law. Mr. Abikis thinks that Mr. van der Stoel and other advisors should be heard out, because Latvia should go to Europe, but Latvia cannot simply yield as the Latvian government has done concerning the language issue.

Апрель 21, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

All newspapers inform about the letter and the draft language law submitted to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Since the High Commissioner’s proposals cannot be submitted directly to the Saeima for voting, the consideration of their approval or rejection is under the competence of the Standing Committee. The Chair of the Committee Dzintars Abikis refrained from forecasting whether the Committee and the Saeima support the amendments proposed by Mr. van der Stoel. Dzintars Abikis informed that many amendments to the draft language law are submitted by deputies and the ministers, including the Prime Minster Vilis Kristopans whose proposals, to great extent, correspond with the OSCE opinion. The Committee will start the consideration of all proposals within next two weeks, at the beginning of May it will meet with the OSCE experts. Mr. Abikis hopes that the law will be adopted by St. John’s Day (24 June).

All newspapers inform about the letter and the draft language law submitted to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education by the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Since the High Commissioners proposals cannot be submitted directly to the Saeima for voting, the consideration of their approval or rejection is under the competence of the Standing Committee. The Chair of the Committee Dzintars Abikis refrained from forecasting whether the Committee and the Saeima support the amendments proposed by Mr. van der Stoel. Dzintars Abikis informed that many amendments to the draft language law are submitted by deputies and the ministers, including the Prime Minster Vilis Kristopans whose proposals, to great extent, correspond with the OSCE opinion. The Committee will start the consideration of all proposals within next two weeks, at the beginning of May it will meet with the OSCE experts. Mr. Abikis hopes that the law will be adopted by St. Johns Day (24 June). Diena

According to Mr. Abikis, the OSCE proposals for the final reading of the draft language law cannot be fully supported. The suggestions not to require the use of the state language in record-keeping of private enterprises, as well as in public events organised by other than the state institutions, are not acceptable. Besides, Mr. Abikis believes that the proposal to have the translation into the Latvian language alonside the information in a foreign language in all posters and other informative materials of that sort will lead to the dominance of the foreign languages, and more specifically the Russian language, in the posters.

According to Mr. Abikis, the OSCE proposals for the final reading of the draft language law cannot be fully supported. The suggestions not to require the use of the state language in record-keeping of private enterprises, as well as in public events organised by other than the state institutions, are not acceptable. Besides, Mr. Abikis believes that the proposal to have the translation into the Latvian language alonside the information in a foreign language in all posters and other informative materials of that sort will lead to the dominance of the foreign languages, and more specifically the Russian language, in the posters. Jauna Avize

A deputy from the Saeima fraction

A deputy from the Saeima fraction For Human Rights expresses the doubts whether the High Commissioners proposals will be taken into account, since the current impression is that majority of the deputies is about to reject the liberal amendments [...] which completely correspond with the OSCE recommendations. The only hope is that the representatives of the ruling coalition might support the proposals of the Prime Minister which are in the manner ofMax van der Stoel. SM

Commenting the fact that this time the OSCE High Commissioner sent not only the letter of recommendations but also the proposed version of the draft language law, MP A. Bartashevich (

Commenting the fact that this time the OSCE High Commissioner sent not only the letter of recommendations but also the proposed version of the draft language law, MP A. Bartashevich (For Human Rights) thinks that the High Commissioner has give up the belief that the national radicals are able to interpret the meaning of his recommendations. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Latvian government approved and submitted to the Saeima for consideration the draft law on adherence to the UN Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

Yesterday the Latvian government approved and submitted to the Saeima for consideration the draft law on adherence to the UN Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons. Jauna Avize

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Committee decided not to express the opinion about the dismissal of the Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, even if, according to the Saeima Roll of Procedure, the Committee should submit the draft decree on his dismissal prepared by the social democrats. It is planned that the Saeima will consider this issue some time in May

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Committee decided not to express the opinion about the dismissal of the Director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, even if, according to the Saeima Roll of Procedure, the Committee should submit the draft decree on his dismissal prepared by the social democrats. It is planned that the Saeima will consider this issue some time in May. Jauna Avize

At the meeting of the Daugavpils Russian Society the participants adopted the resolution suggesting the Daugavpils City administration to work out the conception for the development of education in Daugavpils. The conception should aim at the education of harmonious personality, acquiring the knowledge that is able to compete, the mastering the native language and the state language equally well. The organisation continues to collect the signatures for the letter to the State President and the government, asking to adopt the Law on languages of national minorities, to grant the Russian language the status of the State language, and to preserve the state education in the Russian language.

