Oct. 20, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

On Monday the State President Guntis Ulmanis told DIENA that he would respect the choice of the

On Monday the State President Guntis Ulmanis told DIENA that he would respect the choice of the Latvian Way to have Vilis Kristopans as a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Therefore, the Latvian Way continues work on formation of a government under leadership of Vilis Kristopans, and is convinced that the government will be supported by the majority of the Saeima. However, neither Peoples Party, nor For Fatherland and Freedom, nor social democrats have clearly expressed their support to Kristopans government. After a meeting of the Board of the Latvian Way, Andrejs Pantelejevs said that now a priority is to discuss positions in the Saeima since the presidium of the Saeima will be elected first. Diena

Dienapublishes an article about the Sumpetera primary school with Russian as the language of instruction in Riga which four years ago started implementation of bilingual educational method - starting with the 1st grade a group of pupils had all subjects taught in the Latvian language. As one of the teachers told Diena, the first grade is the most difficult, but in the 2nd and the 3rd grades knowledge of all pupils equalises. According to Baiba Kinstlere, head of Educational Development Department at the Ministry of Education, this radical method of bilingual education is difficult for both students and teachers, but results are good. Besides, here the result completely depends on teachers, their willingness to work and attitude towards children. Director of the school Maruta Simanska said that in Latvia there is a lack of text books which would help pupils acquire knowledge in two languages - in Latvian and Russian. Still, the fact that a half of parents choose bilingual education of their children, shows that there is public demand for the Latvian language. Diena

Several Russian military persons who in accordance with the Latvian-Russian Treaty serve at the Skrunda Radar Station, have turned to the Latvian National Human Rights Office with complaint about the unsatisfactory living conditions offered by the Russian government after their return to the Russian Federation. Press Secretary of the NHRO Andris Petersons told that the military persons lacked basic knowledge about their status and rights, as well as social guarantees therefore they were acquainted with the text of the Treaty. Although officers serving in the Skrunda Radar Station have expressed a possibility of asking Latvian authorities to grant political asylum, it is unlikely that it will be done. For it is not under the competence of the National Human Rights Office to deal with social guarantees for Russian military persons, the NHRO advised them to turn to the Russian Embassy. The Press Secretary of the Russian Embassy Vladimir Ivanov told that on 11 October representatives of the Russian Defence Ministry visited the Skrunda Radar Station to discuss the housing issue of military persons upon their return to Russia. Mr. Ivanov stressed that these issues “undoubtedly will be solved.”

Several Russian military persons who in accordance with the Latvian-Russian Treaty serve at the Skrunda Radar Station, have turned to the Latvian National Human Rights Office with complaint about the unsatisfactory living conditions offered by the Russian government after their return to the Russian Federation. Press Secretary of the NHRO Andris Petersons told that the military persons lacked basic knowledge about their status and rights, as well as social guarantees therefore they were acquainted with the text of the Treaty. Although officers serving in the Skrunda Radar Station have expressed a possibility of asking Latvian authorities to grant political asylum, it is unlikely that it will be done. For it is not under the competence of the National Human Rights Office to deal with social guarantees for Russian military persons, the NHRO advised them to turn to the Russian Embassy. The Press Secretary of the Russian Embassy Vladimir Ivanov told that on 11 October representatives of the Russian Defence Ministry visited the Skrunda Radar Station to discuss the housing issue of military persons upon their return to Russia. Mr. Ivanov stressed that these issues undoubtedly will be solved. Jauna Avize

Yesterday at a meeting with the Belgium Prime Minister Mr. Dehani, the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis told that Latvia is ready to join the NATO, it has increased the defence budget, and established an NATO integration bureau.

