Sept. 26, 1996

Press Report

September 26, 1996e UN session emphasised Latvia’s adherence to the ideals of peace, democracy, and human rights. The Prime-Minister signed an international agreement banning the testing of nuclear weapons.

September 26, 1996e UN session emphasised Latvias adherence to the ideals of peace, democracy, and human rights. The Prime-Minister signed an international agreement banning the testing of nuclear weapons. SM

Sept. 25, 1996

Press Report

According to

According to DIENA, Mr Ulmanis responses to questions on noncitizens status in Latvia put by the Parliamentary Assembly deputies were rather unconvincing. Russias deputies asked the President about the differences between the rights enjoyed by citizens and noncitizens. They also raised the issue of Russian schools. President Ulmanis said the criticism was ungrounded since Latvias legislation corresponded to international standards making state-funded secondary education available to all Russian-speakers. Diena

Tevzemei un Brivibai addressed President Ulmanis and Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs with a statement criticising their recent comments on the Declaration on Occupation. The document accuses the President and the Minister in acting against the interests of the state of Latvia. Members of the Council for Support of the Victims of Occupation suggested the President to recommend the Saeima to appeal to the Hague International Court for the recognition of the facts of occupation, genocide and repatriation. Diena

In his interview for

In his interview for The Daily Telegraph Chairman of Russias Security Committee Alexander Lebyed threatened American and German companies with economic sanctions. According to Lebyed, the sanctions may be Russias response to the enlargement of NATO. He accused German government in attempting establishing the Fourth Reich by expanding the countrys economic and political influence to the East. Meanwhile, yesterday in Copenhagen NATO Ministers of Defence recommended the three Baltic states to be patient and stressed the enlarged block would not threaten Russias security. Neatkariga

A Russian military pensioner in an article published by

A Russian military pensioner in an article published by PANORAMA LATVII points at restrictions of foreigners rights imposed by Regulations # 297 requiring that all foreigners residing in Latvia should apply for residence permits. The article points at the fact that the Law on Foreigers and Stateless Persons Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia demands annual re-registration of residence permits. Provisions of the Law also include fourteen grounds for cancelling a residence permit and deporting its holder. The new regulations will affect the status of retired Russian servicemen who have chosen to take Russian citizenship. The regulations violate their right to reside in Latvia without any restrictions stated by the agreement between Latvia and Russia. The author of the article suggests the issue should be considered by the Embassy of Russia and by the Joint Commission on Retired Pensioners. PL

Sept. 24, 1996

Press Report

President Ulmanis in his speech at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly linked Latvia’s security with its ability to integrate “alien” ideas, values, views, and individuals. The integration process should not damage the country’s national identity. Mr Ulmanis pointed at the exceptional situation in Latvia, its native inhabitants constituting only half of the country’s population. He named ethnic, political, and social harmony among basic objectives of Latvia’s policy. Mr Ulmanis pointed out observance of human rights and establishment of a multi-cultural society as the country’s most important goals mentioning in this connection the National Human Rights Programme and the National Human Rights Office. The President singled out the right for access to education as one of the most essential individual rights. He said elementary education became available in nine languages after Latvia had gained independence. Ulmanis promised Latvia would ratify the European Human Rights Convention this year. Bringing Latvia’s legislation in conformance with the Convention requirements would require the abolishment of the capital punishment, said Ulmanis. He promised to declare a moratorium on all capital punishments before the ratification of the Convention. The President mentioned “Latvia’s neighbours claiming Latvia’s policy to contain principles violating human rights”. He recalled the visit of the Parliamentary Assembly Political Committee members to Latvia. International experts could see that “Latvia’s political system guaranteed every inhabitant’s fundamental rights and liberties“. President Ulmanis said Latvia could be a good example of a nation state with “a multi-cultural society and human rights playing a decisive role."

President Ulmanis in his speech at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly linked Latvias security with its ability to integrate alien ideas, values, views, and individuals. The integration process should not damage the countrys national identity. Mr Ulmanis pointed at the exceptional situation in Latvia, its native inhabitants constituting only half of the countrys population. He named ethnic, political, and social harmony among basic objectives of Latvias policy. Mr Ulmanis pointed out observance of human rights and establishment of a multi-cultural society as the countrys most important goals mentioning in this connection the National Human Rights Programme and the National Human Rights Office. The President singled out the right for access to education as one of the most essential individual rights. He said elementary education became available in nine languages after Latvia had gained independence. Ulmanis promised Latvia would ratify the European Human Rights Convention this year. Bringing Latvias legislation in conformance with the Convention requirements would require the abolishment of the capital punishment, said Ulmanis. He promised to declare a moratorium on all capital punishments before the ratification of the Convention. The President mentioned Latvias neighbours claiming Latvias policy to contain principles violating human rights. He recalled the visit of the Parliamentary Assembly Political Committee members to Latvia. International experts could see that Latvias political system guaranteed every inhabitants fundamental rights and liberties. President Ulmanis said Latvia could be a good example of a nation state with a multi-cultural society and human rights playing a decisive role." Neatkariga

