Nov. 20, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Vilis Kristopans decided to invite the

Vilis Kristopans decided to invite the Latvian Way, the New Party and For Fatherland and Freedom to form a stable, centrist government consisting of experienced politicians. Such a government would be supported by 46 deputies. Still, Mr. Kristopans will ask the aforementioned parties to delegate him rights to invite candidates of ministers from other parties outside the coalition for a work in his government. Yesterday the talks between the Peoples Party and Mr. Vilis Kristopans ended without results. The Peoples Party rejected an offer by Mr. Kristopans to nominate a candidate for the post of the Minister of Agriculture without signing a coalition agreement. Diena

Yesterday the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis received congratulation letters on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Latvia’s independence from the Presidents of France, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, as well as the King of Sweden and the King of Spain, and the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel.

Yesterday the Latvian State President Guntis Ulmanis received congratulation letters on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Latvias independence from the Presidents of France, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, as well as the King of Sweden and the King of Spain, and the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Diena, Neatkariga

Results of a survey done by the Baltic Data House at a request of the State Language Training Program, show that the number of persons of other nationalities who think that the Latvian language command is necessary in their everyday life, has increased. Still, one third of the respondents answered that they do not want to improve their language knowledge since they are sure of their sufficient command of the language, or they consider themselves too old to learn it.

Results of a survey done by the Baltic Data House at a request of the State Language Training Program, show that the number of persons of other nationalities who think that the Latvian language command is necessary in their everyday life, has increased. Still, one third of the respondents answered that they do not want to improve their language knowledge since they are sure of their sufficient command of the language, or they consider themselves too old to learn it. Diena

Visas for 205 Russian military persons currently working in dismantling of the Skrunda Radar Station are prolonged until 30 September 1999. In total, there are 426 military persons and their family members - subjects of the Agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation on the Legal Status of the Skrunda Radar Station during its temporary operation and dismantling, who will stay in Latvia for one more year.

Visas for 205 Russian military persons currently working in dismantling of the Skrunda Radar Station are prolonged until 30 September 1999. In total, there are 426 military persons and their family members - subjects of the Agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation on the Legal Status of the Skrunda Radar Station during its temporary operation and dismantling, who will stay in Latvia for one more year. Neatkariga

SM asked the State President Guntis Ulmanis to comment the formation of a commission of historians who will do a comprehensive research of two totalitarian regimes in Latvia. Guntis Ulmanis said that creation of such a commission was triggered after his visits to Israel, the USA, and European countries during which an issue of Holocaust was discussed. This theme as well as issues related with the Latvian Legion have not been studied in depth. That will, therefore, be a task for the commission consisting of well known historians, to provide an evaluation based on facts.

SM asked the State President Guntis Ulmanis to comment the formation of a commission of historians who will do a comprehensive research of two totalitarian regimes in Latvia. Guntis Ulmanis said that creation of such a commission was triggered after his visits to Israel, the USA, and European countries during which an issue of Holocaust was discussed. This theme as well as issues related with the Latvian Legion have not been studied in depth. That will, therefore, be a task for the commission consisting of well known historians, to provide an evaluation based on facts. SM

Yesterday an international conference On Security and Co-operation on the Baltic Sea took place in Stockholm. Among presenters there was a former advisor on national security issues of the United States Zbignev Bzhezinsky who stated that neither Latvia nor Estonia but Lithuania should be the first one to join the NATO since in Lithuania there is no ethnic conflict.

Yesterday an international conference On Security and Co-operation on the Baltic Sea took place in Stockholm. Among presenters there was a former advisor on national security issues of the United States Zbignev Bzhezinsky who stated that neither Latvia nor Estonia but Lithuania should be the first one to join the NATO since in Lithuania there is no ethnic conflict. B&B, Chas

Vilis Kristopans, a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister, wants faster improvement of relations with Russia. One of his first tasks would be to organize a meeting with the Russian Prime Minister Mr. Primakov in 1999.