Yesterday at a meeting with the Belgium Prime Minister Mr. Dehani, the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis told that Latvia is ready to join the NATO, it has increased the defence budget, and established an NATO integration bureau. Chas

Panorama Latvii publishes an interview with a deputy director of Examination Center of the Naturalization Board Inare Ermansone in which she explains, in detail, process of taking naturalization exams. Besides, she informs readers with changes in language and history exams after the amendments to the Citizenship Law come into force. First of all, applicants will be asked to write a short essay on everyday subjects, instead of a reproduction. Secondly, people who have reached age of 65 years, will be exempt from written part of the language exam. Concerning the history exam, Ms. Ermansone said that they are working on reducing of number of questions from 300 to 100, and she expressed hope that these changes would come into effect still in this year. When asked about possibility of mass application for naturalization after opening of naturalization windows, Ms. Ermansone told that a lot will depend on information in mass media. More interviews with people who have passed the examinations, should be published. Panorama Latvii

SM summarizes presentations by Russian guest speakers at the conference National ethnopolitics towards the civic society. A professor Mark Djatckov had argued that Latvian authorities have assisted to a slow pace of integration processes in Latvia by declaring the Russian language an international language. The other Russian scientist Konstantin Habibulin had urged Latvian authorities not force an artificial transition to the State language in spheres of daily communication and education. SM

Anna Stroj in her article “Referendum of parents” calls to support an idea of the Association for Support of schools with Russian as the language of instruction to organize a conference in which parents whose children go to non-Latvian schools would be able to express their opinion of education of their children, and state authorities, in turn, will have a chance to explain their position. As an example of such a dialogue between interested parties, Ms. Stroj mentions Estonia where last year a national survey of teachers, student, parents of non-Estonian Schools was organized to find out which of 12 models of secondary education they would prefer. The results of the survey showed that parents and students are ready to more radical changes in education system than teachers.

Anna Stroj in her article Referendum of parents calls to support an idea of the Association for Support of schools with Russian as the language of instruction to organize a conference in which parents whose children go to non-Latvian schools would be able to express their opinion of education of their children, and state authorities, in turn, will have a chance to explain their position. As an example of such a dialogue between interested parties, Ms. Stroj mentions Estonia where last year a national survey of teachers, student, parents of non-Estonian Schools was organized to find out which of 12 models of secondary education they would prefer. The results of the survey showed that parents and students are ready to more radical changes in education system than teachers. Diena

Oct. 17, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

After meeting with a the State President Guntis Ulmanis, Vilis Kristopans told 

After meeting with a the State President Guntis Ulmanis, Vilis Kristopans toldDiena that Mr. Ulmanis would respect the opinion of the Latvian Way concerning the candidate of a next Prime Minister. At the same time, the leader of the Peoples Party Andris Skele who also met with the State President on Friday, said that the discussion was about the government forming process. The Poeples Party is sure a disagreement with the Latvian Way will be clarified next week during the meeting of both parties. Diena

Journalists of other newspapers (

Journalists of other newspapers (Chas, Neatkariga) speculate about the interest of the State President in having Andris Skele on the post of Prime Minister. B&B (19 October) writes that among the candidates for the post of Prime Minister there also might be the present Minister of Finance Roberts Zile (For Fatherland and Freedom), and a Latvian Way politician Ojars Kehris. Analysing amendments to the Satversme adopted by the Saeima on Thursday, Diena journalist Aivars Ozolins argues that the process of discussion and adoption of these amendments should have been accompanied with creation of a real implementation mechanism, otherwise each legal norm is doomed to discreditation. Diena. Chas journalist Leonid Fedoseev also questions application of the new;y adopted Satversme provisions, especially a stipulation concerning the status of the Latvian language.

PanoramaLatvii publishes opinions of three deputies - Juris Dobelis, Antons Seiksts, and Ilga Kreituse - about the amendments to the Satversme in which all three deputies emphasize a historical importance of these amendments.

