Dec. 12, 1996

Press Report

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima adopted a non-deficit budget for 1997. 73 deputies supported the budget while 11 voted against it. The budget was opposed by the Socialists, the "Latvijai" faction, by independent deputy Janis Adamsons, by Janis Urbanovics of "People's Harmony", and by Guntars Valdmanis of the "Unity" party. Although "Saimnieks" leader Cevers previously had threatened the Cabinet, saying that the party might leave the governing coalition if the budget did not provide for a more profound financing of social protection, ASaimnieks@ in the endsupported the budget yesterday. Diena, Neatkariga, PL

Mr. Aivars Endzins was elected acting Chairman of the Constitutional Court by the first meeting of the Court yesterday. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court and his Deputy can be elected only after all seven judges of the Court are elected. Currently the Constitutional Court lacks one member. Maris Krumins, the only candidate for the position, is accused of unlawfully registering the Latvian Chamber of Agriculture while working as a Ministry of Justice official. The

Mr. Aivars Endzins was elected acting Chairman of the Constitutional Court by the first meeting of the Court yesterday. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court and his Deputy can be elected only after all seven judges of the Court are elected. Currently the Constitutional Court lacks one member. Maris Krumins, the only candidate for the position, is accused of unlawfully registering the Latvian Chamber of Agriculture while working as a Ministry of Justice official. The Saeima is about to consider the issue and will decide whether Mr. Krumins can be appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court. Diena, PL

Last Tuesday the Consultative Nationalities Council supported OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel's recommendation to state nationality in a passport only upon the request of a holder of the passport. The Council, though, agrees that such a reform will require taking into consideration a peculiar situation in Latvia and amending the Latvian legislation.

Last Tuesday the Consultative Nationalities Council supported OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel's recommendation to state nationality in a passport only upon the request of a holder of the passport. The Council, though, agrees that such a reform will require taking into consideration a peculiar situation in Latvia and amending the Latvian legislation. PL

CID Deputy-Director Leins in an interview for

CID Deputy-Director Leins in an interview for "SM" said that former USSR passports would not be considered as a basis for issuing non-citizens with new aliens' passports. Leins recommended noncitizens to collect all required documents in advance.

US Secretary of State Christopher called Russia's decision to start talks with NATO "a very good sign". According to Christopher, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov agreed to discuss Russia's relations with NATO. The US Secretary of State believes that Russia’s concern about NATO enlargement might dissipate since the talks will be focused on establishing special relations between NATO and Russia. Primakov says that Russia still objects against former Eastern block countries joining NATO.

US Secretary of State Christopher called Russia's decision to start talks with NATO "a very good sign". According to Christopher, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov agreed to discuss Russia's relations with NATO. The US Secretary of State believes that Russias concern about NATO enlargement might dissipate since the talks will be focused on establishing special relations between NATO and Russia. Primakov says that Russia still objects against former Eastern block countries joining NATO. Diena

Dec. 11, 1996

Press Report


The Saeima is discussing the 1997 budget. Deputies interviewed by "DIENA" believe that the draft will pass its final reading. It is expected to be supported by the governing factions and by deputies supporting the Cabinet. The "Latvijas Cels" faction will have mandatory voting in favor of the draft budget objecting only to some points of the draft. Head of the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" factionJanis Straume told the press that "TB" supported the draft budget. "Saimnieks" will also vote for the budget and will vote only against minor points. Yesterday the Saeima, while considering the 1997 budget, voted for a 100% increase of the President's salary (Ls 1,000 plus Ls 200 for representation). Diena, Neatkariga


The "Saimnieks" faction has finally nominated its candidate for Minister of Finance. The candidate is former State Minister of Investments and Credit Policy Sarmite Jegere. She held the position until November when "Saimnieks" recalled all its members from the posts of State Ministers. The duties of the Minister of Finance are currently performed by Prime-Minister Skele. Mr. Skele says that he will discuss the candidate with the Council on Co-operation between Factions. According to an agreement between the governing factions, the post is to be held by a "Saimnieks" member. Diena

Yesterday NATO set the date of talks on the admission of new members. Sixteen Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO countries agreed that the talks will be held in Madrid on July 8 and 9, 1997. The process of admission will take two years, to be completed not later than 1999. Among candidates having the strongest chances of joining NATO during the first stage of its enlargement are Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. US Secretary of State Christopher, while addressing the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, said that no nuclear weapons will be deployed on the territory of new NATO members.

