Nov. 4, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Russia is not planning to use economic sanctions against Latvia, said Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Krilov in an interview for

Russia is not planning to use economic sanctions against Latvia, said Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Krilov in an interview for "SM". Still, the transit policy might be changed to reduce the flow of cargoes through Latvia and Estonia. Mr. Krilov says that the relations between Latvia and Russia have "become more civilized". According to Mr. Krilov, the "minority issue" is the most important factor impairing the relations between the two countries. Russia will bring up the issue of the Russian-speaking minority in international organizations. Krilov believes the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia should be extended. When asked about the border delimitation talks Mr. Krilov explained that Russia would not accept any territorial claims and referred to the Helsinki Act. He expressed regret about the adoption of the Declaration on Occupation by the Saeima and said that the adoption of the document was the reason for canceling Prime-Minister Skele's meeting with Chernomirdin. Krilov pointed at the fact that Mr. Skele has not commented on the Declaration. SM

Last week a seminar on Russian minorities in the Baltic states was held in Lubek. Mr. Ole Espersen in his report pointed at the peculiarity of the minority problem in the Baltic states, minorities constituting an unusually high percentage of the population. The main task is to create conditions "acceptable to the minorities", said Mr. Espersen. Similar point of view was expressed by Advisor to the OSCE High Commissioner Craig Oliphant who said that the issue should be viewed from the point of view of conflict prevention rather than as a human rights problem. According to a report by Estonian representative Sergey Isakov, minority situation in Estonia is better than in Latvia. Russian-speaking intellectuals in Estonia support the forming of a political nation while Latvia's Russians have not come up with constructive proposals. Mr. Oliphant made it clear that the OSCE opinion was different from that expressed by Isakov. Several participants of the seminar noted that ethnic nationality should not be stated in identification documents and recommended to preserve minority schools.

Last week a seminar on Russian minorities in the Baltic states was held in Lubek. Mr. Ole Espersen in his report pointed at the peculiarity of the minority problem in the Baltic states, minorities constituting an unusually high percentage of the population. The main task is to create conditions "acceptable to the minorities", said Mr. Espersen. Similar point of view was expressed by Advisor to the OSCE High Commissioner Craig Oliphant who said that the issue should be viewed from the point of view of conflict prevention rather than as a human rights problem. According to a report by Estonian representative Sergey Isakov, minority situation in Estonia is better than in Latvia. Russian-speaking intellectuals in Estonia support the forming of a political nation while Latvia's Russians have not come up with constructive proposals. Mr. Oliphant made it clear that the OSCE opinion was different from that expressed by Isakov. Several participants of the seminar noted that ethnic nationality should not be stated in identification documents and recommended to preserve minority schools. Diena

The third round of border delimitation talks was completed last Friday in Riga without any tangible results. Heads of the delegations criticized the opposite parties for the lack of constructive approach. According to Head of the Latvian Delegation Aivars Vovers, the two parties failed to agree on a compensation for former residents of Abrene who lost their property after the area had been incorporated into the USSR. The Russian side did not agree to refer to the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty in the border agreement. Head of the Russian delegation Viktor Shikalov said "the process was slowed down" by the Latvian side trying to include additional issues in the agenda of the talks. He said that the parties had managed to agree on several issues. The most important accomplishment, according to Shikalov, was the agreement to discuss the entire border instead of determining only parts of it as suggested earlier by Latvia. Mr. Vovers says that Latvia will not change its policy of including property and historical aspects into the agenda of the talks. The fourth round of the talks will be held in Moscow in December.

The third round of border delimitation talks was completed last Friday in Riga without any tangible results. Heads of the delegations criticized the opposite parties for the lack of constructive approach. According to Head of the Latvian Delegation Aivars Vovers, the two parties failed to agree on a compensation for former residents of Abrene who lost their property after the area had been incorporated into the USSR. The Russian side did not agree to refer to the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty in the border agreement. Head of the Russian delegation Viktor Shikalov said "the process was slowed down" by the Latvian side trying to include additional issues in the agenda of the talks. He said that the parties had managed to agree on several issues. The most important accomplishment, according to Shikalov, was the agreement to discuss the entire border instead of determining only parts of it as suggested earlier by Latvia. Mr. Vovers says that Latvia will not change its policy of including property and historical aspects into the agenda of the talks. The fourth round of the talks will be held in Moscow in December. Diena, SM, Neatkariga