At the meeting of the Daugavpils Russian Society the participants adopted the resolution suggesting the Daugavpils City administration to work out the conception for the development of education in Daugavpils. The conception should aim at the education of harmonious personality, acquiring the knowledge that is able to compete, the mastering the native language and the state language equally well. The organisation continues to collect the signatures for the letter to the State President and the government, asking to adopt the Law on languages of national minorities, to grant the Russian language the status of the State language, and to preserve the state education in the Russian language. SM

The Russian newspaper “Versiya” on Tuesday has published an article stating that the demolition of the new building of the Skrunda Radar Station was instigated by the USA. According to the information at the disposal of “Versiya”, the new building of the Radar Station should have become the most modern station which would be able to detect any American missiles. The newspaper notes that the closing of the Skrunda Radar Station led to having a considerably big unprotected sector in the Russian anti-missile defence system westwards

The Russian newspaper Versiya on Tuesday has published an article stating that the demolition of the new building of the Skrunda Radar Station was instigated by the USA. According to the information at the disposal of Versiya, the new building of the Radar Station should have become the most modern station which would be able to detect any American missiles. The newspaper notes that the closing of the Skrunda Radar Station led to having a considerably big unprotected sector in the Russian anti-missile defence system westwards. B&B

Апрель 20, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Latvian co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission Anatolijs Gorbunovs agreed with his Russian counterpart Mr. Abdulatipov to resume the work of the intergovernmental commission in the near future. Mr. Abdulatipov told 

The Latvian co-chairman of the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission Anatolijs Gorbunovs agreed with his Russian counterpart Mr. Abdulatipov to resume the work of the intergovernmental commission in the near future. Mr. Abdulatipov toldDiena that there are no political obstacles to the resumption of the commissions work. He stressed that there are several issues, including humanitarian, economic and social, have been prepared in the form of intergovernmental agreements that need to be signed. The first two meetings of the working groups on humanitarian, social and transit issues, are scheduled for 6 and 13 May. According to Mr. Abdulatipov, both parties agreed that at the end of June or the beginning of July the chairmen of the commission will meet to assess the done work. Mr. Gorbunovs described the meeting with Mr. Abdulatipov as successful and constructive. Diena, Neatkariga

Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the President of the Parliamentary Assembly welcomed the Latvian Saeima decision to abolish the death penalty.

Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the President of the Parliamentary Assembly welcomed the Latvian Saeima decision to abolish the death penalty. Diena

The Latvian Institute, a limited liability company established by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers to popularise the image of Latvia abroad, plans to take part in the discussion about the draft language law by publishing the opinions of the experts on the language issues. The Director of the Latvian Institute V. Vike-Freiberga believes that the opinion of the Institute on this issues will not necessarily correspond with the Saeima opinion. According to Ms. Vike-Freiberga, there are several solutions to the language issue and the politicians should not act precipitately. Besides, “Mr. Stoel holds one-sided opinions and that is not the only solution,” Ms. Vike -Freiberga said. The Latvian Institute wants to help get orientated “in the woods of opinions on this sensitive issue.” The State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, thinks the Institute should not get involved into the discussion of the internal political issues. Mr. Riekstins told

The Latvian Institute, a limited liability company established by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers to popularise the image of Latvia abroad, plans to take part in the discussion about the draft language law by publishing the opinions of the experts on the language issues. The Director of the Latvian Institute V. Vike-Freiberga believes that the opinion of the Institute on this issues will not necessarily correspond with the Saeima opinion. According to Ms. Vike-Freiberga, there are several solutions to the language issue and the politicians should not act precipitately. Besides, Mr. Stoel holds one-sided opinions and that is not the only solution, Ms. Vike -Freiberga said. The Latvian Institute wants to help get orientated in the woods of opinions on this sensitive issue. The State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, thinks the Institute should not get involved into the discussion of the internal political issues. Mr. Riekstins told JaunaAvize that if the institute wants to become an solid institution, it should present in abroad the opinion adopted by the democratically elected Saeima as the best solution,

With the aim to promote the social integration and help pupils of other nationalities to master the Latvian language, the Director of Riga Secondary School No 40 Galina Yefremova has compiled the primer, the text book, and three exercise books of the Latvian language for elementary schools. As the teachers of this school told

With the aim to promote the social integration and help pupils of other nationalities to master the Latvian language, the Director of Riga Secondary School No 40 Galina Yefremova has compiled the primer, the text book, and three exercise books of the Latvian language for elementary schools. As the teachers of this school told Diena, they have been using these materials for four years, and after mastering the content, pupils can freely speak Latvian.

