Oct. 7, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

No agreement between the

No agreement between the Peoples Party and the Latvian Way was reached during talks yesterday. The Peoples Party believes that, first, parties should agree on basic principles of government operation by respecting rightist-conservative values and keeping in mind influential representation of leftist forces in the Saeima, and then discuss personalia, while the Latvian Way holds to the requirement to have Vilis Kristopans as a Prime Minister. On Wednesday the Latvian Way will start the second round of talks with all parties. Diena

After the European conference in Luxembourg the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that Latvia has achieved tremendous progress in spheres of internal and foreign politics, and according to him, Latvia should be invited to EU accession talks in December.

After the European conference in Luxembourg the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs said that Latvia has achieved tremendous progress in spheres of internal and foreign politics, and according to him, Latvia should be invited to EU accession talks in December. Diena

Estonian President Lennart Meri welcomed the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Citizenship Law. He thinks that it will influence the decision of Estonian parliament which will soon consider similar amendments.

Estonian President Lennart Meri welcomed the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Citizenship Law. He thinks that it will influence the decision of Estonian parliament which will soon consider similar amendments. Diena

In a statement of Mr. James Rubin (spelling?), a spokesman of the US Department of State, it is said that the US government welcomes the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. The amendments to the Citizenship Law completely correspond with the basic principles of the US-Baltic Partnership Charter, and “fulfil all of Latvia’s international obligations in the area of citizenship and naturalization without any harm to the development of Latvian language and culture. “

In a statement of Mr. James Rubin (spelling?), a spokesman of the US Department of State, it is said that the US government welcomes the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. The amendments to the Citizenship Law completely correspond with the basic principles of the US-Baltic Partnership Charter, and fulfil all of Latvias international obligations in the area of citizenship and naturalization without any harm to the development of Latvian language and culture. Diena

Board of the

Board of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK passed a resolution in which it promises to do everything to guarantee the deciding role of the state language in the constitution, the State Language Law and Education Law, to improve the work of the State Language Inspectorate, to intensify overseeing of naturalization process, as well as to obtain real security guarantees from international institutions. Neatkariga

Board of the

Board of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK believes that results of the referendum show a negative attitude of the majority of Latvians towards the amendments to the Citizenship Law, since the outcome of the referendum was determined by voting of Russian-speaking citizens in Riga and the Latgale region. Nellija Locmele, a DIENA journalist, argues that such statement is tendentious, since the amendments were supported in districts where majority of citizens are Latvians, for example, in Jurmala where 75% of citizens are Latvians, Aluksne region (88.2% Latvians), Gulbene region (90.8%), Valka region ( 93.7%), Ventspils (93, 7%) and others. Diena

On the basis of Byelorussian classes at the Riga Secondary School No 75 the Byelorussian primary school was founded. The school will provide students with qualitative primary education, will draw Byelorussian Diaspora closer to the native language and national culture, as well as “continue traditions of the independent Latvian state in preserving Byelorussian identity and integration.“ The school will be financed from the Riga City municipal budget. The languages of instruction will be Byelorussian and Latvian.

On the basis of Byelorussian classes at the Riga Secondary School No 75 the Byelorussian primary school was founded. The school will provide students with qualitative primary education, will draw Byelorussian Diaspora closer to the native language and national culture, as well as continue traditions of the independent Latvian state in preserving Byelorussian identity and integration. The school will be financed from the Riga City municipal budget. The languages of instruction will be Byelorussian and Latvian. Jauna Avize, B&B

In an interview for the news agency LETA Paul Goble said that the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Citizenship Law allows to improve the Latvian and US relations, and Latvia has a strong basis for initiating issues of joining the EU, NATO and WTO. Mr. Goble also stressed that now the West should end pressure on Latvia.

