Jan. 6, 1997

Press Review


The Duma Council on Compatriots Abroad has been given a status of a consultative body. Now it has the right to participate in drafting of the Duma statements on violations of the rights of Russian-speakers abroad. Duma speaker Seleznev said that all agreements concluded by Russia with former USSR republics would be closely tied to the rights of Russian-speakers in those countries. Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs Krilov said that Russia would use its political and economic influence to press on the countries violating the Rights of Russian-speakers. SM

Last Saturday President Yeltsin had a meeting with German Chancellor Kohl who arrived to Moscow for a one day visit. Although NATO enlargement was a top issue of the agenda, no agreement was reached. The Russian President said that he did not see any necessity in enlarging he block while the German Chancellor stressed that admission of new members to NATO would not jeopardize Russia's security.

Last Saturday President Yeltsin had a meeting with German Chancellor Kohl who arrived to Moscow for a one day visit. Although NATO enlargement was a top issue of the agenda, no agreement was reached. The Russian President said that he did not see any necessity in enlarging he block while the German Chancellor stressed that admission of new members to NATO would not jeopardize Russia's security. Diena


deputy Juris Dobelis ( deputy Juris Dobelis (LNNKLNNK) in an article for ) in an article for "DIENA""DIENA" expresses concern about the number of former Russian servicemen illegally staying in Latvia. According to Dobelis, up to several thousands of retired servicemen are still illegally residing in the country. Latvian authorities have managed to obtain information only on a half of 20,000 Russian servicemen that were deployed in Latvia on 28 January 1992. The Russian side is providing monthly reports on servicemen demobilized after 28 January 1992. Dobelis stresses the role of self-governments in investigating the situation. Dobelis believes that the exchange of old USSR passports for new non-citizens' passports can be used for examining the data on retired Russian officers. He is concerned about "suggestions of decentralizing the data check made by some Latvian officials." expresses concern about the number of former Russian servicemen illegally staying in Latvia. According to Dobelis, up to several thousands of retired servicemen are still illegally residing in the country. Latvian authorities have managed to obtain information only on a half of 20,000 Russian servicemen that were deployed in Latvia on 28 January 1992. The Russian side is providing monthly reports on servicemen demobilized after 28 January 1992. Dobelis stresses the role of self-governments in investigating the situation. Dobelis believes that the exchange of old USSR passports for new non-citizens' passports can be used for examining the data on retired Russian officers. He is concerned about "suggestions of decentralizing the data check made by some Latvian officials." DienaDiena

Jan. 4, 1997

Press Review

Minister of the Interior Turlais extended the licenses issued to non-citizens working as private detectives. The licenses, now valid until July 1, 1997, should have expired on December 31, 1996. The Ministry and the Association of Private detectives will come up with their proposals on amending the Law "On Detective Agencies" to allow non-citizens acquire a private detective's license. The analysis of the Latvian legislation recently performed by the State Human Rights Bureau also suggests canceling the restriction since it contradicts Latvia's international obligations.

Minister of the Interior Turlais extended the licenses issued to non-citizens working as private detectives. The licenses, now valid until July 1, 1997, should have expired on December 31, 1996. The Ministry and the Association of Private detectives will come up with their proposals on amending the Law "On Detective Agencies" to allow non-citizens acquire a private detective's license. The analysis of the Latvian legislation recently performed by the State Human Rights Bureau also suggests canceling the restriction since it contradicts Latvia's international obligations. SM

Chairman of the Union of American Jewish Human Rights Committees Leonid Stonov had meetings with members of the Saeima Human Rights Committee and with Prime-Minister Skele. Chairman of the Committee Seiksts expressed hope that citizenship and human rights situation in Latvia will be improving steadily. Mr. Skele agreed that the Citizenship Law could be more liberal explaining that the Law in force was the only possible compromise between the governing political parties. Saeima deputy Dozortsev complained about restrictions of TV broadcasting in the Russian language. Earlier, 30% of the entire broadcasting time could be taken by programs in Russian. Currently, the restriction is applied to each channel. Mr. Stonov was surprised by a large number of non-citizens saying that post-war generations could not be held responsible for their father's sins. Leonid Stonov will brief the US Congress on the human rights situation in Latvia.

Chairman of the Union of American Jewish Human Rights Committees Leonid Stonov had meetings with members of the Saeima Human Rights Committee and with Prime-Minister Skele. Chairman of the Committee Seiksts expressed hope that citizenship and human rights situation in Latvia will be improving steadily. Mr. Skele agreed that the Citizenship Law could be more liberal explaining that the Law in force was the only possible compromise between the governing political parties. Saeima deputy Dozortsev complained about restrictions of TV broadcasting in the Russian language. Earlier, 30% of the entire broadcasting time could be taken by programs in Russian. Currently, the restriction is applied to each channel. Mr. Stonov was surprised by a large number of non-citizens saying that post-war generations could not be held responsible for their father's sins. Leonid Stonov will brief the US Congress on the human rights situation in Latvia. SM

Jan. 3, 1997

Press Review

Yesterday President Ulmanis had a meeting with Latvian ambassador to Russia Janis Peters. The agenda of the meeting included relations between Latvia and Russia and Mr. Ulmanis' visit to Siberia. The Ambassador informed the President about possible visits of Latvian Government officials to Russia. Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis may visit Moscow to meet Duma Speaker Seleznev. Prime-Minister Skele's is expecting to meet Premier Chernomyrdin this year.