Last week the working group of the Presidential Consultative Board for Minority Issues held a meeting with President Ulmanis. The Consultative Board suggests amending the Citizenship Law to allow seventeen thousand ethnic Latvian repatriates and ethnic Livs and twenty thousand ethnic Poles to receive citizenship through extraordinary naturalization. Mr. Ulmanis said he was ready to provide his assistance in decreasing the number of differences between the rights enjoyed by citizens and non-citizens. He admitted he was not aware of the details of the problem and said he was planning to study the issue. Member of the Consultative Board Mr Dozortsev believes the President should address the

Last week the working group of the Presidential Consultative Board for Minority Issues held a meeting with President Ulmanis. The Consultative Board suggests amending the Citizenship Law to allow seventeen thousand ethnic Latvian repatriates and ethnic Livs and twenty thousand ethnic Poles to receive citizenship through extraordinary naturalization. Mr. Ulmanis said he was ready to provide his assistance in decreasing the number of differences between the rights enjoyed by citizens and non-citizens. He admitted he was not aware of the details of the problem and said he was planning to study the issue. Member of the Consultative Board Mr Dozortsev believes the President should address the Saeima specifying his political program. SM

Mr Rayhman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee in a regular report on the human rights situation in the country pointed at most typical problems in the area. He believes a recent decree requiring mandatory registration of foreigners permanently residing in Latvia to be potentially dangerous. The existing regulation allow issuing permanent residence permits only to individuals who had a permanent “propiska” before July 1992 and who have not lost it afterwards. This, according to Rayhman, would allow the CID “to increase the number of expulsion orders issued to foreigners”. The decree on mandatory registration could also affect the fulfilment of Latvia’s agreement with Russia that guarantees retired Russian military “a right to reside in Latvia without any restrictions” (many of them are Russian citizens). SM

Mr Rayhman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee in a regular report on the human rights situation in the country pointed at most typical problems in the area. He believes a recent decree requiring mandatory registration of foreigners permanently residing in Latvia to be potentially dangerous. The existing regulation allow issuing permanent residence permits only to individuals who had a permanent propiska before July 1992 and who have not lost it afterwards. This, according to Rayhman, would allow the CID to increase the number of expulsion orders issued to foreigners. The decree on mandatory registration could also affect the fulfilment of Latvias agreement with Russia that guarantees retired Russian military a right to reside in Latvia without any restrictions (many of them are Russian citizens). SM

Latvijas Cels

deputy Janis Adamsons may leave the party this week. The faction criticised Adamsons for violating faction discipline. deputy Janis Adamsons may leave the party this week. The faction criticised Adamsons for “violating faction discipline.” DienaDiena

Sept. 23, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

According to Head of the Naturalisation Board Eiýenija Aldermane, 550,000 out of 700,000 noncitizens permanently residing in Latvia have no right to apply for citizenship. The figure was quoted by Mrs Aldermane during her meeting with President Ulmanis last Friday. The agenda of the meeting was focused on naturalisation issues. The President’s attention toward the issue is directly connected with his forthcoming participation in the CE Parliamentary Assembly. 400 noncitizens aged 16 to 20 obtained citizenship through naturalisation this year. The expected number of noncitizens to receive citizenship since the start of naturalisation process is around 4000. 33,000 Latvia’s inhabitants have the right to undergo naturalisation this year. Still, only 450 applied for naturalisation. According to the Naturalisation Board, around 250,000 noncitizens are not planning to apply for Latvian citizenship. Mrs Aldermane told the President about numerous suggestions submitted by the Board to the