In an interview for the news agency LETA Paul Goble said that the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Citizenship Law allows to improve the Latvian and US relations, and Latvia has a strong basis for initiating issues of joining the EU, NATO and WTO. Mr. Goble also stressed that now the West should end pressure on Latvia. Jauna Avize ODIHR experts who monitored the elections and the referendum on 3 October concluded that they were conducted in transparent and professional manner, and that the integrity of the process was upheld by well trained competent election commission members who displayed complete independence and impartiality which is essential to the legitimacy and credibility of the electoral process. At the same time, the ODIHR experts noted that the referendum question was confusingly formulated. Jauna Avize

Olgerts Tipans, head of an expert group working on the conception for social integration, told 

Olgerts Tipans, head of an expert group working on the conception for social integration, toldNeatkariga that experts have indicated problems and proposed conceptual solutions in ten spheres - education, language, citizenship and naturalization, repatriation, immigration and co-operation with countrymen in abroad, information, non-governmental organizations, regional aspects, science and state institutions. Mr. Tipans thinks that in next year the work on particular programs and projects might start. Neatkariga

Yesterday a representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Rahmanin positively evaluated the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. Still, it is too early to speak about cardinal improvement of humanitarian situation in the country, Mr. Rahmanin said. He also pointed out that the radical forces try to tighten State Language Law and Education Law. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry, in turn, thinks that Moscow does not understand the situation.

Yesterday a representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Rahmanin positively evaluated the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. Still, it is too early to speak about cardinal improvement of humanitarian situation in the country, Mr. Rahmanin said. He also pointed out that the radical forces try to tighten State Language Law and Education Law. The Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry, in turn, thinks that Moscow does not understand the situation. Chas

Leader of

Leader of Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans, chairman of the movement For Equality S. Dimanis , leader of Socialist Party F. Strogonov, and co-ordinator of union For Human Rights in Unified Latvia A. Rubiks express their thanks to people who casted their votes for the list of Peoples Harmony Party in recent parliamentary elections. Panorama Latvii

Eduard Lapidus, a journalist, expresses a hope that the block of leftist forces -

Eduard Lapidus, a journalist, expresses a hope that the block of leftist forces - Peoples Harmony Party - will not split in the 7th Saeima, but continue pursuing of active legislative protection of non-citizens. Panorama Latvii


Movement For Equality calls people to a picket on 8 October when the Saeima will review the State Language Law in the final reading.Panorama Latvii

Oct. 6, 1998

Press Review

Press Review


Yesterday the Latvian Way started talks with the New Party, For Fatherland and Freedom, and the Union of Social democrats about the basic principles of forming a new government. All mentioned parties are ready to support a Latvian Way candidate for the post of the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans. Tomorrow the Latvian Way plans to meet with the Peoplss Party and the Peoples Harmony Party. Analysing these preliminary talks journalists raise a question about the reaction of the Peoples Party which obtain most seats in the new Saeima, to the initiative of the Latvian Way to form a government. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

Analysing possibilities of having a stable government, Janis Penikis, a political scientist, argues that the decisive role in ensuring stability of a new government, will be played by the party discipline. According to Mr. Penikis, only two parties -

Analysing possibilities of having a stable government, Janis Penikis, a political scientist, argues that the decisive role in ensuring stability of a new government, will be played by the party discipline. According to Mr. Penikis, only two parties - the Latvian Way and For Fatherland and Freedom can be considered absolutely stable. Neatkariga

Yesterday Riga District Court sentenced Ilmars Purmalis who committed murder of three elderly people to death penalty. This is the third case when court sentences the highest punishment after the promulgation of the moratorium on death penalty by the State President.

Yesterday Riga District Court sentenced Ilmars Purmalis who committed murder of three elderly people to death penalty. This is the third case when court sentences the highest punishment after the promulgation of the moratorium on death penalty by the State President. Diena, Neatkariga

NeatkarigaandJauna Avizepublish foreign press reviews concerning the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. The foreign press expresses gladness about possibilities of Latvia to move closer to the EU, and to improve the relations with Russia. Foreign Affairs Ministries and politicians of many foreign countries have welcomed the outcome of the referendum in Latvia and stated that it would promote Latvias integration into Europe. Among them there are Austrian, German, Swedish, Finnish Foreign Affairs Ministers, the president of the European Liberal Party U.Elleman -Jensen, and Secretary General of the West European Union H, Kutiljero. The Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry also has sent an official greeting. Diena

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs positively evaluates the results of the referendum. The newly elected Saeima has received a clear signal that the people of Latvia relates the long-term interest of their country with achieving of interethnic harmony, social integration, and observance of human rights norms.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs positively evaluates the results of the referendum. The newly elected Saeima has received a clear signal that the people of Latvia relates the long-term interest of their country with achieving of interethnic harmony, social integration, and observance of human rights norms. SM, Panorama Latvii

In Estonia politicians and mass media differently evaluate the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. Representatives of the Right wing parties argue that the outcome of the referendum will intensify international pressure on Estonia concerning the citizenship issue. At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the results.

