Nov. 26, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Today, at an extraordinary session the Saeima is voting of the new government. Yesterday there was no certainty that the government would be approved but the feeling was that it could be approved. The vote, according to the Saeima roll of Procedures must be open. The government forming parties signed a coalition agreement on forming the government and its operation principles. The faction of

Today, at an extraordinary session the Saeima is voting of the new government. Yesterday there was no certainty that the government would be approved but the feeling was that it could be approved. The vote, according to the Saeima roll of Procedures must be open. The government forming parties signed a coalition agreement on forming the government and its operation principles. The faction of Union of Social Democrats maintains its demand to vote on each candidate separately. If the Saeima does not agree with this proposal, USDL would ask for a break and decide what should be the next step. They have prepared several options. TB/LNNK considers that voting should be for the whole government. Peoples Party will take the decision on the proposal of the Union of Social Democrats this morning, but disregarding the decision the party will be against the government. Peoples Harmony Party will take their decision how to vote just before the meeting. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

Diena publishes short biographies of the candidates to the minister posts.

Diena publishes short biographies of the candidates to the minister posts.


, in its comments on the composition of the new government, states that this would be a government representing the absolute minority of Latvian citizens, but V.Kristopans, disregarding his repeated announcements on his wish to improve Latvias relation with Russia, have nominated , in its comments on the composition of the new government, states that this would be a government representing the absolute minority of Latvian citizens, but V.Kristopans, disregarding his repeated announcements on his wish to improve Latvia’s relation with Russia, have nominated TB/LNNKTB/LNNK representatives to the posts of tw power ministeries - Defense and Interior. representatives to the posts of tw power ministeries - Defense and Interior. Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs informed that

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs informed that Peoples Harmony Party had organised its visit to Moscow without mediation of MFA or Latvian Embassy. Therefore party representatives had talked to Russian MFA officials as private persons. V.Birkavs repeated that Latvian policy towards Russia is the matter of the state, not one political party, and it should not speculate with its political connections with Russian politicians. Neatkariga

The leader of

The leader of Peoples Harmony Party J.Jurkans refuses the acquisitions, made by Latvian MFA representatives, that his political contacts with Moscow hinder normalisation of Latvian - Russian relations. He hopes that his contacts will be used to normalise these relations. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii

SM, Panorama Latvii

and and ChasChas write about Jurkanss visit in more details, and write about Jurkans’s visit in more details, and SMSM quotes the words said by the Russian MFA Deputy Minister A.Avdeyev, We are often addressed by Russian businessmen with a request to soften the position of MFA concerning Latvia, due to economic reasons to close its eyes on the situation of national minorities in this country. But we stick to our position. No pressure will make Russian MFA, Russian administration in general, to change its course of defending its countrymen. This course will remained unchanged disregarding the fact who will be the president in 2000. quotes the words said by the Russian MFA Deputy Minister A.Avdeyev, “We are often addressed by Russian businessmen with a request to “soften” the position of MFA concerning Latvia, due to economic reasons to “close its eyes” on the situation of national minorities in this country. But we stick to our position. No pressure will make Russian MFA, Russian administration in general, to change its course of defending its countrymen. This course will remained unchanged disregarding the fact who will be the president in 2000.” Estonian Parliament did not adopt on Tuesday the amendments to the election law requiring PMs to know the Estonian language. The adoption was short of three votes. It is anticipated that the law would be soon submitted to the Parliament for reconsideration.

Estonian Parliament did not adopt on Tuesday the amendments to the election law requiring PMs to know the Estonian language. The adoption was short of three votes. It is anticipated that the law would be soon submitted to the Parliament for reconsideration. Diena

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Union of Social Democrats Saeima faction E.Baldzens comments on the policy of TB/LNNK and states that his party wants Social Democrats to support this minority government, but does not want to have any USDL ministers in it. He also thinks that there is a secret agreement between TB/LNNK and Peoples Party on division of minister posts. The only way out E.Baldzens sees in voting for all candidates individually, and Social Democrats would vote only for professionals such as V.Makarovs and G.Kristovskis. Jauna Avize

In her interview to the Russian speaking newspaper

In her interview to the Russian speaking newspaper Chas the Director of the Education Strategy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science B.Petersone speaks about the situation with minority schools in Latvia. She states that there were no Russian schools during Soviet times, just school with the Russian language as the language of tuition. And now the Ministry of Education and Science wants these people to remember their real nationality. To do away with the two community society in Latvia, the Ministry starts an education reform implementing a bilingual education in minority schools. It has elaborated three models of bilingual education. Chas

