Jan. 11, 1997

Press Report

International Director of the American Jewish Human Rights Organization Leonid Stonov in an interview for

International Director of the American Jewish Human Rights Organization Leonid Stonov in an interview for "SM" singled out a large number of non-citizens in Latvia as the country's most important problem. He believes that "a zero option" could improve psychological climate in the country and contribute to the development of its economy. Stonov is surprised by the indifference toward naturalization displayed by non-citizens. The organization headed by Stonov is opening its Baltic office in Riga. The office will study the legislation of the Baltic states and the human rights situation in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Stonov had meetings with Saeima Speaker Cepanis, Prime-Minister Skele, and Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights Committee Seiksts. SM

Jan. 10, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Chairman of the

Chairman of the Duma Committee on Defense Lev Rohlin in an interview said that Russia would be forced "to search for new strategic partners" in case NATO did not take into consideration Russian demands. Rohlin believes that NATO should provide security guarantees to Russia. The block should not deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of its new members, stresses Rohlin. Diena

Five Latvian Russian-language newspapers ("PANORAMA LATVII", "RUSSKAYA GAZETA", "SM", "DINABURG" and "MILLION" (Daugavpils) support inhabitants of Daugavpils and call upon their readers to participate in a referendum on self-government elections. The referendum is aimed at amending the Law on Self-Government Elections to allow non-citizens to participate in the elections and to run for posts in self-governments.

Five Latvian Russian-language newspapers ("PANORAMA LATVII", "RUSSKAYA GAZETA", "SM", "DINABURG" and "MILLION" (Daugavpils) support inhabitants of Daugavpils and call upon their readers to participate in a referendum on self-government elections. The referendum is aimed at amending the Law on Self-Government Elections to allow non-citizens to participate in the elections and to run for posts in self-governments. SM

The Latvian Association of Anti-Nazi Coalition Veterans, the Society of the 130-th Latvian Army Corps and Latvian Guerrilla Brigade Veterans, the Latvian Jewish Veteran Association, and the Society of Military Pensioners addressed President Ulmanis with an open letter. The organizations call upon the President to prevent demolition of the Victory Memorial. A draft decree on "relocating" the Memorial was adopted by the Riga City Council last December.

The Latvian Association of Anti-Nazi Coalition Veterans, the Society of the 130-th Latvian Army Corps and Latvian Guerrilla Brigade Veterans, the Latvian Jewish Veteran Association, and the Society of Military Pensioners addressed President Ulmanis with an open letter. The organizations call upon the President to prevent demolition of the Victory Memorial. A draft decree on "relocating" the Memorial was adopted by the Riga City Council last December. SM

President Ulmanis in an interview for

President Ulmanis in an interview for "SM SEVODNYA" said that he was attentively following the discussion of whether nationality should be stated in passports. The President believes that most of non-citizens' problems are caused by "bureaucratic problems". He is satisfied with the work of the Consultative Council on Ethnic problems and stresses that problems to be resolved by the Council require thorough consideration. SM

Jan. 9, 1997

Press Report

Director of the State Land Service Guntis Grube in an interview for

Director of the State Land Service Guntis Grube in an interview for "Panorama Latvii" stressed that, according to amendments to the Land Law, non-citizens had the right to purchase land in rural areas. He also mentioned draft acts allowing non-citizens to buy land in towns. According to Grube, the acts will be considered by the Saeima after parliamentary vacations are over. "DIENA" refers to Juridical Director of the Privatization Agency Schadinovs who said that the Cabinet of Ministers might adopt new regulations introducing a free land market in towns and cities. The Cabinet is planning to adopt corresponding regulations in February during the Saeima vacations in accordance with Article 81 of the Satversme. Diena, Panorama Latvii

An article in

An article in "SM" by Leonid Fedoseyev points at the necessity of forming a political nation in Latvia. Fedoseyev singles out the approaches to the issue of non-Latvian population that predominate among Latvian politicians. "Latvijas Cels" suggests assimilating non-Latvians, while "Tevzemei un Brivibai" and other nationalist parties openly name repatriation as the most suitable solution. All the parties, including "Saimnieks" liberals, ignore recommendations given by Latvian and foreign scholars on forming a political nation in the country. Fedoseyev shows that it is only a political nation that can guarantee stability in Latvia. Currently, the majority of the Russian-speaking population is isolated from political life and tends to form a closed community. The most dangerous tendency is a shift of non-Latvians "to the left" under a "right-wing" government supported by ethnic Latvians. The author believes that Latvians who hold the control of "the political machinery" should make first steps toward the forming of a political nation. The concept is not new to Latvia since it was a multinational state once with state-financed education in eight languages and three official languages in the Saeima. Nationalistic policy of Ulmanis' regime in the thirties to a great extend accounts for the loss of independence by Latvia. SM

US Ambassador Napper in his speech at a meeting of a Jewish scientific club said that the US supported Latvia's efforts aimed at joining the EU and NATO. He also stressed the importance of improving Latvia's relations with Russia. "Some people in Latvia are against improving relations with Russia. But they are not numerous," said Napper.