Yesterday at the press conference the Prime Minister V. Kristopans informed the journalists that he has submitted the amendments to the draft language law to the Saeima. According to him, neither Europeans nor Mr.van der Stoel, but Latvia needs this Law. “Therefore, we should be rational and look for the optimum solution to this issue.”

Yesterday at the press conference the Prime Minister V. Kristopans informed the journalists that he has submitted the amendments to the draft language law to the Saeima. According to him, neither Europeans nor Mr.van der Stoel, but Latvia needs this Law. Therefore, we should be rational and look for the optimum solution to this issue. B&B, SM

In the letter to the State President and the Saeima the Daugavpils Latvian Society, Latgalian Society, the Association of the Politically Repressed Persons and the regional division of the

In the letter to the State President and the Saeima the Daugavpils Latvian Society, Latgalian Society, the Association of the Politically Repressed Persons and the regional division of the For Fatherland and Freedom call the parliament to adopt the draft language law in the final reading without amendments. Neatkariga

Panorama Latviiinterviews the new Russian Consul General in Daugavpils Nikolay Bondarenko. Answering the question about the draft language law, Mr. Bondarenko expressed a hope that it will be amended and in the final version will not contain provisions restricting the use of the Russian language. Banishing the Russian language from all spheres of life, including the private sphere, contradicts the international norms, Mr. Bondarenko said.

In the interview of the professor of the Latvian University Ina Druviete states that the framework document of the national integration program contradicts the conception of the Latvian state language policy which has been implemented since 1988. In the presented integration program the major emphasis is put on the language training. All other undertaking are recognised either as harmful or less significant. If we consider the language training as the major task, we completely exclude two other important aspects of the language policy: the legal aspect, meaning, the state regulation of the language situation, and the linguistic aspect - the development and research of the language, Ms. Druviete said.

In the interview of the professor of the Latvian University Ina Druviete states that the framework document of the national integration program contradicts the conception of the Latvian state language policy which has been implemented since 1988. In the presented integration program the major emphasis is put on the language training. All other undertaking are recognised either as harmful or less significant. If we consider the language training as the major task, we completely exclude two other important aspects of the language policy: the legal aspect, meaning, the state regulation of the language situation, and the linguistic aspect - the development and research of the language, Ms. Druviete said. Rigas Balss

A pedagogue Valery Buchvalov believes that at this moment no pedagogue in Latvia is ready to offer bilingual education of full value aiming at teaching the child to freely think and present the ideas in two language orally and in written way. He thinks that the introduction of the bilingual education needs to be gradual - at first it should have the status of the experimental education and should be used for teaching of some disciplines in the schools where there are qualified teachers.

A pedagogue Valery Buchvalov believes that at this moment no pedagogue in Latvia is ready to offer bilingual education of full value aiming at teaching the child to freely think and present the ideas in two language orally and in written way. He thinks that the introduction of the bilingual education needs to be gradual - at first it should have the status of the experimental education and should be used for teaching of some disciplines in the schools where there are qualified teachers. Chas

In the

In the SM Mr.A. Gilman comments the public discussion of the framework conception of the national integration program, presented by the mass media. According to him, the newspapers are full of only critical articles. Mr. Gilman joins the ones criticising the program and compares it with the Communist Party Program. According to him, the authors of the framework document took the existing ideological dogmas concerning the education, language citizenship, mass media, added some nice phrases about the integration and named this collection the integration program. Mr. Gilman questions the usefulness of sponsoring the discussion by the Soros Fund. Instead of wasting the money for the financing of the discussion it could have been used for informing the West that majority of non-Latvians wants to have Russian as the second state language and to be granted citizenship without naturalisation. SM

Апрель 17, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

All newspapers inform about the letter of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to the Chair of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis concerning the draft language law. The High Commissioner notes that by regulating the use of the state language in the private enterprises the existing version of the draft law violates the individual’s right to privacy. That, in turn, affects the attracting of investments to Latvia and Latvia’s joining of the EU. The High Commissioner also notes that the draft law prepared for the third reading by the previous Saeima was the one which corresponded with the OSCE recommendations most.