Vilis Kristopans, a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister, wants faster improvement of relations with Russia. One of his first tasks would be to organize a meeting with the Russian Prime Minister Mr. Primakov in 1999. Chas

Nov. 19, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

On Wednesday the Estonian Parliament finished to consider in the second reading the amendments to the Law on Citizenship on granting citizenship to children born after restoration of Estonian independence. The law was sent for the third reading, and the deputies might submit their proposals till November 26. It is anticipated that the third reading could take place in December because Estonian government has expressed its wish for the amendments to the Law on Citizenship to be adopted in the first part of December .

On Wednesday the Estonian Parliament finished to consider in the second reading the amendments to the Law on Citizenship on granting citizenship to children born after restoration of Estonian independence. The law was sent for the third reading, and the deputies might submit their proposals till November 26. It is anticipated that the third reading could take place in December because Estonian government has expressed its wish for the amendments to the Law on Citizenship to be adopted in the first part of December . Diena

Peoples Party

considers that a majority government should be formed in the nearest future, and they plan to persuade the candidate to the post of Prime Minister V.Kristopans on Thursday. PP faction Deputy Chairman J.Lagzdins expressed an opinion that V.Kristopans might have taken an opinion to form a minority government, but it was not too late to look for a possibility to form a majority government. On Thursday upon an initiative of PP, its faction is meeting with V.Kristopans, and PP would like to find a compromise. Diena

V.Kristopans plants to name the composition and the model of the new government after his today’s meeting with the faction of

V.Kristopans plants to name the composition and the model of the new government after his todays meeting with the faction of Peoples Party. Jauna Avize

Russian President B.Yeltsin sent a congratulation letter to Latvian President G.Ulmanis. In this letter he expressed a hope that Russian - Latvian relations would be develop on principles of good neighbour relations.

Russian President B.Yeltsin sent a congratulation letter to Latvian President G.Ulmanis. In this letter he expressed a hope that Russian - Latvian relations would be develop on principles of good neighbour relations. Diena

O.Kehris analyses the effect Russian economic crisis on Latvia and suggests possible solution to overcome it.

O.Kehris analyses the effect Russian economic crisis on Latvia and suggests possible solution to overcome it. Diena

The Speaker of the 7th Saeima

The Speaker of the 7th Saeima TB/LNNK representative J.Straume announced at the Saeima solemn plenary session dedicated to the 80th anniversary on the Republic of Latvia that Latvian citizens had rights to expect that non-citizens would not continue with putting forward any new demands and did all the necessary, starting with using the state language, to integrate in the life of Latvia and ease the development of the country. He said that Latvian citizens had been tremendously obliging at the referendum to those people who had arrived to Latvia due to the result of the policy of genocide, colonisation and Russification. J.Straume considers the current Law on Citizenship to be one of the most liberal in whole Europe. Jauna Avize, Chas, SM

Lithuanian President V.Adamkus visited Riga upon an invitation of Latvian President G.Ulmanis. In his interview Lithuanian President said that Lithuanian - Latvian relations were good and if there were some miner problems between those two countries it was just a normal state of affairs. Speaking about Lithuanians in Latvia with no citizenship, he said that he knew about this problem and considered that the process of naturalisation should be accelerated. When asked why Lithuania did not demand the Latvian authorities to grant Lithuanians, living in Latvia, citizenship without any examinations as it had been done in Lithuania, V.Adamkus answered that he could not answer this question, but he thought that these people, willing to become Latvian citizens, had to fulfil all demands stipulated by Latvian law.


Russian government has allocated the necessary resources for paying pensions to Russian military pensioners in Latvia. Payments for November will be started on November 23. Panorama Latvii

Latvian government decided to send to Kosovo 5 Latvian representatives within the framework of OSCE.

Latvian government decided to send to Kosovo 5 Latvian representatives within the framework of OSCE.

Nov. 17, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Recent statements of a candidate for a post of Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans show that he is disposed towards a minority government which would be supported by 46 deputies. Mr. Kristopans is sure that it will be a stable government. Juris Bojars, a leader of Union of Social Democrats, told press that his party will not support a minority government, if Social democrats do not hold posts in the new government. During the talks on Monday, Mr. Kristopans has offered social democrats to have posts of some State Ministers, as well as a post in the National Human Rights office.