Oct. 31, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

World Bank expert L. Fox at a press-conference yesterday highly praised Latvia's achievements in reforming its social sphere. Mrs. Fox said that social reforms in Latvia were the most profound ones in Eastern Europe. Among the most important achievements she named the pension reform, the upcoming mandatory health insurance, and the adoption of eight important laws on social issues by the

World Bank expert L. Fox at a press-conference yesterday highly praised Latvia's achievements in reforming its social sphere. Mrs. Fox said that social reforms in Latvia were the most profound ones in Eastern Europe. Among the most important achievements she named the pension reform, the upcoming mandatory health insurance, and the adoption of eight important laws on social issues by the Saeima last year.Diena

The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the "Regulations on the Status of the Unemployed". The Regulations require that an individual applying for the status should provide a certificate proving he or she has passed the state language test. The requirement contradicts other rules and regulations that do not require the knowledge of the Latvian language by applicants for any job on the territory of Latvia.

The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the "Regulations on the Status of the Unemployed". The Regulations require that an individual applying for the status should provide a certificate proving he or she has passed the state language test. The requirement contradicts other rules and regulations that do not require the knowledge of the Latvian language by applicants for any job on the territory of Latvia. Panorama Latvii

Russian Premier Chernomirdin during his meeting with Swedish Prime-Minister Persson said that Russia was ready to use "all economic factors" to improve the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia. Mr. Chernomirdin criticized the Baltic states for adopting laws that "violated the rights of ethnic Russians". He told the press that the Swedish Prime-Minister had displayed understanding of Russia's concern about the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. According to

Russian Premier Chernomirdin during his meeting with Swedish Prime-Minister Persson said that Russia was ready to use "all economic factors" to improve the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia. Mr. Chernomirdin criticized the Baltic states for adopting laws that "violated the rights of ethnic Russians". He told the press that the Swedish Prime-Minister had displayed understanding of Russia's concern about the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. According to ITAR-TASS, the Russian side "was impressed by Swedens attitude towards the issues under discussion that could affect in a positive way the situation in the Baltic states". The agenda of the meeting also included security issues in the Baltic region and cooperation between Russian, Swedish, and NATO rescue services. Neatkariga

Latvia and Russia are resuming border delimitation talks today. Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that he expected Russia to take a more flexible stand at the talks. Russia has pointed many times at its consistent policy on the border issue. It will not recognize the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty since it was concluded by Soviet Russia and not by the USSR (that did not exist at that time). Russia has taken the legal obligations of the former USSR but does not recognize itself a successor of Soviet Russia. Recognition of Latvia's territorial claims can also create a dangerous precedent and will not be supported by the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and the European Union.

Latvia and Russia are resuming border delimitation talks today. Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that he expected Russia to take a more flexible stand at the talks. Russia has pointed many times at its consistent policy on the border issue. It will not recognize the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty since it was concluded by Soviet Russia and not by the USSR (that did not exist at that time). Russia has taken the legal obligations of the former USSR but does not recognize itself a successor of Soviet Russia. Recognition of Latvia's territorial claims can also create a dangerous precedent and will not be supported by the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and the European Union. SM


Russian Duma Deputy Mikhail Vakulenko, referring to a high-ranking Russian Foreign Ministry official, said that Russia might sever its diplomatic relations with Latvia. Mr. Vakulenko is the Head of the Deputy Group for Contacts with the Baltic Parliaments. The Group refused to accept a recent invitation to visit Latvia. Mr. Vakulenko in an interview for "SM" explained that the Duma deputies were embarrassed by the Declaration on Occupation of Latvia and considered the adoption of the document as a step hostile to Russia. He believes the Latvian authorities are deliberately provoking conflicts with Russia. In this connection he mentioned the recent reaction of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the passing of Russian ships through the Latvian economic zone. According to Mr. Vakulenko, the Duma is also concerned about "apartheid in Latvia". The majority of the deputies believe economic sanctions might be used against Latvia, should its policy remain unchanged. The Russian Parliament member called upon Latvia to renounce its territorial claims towards Russia and to reconsider its policy towards NATO enlargement. SM

