Oct. 5, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its official statement allows the possibility of a unilateral delimitation of Russia's border with Latvia. The statement criticizes Latvia's policy at the talks on border delimitation. The Russian side warns Latvia against "artificially deferring the talks by referring to the 1920 peace treaty and the Declaration on Occupation adopted by the

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its official statement allows the possibility of a unilateral delimitation of Russia's border with Latvia. The statement criticizes Latvia's policy at the talks on border delimitation. The Russian side warns Latvia against "artificially deferring the talks by referring to the 1920 peace treaty and the Declaration on Occupation adopted by the Saeima." Russia might be forced to "restore the border" unilaterally, says the statement. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs admits there is an argument on the compensation of property and legal rights of former Abrene residents and on Latvia's suggestion to refer to the 1920 peace treaty. The next round of talks is scheduled to take place in Riga in November this year. Diena

Chairman of the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers' Party Arnis Mugurevics says the party "is not ready to admit" the Kreituses. Chairman of the Democratic Party of Latvia's Laborers Juris Bojars is also skeptical about "politicians having changed three parties and heading for the fourth one". Ex-Minister of the Interior and former

Chairman of the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers' Party Arnis Mugurevics says the party "is not ready to admit" the Kreituses. Chairman of the Democratic Party of Latvia's Laborers Juris Bojars is also skeptical about "politicians having changed three parties and heading for the fourth one". Ex-Minister of the Interior and former "Latvijas Cels" member Adamsons considers joining Bojars' party and had a meeting with its chairman. Diena


asked newly elected Saeima Chairman Alfreds Cepanis to comment on a scandalous statement made recently by Mr. Kreituss in an interview. Kreituss said that Cepanis having only elementary education and being a Byelorussian should not have been elected a asked newly elected Saeima Chairman Alfreds Cepanis to comment on a scandalous statement made recently by Mr. Kreituss in an interview. Kreituss said that Cepanis having only elementary education and being a Byelorussian should not have been elected a SaeimaSaeima Chairman. Mr. Cepanis says he has graduated from a Higher Party School (party schools had a university status) and claims Kreituss tried to bribe Chairman. Mr. Cepanis says he has graduated from a Higher Party School (party schools had a university status) and claims Kreituss tried to bribe SaeimaSaeima deputies by offering them US$ 200 in exchange for voting for Mrs. Kreituse during last presidential elections. deputies by offering them US$ 200 in exchange for voting for Mrs. Kreituse during last presidential elections. SMSM

Oct. 3, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele accepted the resignation of Minister of Finance Aivars Kreituss and will perform his duties.

Yesterday Prime-Minister Skele accepted the resignation of Minister of Finance Aivars Kreituss and will perform his duties. "Saimnieks" will name its candidate for the post after the national budget is adopted. The State Ministers at the Ministry of Finance will retain their offices while the Prime-Minister and the factions hold consultations on possible termination of the two posts. Diena

Prime-Minister Skele says the Ministry of Defense budget can be increased only by reducing the budgets of other Government institutions. Commander of the National Armed Forces Dalbins believes the defense budget to be insufficient. President Ulmanis also supports increasing the defense budget. Still, the Ministry of Finance says the state cannot afford the defense budget suggested by the Ministry of Defense. The issue of an adequate financing of the country's defense was raised after William Perry had claimed Baltic states to be unprepared to join NATO on the first stage of its enlargement.

Prime-Minister Skele says the Ministry of Defense budget can be increased only by reducing the budgets of other Government institutions. Commander of the National Armed Forces Dalbins believes the defense budget to be insufficient. President Ulmanis also supports increasing the defense budget. Still, the Ministry of Finance says the state cannot afford the defense budget suggested by the Ministry of Defense. The issue of an adequate financing of the country's defense was raised after William Perry had claimed Baltic states to be unprepared to join NATO on the first stage of its enlargement. Diena

Head of the Latvian delegation to border delimitation talks with Russia Aivars Vovers says Russia refuses to recognize the 1920 peace treaty. The Russian side also refuses categorically to accept Latvia's claims for compensation to be paid to individuals who lost their property after Abrene had been incorporated into the Russian Federation. Head of the Russian delegation Igor Shikalov says Latvia is using the compensation issue to evade discussing the border delimitation. Mr. Shikalov adds he cannot see any reason why Latvia should seek to leave the problem unresolved. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins says the talks are "quite complicated." He named relations with Russia one of the priorities of Latvia's foreign policies along with the joining of NATO and cooperation with Lithuania and Estonia. Mr. Riekstins says Latvia's wish to become a NATO member does not mean that the country's policy is directed against Russia.