Recent statements of a candidate for a post of Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans show that he is disposed towards a minority government which would be supported by 46 deputies. Mr. Kristopans is sure that it will be a stable government. Juris Bojars, a leader of Union of Social Democrats, told press that his party will not support a minority government, if Social democrats do not hold posts in the new government. During the talks on Monday, Mr. Kristopans has offered social democrats to have posts of some State Ministers, as well as a post in the National Human Rights office. Diena

Procurator’s Office has repeatedly accused a deputy of the 7th Saeima Janis Adamsons (Union of the Social Democrats) of being a staff member of the KGB, and has filed a case to the court. If a court rules in favour of the Procurator’s Office, Janis Adamsons will loose his mandate of the Saeima deputy. Janis Adamsons denies his collaboration with the KGB.

Procurators Office has repeatedly accused a deputy of the 7th Saeima Janis Adamsons (Union of the Social Democrats) of being a staff member of the KGB, and has filed a case to the court. If a court rules in favour of the Procurators Office, Janis Adamsons will loose his mandate of the Saeima deputy. Janis Adamsons denies his collaboration with the KGB. Diena

Latvia continues receiving congratulation letters on the 80th anniversary of proclamation of its independence from high officials of foreign countries and leaders of international organisations including. Congratulation has come from presidents of India, Israel, Slovenia, Korea, as well as the HM Queen Elizabeth II of the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.

Latvia continues receiving congratulation letters on the 80th anniversary of proclamation of its independence from high officials of foreign countries and leaders of international organisations including. Congratulation has come from presidents of India, Israel, Slovenia, Korea, as well as the HM Queen Elizabeth II of the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland. Neatkariga

Panorama Latvii publishes a comment of a director of Legal Department of the Naturalisation Board Vitaly Rutkovky about provisions of the Citizenship Law concerning restrictions on naturalisation. Panorama Latvii

Rigas Balss interviews the Chair of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights Antons Seiksts and the Chair of the Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dzintars Abikis about their future work in commissions. For Antons Seiksts, the first thing will be to ensure implementation of the Law on Protection of the Rights of Child. Secondly, there will be work on revising of legislative acts and bringing them in conformity with the Constitution and international conventions. For Dzintars Abikis, the work on a package of Education laws, including Law on Vocational Education, Law on General Education, and, possibly, Law on Education for Adults, needs to be completed.

Rigas Balss interviews the Chair of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights Antons Seiksts and the Chair of the Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dzintars Abikis about their future work in commissions. For Antons Seiksts, the first thing will be to ensure implementation of the Law on Protection of the Rights of Child. Secondly, there will be work on revising of legislative acts and bringing them in conformity with the Constitution and international conventions. For Dzintars Abikis, the work on a package of Education laws, including Law on Vocational Education, Law on General Education, and, possibly, Law on Education for Adults, needs to be completed. Rigas Balss

In an interview for 

In an interview forDiena in Russian the State President Guntis Ulmanis said that Latvia has always been an European country, and democratic principles have always been a basis for its existence. Besides, Latvia has always been a country with a multinational culture. I am glad that interethnic tension which characterised Latvia in the first years after regaining of independence, is reduced. There are more disagreements concerning the integration issues among politicians than among people, Guntis Ulmanis said. Speaking of the amendments to the Citizenship Law the State President stressed that they are more than just four amendments. They witness changes in thinking. Answering a question about the Education Law the State President said that sooner or later the Education law will be implemented. The law is correct, and everything will depend on how the Ministry of Education and the government will implement it.. (full text of the interview is enclosed). Diena

Nov. 16, 1998

Press Report

The Human Rights Institute of the Latvian University issued a magazine on minority rights in the Latvian and English languages, a director of the Institute Inta Ziemele told journalists on Friday. The magazine contains normative documents concerning minorities rights, court decisions, as well as comments of specialists. It is the first such magazine published in the Baltic states.

The Human Rights Institute of the Latvian University issued a magazine on minority rights in the Latvian and English languages, a director of the Institute Inta Ziemele told journalists on Friday. The magazine contains normative documents concerning minorities rights, court decisions, as well as comments of specialists. It is the first such magazine published in the Baltic states. Diena

On Friday the Russian Duma adopted a Law on State Policy in relation with country men residing abroad. According to this Law, Russia promises to provide all former and present citizens of the Russian Federation and the former USSR with moral, economic and political assistance. Russia also undertakes an obligation to promote preservation of uniqueness of its countrymen on whole territory of post Soviet countries. Besides, the law recommends all ex-republics of the Soviet Union to provide the Russian language with a status of the second state language or a language of inter-ethnic communication. That, according to deputies of the Russian Duma, corresponds with the interests of those countries, and promotes strengthening of a co-operation with the Russian Federation. The law comes into force only after its approval by the Council of Federation and the President.