Oct. 30, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

The governing factions are to select a candidate as Head of the Latvian-Russian Governmental Committee. The Head of the Committee is to hold also the position of Deputy Prime-Minister, since Mr. Cevers resigned last week also leaving his post in the Committee. Possible candidates as Head of the Committee are Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Anatolijs Gorbunovs, Minister of Agriculture Roberts Dilba, Minister of Defense Andrejs Krastins, and Minister of Education and Science Maris Grinblats. Mr. Cevers, now Head of the "Saimnieks" Faction, told the press that he believed Mr. Gorbunovs to be the only suitable candidate. Prime-Minister Skele suggested

The governing factions are to select a candidate as Head of the Latvian-Russian Governmental Committee. The Head of the Committee is to hold also the position of Deputy Prime-Minister, since Mr. Cevers resigned last week also leaving his post in the Committee. Possible candidates as Head of the Committee are Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Anatolijs Gorbunovs, Minister of Agriculture Roberts Dilba, Minister of Defense Andrejs Krastins, and Minister of Education and Science Maris Grinblats. Mr. Cevers, now Head of the "Saimnieks" Faction, told the press that he believed Mr. Gorbunovs to be the only suitable candidate. Prime-Minister Skele suggested "Saimnieks" to nominate its candidate for Deputy Prime-Minister. Still, Cevers says that the party suspects that the Prime-Minister could cancel the post after the budget is adopted. Mr. Cevers believes that Latvia's relations with Russia need to be considered by the Government at a closed meeting. Diena

The apartment, originally redesigned to be provided to President Ulmanis after the expiration of his term in office, will be rented to an embassy. The repair and redecoration of the apartment were interrupted after a state inspection had discovered that repair costs and compensation paid to former tenants were excessive.

The apartment, originally redesigned to be provided to President Ulmanis after the expiration of his term in office, will be rented to an embassy. The repair and redecoration of the apartment were interrupted after a state inspection had discovered that repair costs and compensation paid to former tenants were excessive. Diena

Swedish Prime-Minister Persson had telephone consultations with Latvian Premier Skele before leaving for Moscow. The Swedish Prime-Minister paid special interest to Mr. Skele's opinion on the political situation in Russia and the state of relations between Latvia and Russia. The agenda of the Swedish Prime-Minister's meetings with members of the Russian Government will include security issues, NATO enlargement, and cooperation in the Baltic region.

Swedish Prime-Minister Persson had telephone consultations with Latvian Premier Skele before leaving for Moscow. The Swedish Prime-Minister paid special interest to Mr. Skele's opinion on the political situation in Russia and the state of relations between Latvia and Russia. The agenda of the Swedish Prime-Minister's meetings with members of the Russian Government will include security issues, NATO enlargement, and cooperation in the Baltic region. Diena

Finnish Foreign Minister Tarja Halonen in an interview expressed concern about special status that could be possibly provided to the Baltic states by NATO. She explained that establishing closer cooperation with nations outside the block could impair the functioning of the

Finnish Foreign Minister Tarja Halonen in an interview expressed concern about special status that could be possibly provided to the Baltic states by NATO. She explained that establishing closer cooperation with nations outside the block could impair the functioning of the "Partnership for Peace" Program. The Baltic states, according to the Finnish Foreign Minister, will obtain a higher status than the Program participants. Mrs. Halonen suggests NATO should be open to cooperation with all countries including Russia and other former Warsaw Pact nations. Diena

Saeima deputy Indulis Berzins (

Saeima deputy Indulis Berzins ("Latvijas Cels") objects against replacing of the current proportional ballot system by a majoritary system. He agrees that the majoritary system allows voters to assess candidates in a much better way. Still, the system is not suitable for "young democracies" and can shatter the stability of the Saeima. Diena