All newspapers inform about the letter of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel to the Chair of the Saeima Standing Committee on Education Dz. Abikis concerning the draft language law. The High Commissioner notes that by regulating the use of the state language in the private enterprises the existing version of the draft law violates the individuals right to privacy. That, in turn, affects the attracting of investments to Latvia and Latvias joining of the EU. The High Commissioner also notes that the draft law prepared for the third reading by the previous Saeima was the one which corresponded with the OSCE recommendations most. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, B&B

Chascommentator Leonid Fedoseev states that despite the oppositions arguments, the draft language law will be adopted in the version proposed by the nationalists.

In the interview for

In the interview for Panorama Latvii, the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans said that he would do everything to improve the Latvian-Russian relations. Speaking about the draft language law, he stated that he would insist on having the draft law in compliance with the international norms. The question about the long waiting lists for the naturalisation was answered by reminding that the government allocated additional financing for the Naturalisation Board. After the NB Head Ms. Aldermane reports on the one month work, it will be seen whether more funding is needed. Panorama Latvii

During the interview for the Latvian TV the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that “a positive dialogue” between Latvia and Russia is anticipated. The Minister of Communications and Minister of Culture have planned to visit Moscow.

During the interview for the Latvian TV the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs said that a positive dialogue between Latvia and Russia is anticipated. The Minister of Communications and Minister of Culture have planned to visit Moscow. Chas

In the interview for

In the interview for SM, the Foreign Affairs Minister V. Birkavs refused to draw parallels between the situation in Kosovo and the one in Latvia, since in Latvia there is no ethnic hatred and religious conflicts. Besides, Latvia is constantly looking for the solutions of the internal issues. As the examples, he mentioned the assessment of the draft language law given by the MFA and the public discussion of state integration policy. SM

On 19 April the Latvian Minister of Transport A. Gorbunovs went to Moscow to try to lessen the economic pressure on Latvia by negotiating the facilitated circumstances for the Latvian transit.

On 19 April the Latvian Minister of Transport A. Gorbunovs went to Moscow to try to lessen the economic pressure on Latvia by negotiating the facilitated circumstances for the Latvian transit. B&B

The Russian State Duma adopted the law on the state policy concerning the compatriots residing abroad.

The Russian State Duma adopted the law on the state policy concerning the compatriots residing abroad. Panorama Latvii

On Saturday in Daugavpils the local division of the Russian Society called all Russian movements in Latvia to consolidate, since “the Russians in Latvia are the discriminated minority.” The Russian Society continued to collect the signatures in support of the Russian language. The Society also plans to meet with the city administration to talk about the education system.

On Saturday in Daugavpils the local division of the Russian Society called all Russian movements in Latvia to consolidate, since the Russians in Latvia are the discriminated minority. The Russian Society continued to collect the signatures in support of the Russian language. The Society also plans to meet with the city administration to talk about the education system. Panorama Latvii

The Latvian Association of the Russian Societies, the Latvian Association for Co-operation, the Military Pensioners Association and the Association of the Veterans of the Anti-Nazi Coalition signed an agreement providing the establishment of the Latvian-Russian Committee of the Compatriots which would delegate the authorised representatives to the Council of the Compatriots at the Russian Federal Council.

The Latvian Association of the Russian Societies, the Latvian Association for Co-operation, the Military Pensioners Association and the Association of the Veterans of the Anti-Nazi Coalition signed an agreement providing the establishment of the Latvian-Russian Committee of the Compatriots which would delegate the authorised representatives to the Council of the Compatriots at the Russian Federal Council. Diena

Dmitry Nikolaev, President of the Latvian National Commission “Western Russians,” believe that with the appropriate authorisation from the government, his organisation and other similar organisations would be able to assist in lobbying the Latvia’s interests on the interparliamentary and intergovernmental level with Russia. Besides, the Russian organisations would highly appreciate such credit given to them by the government. That, in turn, may become the basis for implementation of the national integration program.