US Ambassador Napper in his speech at a meeting of a Jewish scientific club said that the US supported Latvia's efforts aimed at joining the EU and NATO. He also stressed the importance of improving Latvia's relations with Russia. "Some people in Latvia are against improving relations with Russia. But they are not numerous," said Napper. SM

Jan. 8, 1997

Press Report

German Minister of Foreign Affairs Kinkel at a press-conference said that Estonia could reach the standards required for entering the European Union sooner than other two Baltic states. The Minister did not specify the countries to be admitted to the EU and NATO during the first stage of enlargement. Still, he noted that all potential members to be admitted to the EU during the first stage of its enlargement will be included into the first stage of NATO enlargement as well. According to Kinkel, NATO will "leave the doors open" to all countries not included in the first stage of its enlargement.

German Minister of Foreign Affairs Kinkel at a press-conference said that Estonia could reach the standards required for entering the European Union sooner than other two Baltic states. The Minister did not specify the countries to be admitted to the EU and NATO during the first stage of enlargement. Still, he noted that all potential members to be admitted to the EU during the first stage of its enlargement will be included into the first stage of NATO enlargement as well. According to Kinkel, NATO will "leave the doors open" to all countries not included in the first stage of its enlargement. Diena


Deputy-Speaker Andris Ameriks ( Deputy-Speaker Andris Ameriks ("Saimnieks""Saimnieks") in an interview for ) in an interview for "SM""SM" said that said that "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" was a powerful factor blocking the adoption of radical proposals made by the was a powerful factor blocking the adoption of radical proposals made by the "Tevzemei un Brivibai" "Tevzemei un Brivibai" faction in the faction in the SaeimaSaeima. While touching upon Latvia's relations with Russia, Ameriks suggested signing the border agreement without putting forward any additional conditions. He believes that . While touching upon Latvia's relations with Russia, Ameriks suggested signing the border agreement without putting forward any additional conditions. He believes that "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" could contribute to reducing the number of differences between the rights enjoyed by citizens and non-citizens. could contribute to reducing the number of differences between the rights enjoyed by citizens and non-citizens. "Saimnieks""Saimnieks" suggested Olafs Bruveris candidature for the post of the Human Rights Bureau Director. suggested Olafs Bruveris’ candidature for the post of the Human Rights Bureau Director.  SMSM

Jan. 7, 1997

Press Report

The Latvian delegation to the Baltic Assembly recommended the Assembly to work out a new realistic approach to their policies. Head of the delegation Ivars Kezbers said that expecting to enter NATO and the EU in the nearest future would mean "fooling oneself". Only half of the EU countries have ratified the associated membership agreement with the Baltic states. Kezbers pointed at the importance of strengthening Latvia's border with Russia. He stressed that although Latvia was interested in developing neighborly relations with Russia, it was concerned about political instability in the country

The Latvian delegation to the Baltic Assembly recommended the Assembly to work out a new realistic approach to their policies. Head of the delegation Ivars Kezbers said that expecting to enter NATO and the EU in the nearest future would mean "fooling oneself". Only half of the EU countries have ratified the associated membership agreement with the Baltic states. Kezbers pointed at the importance of strengthening Latvia's border with Russia. He stressed that although Latvia was interested in developing neighborly relations with Russia, it was concerned about political instability in the country. Diena, SM

According to the law adopted last autumn, non-citizens employed as candidates to civil servants as of November 1, 1996, will retain their jobs and are allowed to take an exam for a civil servant's position. All others will be relieved of their duties while 156 non-citizens will retain their posts in the state institutions.

According to the law adopted last autumn, non-citizens employed as candidates to civil servants as of November 1, 1996, will retain their jobs and are allowed to take an exam for a civil servant's position. All others will be relieved of their duties while 156 non-citizens will retain their posts in the state institutions. Neatkariga

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