In Estonia politicians and mass media differently evaluate the outcome of the referendum in Latvia. Representatives of the Right wing parties argue that the outcome of the referendum will intensify international pressure on Estonia concerning the citizenship issue. At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the results. Diena

According to experts interviewed by

According to experts interviewed by Diena, the referendum showed that the Latvian citizens do not want non-citizens to be pushed off from happenings in the country. At the same time, it shows that the most attention will have to be paid to instruction of the Latvian language and formation of civic consciousness. According to the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane, the outcome of the referendum is the best that could have happened, and finally there will be put an end to this issue. Ms. Aldermane argues that only some 10-12 % of children born after 1991 will be registered as citizens. Due to different reasons parents will not rush to register their children as Latvian citizens. Nils Muiznieks states that the results of the referendum are more important than the election results. In sense of internal politics, this was a strong signal to non-citizens that we have not pushed them off. It is not a huge obligingness, nevertheless it is a step towards integration, Nils Muiznieks says. Minister of Education and Science J. Gaigals argues that the most attention will have to be paid to instruction of the Latvian language. All political parties which were against the abolishment of the amendments to Citizenship Law, are satisfied with the outcome of the referendum. It is not clear when exactly the amendments will come into force. At first the Central Electoral Commission should summarize official results of the referendum and inform the State President. Once the state president promulgates the law, it will come into force within fourteen days. Diena

The summarizing of the election results in 14 electoral districts in abroad shows that

The summarizing of the election results in 14 electoral districts in abroad shows that Peoples Party received the most votes - 658, then comes For Fatherland and Freedom - 398, the Latvian Way - 269, New Party- 142 , Peoples Harmony Party - 88 and social democrats - 77. Results of 17 other electoral districts in abroad where the voting took place by mail, will, be known today. Diena

SM publishes an article by Svetlana Gartovanova who argues that the Latgale region where 80% voters supported the amendments to the Citizenship Law saved the country.

P.S. In the press review of 5 October there is a mistake in information concerning the number of people participating in elections. The right version is that according to preliminary results, out of 1,313 739 persons having the right to vote, 952, 945 citizens casted their votes, and 946 590 ballots were considered valid.

P.S. In the press review of 5 October there is a mistake in information concerning the number of people participating in elections. The right version is that according to preliminary results, out of 1,313 739 persons having the right to vote, 952, 945 citizens casted their votes, and 946 590 ballots were considered valid. Neatkariga

Oct. 5, 1998

Press Report

According to the preliminary results of the 7th Saeima elections, 1, 313 739 citizens participated in voting, and 946, 590 ballots were considered valid.

According to the preliminary results of the 7th Saeima elections, 1, 313 739 citizens participated in voting, and 946, 590 ballots were considered valid. Neatkariga

As a result of the parliamentary elections in Latvia on 3 October, six parties obtained seats in the new Saeima -

As a result of the parliamentary elections in Latvia on 3 October, six parties obtained seats in the new Saeima - the Poeples Party (according to preliminary results - 20.9%), the Latvian Way (18.2%), Peoples Harmony Party (14.23%), For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (14.15%), Union of Social Democrats (12.9 %) and the New Party (7.4%) According to the chair of the Central Electoral Commission, results of the elections may change a little bit after the votes will be counted in pooling stations in abroad, for example, the For Fatherland and Freedom may obtain additional votes. Diena

On the election day in several electoral districts violations of Electoral law were recorded. In one electoral district, radio broadcasted political campaign of social democrats. Upon directives of the central Electoral Commission members, this violation was eliminated by prohibiting to play radio in electoral districts. The most serious violation of Electoral Law was recorded in Jurmala where voters were issued unstamped ballots of the referendum. According to chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars, the issuance of these ballots were terminated and the CEC compared them, so that later when counted these ballots could be considered as valid.