Yesterday NATO set the date of talks on the admission of new members. Sixteen Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO countries agreed that the talks will be held in Madrid on July 8 and 9, 1997. The process of admission will take two years, to be completed not later than 1999. Among candidates having the strongest chances of joining NATO during the first stage of its enlargement are Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. US Secretary of State Christopher, while addressing the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, said that no nuclear weapons will be deployed on the territory of new NATO members. Diena, Neatkariga

Boris Tsilevich criticizes Latvian politicians for double standards. In his article for

Boris Tsilevich criticizes Latvian politicians for double standards. In his article for "SM" he stresses that "Latvijas Cels" fostered the naturalization quota principle to be included into the Citizenship Law. Now its faction leader Pantelejevs says that "LC" will try to persuade "Tevzemei un Brivibai" to "soften" the Law. Tsilevich considers this as tying to form a more "liberal" image before the upcoming municipal elections. He also mentions Kreituss who was an ardent supporter of "shock" therapy for the country's economics. After leaving "Saimnieks", Mr. Kreituss quite unexpectedly started to promote Socialist ideas and speaks about "forming a strong left-wing party". According to Tsilevich, "Saimnieks" member Tenis and Social-Democrat Adamsons during their visits to Daugavpils claimed that they had not voted for the amendments to the Law on Local Elections banning the Mayor of the city from running for another term. Both deputies said that their votes were misquoted in a print-out of the voting results. Tsilevich writes that double standards and hypocrisy have become the trade-mark of Latvian political life. Politicians are stirring fear of "the Russian bear" and using ethnic solidarity to gain votes during election campaigns, writes Tsilevich. SM

Dec. 10, 1996

Press Report


Deputy-Speaker Andris Ameriks and Chairman of the Deputy-Speaker Andris Ameriks and Chairman of the SaeimaSaeima Committee on European Affairs Edvins Inkens held a press-conference upon their return from the Western European Union Assembly in Paris. Ameriks and Inkens said that they had noted a considerable change in the attitude of the West toward the enlargement of NATO and the role of Russia in the process. The two Latvian politicians believe that NATO has succumbed to Russia="s" pressure by deciding to sign a special agreement with Russia on the enlargement of the block. Mr. Ameriks said that Latvia should improve its relations with Russia. According to Ameriks and Inkens, Latvia may not be admitted to the European Union if it fails to enter NATO during the first stage of its enlargement. The participants of the Assembly were trying to avoid discussing security of the Baltic states. The President of Poland in his speech made it clear that Poland would not welcome the admission of the Baltic states to the block on the first stage of its enlargement. According to Inkens, Spanish and Norwegian delegations have also changed their opinion on the issue after visiting Moscow. Committee on European Affairs Edvins Inkens held a press-conference upon their return from the Western European Union Assembly in Paris. Ameriks and Inkens said that they had noted a considerable change in the attitude of the West toward the enlargement of NATO and the role of Russia in the process. The two Latvian politicians believe that NATO has succumbed to Russia="s" pressure by deciding to sign a special agreement with Russia on the enlargement of the block. Mr. Ameriks said that Latvia should improve its relations with Russia. According to Ameriks and Inkens, Latvia may not be admitted to the European Union if it fails to enter NATO during the first stage of its enlargement. The participants of the Assembly were trying to avoid discussing security of the Baltic states. The President of Poland in his speech made it clear that Poland would not welcome the admission of the Baltic states to the block on the first stage of its enlargement. According to Inkens, Spanish and Norwegian delegations have also changed their opinion on the issue after visiting Moscow. DienaDiena Today the State Human Rights Office, the Council of Europe Information Center, and the Institute of Human Rights of the Latvian State University are organizing a Seminar on the implementation of the European Human Rights Convention. Its aim is to make lawyers aware of the effect of the Convention on their work. Latvia has signed the Convention and it is still to be ratified by the

Today the State Human Rights Office, the Council of Europe Information Center, and the Institute of Human Rights of the Latvian State University are organizing a Seminar on the implementation of the European Human Rights Convention. Its aim is to make lawyers aware of the effect of the Convention on their work. Latvia has signed the Convention and it is still to be ratified by the Saeima. Neatkariga

Co-chairmen of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Vladimir Buzayev and Gennady Kotov believe that UN refusal to review the minority problem in Latvia may "lead to grievous consequences". The Government is now free to unleash discrimination mechanisms that have been halted for a while. Among these are the Laws "On Education" and "On Languages". The Latvian Human Rights Committee is picketing the UNDP office today to mark the International Human Rights Day.