Yesterday President Ulmanis had a meeting with Latvian ambassador to Russia Janis Peters. The agenda of the meeting included relations between Latvia and Russia and Mr. Ulmanis' visit to Siberia. The Ambassador informed the President about possible visits of Latvian Government officials to Russia. Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis may visit Moscow to meet Duma Speaker Seleznev. Prime-Minister Skele's is expecting to meet Premier Chernomyrdin this year. Diena

According to President Yeltsin's Advisor for Foreign Policy Dmitry Ryurikov, blocking of NATO enlargement will be among the President's priorities in 1997. Ryurikov said that Yeltsin will raise the issue during his meetings with West-European leaders this year.

According to President Yeltsin's Advisor for Foreign Policy Dmitry Ryurikov, blocking of NATO enlargement will be among the President's priorities in 1997. Ryurikov said that Yeltsin will raise the issue during his meetings with West-European leaders this year. Neatkariga

Dec. 23, 1996

Press Review

Prime-Minister Skele at his press-conference said that situation in Latvia is undergoing positive changes. The Prime-Minister will prepare a detailed report of the country's development in February. He promised to return part of his salary to the Government or to donate it to charity if the report showed that not all of the aims were fulfilled. Skele believes that the number of ministers and Government officials should be decreased. He named settling of border issues among the priorities of Latvia's foreign policy. The Prime-Minister refused to reveal any details of the changes in the mandate of the Latvian Delegation to the border talks with Russia.

Prime-Minister Skele at his press-conference said that situation in Latvia is undergoing positive changes. The Prime-Minister will prepare a detailed report of the country's development in February. He promised to return part of his salary to the Government or to donate it to charity if the report showed that not all of the aims were fulfilled. Skele believes that the number of ministers and Government officials should be decreased. He named settling of border issues among the priorities of Latvia's foreign policy. The Prime-Minister refused to reveal any details of the changes in the mandate of the Latvian Delegation to the border talks with Russia. Diena

The Cabinet of Ministers is planning to adopt several legal acts during the

The Cabinet of Ministers is planning to adopt several legal acts during the Saeima Christmas vacations in accordance with Article 81 of the Satversme. According to the amendments introduced to the Satversme by the Saeima, acts adopted by the Cabinet are to be approved by the Saeima within six months after the adoption allowing the Saeima to block the acts. Diena

Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs (

Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") objects to capital punishment. Still, he believes that the Latvian legislation should provide for capital punishment "at least formally", since it is supported by the majority of the country's inhabitants. In his interview for "SM" Rasnacs said that restrictions on the rights of non-citizens should not be reviewed under the existing situation. Rasnacs says that he can substantiate any of sixty differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens. The European community requirements are recommending documents and do not require mandatory fulfillment. In this connection Rasnacs mentions van der Stoel's recommendations on the Citizenship Law. A much stricter variant still was accepted by the Council of Europe. Mr. Rasnacs insists on retaining the "nationality" paragraph in passports. He believes that ethnic Latvians need special support and points at the fact that Latvia is a national state with ethnic Latvians forming its basis. He does not believe naturalization to be too slow. Non-citizens should make the choice with one of the options being to leave the country. Requirements toward the knowledge of the Latvian language and a person's loyalty to Latvia should be expressed in the legislation in a more strict way. SM

Dec. 20, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima replaced its Deputy-Secretary Janina Kusnere ("Latvijai") by Maris Rudzitis ("Tautai un Taisnibai"). The reason for relieving Kusnere of her duties was the use of a Saeima car for private trips. Mrs. Kusnere has spent twenty thousand Lats from the Saeima budget on transportation this year. Diena The Ministry of the Interior demands amending the Law on State Secrets. The Law coming into force on January 1, 1997, bans non-citizens from accessing classified information. The Ministry suggests lifting the ban until 2003, giving non-citizens time to receive citizenship through naturalization. The Law will force non-citizens working as detectives and police officers to leave the force. The Ministry of the Interior also objects against a draft form to be filled out by those applying for access to confidential information. The form, among other questions, requires characterizing an applicants colleagues and bosses. Secretary of the National Security Committee Gundars Zalkalns believes that the restrictions should not be canceled. The only compromise that he could agree to is allowing non-citizens' access to confidential information for six months giving the Ministry time to replace them by citizens. Diena

A "DIENA" correspondent in Moscow believes that Russia is trying to block Baltic membership in European Union and NATO by the Baltic states. Estonia has renounced all territorial claims toward Russia while Latvia is likely to act in a similar way. The author of the article expects that Russia will deliberately defer border delimitation talks with the two countries and put forward new demands connected mainly with the rights of Russian-speakers. Diena

Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Secretary Jan Eliasson in an interview for

Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Secretary Jan Eliasson in an interview for "NEATKARIGA" said that security of the Baltic states is among the priorities of the Swedish foreign policy. While touching upon human rights in Latvia, Mr. Eliasson admitted there was a problem of the Russia-speaking minority. The situation had been considered in the "context of the OSCE requirements" and accepted by the international community, said Eliasson. He added that the minority problem was often exaggerated "outside Latvia." Neatkariga

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