On Friday the Russian Duma adopted a Law on State Policy in relation with country men residing abroad. According to this Law, Russia promises to provide all former and present citizens of the Russian Federation and the former USSR with moral, economic and political assistance. Russia also undertakes an obligation to promote preservation of uniqueness of its countrymen on whole territory of post Soviet countries. Besides, the law recommends all ex-republics of the Soviet Union to provide the Russian language with a status of the second state language or a language of inter-ethnic communication. That, according to deputies of the Russian Duma, corresponds with the interests of those countries, and promotes strengthening of a co-operation with the Russian Federation. The law comes into force only after its approval by the Council of Federation and the President. B&B

NEATKARIGA publishes a continuation of a story about Irma Tkeshvili born in Georgia, who illegally resides in Latvia and whose 3 year old child is the Latvian citizen. Due to unsettled status of Ms. Tkeshvili, she is unable to receive allowance of child care.

NEATKARIGA publishes a continuation of a story about Irma Tkeshvili born in Georgia, who illegally resides in Latvia and whose 3 year old child is the Latvian citizen. Due to unsettled status of Ms. Tkeshvili, she is unable to receive allowance of child care. Neatkariga

Chair of the Latgale District Court Karlis Valdemiers told

Chair of the Latgale District Court Karlis Valdemiers told Jauna Avize that soon there will be new changes concerning the use of language in courts which will affect many residents of Latgale. Many officials in Latgale region do not have sufficient command of the Latvian language, and any fast improvement of the situation is not predicted. However, the courts have received a letter from the Latvian Supreme Court saying that an appeal will have to be submitted in the state language while those appeals who are in Russian, will have to have a translation into the Latvian language. The same requirement is expected to be enforced in local courts. More strict regulations come into force after 1 March 1999 when all complaints in courts will have to be submitted only in the state language. For Latgale region it might be a problem since until now the majority of complaints has been submitted in Russian. An important regulation will concern minutes (protocols) of court sessions which will have to be done in the Latvian language. According to Mr. Karlis Valdemiers, all these changes can be considered as one more reason for acquiring the Latvian language. Diena

Gennady Evdakimov in an article for the

Gennady Evdakimov in an article for the SM argues that citizens who are non-Latvians and in elections voted for the Peoples Harmony Party have not got any further in having a political influence than non-citizens, since the People s Harmony Party is in a deaf opposition in the parliament. As an example, Mr. Evdakimov mentions the Education Law which was adopted by the previous parliament, and which deputies of the Peoples Harmony Party unsuccessfully tried to return to the Saeima for the second consideration. According to the author of the article, the Latvian democracy is created in such a way that national minorities are not able to influence present life. Furthermore, it would be naive to think that new citizens (persons who according to Amendments to the Citizenship law will obtain citizenship) will change the situation.

Uldis Augstkalns, an associated professor of the Riga Technical University, expresses his opinion concerning the progress report of the European Commission. “This time the Latvian government really tried. It seemed that ministers woke up and went to bed with a thought about the brightness of macroeconomic indexes which were reported to the EU bureaucrats[...]. In the referendum, also, people’s approval of requirements of the Stoel -Yeltsin pact was won, by transferring language from sphere of citizenship to sphere of education without thinking of possible consequences. Now we are recognized.” Still, Europe asked Latvia to wait one more year. Mr. Augstkalns advises the Latvian parliament and government to think about the Latvia’s role in the 21st century Europe and possible EU model in future before talks in the next year.

