Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Oct. 1, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

A week before the elections the “Latvian Facts” survey shows that popularity of

A week before the elections the Latvian Facts survey shows that popularity of the New Party and Latvian Way has grown, while the rating of Peoples Party has fallen. Still, if elections were on 27 -28 September, six parties would get into the Saeima: 19% of voters would cast their votes for the Peoples Party, 15,6% - for the Latvian Way, 14,1 % - For Fatherland and Freedom, 9, 4% - for the New Party, 9.2 % - for Social Democratic Union, and 8,2% - for Peoples Harmony Party. Diena

Twenty one representative of the intelligentsia, among them there are a writer Knuts Skujenieks, a journalist Karlis Streips, director of the National Opera Andrejs Zagars, have signed an appeal to Latvian citizens to vote against in the referendum - against the abolishing of the Citizenship Law amendments, against international isolation, against disbelief in future.

Twenty one representative of the intelligentsia, among them there are a writer Knuts Skujenieks, a journalist Karlis Streips, director of the National Opera Andrejs Zagars, have signed an appeal to Latvian citizens to vote against in the referendum - against the abolishing of the Citizenship Law amendments, against international isolation, against disbelief in future. Diena

Dienainterviews a leader of the Swedish Moderate Part and former Prime Minister of Sweden Karl Bildt. Referring to the upcoming referendum in Latvia, Mr. Bildt said that probability that people will be loyal to the country is bigger if they are citizens of this country rather than persons without citizenship. Large number of stateless persons in a country is obvious threat to state security. according to Mr. Bildt, it is not in interests of Latvian people to have so many children of non-citizens.

Dienapublishes a resolution of the board of Union of World Free Latvians in which it supports the amendments to the Citizenship Law.

Analysing results of elections in Slovakia and Malta which provide those countries with good chances to get in to the first group of countries joining the EU, a 

Analysing results of elections in Slovakia and Malta which provide those countries with good chances to get in to the first group of countries joining the EU, aDiena journalist Kristine Plamse emphasizes how important it is for Latvia to make right choice in the upcoming referendum.

In a letter to the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi speaks highly about the amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted by the Saeima on 22 June, and hopes that the outcome of the referendum will be positive which would fasten Latvia’s movement to the EU.

In a letter to the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi speaks highly about the amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted by the Saeima on 22 June, and hopes that the outcome of the referendum will be positive which would fasten Latvias movement to the EU. Diena

On Friday the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will speak on TV and Radio, and Prime Minister - on TV. In his announcement, Guntis Ulmanis will invite citizens to participate in elections and referendum and will present his opinion about these events. Subject of the Prime Minster’s speech has not been revealed. According to Press Secretary of the Prime Minister Romans Melniks, Guntars Krasts will speak of Latvia’s future, a present situation in the country and in the world.

On Friday the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will speak on TV and Radio, and Prime Minister - on TV. In his announcement, Guntis Ulmanis will invite citizens to participate in elections and referendum and will present his opinion about these events. Subject of the Prime Minsters speech has not been revealed. According to Press Secretary of the Prime Minister Romans Melniks, Guntars Krasts will speak of Latvias future, a present situation in the country and in the world. Diena

Yesterday Central Electoral Commission distributed an official statement in which it calls voters not to succumb to attempts to influence their right to freely choose parties and asks them in case of emergency to turn to the Central Electoral Commission or law enforcement institutions.

Yesterday Central Electoral Commission distributed an official statement in which it calls voters not to succumb to attempts to influence their right to freely choose parties and asks them in case of emergency to turn to the Central Electoral Commission or law enforcement institutions. Neatkariga

Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars predicts that over 100 international observers will participate in the 7th Saeima elections. There will be observers from the OSCE, ODIHR, and the European Parliament.

Chair of the Central Electoral Commission Arnis Cimdars predicts that over 100 international observers will participate in the 7th Saeima elections. There will be observers from the OSCE, ODIHR, and the European Parliament. Neatkariga

Neatkarigapublishes an interview with the State President Guntis Ulmanis in which he once again states that he will vote against the abolishing of Citizenship Law amendments since he does not see any argument why he should vote for. Similar interview is published by the SM.