Dienain Russian publishes an interview with Tatjana Liguta, President of the Association for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, in which she argues that in order to achieve the command of the Latvian language and culture as well as integration through the language, there are other ways than the one proposed by the Ministry of Education in the Law on Education. According to her, an alternative could be an introduction of a new subject Lettonica in schools with other language of instruction than Latvian. This subject would help the Latvian language become not only an object but also a tool of learning. Other important issue emphasized by Ms. Liguta is the need of the state program for training of Latvian language teachers for schools of national minorities. Nobody even knows how many such teachers are needed now, Ms. Liguta states. According to Ms. Liguta, Russian schools should be preserved because it might become the means of integration. Diena

On Saturday the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the Language of Instruction organized a conference “Education in a Native Language - a prerequisite and means of non-violent integration.” Mr. Igor Pimenov one of the organisers said that the Education Law and State Language Law should provide the right of children belonging to national minorities to acquire education in a native language. The Association has prepared an alternative model of education according to which in schools of national minorities some 8 lessons per week would be assigned to teaching of a new subject - Lettonica, including history, geography and politics of Latvia. The association also suggests to establish a new department of education of national minorities at the Ministry of Education. Parliamentary secretary of Ministry of Education Andris Tomasuns who also attended the conference, positively evaluated the willingness of the association to discuss these issues as well as readiness to presentalternative solutions.

On Saturday the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the Language of Instruction organized a conference Education in a Native Language - a prerequisite and means of non-violent integration. Mr. Igor Pimenov one of the organisers said that the Education Law and State Language Law should provide the right of children belonging to national minorities to acquire education in a native language. The Association has prepared an alternative model of education according to which in schools of national minorities some 8 lessons per week would be assigned to teaching of a new subject - Lettonica, including history, geography and politics of Latvia. The association also suggests to establish a new department of education of national minorities at the Ministry of Education. Parliamentary secretary of Ministry of Education Andris Tomasuns who also attended the conference, positively evaluated the willingness of the association to discuss these issues as well as readiness to presentalternative solutions. Diena

A two day conference “National ethnopolitics towards the civil society” organized by Centre of Ethnic Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took place in Riga last week. In an opening presentation, Dr. Phil. Elmars Vebers introduced the audience with thesis of the conception of social integration commissioned by the government. The main question answered by the state program is how to provide preservation and development of Latvian identity and at the same time to participate in realization of national minority rights and development of their culture. 

A two day conference National ethnopolitics towards the civil society organized by Centre of Ethnic Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took place in Riga last week. In an opening presentation, Dr. Phil. Elmars Vebers introduced the audience with thesis of the conception of social integration commissioned by the government. The main question answered by the state program is how to provide preservation and development of Latvian identity and at the same time to participate in realization of national minority rights and development of their culture.Diena

From October 19 till 24 the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will be on a working visit in Belgium, Germany and France. During the visit he will meet with the President of European Commission Mr. Santer and the Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Mr. van den Broek.

From October 19 till 24 the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis will be on a working visit in Belgium, Germany and France. During the visit he will meet with the President of European Commission Mr. Santer and the Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Mr. van den Broek. B&B

A member of a Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Russian Duma Vladimir Averchev thinks that the outcome of the referendum on liberalization of the Citizenship Law in Latvia does not solve the main problems of Russian speaking population. According to Mr. Averchev, Latvia does not implement the OSCE recommendations and continues language and other type of discrimination of non-citizens.

A member of a Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Russian Duma Vladimir Averchev thinks that the outcome of the referendum on liberalization of the Citizenship Law in Latvia does not solve the main problems of Russian speaking population. According to Mr. Averchev, Latvia does not implement the OSCE recommendations and continues language and other type of discrimination of non-citizens. B&B

The most complaints received by the National Human Rights Office in the third quarter of 1998 concerns the work of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs,and in 80% cases the complaints were valid. Majority of them are related with the family reunion issues.

The most complaints received by the National Human Rights Office in the third quarter of 1998 concerns the work of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs,and in 80% cases the complaints were valid. Majority of them are related with the family reunion issues. B&B

On Friday the Latvian- Estonian intergovernmental commission on Valka -Valga issue finished a preliminary co-ordination of border agreement which would facilitate the border crossing for residents of both towns. An official co-ordination is scheduled for November. According to the agreement, citizens as well as non-citizens residing in Valka and Valga will be able to stay in other country for 180 days per year ( instead of existing limit of 90 days). Furthermore, persons who are studying or taking care of relatives in a neighbouring city, will be able to prolong the period with the consent of local authorities.