Head of the Latvian delegation to border delimitation talks with Russia Aivars Vovers says Russia refuses to recognize the 1920 peace treaty. The Russian side also refuses categorically to accept Latvia's claims for compensation to be paid to individuals who lost their property after Abrene had been incorporated into the Russian Federation. Head of the Russian delegation Igor Shikalov says Latvia is using the compensation issue to evade discussing the border delimitation. Mr. Shikalov adds he cannot see any reason why Latvia should seek to leave the problem unresolved. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins says the talks are "quite complicated." He named relations with Russia one of the priorities of Latvia's foreign policies along with the joining of NATO and cooperation with Lithuania and Estonia. Mr. Riekstins says Latvia's wish to become a NATO member does not mean that the country's policy is directed against Russia. SM, Neatkariga

The agenda of the Baltic Assembly includes the adoption of a joint resolution on the policy of the Baltic states toward NATO. Chairman of the Assembly Ivars Kezbers hopes the document to be "sensible" despite the fact it Mr. Landsbergis will be among its developers. The Assembly will call upon Russia, Sweden, Germany to return documents that are of historical significance to Latvia. These include the KGB files that Russia had to hand over to Latvia in accordance with an agreement between the two countries.

The agenda of the Baltic Assembly includes the adoption of a joint resolution on the policy of the Baltic states toward NATO. Chairman of the Assembly Ivars Kezbers hopes the document to be "sensible" despite the fact it Mr. Landsbergis will be among its developers. The Assembly will call upon Russia, Sweden, Germany to return documents that are of historical significance to Latvia. These include the KGB files that Russia had to hand over to Latvia in accordance with an agreement between the two countries. SM

Oct. 2, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Mr. Aivars Kreituss said yesterday he would resign on Wednesday.

Mr. Aivars Kreituss said yesterday he would resign on Wednesday. "Saimnieks" has not named its candidates for the post of the Minister of Finance. Party Chairman Ziedonis Cevers says "Saimnieks" has "seven and a half candidates" meaning there were no official candidates yet. Kreituss told "SM" he believed Prime-Minister Skele could perform the duties of a Minister of Finance for the period of the adoption of the budget. Mr. Kreituss will act as an independent deputy and later may form a faction of his own. According to the regulations, a faction can be formed by not less than five deputies representing one party or one list of candidates. This allows suggesting the Kreitusses are still more likely to join one of the Saeima factions. Diena, SM, Neatkariga

Prime-Minister Skele agreed to discuss the termination of the posts of two State Minister in the Ministry of Finance with the Saeima deputies.

Prime-Minister Skele agreed to discuss the termination of the posts of two State Minister in the Ministry of Finance with the Saeima deputies. "Latvijas Cels" insists on keeping the post of a State Minister of State Revenues. Head of the "LC" faction Pantelejevs told the press the Prime-Minister "looked interested and showed understanding of the problem". The termination of the two posts held by an "LC" member and by a "Saimnieks" member would ruin the existing political balance in the Cabinet with "Tevzemei un Brivibai" gaining a larger share of control over the Government. Diena

According to the Citizenship and Immigration Department first noncitizens' passports will be issued by the end of this year. All noncitizens will be provided with new passports within next two years. The new document will allow them to travel freely without going through complicated bureaucratic procedures at the CID. The passport will be better fraud-protected than the existing citizens' passport.

According to the Citizenship and Immigration Department first noncitizens' passports will be issued by the end of this year. All noncitizens will be provided with new passports within next two years. The new document will allow them to travel freely without going through complicated bureaucratic procedures at the CID. The passport will be better fraud-protected than the existing citizens' passport. Diena

Ex-President of the European Parliament Egon Klepsch in an interview for

Ex-President of the European Parliament Egon Klepsch in an interview for "DIENA" said Latvia should focus during next two years on "changing its position" in the rating of the EU potential members worked out by the European Commission. Estonia has the highest rating among the three Baltic countries. Mr. Klepsch does not believe the joining of NATO could facilitate Latvia's admission to the EU. Diena

Sept. 30, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Prime-Minister Skele is expected to demand the resignation of Minister of Finance Kreituss this week. The two-week term for the parties to take political responsibility for their candidates for the Minister's office expires today. According to Mr. Skele, none of the parties named its candidate. Skele is not representing any party after having left