According to a resolution of DCMA consultative working group, resident permits of six military persons formerly working in Skrunda Radar station, will be prolonged, since their spouses are Latvian citizens. Decision about prolonging of residence permits will be passed at the end of October because military persons had not submitted all documents, an assistant to the Deputy director of the DCMA Mara Zule said. In total, the DCMA has received application of 30 military persons . A part of them will participate in dismantling process of the Radar, therefore their applications will be reviewed when the dismantling is over. The DCMA has also received a list from Russia certifying that approximately 200 persons will participate in dismantling. According to deputy director of DCMA Andris Janis Lejins, the department does not want to get into conflict with people who want to stay. And because the dismantling of the radar will last for over a year, the DCMA will have plenty of time to review every application carefully.

According to a resolution of DCMA consultative working group, resident permits of six military persons formerly working in Skrunda Radar station, will be prolonged, since their spouses are Latvian citizens. Decision about prolonging of residence permits will be passed at the end of October because military persons had not submitted all documents, an assistant to the Deputy director of the DCMA Mara Zule said. In total, the DCMA has received application of 30 military persons . A part of them will participate in dismantling process of the Radar, therefore their applications will be reviewed when the dismantling is over. The DCMA has also received a list from Russia certifying that approximately 200 persons will participate in dismantling. According to deputy director of DCMA Andris Janis Lejins, the department does not want to get into conflict with people who want to stay. And because the dismantling of the radar will last for over a year, the DCMA will have plenty of time to review every application carefully. Jauna Avize

Nils Muiznieks, director of Center for Human rights and Ethnic Studies, expresses his opinion about the upcoming elections and referendum. He reminds the readers that already in April the Center has officially stated political, humanitarian and legal arguments why children of stateless persons should be granted citizenship. Moreover, keeping in mind a crisis in Russia, Latvia cannot afford to get into international isolation, Nils Muiznieks states.

Nils Muiznieks, director of Center for Human rights and Ethnic Studies, expresses his opinion about the upcoming elections and referendum. He reminds the readersthat already in April the Center has officially stated political, humanitarian and legal arguments why children of stateless persons should be granted citizenship. Moreover, keeping in mind a crisis in Russia, Latvia cannot afford to get into international isolation, Nils Muiznieks states. Jauna Avize

History teachers of schools with Russian as the language of instruction often find it difficult to talk about the issues related with Latvian -Russian relations. Therefore, the Association of history teachers in Latvia has worked out a project according to which a guideline for teaching disputable historical issues in schools will prepared and published. The project is sponsored by the Finnish government and Soros Fund in Latvia. Teachers from Latvian schools and schools of ethnic minorities participate in the project.

History teachers of schools with Russian as the language of instruction often find it difficult to talk about the issues related with Latvian -Russian relations. Therefore, the Association of history teachers in Latvia has worked out a project according to which a guideline for teaching disputable historical issues in schools will prepared and published. The project is sponsored by the Finnish government and Soros Fund in Latvia. Teachers from Latvian schools and schools of ethnic minorities participate in the project. Diena

Russian Foreign Affairs minister Igor Ivanov thinks that Russia has shown great endurance and political wisdom on issues concerning relations with Latvia and Estonia, it has managed to attract international attention to violation of minority rights in Latvia. “We ask from Baltic states no more than what exists in the Western countries. We require that there no double standards, “ Mr. Ivanov said.

Russian Foreign Affairs minister Igor Ivanov thinks that Russia has shown great endurance and political wisdom on issues concerning relations with Latvia and Estonia, it has managed to attract international attention to violation of minority rights in Latvia. We ask from Baltic states no more than what exists in the Western countries. We require that there no double standards, Mr. Ivanov said. Chas

Yesterday a Latvian political scientist and expert on ethnic conflicts Boris Tselevich presented his second book “Alternative.”- a collection of articles published in Latvian press during the last years.

Yesterday a Latvian political scientist and expert on ethnic conflicts Boris Tselevich presented his second book Alternative.- a collection of articles published in Latvian press during the last years. Chas


Movement For Equality invites everybody for whom the civil rights are important to come to a meeting with the representatives of the movement - Saeima deputies today at Raina monument. Panorama Latvii

Another political force - the

Another political force - the Peoples Party invites people to a People Meeting today at the Doma square. Diena

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