On Friday the Latvian- Estonian intergovernmental commission on Valka -Valga issue finished a preliminary co-ordination of border agreement which would facilitate the border crossing for residents of both towns. An official co-ordination is scheduled for November. According to the agreement, citizens as well as non-citizens residing in Valka and Valga will be able to stay in other country for 180 days per year ( instead of existing limit of 90 days). Furthermore, persons who are studying or taking care of relatives in a neighbouring city, will be able to prolong the period with the consent of local authorities. Diena

According to information provided by the Russian Federal Migration Service, the number of Russian guest workers in Latvia has increased from 19 persons in the period from January till July of 1998, to 71 in the period till October, the news agency LETA informs.

According to information provided by the Russian Federal Migration Service, the number of Russian guest workers in Latvia has increased from 19 persons in the period from January till July of 1998, to 71 in the period till October, the news agency LETA informs. Neatkariga

Extraordinary certification of employees of the Interior Ministry having special ranks, is completed, and the results will be summarized during this week, the Press Service of the IM informs. During the certification a special attention was paid to the command of the state language.

Extraordinary certification of employees of the Interior Ministry having special ranks, is completed, and the results will be summarized during this week, the Press Service of the IM informs. During the certification a special attention was paid to the command of the state language. Neatkariga

Oct. 16, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Satversme (Constitution) in the final reading. The Satversme was supplemented with Chapter 8 on Fundamental Rights of a Person. Until now in Latvia fundamental human rights and freedoms were provided by Law on the Rights and Obligations of a Citizen and a Person adopted in 1991. Now these rights and freedoms, including the equality under the law, right to life, freedom and honour, inviolability of private life, freedom of assembly, political rights of a citizen, and others, will be determined on a constitutional level. Furthermore, the Article 4 of the Satversme was amended by providing status of the state language to the Latvian language, and it is anticipated that the further amendments of this Article would come into force only through a referendum.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Satversme (Constitution) in the final reading. The Satversme was supplemented with Chapter 8 on Fundamental Rights of a Person. Until now in Latvia fundamental human rights and freedoms were provided by Law on the Rights and Obligations of a Citizen and a Person adopted in 1991. Now these rights and freedoms, including the equality under the law, right to life, freedom and honour, inviolability of private life, freedom of assembly, political rights of a citizen, and others, will be determined on a constitutional level. Furthermore, the Article 4 of the Satversme was amended by providing status of the state language to the Latvian language, and it is anticipated that the further amendments of this Article would come into force only through a referendum. Diena

Dienain Russian publishes a letter of President of the Association for Teachers of Russian language and literature Tatjana Liguta to the Saeima, State President, Minister of Education, and Integration Commission in which she analyses the situation in education of national minorities and proposes possible directions of education reform, like guaranteeing the choice of language of instruction, ensuring the unified content of education for all schools, prioritising the civic education, developing all forms of communication between schools with different language of instruction.(full text in Russian is enclosed). Diena

Yesterday the Saeima also adopted a law which provides that starting 1 January 1999 laws of the Latvian SSR and resolutions of the Supreme Council, as well as decrees and resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Council adopted before the promulgation of independence, will become null and void except for seven laws: Code of Administrative Violations, Code of Civil Process, Code of Labour laws, Criminal Code, Code of Penalty Implementation, and the Language Law. At the moment there are more than two thousand normative acts adopted in the Soviet time. The government should determine when the normative acts issued by the Latvian SSR Council of Ministers and ministries, will become null and void.

Yesterday the Saeima also adopted a law which provides that starting 1 January 1999 laws of the Latvian SSR and resolutions of the Supreme Council, as well as decrees and resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Council adopted before the promulgation of independence, will become null and void except for seven laws: Code of Administrative Violations, Code of Civil Process, Code of Labour laws, Criminal Code, Code of Penalty Implementation, and the Language Law. At the moment there are more than two thousand normative acts adopted in the Soviet time. The government should determine when the normative acts issued by the Latvian SSR Council of Ministers and ministries, will become null and void. Diena

On Wednesday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code and Code of Penalty Implementation which are necessary for the new criminal Code to come into effect in March next year. The Criminal Code as well as the Code of Criminal Process and Penalty Implementation are, to some degree, harmonised with the EU requirements, except for one important issue - the death penalty - whose keeping was approved by the Saeima contrary to the recommendations of the European Commission.