Prime-Minister Skele is expected to demand the resignation of Minister of Finance Kreituss this week. The two-week term for the parties to take political responsibility for their candidates for the Minister's office expires today. According to Mr. Skele, none of the parties named its candidate. Skele is not representing any party after having left "Saimnieks" and, according to the agreement between the governing factions cannot perform a minister's duties. The agreement gives "Saimnieks" the right to suggest their candidate for the post. "Saimnieks" has not used the right yet. Sources in the Saeima say the most possible candidates are Saeima Deputy-Chairman Andris Ameriks and Head of the Saeima Economic Committee Atis Sausnitis. According to the Law on the Cabinet of Ministers, two State Ministers (the State Minister of Investments and Crediting Policies and the State Minister of State Revenues) should resign as well. Skele will hold consultations with the governing factions on possible elimination of the two posts. Diena, Neatkariga

Prime-Minister Skele during his press-conference last Friday said he and the Cabinet of Ministers did not support the abolishment of capital punishment. While touching upon Latvia's argument with lithuania he told the press Latvia proposed a solution that might be acceptable to Lithuania and was waiting for a response next week. The essence of Latvia's proposal was not revealed to the journalist. The Prime-Minister believes he could visit Moscow in October.

Prime-Minister Skele during his press-conference last Friday said he and the Cabinet of Ministers did not support the abolishment of capital punishment. While touching upon Latvia's argument with lithuania he told the press Latvia proposed a solution that might be acceptable to Lithuania and was waiting for a response next week. The essence of Latvia's proposal was not revealed to the journalist. The Prime-Minister believes he could visit Moscow in October. Neatkariga, SM

Poland's Ambassador Jaroslaw Lindenberg hopes the Saeima will support amendments to the Citizenship law providing for extraordinary naturalization of former Polish citizens. The initiative is supported by the Human Rights Committee, says Mr. Lindenberg.

Poland's Ambassador Jaroslaw Lindenberg hopes the Saeima will support amendments to the Citizenship law providing for extraordinary naturalization of former Polish citizens. The initiative is supported by the Human Rights Committee, says Mr. Lindenberg. Neatkariga

The Constitutional Court situation remains unclear. According to the Law on the Constitutional Court, three judges of the Court are to be suggested by the

The Constitutional Court situation remains unclear. According to the Law on the Constitutional Court, three judges of the Court are to be suggested by the Saeima, two judges are suggested by the Cabinet of Ministers, while the Supreme Court suggests three more candidates. Although the candidatures suggested by the Saeima faction are known to the press, no official documents on any of the candidates have been submitted to the Saeima Presidium. The list of the candidates is as follows: "Saimnieks" - Deputy Prime-Minister's Advisor Igors Bukovskis. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" - Valdis Rozukalns. The Farmers' Union/The Union of Christian Democrats - Head of the Law Department of the Ministry of agriculture Viktors Elksnis. LNNK - Parliamentary Secretary of the Minister of Justice Velga Slaidina. The Unity Party - Latvian University professor Valdis Cielava. The Cabinet of Ministers - Saeima deputy Aivars Endzins and Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Communications Ilma Cepane. The Supreme Court - Andreis Lepse and Ilze Skultane. The Saeima will vote on the candidates in two weeks. Among candidates having the strongest chances to pass the voting are Enzins, Cepane, and Apsitis. Diena

The Presidents of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania made a statement on security in the Baltic region. The joint statement says the three countries are expecting tangible guarantees of their security. The Presidents of the Baltic states express their commitment to the idea of collective security and express their concern about a possible forming of "gray zones" in Europe. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are ready to take necessary steps to bring their armed forces into the compliance with NATO standards. The statement is to a great extend a reaction to Mr. Perry saying the three countries are not ready to join NATO as full-fledged members.

The Presidents of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania made a statement on security in the Baltic region. The joint statement says the three countries are expecting tangible guarantees of their security. The Presidents of the Baltic states express their commitment to the idea of collective security and express their concern about a possible forming of "gray zones" in Europe. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are ready to take necessary steps to bring their armed forces into the compliance with NATO standards. The statement is to a great extend a reaction to Mr. Perry saying the three countries are not ready to join NATO as full-fledged members. Diena, Neatkariga

32,000 Latvia's residents 16 to 25 years old could apply for citizenship this year. Still, the Naturalization Board has received only 423 applications from this age group. According to Deputy-Head of the Board Janis Kohanovics, around 150 applicants have passed the tests and will take a citizen's oath by the end of this year. Mr. Kohanovics marked an improved cooperation between the Board and the Citizenship and Immigration Department. Naturalization Board officers cannot explain the lack of interest toward naturalization among young noncitizens. President Ulmanis also failed to explain the situation when asked about the naturalization process during his visit to Strasbourg.