Co-chairmen of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Vladimir Buzayev and Gennady Kotov believe that UN refusal to review the minority problem in Latvia may "lead to grievous consequences". The Government is now free to unleash discrimination mechanisms that have been halted for a while. Among these are the Laws "On Education" and "On Languages". The Latvian Human Rights Committee is picketing the UNDP office today to mark the International Human Rights Day. SM

Dec. 9, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

"Latvijas Cels"

deputies told the press that the faction might suggest the President to consider dismissing the Saeima. The statements were made after the deputies told the press that the faction might suggest the President to consider dismissing the Saeima. The statements were made after the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" "Tevzemei un Brivibai" faction tried to block the adoption of several draft laws last Thursday. The issue will be on the agenda of the faction tried to block the adoption of several draft laws last Thursday. The issue will be on the agenda of the "LC""LC" party conference. party conference. DienaDiena Last Friday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Self-Government Elections liquidating elected regional self-governments.

Last Friday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Self-Government Elections liquidating elected regional self-governments. "Tevzemei un Brivibai", part of LNNK, and opposition factions tried to block the vote. "TB" Chairman Straume at a press-conference explained that the party had informed its coalition partners about its negative viewpoint on free land market and the liquidation of regional self-governments. Diena

The UNDP and the Government of Latvia signed an agreement on an aid project for implementing the latvian Language Training National Program. Minister of Education Grinblats in his speech pointed at the importance of teaching Latvian to the young. Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Magee expressed hope that the program would speed up the naturalization process.

The UNDP and the Government of Latvia signed an agreement on an aid project for implementing the latvian Language Training National Program. Minister of Education Grinblats in his speech pointed at the importance of teaching Latvian to the young. Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Magee expressed hope that the program would speed up the naturalization process. Diena

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs said at a press-conference that he considered "overcoming problems in relations with Russia" to be the main task of his Ministry for the coming year.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs said at a press-conference that he considered "overcoming problems in relations with Russia" to be the main task of his Ministry for the coming year. Diena

Prime-Minister Skele suggested that

Prime-Minister Skele suggested that "Tevzemei un Brivibai" Areconsider its policy" toward free land market and regional self-governments. Mr. Skele addressed the Third "TB" Congress yesterday. The congress voted for "TB" merging with LNNK and the Christian Democrats planned for the coming year. Diena

Co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Vladimir Buzayev criticized the UNDP for supporting a "radical" education program. The existing legislation and upcoming laws on language and education are aimed at assimilating national minorities. The Latvian Human Rights Committee is organizing a picket in front of the UNDP office on the International Human Rights Day.

Co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Vladimir Buzayev criticized the UNDP for supporting a "radical" education program. The existing legislation and upcoming laws on language and education are aimed at assimilating national minorities. The Latvian Human Rights Committee is organizing a picket in front of the UNDP office on the International Human Rights Day. PL

Boris Tsilevich in a report on the Vienna conference on education for national minorities points at the situation in Slovakia that, in his opinion, is similar to the problems faced by Russian schools in Latvia. According to Tsilevich, the Slovak Government ignores the opinion of the Hungarian minority on education issues. Latvia was represented by Mrs. Baiba Kinstlere, a mid-level official at the Ministry of Education. Tsilevich believes that the low level of representation is an evidence of Latvia's attitude to the problem. Mrs. Kinstlere in her report said that the country's legislation complied with international human rights norms. She admitted that violations occurred due to misinterpretation of the laws. Mrs. Kinstlere explained that the rights of ethnic Latvians were being restored, which inevitably lead to a certain reduction of the rights of non-Latvians. Latvia's education system had not been formed yet, stressed Kinstlere. Boris Tsilevich pointed at the tendencies in Latvian education policies that contradict the Hague recommendations. Among those is discriminating financing of private schools by the state. According to the law, only Latvian schools are entitled to state financial aid. Tsilevich also mentioned Minister of Education Grinblats saying that Latvian and non-Latvian children should not attend the same classes. Such a policy, if implemented, would not allow non-Latvians to obtain secondary education if it becomes available only in Latvian.

Boris Tsilevich in a report on the Vienna conference on education for national minorities points at the situation in Slovakia that, in his opinion, is similar to the problems faced by Russian schools in Latvia. According to Tsilevich, the Slovak Government ignores the opinion of the Hungarian minority on education issues. Latvia was represented by Mrs. Baiba Kinstlere, a mid-level official at the Ministry of Education. Tsilevich believes that the low level of representation is an evidence of Latvia's attitude to the problem. Mrs. Kinstlere in her report said that the country's legislation complied with international human rights norms. She admitted that violations occurred due to misinterpretation of the laws. Mrs. Kinstlere explained that the rights of ethnic Latvians were being restored, which inevitably lead to a certain reduction of the rights of non-Latvians. Latvia's education system had not been formed yet, stressed Kinstlere. Boris Tsilevich pointed at the tendencies in Latvian education policies that contradict the Hague recommendations. Among those is discriminating financing of private schools by the state. According to the law, only Latvian schools are entitled to state financial aid. Tsilevich also mentioned Minister of Education Grinblats saying that Latvian and non-Latvian children should not attend the same classes. Such a policy, if implemented, would not allow non-Latvians to obtain secondary education if it becomes available only in Latvian. SM