According to Head of the Naturalisation Board Eiýenija Aldermane, 550,000 out of 700,000 noncitizens permanently residing in Latvia have no right to apply for citizenship. The figure was quoted by Mrs Aldermane during her meeting with President Ulmanis last Friday. The agenda of the meeting was focused on naturalisation issues. The Presidents attention toward the issue is directly connected with his forthcoming participation in the CE Parliamentary Assembly. 400 noncitizens aged 16 to 20 obtained citizenship through naturalisation this year. The expected number of noncitizens to receive citizenship since the start of naturalisation process is around 4000. 33,000 Latvias inhabitants have the right to undergo naturalisation this year. Still, only 450 applied for naturalisation. According to the Naturalisation Board, around 250,000 noncitizens are not planning to apply for Latvian citizenship. Mrs Aldermane told the President about numerous suggestions submitted by the Board to the Saeima committees. Most of the suggested amendments are connected with flaws found in the Citizenship Law. As an example Mrs Aldermane mentioned 17,000 ethnic Latvians and Livs who currently can neither register nor naturalise. The Saeima has not reacted to numerous suggestions and inquests coming from the Naturalisation Board. Diena

DIENA interviewed President Ulmanis on his report to be delivered at the CE Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg. Mr Ulmanis will lay a special emphasis on the importance of integrating ethnic communities into a countrys society. He will assure the Assembly that Latvia will ratify the Human Rights Convention by the end of this year. The President says he is ready to face a fair amount of criticism and will respond to all comments and questions. He believes ratifying the agreement with oil companies would be premature. Latvia and Lithuania should try their best to reach a diplomatic solution to the border dispute. Mr Ulmanis would not agree to those who belive a recent conflict in Saimnieks to be a symptom of instability. Still, he believes that the Cabinet members representing different parties could co-operate more closely. Diena

Russia’s Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin said Russia will accept no territorial claims from Latvia. The statement was made last Friday during Chernomyrdin’s meeting with the Governor of the Pskov Region. The Declaration on Occupation has caused concern among the population and the authorities of the Pskov Region that incorporates the Abrene district since 1944.

Russias Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin said Russia will accept no territorial claims from Latvia. The statement was made last Friday during Chernomyrdins meeting with the Governor of the Pskov Region. The Declaration on Occupation has caused concern among the population and the authorities of the Pskov Region that incorporates the Abrene district since 1944. Diena

Sept. 19, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Most representatives of the

Most representatives of the Saeima factions believe a Minister should represent a party that would be responsible for his work. This allows to suggest that Mr Kreituss will be relieved of his duties after Prime-Minister Skele returns from his visits abroad. A new candidate is most likely to be named after the state budget is adopted. Observers expect the Prime-Minister could perform the duties of the Minister of Finance after Kreituss dismissal before a new Minister is appointed. According to the agreement between the governing factions, the post is to be taken by a Saimnieks member. Saimnieks Chairman Cevers says he will discuss possible candidatures with the Prime-Minister. Diena

On September 17 the governing factions and the Prime-Minister signed a co-operation agreement. The agreement is a supplement to the basic agreement currently in force and its objective is to foster the implementation of the Government Declaration within next twelve months. The document is a result of an intensive search for a compromise and it has taken the factions and the Prime-Minister several months to come to its final version acceptable to all sides. Some factions used their right of not joining separate points of the agreement.

On September 17 the governing factions and the Prime-Minister signed a co-operation agreement. The agreement is a supplement to the basic agreement currently in force and its objective is to foster the implementation of the Government Declaration within next twelve months. The document is a result of an intensive search for a compromise and it has taken the factions and the Prime-Minister several months to come to its final version acceptable to all sides. Some factions used their right of not joining separate points of the agreement. Tevzemei un Brivibai, among other points, did not agree to the introduction of a free land market. All stipulations suggested by factions have been included into the agreement. Diena

Kreituse has left the

Kreituse has left the Saimnieks party. Party Chairman Cevers does not exclude the possibility of recalling Mrs Kreituse from the Saeima Presidium. Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the first reading of draft amendments to the Law on the State Civil Service. The amendments suggested by the Committee for the Implementation of the Citizenship Law apply to 203 noncitizens employed as civil servants to be relieved of their duties according to the legislation currently in force. Noncitizens employed as civil servants will retain their positions if the amendments pass the second final reading. Recently a number of state institutions requested the Saeima to grant citizenship to some of their employees. The second final reading is expected in a week. The Tevzemei un Brivibai faction is opposing the amendments. Diena, SM

President Ulmanis is leaving for Strasbourg on 23 September. The President will address the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. The subjects to be touched upon by the President will include integration of Latvia’s society and relations between ethnic communities. According to the President’s press-centre, Latvia’s experience can serve as an example for the rest of Europe since the issue is still topical for several European countries.

President Ulmanis is leaving for Strasbourg on 23 September. The President will address the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. The subjects to be touched upon by the President will include integration of Latvias society and relations between ethnic communities. According to the Presidents press-centre, Latvias experience can serve as an example for the rest of Europe since the issue is still topical for several European countries. Diena

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