On the election day in several electoral districts violations of Electoral law were recorded. In one electoral district, radio broadcasted political campaign of social democrats. Upon directives of the central Electoral Commission members, this violation was eliminated by prohibiting to play radio in electoral districts. The most serious violation of Electoral Law was recorded in Jurmala where voters were issued unstamped ballots of the referendum. According to chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars, the issuance of these ballots were terminated and the CEC compared them, so that later when counted these ballots could be considered as valid. Jauna Avize

All Russian newspapers acknowledge achievement of Poeple’s Harmony party which according to preliminary results, may have obtained up to 16 seats in the parliament.

All Russian newspapers acknowledge achievement of Poeples Harmony party which according to preliminary results, may have obtained up to 16 seats in the parliament. Chas, Panorama Latvii

Parties which obtained seats in the next parliament, do not have a clear vision about possible models of a new government. The talks will start on Monday. According to deputy chair of the

Parties which obtained seats in the next parliament, do not have a clear vision about possible models of a new government. The talks will start on Monday. According to deputy chair of the For Fatherland and Freedom Janis Straume, the most stable government would consist of Peoples Party, the Latvian Way and For Fatherland and Freedom. The most acceptable for the Latvian Way would be coalition with the New Party , and For Fatherland and Freedom, Andrejs Pantelejevs said. However, according with unofficial results of elections, it will not hold majority of seats in the Saeima. K. Kazakov, aChas journalist, argues that the coalition formed by the Latvian Way, For Fatherland and Freedom and Peoples Party would be strong, clever, and would be based on capital and professionalism. Juris Bojars, leader of the Union of Social Democrats, stated that there will be no co-operation between his party and Andris Skele (Peoples Party). The main discussions may raise over the candidates to the post of Prime Minister. The Latvian Way does not give up its major requirement for the coalition-forming - to have Vilis Kristopans as the Prime Minister. Diena, Neatkariga

State President Guntis Ulmanis would like to name a new Prime Minister on 3 November, and the choice will depend on the party coalition, Press Secretary of State President Vita Savicka told

State President Guntis Ulmanis would like to name a new Prime Minister on 3 November, and the choice will depend on the party coalition, Press Secretary of State President Vita Savicka told Diena.

According to unofficial results of the referendum, 53.02% of voters who participated in the referendum concerning the Citizenship Law amendments casted their votes against the abolishing of amendments, for abolishment were 45% of voters. In the referendum in Latvia participated 885, 547 citizens or 69, 82%. 2% of votes were void due to the fact that either both answers or none of them were marked. The Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars told the press that these citizens obviously did so consciously by supporting the referendum as an expression of democracy. According to unofficial results, a decisive role for the keeping of amendments was played by voters in Riga and Latgale region (in Latgale region - 68,6% voted against abolishment and in Riga - 53.55%). In other regions the majority voted for abolishment of amendments.

According to unofficial results of the referendum, 53.02% of voters who participated in the referendum concerning the Citizenship Law amendments casted their votes against the abolishing of amendments, for abolishment were 45% of voters. In the referendum in Latvia participated 885, 547 citizens or 69, 82%. 2% of votes were void due to the fact that either both answers or none of them were marked. The Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars told the press that these citizens obviously did so consciously by supporting the referendum as an expression of democracy. According to unofficial results, a decisive role for the keeping of amendments was played by voters in Riga and Latgale region (in Latgale region - 68,6% voted against abolishment and in Riga - 53.55%). In other regions the majority voted for abolishment of amendments. Diena

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minority Affairs Max van der Stoel welcomed the results of the referendum. ”By deciding to approve the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, the people of Latvia have taken an important step towards solving interethnic problems and promoting the process of integration, “Max van der Stoel writes. He also expresses hope that Estonian parliament will follow the Latvian example to grant citizenship to children born after the restoration of independence, and support the governmental proposal on this issue. Baltic News Service informs that the Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry positively evaluates the results of the referendum in Latvia which would liberalize the procedure of acquiring citizenship in accordance with the OSCE recommendations.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minority Affairs Max van der Stoel welcomed the results of the referendum. By deciding to approve the amendments to the Law on Citizenship, the people of Latvia have taken an important step towards solving interethnic problems and promoting the process of integration, Max van der Stoel writes. He also expresses hope that Estonian parliament will follow the Latvian example to grant citizenship to children born after the restoration of independence, and support the governmental proposal on this issue. Baltic News Service informs that the Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry positively evaluates the results of the referendum in Latvia which would liberalize the procedure of acquiring citizenship in accordance with the OSCE recommendations. Diena

Head of the delegation of observers from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Miko Elo told journalists that the 7th Saeima elections in Latvia were free, fair and democratic. Results of the referendum express the will of the people of Latvia to achieve full integration of Latvian residents and to move towards the European Union.