An article in

An article in "SM" by professional lawyers describes typical problems faced by applicants for residence permits. Persons who married residents or citizens of Latvia between 1989 and 1990 and had a temporary "propiska" cannot extend it without receiving a residence permit. The CID cannot issue the permit to a person having only an internal USSR passport. Such persons cannot apply to the Russian Embassy for citizenship without having a permanent "propiska" in Latvia. The vicious circle is aggravated by the fact that the person, having no valid travel documents, cannot receive foreign citizenship outside Latvia. SM

Dec. 6, 1996

Press Review


The Saeima hasadopted the Law on the National Human Rights Office. According to the Law, the Office reports only to the Saeima. The Government, political and non-governmental organizations cannot interfere with the work of the Office. The Office adheres to the Satversme, the Constitutional Law on the Rights and Obligations of an Individual and a Citizen and to international human right instruments acceded by Latvia. The NHRO issued a statement crediting the Saeima. The statement mentions the recognition of the Human Rights Office by the UN as a model for similar institutions to be established in the Baltic states, the CIS, and Central Europe. Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Land Privatization in Rural Areas. The amendments grant the right to purchase land to all individuals and legal entities. Non-citizens, foreign citizens, public organizations (with an exception made for religious organizations), foreign companies and legal entities registered in the countries, that have not concluded agreements on investment protection with Latvia before the end of 1996, will not be allowed to purchase land in the state border zone, in national parks, arable land, and forests. "Tevzemei un Brivibai", LNNK, and "Ravnopraviye" voted against the amendments. Diena

Finnish Prime-Minister Lippenen in an interview for

Finnish Prime-Minister Lippenen in an interview for "DAGENS NYHETER" criticized Nordic conservatives for misguiding the Baltic states regarding their chances to join NATO. The Finnish Prime-Minister said that a plan for supporting the joining of NATO by the Baltic states had been blocked in the Nordic Council. "DN", while commenting on the interview, suggested that Finland's concern might be caused by NATO and Russia determining their spheres of influence leaving the country between the two competing powers. Diena

Juris Sinka (

Juris Sinka ("Tevzemei un Brivibai")in an article for "DIENA" claims renouncing of the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty or not referring to it in border talks with Russia to be a violation of the Satversme. The Satversme allows to change the countrys borders only if the decision gains a support of a nation-wide referendum. Sinka suggests concluding an agreement that would refer to the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty and establish a well-guarded provisional border with the Pitalovo (Abrene) district of Russia. Diena

An article in

An article in "PANORAMA LATVII" suggests that the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia may not be extended. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is analyzing the work of the Mission. The "consideration" is, in the opinion of the author (Sergey Zaletayev), a deliberate postponing of the final decision. Another sign of the critical situation, according to the article, is a recent letter by High Commissioner van der Stoel to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The letter suggests excluding nationality from the personal data stated in a passport. The issue has not been raised before, although the OSCE was aware of its existence. The efforts of the OSCE were focused on more important problems. The author believes that the step taken by the High Commissioner shows that the OSCE "has nothing to lose". Nationality is not stated in a traditional way in non-citizens' passports. It is indicated in the "special marks" section. President Ulmanis not mentioning the OSCE Mission in his speech at the OSCE Summit is another symptom. The article admits that the Mission cannot be a "remedy for all problems". Still, "even if it managed to help only a dozen of families", its further presence in Latvia is needed. PL

France has recognized "brown" non-citizens' passports, and its Embassy is now issuing visas to their holders.

France has recognized "brown" non-citizens' passports, and its Embassy is now issuing visas to their holders. PL

Applicants for Russian passports are storming the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga. The rush has been caused by a requirement to apply for residence permits before the end of this year. CID Deputy-Director Leins told

Applicants for Russian passports are storming the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Riga. The rush has been caused by a requirement to apply for residence permits before the end of this year. CID Deputy-Director Leins told "SM" that the term would be extended. He also said that renouncing Russian citizenship was unwise since foreigners "enjoyed protection of a country of residence and of his or her own state". According to Mr. Leins foreigners whose pensions are paid by Latvia will not be deprived of them. Latvia terminates the payments only if a person emigrates or repatriates from the country. He expects that the Latvian authorities will agree with the Russian side on putting "propiska" stamps in Russian passports. Although a residence permit sticker has a special place for re-registration, the space will be crossed out in permanent residence stickers. SM

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