Uldis Augstkalns, an associated professor of the Riga Technical University, expresses his opinion concerning the progress report of the European Commission. This time the Latvian government really tried. It seemed that ministers woke up and went to bed with a thought about the brightness of macroeconomic indexes which were reported to the EU bureaucrats[...]. In the referendum, also, peoples approval of requirements of the Stoel -Yeltsin pact was won, by transferring language from sphere of citizenship to sphere of education without thinking of possible consequences. Now we are recognized. Still, Europe asked Latvia to wait one more year. Mr. Augstkalns advises the Latvian parliament and government to think about the Latvias role in the 21st century Europe and possible EU model in future before talks in the next year. Diena

Nov. 14, 1998

 Press Review

Press Review

Vilis Kristopans, a candidate for the post of Prime Minister, has decided to announce a governmental model and a composition of a coalition on 19 November. Today, 16 November, Vilis Kristopans will give a written answer to People’s Party concerning participation of this party in a coalition.

Vilis Kristopans, a candidate for the post of Prime Minister, has decided to announce a governmental model and a composition of a coalition on 19 November. Today, 16 November, Vilis Kristopans will give a written answer to Peoples Party concerning participation of this party in a coalition. Diena, B&B

In order to co-ordinate research of the 20th century history and two totalitarian regimes in Latvia, on Friday a commission of historians was formed upon a decree of the State President and Prime Minister. The commission consists of eleven historians of the 20th Century history, and its main tasks will be to co-ordinate research of the Latvian history from 1939 till 1991, to promote development of historical consciousness in the society, as well as to promote explanation of the Latvian history abroad. Similar commissions already exist in Lithuania and Estonia.

In order to co-ordinate research of the 20th century history and two totalitarian regimes in Latvia, on Friday a commission of historians was formed upon a decree of the State President and Prime Minister. The commission consists of eleven historians of the 20th Century history, and its main tasks will be to co-ordinate research of the Latvian history from 1939 till 1991, to promote development of historical consciousness in the society, as well as to promote explanation of the Latvian history abroad. Similar commissions already exist in Lithuania and Estonia. Diena, B&B

State President Guntis Ulmanis received a congratulation letter from the US President Bill Clinton concerning the 80th anniversary of the proclamation of Latvia’s independence.

State President Guntis Ulmanis received a congratulation letter from the US President Bill Clinton concerning the 80th anniversary of the proclamation of Latvias independence. Diena, Panorama Latvii

According to information provided by the Naturalisation Board, approximately 700 people have expressed their wish to become naturalised. During the first three days after the Amendments to the Citizenship Law came into force, the Naturalisation Board received 247 applications and 444 persons applied for a later submission of necessary documents.

According to information provided by the Naturalisation Board, approximately 700 people have expressed their wish to become naturalised. During the first three days after the Amendments to the Citizenship Law came into force, the Naturalisation Board received 247 applications and 444 persons applied for a later submission of necessary documents. Diena, B&B

An expert on human rights and a deputy of the 7th Saeima Boris Tsilevich was not elected to any of the leading posts of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights. A TV journalist Viola Lazo (Union of Social Democrats) was elected as a Deputy Chair and a journalist Peteris Tabuns (For Fatherland and Freedom) - as a secretary of the Commission. In an interview for SM, Boris Tsilevich said that this voting will show international experts what is a situation in Latvia and according to what criteria an important Saeima Commission is being formed. Still, Mr. Tsilevich promises to actively work on submitting amendments to laws and draft laws,so, that they would correspond with international and European standards and conventions. A special interest will be paid to issues of citizenship, situation of non-citizens and national minorities. According to Mr. Tsilevich, now the most important thing is to take out of the Draft State Language Law provisions which contradict with European conventions and generally accepted practice. SM

An expert on human rights and a deputy of the 7th Saeima Boris Tsilevich was not elected to any of the leading posts of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights. A TV journalist Viola Lazo (Union of Social Democrats) was elected as a Deputy Chair and a journalist Peteris Tabuns (For Fatherland and Freedom) - as a secretary of the Commission. In an interview for SM, Boris Tsilevich said that this voting will show international experts what is a situation in Latvia and according to what criteria an important Saeima Commission is being formed. Still, Mr. Tsilevich promises to actively work on submitting amendments to laws and draft laws,so, that they would correspond with international and European standards and conventions. A special interest will be paid to issues of citizenship, situation of non-citizens and national minorities. According to Mr. Tsilevich, now the most important thing is to take out of the Draft State Language Law provisions which contradict with European conventions and generally accepted practice. SM

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