Head of the delegation of observers from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Miko Elo told journalists that the 7th Saeima elections in Latvia were free, fair and democratic. Results of the referendum express the will of the people of Latvia to achieve full integration of Latvian residents and to move towards the European Union. Diena

After discussions which lasted for four years, the government finally approved the foundations of the Latvian Institute, a state limited liability company whose main task will be popularization of Latvia in abroad. Vaira Vike- Freiberga was approved for the post of the director.

After discussions which lasted for four years, the government finally approved the foundations of the Latvian Institute, a state limited liability company whose main task will be popularization of Latvia in abroad. Vaira Vike- Freiberga was approved for the post of the director. Neatkariga

On the election day an incident occured between a couple of activists of the movement “

On the election day an incident occured between a couple of activists of the movement For Equality holding a poster which said Stalin repressed 45 thousand residents of Latvia. Free Latvia is repressing 700 thousand non-citizens and Latvian speaking by-passers who tore the poster. Further conflict was prevented by patrolling Home Guards. Chas, SM

Oct. 3, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Saturday newspapers concentrate on the elections and referendum which took place on 3 October. The first results were expected on Saturday night. A day before elections three highest state officials - State President, Prime Minister and Saeima Speaker- made official statements empasizing the importance of participation in elections. State President Guntis Ulmanis urged people to participate in referendum and not to make a decision based on emotions. Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis also urged people vote against the abolishment of Citizenship Law amendments. Prime Minster Guntars Krasts did not express his opinion concerning the referendum, but asked people carefully think over their choice.

Saturday newspapers concentrate on the elections and referendum which took place on 3 October. The first results were expected on Saturday night. A day before elections three highest state officials - State President, Prime Minister and Saeima Speaker- made official statements empasizing the importance of participation in elections. State President Guntis Ulmanis urged people to participate in referendum and not to make a decision based on emotions. Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis also urged people vote against the abolishment of Citizenship Law amendments. Prime Minster Guntars Krasts did not express his opinion concerning the referendum, but asked people carefully think over their choice. Diena

Neatkariga publishes full text of State Presidents and Prime Minsters statements a day before elections.

Observers from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly told press that the formulation of the question for the referendum on the Citizenship Law amendments is very complicated, and it might cause confusion for some voters.

Observers from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly told press that the formulation of the question for the referendum on the Citizenship Law amendments is very complicated, and it might cause confusion for some voters. Diena, Neatkariga

Swedish government has decided to allocate 4 million SEK for the UNDP Baltic Investment Fund, the Swedish Embassy in Latvia told DIENA. The goals of the Fund is to finance activities related with gender equality, integration and civic society, information technologies and legal system.

Swedish government has decided to allocate 4 million SEK for the UNDP Baltic Investment Fund, the Swedish Embassy in Latvia told DIENA. The goals of the Fund is to finance activities related with gender equality, integration and civic society, information technologies and legal system. Diena

From the 10th till 20th of October an exposition of the Museum of 50 years of Occupation will be held in the building of the Parliament of Europe. It will be a possibility to acquaint international society with a tragic fate of the Latvian people, Prime Minister Guntars Krasts and the initiator of the event, deputy of the European Parliament E. Caccavale told press. The arrangement of the exposition will be financed by the state.

From the 10th till 20th of October an exposition of the Museum of 50 years of Occupation will be held in the building of the Parliament of Europe. It will be a possibility to acquaint international society with a tragic fate of the Latvian people, Prime Minister Guntars Krasts and the initiator of the event, deputy of the European Parliament E. Caccavale told press. The arrangement of the exposition will be financed by the state. Diena

On the day of election, SM publishes an article by Mr. Arkadjev analysing Russia’s possible reaction in a case majority had supported the abolishment of amendments. According to the author, Russia will not start any economic sanctions against Latvia. It will attempt to make international organizations - UN and OSCE - put political pressure on Latvia.