32,000 Latvia's residents 16 to 25 years old could apply for citizenship this year. Still, the Naturalization Board has received only 423 applications from this age group. According to Deputy-Head of the Board Janis Kohanovics, around 150 applicants have passed the tests and will take a citizen's oath by the end of this year. Mr. Kohanovics marked an improved cooperation between the Board and the Citizenship and Immigration Department. Naturalization Board officers cannot explain the lack of interest toward naturalization among young noncitizens. President Ulmanis also failed to explain the situation when asked about the naturalization process during his visit to Strasbourg. Diena

Head of the Baltic Section of the Second European Department of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergey Prihodko analyzed the state of relations between Russia and the Baltic states in an article for

Head of the Baltic Section of the Second European Department of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergey Prihodko analyzed the state of relations between Russia and the Baltic states in an article for "SM". Mr. Prihodko blames Latvia for impairing its relations with Russia by adopting the Declaration on Occupation. He criticizes Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania for a one-sided approach to the issue of security. According to Prihodko, the three countries should eliminate "internal sources of tension" instead of cultivating the idea of Russia threatening the independence of "small Baltic states". Mr. Prihodko admits there is a certain progress in relations between Latvia and Russia although the progress is often detained. He specially points out the large number of "compatriots" "deliberately deprived of a chance to receive citizenship." Prihodko believes the situation could be explained by the ruling parties fearing non-Latvians could influence the country's political life if given the right to vote. SM

Sept. 27, 1996

Press Report

Yesterday the Saeima recalled Mrs. Ilga Kreituse from the post of the Saeima speaker.

Yesterday the Saeima recalled Mrs. Ilga Kreituse from the post of the Saeima speaker. "Saimnieks" member Alfreds Cepanis (a former Deputy-Chairman) was elected Chairman of the Saeima while Aivars Jirgens of "Tevzemei un Brivibai" took Mr. Cepanis' post. "Latvijas Cels" objected against a "hasty" adoption of the draft law on the issue submitted to the Saeima by "Saimnieks" the same day. That could be explained by the fact that "LC" being the most numerous faction (sixteen seats) has only one seat in the Saeima Presidium. Mrs. Kreituse told the press she might join a left-wing party (most probably the Social-Democratic Workers' Party) and was going to continue her political career. (DIENA, NEATKARIGA, SM, 27 September)

The Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other Government officials recognize Latvia is not ready to join NATO at the "first stage of its enlargement". Minister of Defense Krastins believes the security of the Baltic states will not be affected by W.Perry's recent statement who said the three countries were not ready to fulfill the basic requirements of the Treaty. Member of the Saeima Committee for Foreign Affairs says Latvia's security to depend mostly on its relations with Russia, both political and economic. Former British Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Brightwhite says the US has been paying more attention to Russia's attitude toward the enlargement of NATO lately. He expressed the opinion at a seminar in Tallinn. He stressed that Russia still had no objections against the Baltic states joining the European Union and added that "the Russians had no clear idea of the European Union membership."

The Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other Government officials recognize Latvia is not ready to join NATO at the "first stage of its enlargement". Minister of Defense Krastins believes the security of the Baltic states will not be affected by W.Perry's recent statement who said the three countries were not ready to fulfill the basic requirements of the Treaty. Member of the Saeima Committee for Foreign Affairs says Latvia's security to depend mostly on its relations with Russia, both political and economic. Former British Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Brightwhite says the US has been paying more attention to Russia's attitude toward the enlargement of NATO lately. He expressed the opinion at a seminar in Tallinn. He stressed that Russia still had no objections against the Baltic states joining the European Union and added that "the Russians had no clear idea of the European Union membership." Diena

Mr. Juris Dobelis of

Mr. Juris Dobelis of LNNK made a detailed analysis of the number, the age, and the status of former Russian servicemen residing currently in Latvia. His research allows to prove that several thousands former servicemen have managed to evade any form of registration by the Latvian authorities. According to Dobelis, there are 14,000 25 to 45 years old retired servicemen registered in the Register of Inhabitants as permanent residents ("square stamps") or holding residence permits. Having such a group of well-trained professional military specialists in their prime on Latvia's territory is a potential threat to the country's security. He suggests Latvia should be more energetic in making the international community aware of the situation, it being one of occupation consequences. Diena

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