On Wednesday the Saeima adopted amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code and Code of Penalty Implementation which are necessary for the new criminal Code to come into effect in March next year. The Criminal Code as well as the Code of Criminal Process and Penalty Implementation are, to some degree, harmonised with the EU requirements, except for one important issue - the death penalty - whose keeping was approved by the Saeima contrary to the recommendations of the European Commission. Diena

Official results of the 7th Saeima elections will be announced some time next wee, since the Central Electoral Commission and regional electoral commissions are still working on finalising the outcome to avoid inaccuracy.

Official results of the 7th Saeima elections will be announced some time next wee, since the Central Electoral Commission and regional electoral commissions are still working on finalising the outcome to avoid inaccuracy. Neatkariga

Yesterday during a meeting the President of the European Parliament Mr. Delgado told the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis that the Foreign Affairs Commission of the European Parliament has recommended the EU to start accession talks with Latvia. The European Parliament also considers a possibility to support Latvian language training. During the meeting with the NATO Secretary General Mr. Solana, Mr. Ulmanis was assured that the open door policy will be preserved concerning the NATO enlargement.

Yesterday during a meeting the President of the European Parliament Mr. Delgado told the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis that the Foreign Affairs Commission of the European Parliament has recommended the EU to start accession talks with Latvia. The European Parliament also considers a possibility to support Latvian language training. During the meeting with the NATO Secretary General Mr. Solana, Mr. Ulmanis was assured that the open door policy will be preserved concerning the NATO enlargement. Jauna Avize

Riga City Council deputy Jakov Pliner criticises decrees of the Ministry of Education prohibiting use of text books which are not published in Latvia. According to Mr. Pliner, among books given as a present by Moscow Mayor, there are books worth to be read not only by Russian but also Latvian teachers.

Riga City Council deputy Jakov Pliner criticises decrees of the Ministry of Education prohibiting use of text books which are not published in Latvia. According to Mr. Pliner, among books given as a present by Moscow Mayor, there are books worth to be read not only by Russian but also Latvian teachers. Panorama Latvii

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a response note to the Latvian MFA concerning the documentary “Latvian Chronicles” broadcasted by the Russian TV company RTR. In the note, the Latvian MFA drew attention of the Russian side to the distortion of historical facts in the film, as well as expressed opinion that such an interpretation of historical events could be considered as an attempt to bring about inter-ethnic discord. In the response note it is said that the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law on Mass Media guarantee the independence of the mass media. Vladimir Ivanov, advisor of the Russian Ambassador in Latvia, thinks that pretensions of the Latvian MFA concerning this documentary are strange, since the intention of the documentary was to show what could be brought by an ideology of superiority of one nation over other. Besides, if the Latvian MFA believes that the historical facts were distorted, it, according to legal norms in Civil law of Russia and international law, can sue the TV Company RTR.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a response note to the Latvian MFA concerning the documentary Latvian Chronicles broadcasted by the Russian TV company RTR. In the note, the Latvian MFA drew attention of the Russian side to the distortion of historical facts in the film, as well as expressed opinion that such an interpretation of historical events could be considered as an attempt to bring about inter-ethnic discord. In the response note it is said that the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law on Mass Media guarantee the independence of the mass media. Vladimir Ivanov, advisor of the Russian Ambassador in Latvia, thinks that pretensions of the Latvian MFA concerning this documentary are strange, since the intention of the documentary was to show what could be brought by an ideology of superiority of one nation over other. Besides, if the Latvian MFA believes that the historical facts were distorted, it, according to legal norms in Civil law of Russia and international law, can sue the TV Company RTR. SM

Oct. 15, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Russian newspaper

Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya has mentioned Latvia in the list of countries NATO should make aviation attacks as it was planned concerning Yugoslavia. In the commentary it is said that if NATO considers to use force for solving ethnic conflicts then it should attack several other countries, also Latvia where human rights of Russian speakers and OSCE recommendations have been violated. On this list there are Bosnia, Georgia, Israel, GB, Russia, turkey, etc. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The State President has not managed to come to a unanimously supported candidate for the post of the Prime Minister during the consultations with 6 parties represented at the 7th Saeima. But G.Ulmanis is sure that till November 3 the parties will be able to come to an agreement, and he will be able to ask the new candidate, supported by the majority, to form the government . In general the President is satisfied with these consultations.