On the day of election, SM publishes an article by Mr. Arkadjev analysing Russias possible reaction in a case majority had supported the abolishment of amendments. According to the author, Russia will not start any economic sanctions against Latvia. It will attempt to make international organizations - UN and OSCE - put political pressure on Latvia. SM


Oct. 1, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

A week before the elections the “Latvian Facts” survey shows that popularity of

A week before the elections the Latvian Facts survey shows that popularity of the New Party and Latvian Way has grown, while the rating of Peoples Party has fallen. Still, if elections were on 27 -28 September, six parties would get into the Saeima: 19% of voters would cast their votes for the Peoples Party, 15,6% - for the Latvian Way, 14,1 % - For Fatherland and Freedom, 9, 4% - for the New Party, 9.2 % - for Social Democratic Union, and 8,2% - for Peoples Harmony Party. Diena

Twenty one representative of the intelligentsia, among them there are a writer Knuts Skujenieks, a journalist Karlis Streips, director of the National Opera Andrejs Zagars, have signed an appeal to Latvian citizens to vote against in the referendum - against the abolishing of the Citizenship Law amendments, against international isolation, against disbelief in future.

Twenty one representative of the intelligentsia, among them there are a writer Knuts Skujenieks, a journalist Karlis Streips, director of the National Opera Andrejs Zagars, have signed an appeal to Latvian citizens to vote against in the referendum - against the abolishing of the Citizenship Law amendments, against international isolation, against disbelief in future. Diena

Dienainterviews a leader of the Swedish Moderate Part and former Prime Minister of Sweden Karl Bildt. Referring to the upcoming referendum in Latvia, Mr. Bildt said that probability that people will be loyal to the country is bigger if they are citizens of this country rather than persons without citizenship. Large number of stateless persons in a country is obvious threat to state security. according to Mr. Bildt, it is not in interests of Latvian people to have so many children of non-citizens.

Dienapublishes a resolution of the board of Union of World Free Latvians in which it supports the amendments to the Citizenship Law.

Analysing results of elections in Slovakia and Malta which provide those countries with good chances to get in to the first group of countries joining the EU, a 

Analysing results of elections in Slovakia and Malta which provide those countries with good chances to get in to the first group of countries joining the EU, aDiena journalist Kristine Plamse emphasizes how important it is for Latvia to make right choice in the upcoming referendum.

In a letter to the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi speaks highly about the amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted by the Saeima on 22 June, and hopes that the outcome of the referendum will be positive which would fasten Latvia’s movement to the EU.

In a letter to the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi speaks highly about the amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted by the Saeima on 22 June, and hopes that the outcome of the referendum will be positive which would fasten Latvias movement to the EU. Diena

On Friday the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will speak on TV and Radio, and Prime Minister - on TV. In his announcement, Guntis Ulmanis will invite citizens to participate in elections and referendum and will present his opinion about these events. Subject of the Prime Minster’s speech has not been revealed. According to Press Secretary of the Prime Minister Romans Melniks, Guntars Krasts will speak of Latvia’s future, a present situation in the country and in the world.

On Friday the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will speak on TV and Radio, and Prime Minister - on TV. In his announcement, Guntis Ulmanis will invite citizens to participate in elections and referendum and will present his opinion about these events. Subject of the Prime Minsters speech has not been revealed. According to Press Secretary of the Prime Minister Romans Melniks, Guntars Krasts will speak of Latvias future, a present situation in the country and in the world. Diena

Yesterday Central Electoral Commission distributed an official statement in which it calls voters not to succumb to attempts to influence their right to freely choose parties and asks them in case of emergency to turn to the Central Electoral Commission or law enforcement institutions.

Yesterday Central Electoral Commission distributed an official statement in which it calls voters not to succumb to attempts to influence their right to freely choose parties and asks them in case of emergency to turn to the Central Electoral Commission or law enforcement institutions. Neatkariga

Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars predicts that over 100 international observers will participate in the 7th Saeima elections. There will be observers from the OSCE, ODIHR, and the European Parliament.

Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars predicts that over 100 international observers will participate in the 7th Saeima elections. There will be observers from the OSCE, ODIHR, and the European Parliament. Neatkariga

Neatkarigapublishes an interview with the State President Guntis Ulmanis in which he once again states that he will vote against the abolishing of Citizenship Law amendments since he does not see any argument why he should vote for. Similar interview is published by the SM.