Dmitry Nikolaev, President of the Latvian National Commission Western Russians, believe that with the appropriate authorisation from the government, his organisation and other similar organisations would be able to assist in lobbying the Latvias interests on the interparliamentary and intergovernmental level with Russia. Besides, the Russian organisations would highly appreciate such credit given to them by the government. That, in turn, may become the basis for implementation of the national integration program. Diena

The expert from the Brussels Multilinguism Research Centre Mr. Peter Hans Nelde (spelling ?) who participated in the seminar On Language Issues in the Concept of the Society Integration in Latvia suggests to rise the state language prestige in the sphere of public administration and education. in order to strengthen the Latvian language as the state language.

The expert from the Brussels Multilinguism Research Centre Mr. Peter Hans Nelde (spelling ?) who participated in the seminar On Language Issues in the Concept of the Society Integration in Latvia suggests to rise the state language prestige in the sphere of public administration and education. in order to strengthen the Latvian language as the state language. Neatkariga

Апрель 16, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima ratified the 6th Protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms which eliminates the death penalty.

Yesterday the Saeima ratified the 6th Protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms which eliminates the death penalty. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima rejected the amendments to the Chapter on Human Rights of the Constitution proposed by the social democrats, stating that everybody has the right to sufficient food, clothing and housing.

Yesterday the Saeima rejected the amendments to the Chapter on Human Rights of the Constitution proposed by the social democrats, stating that everybody has the right to sufficient food, clothing and housing. Neatkariga

During the meeting of the Latvian Ambassador in Moscow I. Daudiss and the Russian Minister of Culture V. Egorov it was agreed on the co-operation of both countries in the sphere of culture.

During the meeting of the Latvian Ambassador in Moscow I. Daudiss and the Russian Minister of Culture V. Egorov it was agreed on the co-operation of both countries in the sphere of culture. Diena

In the statement signed by twelve non-governmental organisations of the national minorities it is said that the national minority education reform in reality means the assimilation of the national minorities. Therefore, these organisations ask to re-write the social integration program, inviting the representatives of the national minorities to participate in the drafting of the new program.

In the statement signed by twelve non-governmental organisations of the national minorities it is said that the national minority education reform in reality means the assimilation of the national minorities. Therefore, these organisations ask to re-write the social integration program, inviting the representatives of the national minorities to participate in the drafting of the new program. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Despite the fact that the Estonian and Latvian governments initialled the new border agreement providing that the non-citizens residing in two border towns Valka and Valga may stay in the neighbouring country up to 180 days instead of 90 days as provided by the previous agreement, the new border agreement has not come into force, yet, and the residents of both towns continue to encounter the border crossing problems.

Despite the fact that the Estonian and Latvian governments initialled the new border agreement providing that the non-citizens residing in two border towns Valka and Valga may stay in the neighbouring country up to 180 days instead of 90 days as provided by the previous agreement, the new border agreement has not come into force, yet, and the residents of both towns continue to encounter the border crossing problems. Neatkariga

Today the Prime Minister is supposed to submit to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education the proposals for the draft language law. As Mr. V.Kristopans told

Today the Prime Minister is supposed to submit to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education the proposals for the draft language law. As Mr. V.Kristopans told SM, the proposals mainly deal with the use of language in the private sphere. SM

Co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Gennady Kotov argues that since 1996 when the member of the

Co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Gennady Kotov argues that since 1996 when the member of the Fatherland and Freedom Dz. Rasnacs became the Minister of Justice the court system has become more and more politicised. He grounds this statement on the fact that in 1995 some 90% of cases against the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs were settled in favour of the plaintiff, while now almost all cases against the DCMA are lost. SM

Within the framework of the public discussion on the national program of social integration, on 14 April there was a seminar on the repatriation issues. During the seminar it was noted that there should be an organisation of repatriates established to help other repatriates in solving immigration issues. Besides, Latvia needs an integration bureau which would provide the support for the different projects related with the repatriation issues. Speaking about the Latvian language training for the Latvians repatriating from Russia, it was noted that the language training could take place at the Latvian schools in Russia.

Within the framework of the public discussion on the national program of social integration, on 14 April there was a seminar on the repatriation issues. During the seminar it was noted that there should be an organisation of repatriates established to help other repatriates in solving immigration issues. Besides, Latvia needs an integration bureau which would provide the support for the different projects related with the repatriation issues. Speaking about the Latvian language training for the Latvians repatriating from Russia, it was noted that the language training could take place at the Latvian schools in Russia. Neatkariga

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