The State President has not managed to come to a unanimously supported candidate for the post of the Prime Minister during the consultations with 6 parties represented at the 7th Saeima. But G.Ulmanis is sure that till November 3 the parties will be able to come to an agreement, and he will be able to ask the new candidate, supported by the majority, to form the government . In general the President is satisfied with these consultations. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, SM, Bizness & Baltiya

I.Klisane Berzina analyses why the President likes A.Skele. In the situation when the majority of parties have expressed their support to V.Kristopans, there would be no need to linger and ask him to form the new government. She compares this situation with the one with Z.Cevers when forming the existing government when the President offered to form the government

TB/LNNK representative M.Grinblats disregarding the fact that Z.Cevers had wider support. The decisive thing in this situation for A.Skele is to gain leading position in the government. And there is information about common business interests of these two politicians in some off-shore firm. Neatkariga A.Ozolins in

A.Ozolins in Diena sees the situation from a different angle. He speaks about the position of TB/LNNK that has expressed a statement that the new government should have majority support, and this support should be reached without Social Democrats. It is a direct challenge to Latvijas Cels who have included Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK in the list of supporters of V.Kristopans. Diena

The Prime Minister of Great Britain T.Blair has sent a letter to the Latvian President G.Ulmanis expressing his joy for the adoption of amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He expresses his conviction that this wise decision will be in favour of Latvian - EU relations.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain T.Blair has sent a letter to the Latvian President G.Ulmanis expressing his joy for the adoption of amendments to the Law on Citizenship. He expresses his conviction that this wise decision will be in favour of Latvian - EU relations. Diena

Ordinary members of

Ordinary members of Latvijas Cels would like to have Peoples Party as their coalition partner. Such a coalition would be more stable that the one with Social Democrats. It coincides with the position of party leaders. Diena

Lauku Avize

interviews the Chairman of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK M.Grinblats about their position in the process of forming a new government. TB/LNNK considers that the government should be formed by the parties which have received the majority of votes - Peoples Party, Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK. If any other party would like to participate, doors are open. Answering to the question on elaboration of the government declaration that had been entrusted to Latvijas Cels, M.Grinblats said that it had been just an oral agreement on the basic activity principles or tasks. This job would not be waste of time disregarding who will lead the government. What concerns co-operation with Social Democrats, M.Grinblats was very reserved. He was not sure whether Latvijas Cels wanted to attract these people just for one vote or for a longer co-operation. M.Grinblats considers that Social Democrats should not be given any minister posts, and Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK themselves claim several posts, including the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. M.Grinblats also explained partys position on V.Kristopans. TB/LNNK supports the coalition with Latvijas Cels and New Party to form the new government but has never expressed support to V.Kristopans. Co-operation with Peoples Party will depend on the fact whether Latvijas Cels and Peoples Party will find a common platform.

Oct. 14, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Moscow expresses a serious concern about the campaign of national radicals aiming to take a revanche for failure in the referendum on amending the Law on Citizenship. It was announced yesterday by Russian MFA official representative V.Rahmanin. He has stressed that, opposite to the will of Latvian people to create an ethnic harmony, demonstrated during the referendum, national radicals had decided to strengthen discrimination in the language law.