According to a resolution of DCMA consultative working group, resident permits of six military persons formerly working in Skrunda Radar station, will be prolonged, since their spouses are Latvian citizens. Decision about prolonging of residence permits will be passed at the end of October because military persons had not submitted all documents, an assistant to the Deputy director of the DCMA Mara Zule said. In total, the DCMA has received application of 30 military persons . A part of them will participate in dismantling process of the Radar, therefore their applications will be reviewed when the dismantling is over. The DCMA has also received a list from Russia certifying that approximately 200 persons will participate in dismantling. According to deputy director of DCMA Andris Janis Lejins, the department does not want to get into conflict with people who want to stay. And because the dismantling of the radar will last for over a year, the DCMA will have plenty of time to review every application carefully.

According to a resolution of DCMA consultative working group, resident permits of six military persons formerly working in Skrunda Radar station, will be prolonged, since their spouses are Latvian citizens. Decision about prolonging of residence permits will be passed at the end of October because military persons had not submitted all documents, an assistant to the Deputy director of the DCMA Mara Zule said. In total, the DCMA has received application of 30 military persons . A part of them will participate in dismantling process of the Radar, therefore their applications will be reviewed when the dismantling is over. The DCMA has also received a list from Russia certifying that approximately 200 persons will participate in dismantling. According to deputy director of DCMA Andris Janis Lejins, the department does not want to get into conflict with people who want to stay. And because the dismantling of the radar will last for over a year, the DCMA will have plenty of time to review every application carefully. Jauna Avize

Nils Muiznieks, director of Center for Human rights and Ethnic Studies, expresses his opinion about the upcoming elections and referendum. He reminds the readers that already in April the Center has officially stated political, humanitarian and legal arguments why children of stateless persons should be granted citizenship. Moreover, keeping in mind a crisis in Russia, Latvia cannot afford to get into international isolation, Nils Muiznieks states.

Nils Muiznieks, director of Center for Human rights and Ethnic Studies, expresses his opinion about the upcoming elections and referendum. He reminds the readersthat already in April the Center has officially stated political, humanitarian and legal arguments why children of stateless persons should be granted citizenship. Moreover, keeping in mind a crisis in Russia, Latvia cannot afford to get into international isolation, Nils Muiznieks states. Jauna Avize

History teachers of schools with Russian as the language of instruction often find it difficult to talk about the issues related with Latvian -Russian relations. Therefore, the Association of history teachers in Latvia has worked out a project according to which a guideline for teaching disputable historical issues in schools will prepared and published. The project is sponsored by the Finnish government and Soros Fund in Latvia. Teachers from Latvian schools and schools of ethnic minorities participate in the project.

History teachers of schools with Russian as the language of instruction often find it difficult to talk about the issues related with Latvian -Russian relations. Therefore, the Association of history teachers in Latvia has worked out a project according to which a guideline for teaching disputable historical issues in schools will prepared and published. The project is sponsored by the Finnish government and Soros Fund in Latvia. Teachers from Latvian schools and schools of ethnic minorities participate in the project. Diena

Russian Foreign Affairs minister Igor Ivanov thinks that Russia has shown great endurance and political wisdom on issues concerning relations with Latvia and Estonia, it has managed to attract international attention to violation of minority rights in Latvia. “We ask from Baltic states no more than what exists in the Western countries. We require that there no double standards, “ Mr. Ivanov said.

Russian Foreign Affairs minister Igor Ivanov thinks that Russia has shown great endurance and political wisdom on issues concerning relations with Latvia and Estonia, it has managed to attract international attention to violation of minority rights in Latvia. We ask from Baltic states no more than what exists in the Western countries. We require that there no double standards, Mr. Ivanov said. Chas

Yesterday a Latvian political scientist and expert on ethnic conflicts Boris Tselevich presented his second book “Alternative.”- a collection of articles published in Latvian press during the last years.

Yesterday a Latvian political scientist and expert on ethnic conflicts Boris Tselevich presented his second book Alternative.- a collection of articles published in Latvian press during the last years. Chas


Movement For Equality invites everybody for whom the civil rights are important to come to a meeting with the representatives of the movement - Saeima deputies today at Raina monument. Panorama Latvii

Another political force - the

Another political force - the Peoples Party invites people to a People Meeting today at the Doma square. Diena

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