Russian Duma Deputy-Speaker Sergey Baburin (

Russian Duma Deputy-Speaker Sergey Baburin ("The Russian People's Union") in an interview for "SM" says that the purpose of the Saeima's Declaration on Occupation is to lay a juridical basis for an apartheid regime and ethnic cleansing. Mr. Baburin is sure that the Russian Government will apply sanctions against Estonia and that similar measures will be taken against Latvia soon. He welcomes Latvia's territorial claims towards Russia explaining that Russia could claim back Daugavpils (former Dvinsk) that was a part of the Vitebsk province in 1919. Baburin calls upon the people of Latvia to "stop the nationalists" whose policy "is jeopardizing the interests of Latvia." SM


interviewed Mr. Janis Jurkans on Latvian foreign policiy. Mr. Jurkans says that Latvian politicians are using outdated standards and "are still living in 1940" and not in the nineties. He admits that, although Russia is trying to form a democratic society, it is still potentially dangerous to Latvia. Still, NATO membership would not guarantee Latvias security, says Jurkans. Moreover, he does not believe that Latvia will be admitted to NATO. Mr. Jurkans criticizes the interviewed Mr. Janis Jurkans on Latvian foreign policiy. Mr. Jurkans says that Latvian politicians are using outdated standards and "are still living in 1940" and not in the nineties. He admits that, although Russia is trying to form a democratic society, it is still potentially dangerous to Latvia. Still, NATO membership would not guarantee Latvia’s security, says Jurkans. Moreover, he does not believe that Latvia will be admitted to NATO. Mr. Jurkans criticizes the SaeimaSaeima for ratifying the agreement with AMOCO/OPAB and suggests that Latvia should have negotiated with the oil companies explaining the complicity of the situation. Third parties (eg., Sweden) should be involved into resolving the border argument with Lithuania. Border delimitation being one of the basic NATO membership conditions, Russia is not likely to sign an agreement with Latvia on the state border and would chose to establish it unilaterally. Mr. Jurkans is afraid that Russia currently does not need the border agreement with Latvia. for ratifying the agreement with AMOCO/OPAB and suggests that Latvia should have negotiated with the oil companies explaining the complicity of the situation. Third parties (eg., Sweden) should be involved into resolving the border argument with Lithuania. Border delimitation being one of the basic NATO membership conditions, Russia is not likely to sign an agreement with Latvia on the state border and would chose to establish it unilaterally. Mr. Jurkans is afraid that Russia currently does not need the border agreement with Latvia. NeatkarigaNeatkariga

Oct. 29, 1996

Press Review

Press Review


quotes several Saeima deputies who believe quotes several Saeima deputies who believe "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" might leave the Cabinet. Among possible reasons for the decision are different approaches to the national budget and canceling of the Deputy Prime-Minister's office by the Prime-Minister. Last Saturday the might leave the Cabinet. Among possible reasons for the decision are different approaches to the national budget and canceling of the Deputy Prime-Minister's office by the Prime-Minister. Last Saturday the "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" Party Council decided to participate actively in drafting the budget. Party Council decided to participate actively in drafting the budget. "Saimnieks" "Saimnieks" does not exclude the possibility of voting against the budget, should its recommendations be ignored. Such vote could result in does not exclude the possibility of voting against the budget, should its recommendations be ignored. Such vote could result in "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" leaving the Cabinet, since the Prime-Minister has the right to reorganize the Cabinet in case one of the parties opposes the laws drafted by the Government. Prime-Minister Skele suggested postponing all discussions on possible reorganization until the adoption of the budget. Chairman of the leaving the Cabinet, since the Prime-Minister has the right to reorganize the Cabinet in case one of the parties opposes the laws drafted by the Government. Prime-Minister Skele suggested postponing all discussions on possible reorganization until the adoption of the budget. Chairman of the "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" faction Cevers insists on Mr. Skele informing the governing factions of all suggested changes this Thursday. He explains that the current atmosphere of uncertainty could harm the work on the budget. The situation is also complicated by the absence of a candidate for the post of Minister of Finance. Mr. Igors Graurs is considered as the most probable candidate, while some believe faction Cevers insists on Mr. Skele informing the governing factions of all suggested changes this Thursday. He explains that the current atmosphere of uncertainty could harm the work on the budget. The situation is also complicated by the absence of a candidate for the post of Minister of Finance. Mr. Igors Graurs is considered as the most probable candidate, while some believe "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" will suggest a candidate who has not been mentioned before. Deputy Chairman of the will suggest a candidate who has not been mentioned before. Deputy Chairman of the "Saimnieks" "Saimnieks" Faction Juris Celmins says Skele's cabinet cannot afford ignoring the party's opinion. "Skele's Government without Faction Juris Celmins says Skele's cabinet cannot afford ignoring the party's opinion. "Skele's Government without "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" would be a step closer to the Premiers resignation," says Celmins. Meanwhile, the would be a step closer to the Premier’s resignation," says Celmins. Meanwhile, the SaeimaSaeima deputies are unofficially discussing possible models of a new Cabinet. Anatolijs Gorbunovs of deputies are unofficially discussing possible models of a new Cabinet. Anatolijs Gorbunovs of "Latvijas Cels" "Latvijas Cels" is named as a possible candidate for Prime-Minister. is named as a possible candidate for Prime-Minister. DienaDiena Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima reviewed the Conscription Law. The final reading of the law adopted yesterday applies to males aged between nineteen and twenty-seven. Relieved from the military service are individuals having at least two children of a pre-school age or a child under three years of age. University and secondary school students will not be drafted. The Law does not provide for drafting university graduates holding Master's degree, while the Saeima still has to decide on the graduates with Bachelor's degree. Citizens, both male and female, can volunteer for the Army upon reaching the age of eighteen. The term of the service is set as twelve months. Individuals having completed their service are entitled to social benefits. Diena, Neatkariga