Moscow expresses a serious concern about the campaign of national radicals aiming to take a revanche for failure in the referendum on amending the Law on Citizenship. It was announced yesterday by Russian MFA official representative V.Rahmanin. He has stressed that, opposite to the will of Latvian people to create an ethnic harmony, demonstrated during the referendum, national radicals had decided to strengthen discrimination in the language law. Neatkariga, Chas

Jauna Avize and

Jauna Avize and Bizness & Baltiya (14.10.98) add that V.Rahmanin accused Latvia of attempts to exchange integration of Russian speakers for assimilation by using the education system. Press Secretary of Latvian MFA T.Baumanis commented this announcement very briefly, These expressions are so far from the reality that we do not see any sense to make any comments on them at all.

No results were achieved during the discussions of the three major parties -

No results were achieved during the discussions of the three major parties - Latvijas Cels, TB/LNNK and New Party with Peoples Party. The representatives of PP did not answer to the question whether they were ready to participate in a government, led by V.Kristopans but continued push on discussing necessity to agree on the basic principles of forming a government. Rather strange seemed also the results of discussion between Latvijas Cels and Social Democrats. Latvijas Cels continue stating that SD has agreed to participate in the new government without any minister posts, but the leaders of SD J.Adamsons and J.Bojars repeatedly deny such a possibility. State President G.Ulmanis continued his talks with other Saeima member parties - TB/LNNK and Peoples Harmony Party. After these discussions he said that he had to think more seriously about another candidates to the post of the Prime Minister because the current candidates A.Skele and V.Kristopans might not receive the expected support. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, SM, Bizness & Baltiya (14.10.98)

On October 9 the USA Congress House of Representatives passed a resolution confirming three very important issues: 1) USA Congress points out to the fact of occupation of the Baltic states, 2) USA Congress calls Russia to condemn the pact of Molotov - Ribentrop and its secret protocols and 3) USA Congress suggests the USA President and the MFA State Secretary to act so let Russia would recognize these facts.


A member of Consultative Council of the State President M.Briede writes about her proposal to start teaching the Latvian language in kindergarten. Also the representatives of the Council of Europe were positive about its conformity to the international norms. Financing for it could come from UN funds allocated to the Latvian language training program. UN provides 3 million USD for each of the three phases of this program. In the first phase this money was used for adult training. M.Briede suggests to spend the next 3 million for teaching children in national minority kindergartens. Diena

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science find it senseless to consider the draft language law at this Saeima, and it should be left for the next Saeima. During the last month consideration of this draft law in the final reading was stopped twice. The version of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science ensured both strengthening of the position of the Latvian language and observing international norms and main OSCE recommendations, but the deputies lacked a constructive approach to adopt it. Upon an initiative of CECS the Saeima could renew consideration of the law, but the Chairman of the Commission Dz.Abikis thinks that it makes no sense. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs feels relieved about the outcome of the referendum and thinks that Latvia has managed to cross a gorge. He explains the consequences if the result were different. V.Birkavs points out the large number of non-citizens living here, causing problems to stability in Latvia. He predicts that Russian campaign against Latvia will continue for some time, but Latvia has to go on forming its state language policy by developing the Latvian language training programs to make the language a part of the social integration instrument. And Europe supports Latvia in this. Diena

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed Latvian MFA that starting with October 1, 1998 till the introduction of new visas columns Destination and Route will not be filled in but for foreigners and stateless persons applying for visas these columns will be filled in. Jauna Avize

V.Buhvalov, contemplating about the planned transition to the Latvian language as the language of tuition, states that in Latvia there are no specialists, able to prepare teaching aids for this language. And he is very pessimistic about the results of this hasty implementation, basing his opinion on pedagogical experience.

Diena (Russian version)

N.Lebedeva, journalist of SM writes about the former Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee. Now he is heading a similar mission in Ukraine. SM

S.Zaletajev in

S.Zaletajev in Panorama Latvii tries to prove that Latvians during the referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship voted not for the adoption of these amendments but for a possibility to join EU and NATO, and the only ones who were for these amendments were Russian speaking voters, especially in Riga and Latgale region. To prove his point he cites the statement made by the representative of TB/LNNK J.Dobelis that regions, where Latvians constituted the majority of population, voted against the amendments. S.Zaletajev doubts that attempts of the Latvian government to establish an integration society are true, and it was done just to satisfy Europe.

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