"Latvijas Cels" has drafted amendments to the law on self-Governments. According to the amendments, regional self-governments will be replaced by regional councils constituted by Chairs of Parish Councils and City Councils. Currently, members of regional self-governments are to be elected by citizens residing in a corresponding area. The Cabinet supports the amendments. Diena

Minister of Interior Turlais in an article for

Minister of Interior Turlais in an article for "DIENA" gives the highlights of prison reform in Latvia. The reform is aimed at improving living conditions and providing prisoners with opportunities to study and work. Latvia's prisons will receive a higher degree of economic freedom. Mr. Turlais also mentions financial assistance received from Nordic Countries. Diena

Head of the CID Immigration Division Signe Poritere expressed concern about the large number of retired Russian servicemen residing in Latvia with forged documents. She also believes that the Ministry of the Interior is not taking the problem seriously. According to Mrs. Poritere, 902 former servicemen received passports on the basis of forged documents. 2,400 families received a US-sponsored aid to move out of Latvia. Still, some of the families are not using the aid and are still staying in the country. The US Embassy will be informed of the cases when the aid was not used for its direct purpose.

Head of the CID Immigration Division Signe Poritere expressed concern about the large number of retired Russian servicemen residing in Latvia with forged documents. She also believes that the Ministry of the Interior is not taking the problem seriously. According to Mrs. Poritere, 902 former servicemen received passports on the basis of forged documents. 2,400 families received a US-sponsored aid to move out of Latvia. Still, some of the families are not using the aid and are still staying in the country. The US Embassy will be informed of the cases when the aid was not used for its direct purpose. Diena

Mrs. Tatjana Zhdanok of the Latvian Human Rights Committee in a survey of the human rights situation, published monthly by

Mrs. Tatjana Zhdanok of the Latvian Human Rights Committee in a survey of the human rights situation, published monthly by "SM", points at the upcoming "second registration" of inhabitants. Currently, the CID is thoroughly revising the documents of citizens applying for new passports. CID Deputy-Director Leins has already informed potential applicants for non-citizen passports about required documents. All non-citizens will have to prove their right to a non-citizen passport. The Human Rights Committee will address the Minister of the Interior on the issue, stressing that the requirement contradicts Latvian legislation. SM

Oct. 28, 1996

Press Report

Last Friday Lithuanian Parliament received a draft law on the unilateral establishment of the country's sea border with Latvia. The draft law was submitted by President Brazauskas who suggested the Parliament should give it an extraordinary status allowing to adopt it within one day. The President's initiative is a response to the ratification of the agreement with AMOCO/OPAB oil companies by the Saeima. Latvia's Ambassador to lithuania Sjantis told "DIENA" the Lithuanian initiative contradicted international law principles. "DIENA" quotes a Lithuanian diplomat who said the Parliament would adopt the law on the border while the two countries would have to take their argument to the international court. AMOCO and OPAB distributed a statement pointing at their right to annul the agreement should Latvia fail to come to agreement with Lithuania on the sea border before 31 October 1996. Lithuanian President had a telephone discussion of the issue with President Ulmanis. The Presidents agreed to continue the talks. Mr. Brazauskas says the unilateral decision on the sea border is a provisional measure and should not be interpreted as an unfriendly gesture. Prime-Minister Skele told "NEATKARIGA" Latvia suggested joint exploitation of oil fields in the argued area.

Last Friday Lithuanian Parliament received a draft law on the unilateral establishment of the country's sea border with Latvia. The draft law was submitted by President Brazauskas who suggested the Parliament should give it an extraordinary status allowing to adopt it within one day. The President's initiative is a response to the ratification of the agreement with AMOCO/OPAB oil companies by the Saeima. Latvia's Ambassador to lithuania Sjantis told "DIENA" the Lithuanian initiative contradicted international law principles. "DIENA" quotes a Lithuanian diplomat who said the Parliament would adopt the law on the border while the two countries would have to take their argument to the international court. AMOCO and OPAB distributed a statement pointing at their right to annul the agreement should Latvia fail to come to agreement with Lithuania on the sea border before 31 October 1996. Lithuanian President had a telephone discussion of the issue with President Ulmanis. The Presidents agreed to continue the talks. Mr. Brazauskas says the unilateral decision on the sea border is a provisional measure and should not be interpreted as an unfriendly gesture. Prime-Minister Skele told "NEATKARIGA" Latvia suggested joint exploitation of oil fields in the argued area. Diena, Neatkariga

Talks between Latvia and Russia on border issues will be continued on October 31/November 1. According to Head of the Latvian delegation Aivars Vovers, Latvian side will not insist on discussing the 1920 Peace Treaty. Previously Latvia insisted on referring to the 1920 Treaty.

Talks between Latvia and Russia on border issues will be continued on October 31/November 1. According to Head of the Latvian delegation Aivars Vovers, Latvian side will not insist on discussing the 1920 Peace Treaty. Previously Latvia insisted on referring to the 1920 Treaty. Neatkariga

Last Friday Prime-Minister Skele said he decided postpone the discussion of a plan for the Cabinet reorganization. He expects "Saimnieks" to name its candidate for the office of the Minister of Finance. "Saimnieks" still has not named a candidate for the office of the Minister of Finance. The party insists on retaining the post of the Deputy Prime-Minister and is expected to suggest Mr. Juris Kaksitis for the office. The party objects against the draft budget and is about to suggest numerous amendments to the draft law on the budget. Deputy-Head of the "Saimnieks" faction Juris Celmins told "NEATKARIGA" the party would not leave the Cabinet if the budget was left unamended. Last Saturday "Saimnieks" party council decided the party should stay in the Government.

Last Friday Prime-Minister Skele said he decided postpone the discussion of a plan for the Cabinet reorganization. He expects "Saimnieks" to name its candidate for the office of the Minister of Finance. "Saimnieks" still has not named a candidate for the office of the Minister of Finance. The party insists on retaining the post of the Deputy Prime-Minister and is expected to suggest Mr. Juris Kaksitis for the office. The party objects against the draft budget and is about to suggest numerous amendments to the draft law on the budget. Deputy-Head of the "Saimnieks" faction Juris Celmins told "NEATKARIGA" the party would not leave the Cabinet if the budget was left unamended. Last Saturday "Saimnieks" party council decided the party should stay in the Government. Neatkariga, Diena

The Congress of the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers' Party adopted a decision on merging with the Social-Democratic Party headed by Juris Bojars. Some of the Congress participants interviewed by "DIENA" believe Janis Adamsons could be elected a Chairman of the new party. According to "DIENA", most Social Democrats are not enthusiastic about the Kreituses joining the Social-Democratic movement.

The Congress of the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers' Party adopted a decision on merging with the Social-Democratic Party headed by Juris Bojars. Some of the Congress participants interviewed by "DIENA" believe Janis Adamsons could be elected a Chairman of the new party. According to "DIENA", most Social Democrats are not enthusiastic about the Kreituses joining the Social-Democratic movement. Diena

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