Nov. 25, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Although V.Kristopans has decided to ask the Saeima to vote on the new government on Thursday, he has no clear idea about the outcome of it, yet, because of

Although V.Kristopans has decided to ask the Saeima to vote on the new government on Thursday, he has no clear idea about the outcome of it, yet, because of TB/LNNK Council decision not to support participation of Social Democrats ministers in the government. At the present moment the coalition is formed by Latvijas Cels, TB/LNNK and New Party with 46 votes in the Parliament. Social Democrats decided yesterday to support the government of V.Kristopans, but the situation is not clear due to this TB/LNNK decision. When asked about the future of this government, A.Skele admitted a possibility that it could be affirmed but once again insisted that a minority government was not the best idea. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

State President G.Ulmanis met with the new Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia D.J.Johnson. During this meeting G.Ulmanis acknowledged that there was still much to do to form an integrated society in Latvia. D.J.Johnson confirmed the readiness of OSCE to help Latvia in this respect.

State President G.Ulmanis met with the new Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia D.J.Johnson. During this meeting G.Ulmanis acknowledged that there was still much to do to form an integrated society in Latvia. D.J.Johnson confirmed the readiness of OSCE to help Latvia in this respect. Neatkariga, Diena

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.Andreyev, meeting with OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, insisted that Latvia still had not given up the idea to smother the hope for changes that arose when the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted. It had been proved by the adoption of amendments to the education law and the law on TV and radio. He stated that such steps could slow down the process of improvement of Russian - Latvian relations.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.Andreyev, meeting with OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel, insisted that Latvia still had not given up the idea to smother the hope for changes that arose when the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted. It had been proved by the adoption of amendments to the education law and the law on TV and radio. He stated that such steps could slow down the process of improvement of Russian - Latvian relations. Neatkariga

Deputy Head of DCMA A.J.Lejins informed that due to inefficiency of Russian party was delayed the departure of Russian military servicemen serving at the Skrunda Radar Station. Decrees of departure have been issued to 11 from more than 130 personnel and their family members, but these 11 persons refuse to leave Latvia because no living conditions had been prepared for them in Russia. The DCMA will refrain from taking any radical steps, understanding the situation of these people, and admit a possibility that this issue could be solved on a higher level discussions.

Deputy Head of DCMA A.J.Lejins informed that due to inefficiency of Russian party was delayed the departure of Russian military servicemen serving at the Skrunda Radar Station. Decrees of departure have been issued to 11 from more than 130 personnel and their family members, but these 11 persons refuse to leave Latvia because no living conditions had been prepared for them in Russia. The DCMA will refrain from taking any radical steps, understanding the situation of these people, and admit a possibility that this issue could be solved on a higher level discussions. Neatkariga

Diena found put that Russian party had not requested for an extension of visas for these people, but Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs considered that these residence permits should be prolonged. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that Ministry of Foreign Affairs would not take any steps because no request had been received from Russia. Russian party did not submit such a request even at the Skrunda Joined Committee meeting that took place on Tuesday.

On November 19 a Russian citizen requested a refugee status in Latvia at Rezekne Police office. This request has been sent for consideration to Riga Refugee Centre.

On November 19 a Russian citizen requested a refugee status in Latvia at Rezekne Police office. This request has been sent for consideration to Riga Refugee Centre. Neatkariga

The Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov promised to co-operate with those businessmen who supported

The Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov promised to co-operate with those businessmen who supported Peoples Harmony Party at the meeting with the representatives of this party. An official from Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs characterised this action of Peoples Harmony Party as immoral and harmful for relations between those two countries. Also representatives of the Saeima parties condemned this PHP activity. Diena, Jauna Avize, SM, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

Chas writes about the

Chas writes about the PHP visit in more details.


commentator A.Ozolins writes about the influence of financial structures on two leading political parties of Latvia - commentator A.Ozolins writes about the influence of financial structures on two leading political parties of Latvia - TB/LNNKTB/LNNK and and Latvijas CelsLatvijas Cels and proves his statement with several facts. and proves his statement with several facts. N.Lebedeva gives the translation of articles written by the Head of the Latvian Language Training Program A.Priedite about the language situation in Latvia and supplements them with her personal comments.

N.Lebedeva gives the translation of articles written by the Head of the Latvian Language Training Program A.Priedite about the language situation in Latvia and supplements them with her personal comments. SM

Nov. 24, 1998

Press Review

V.Kristopans announced the composition of the new government: Prime Minister - V.Kristopans, European Integration Affairs Minister - G.Krasts, Minister of Foreign Affairs - V.Birkavs, Minister of Finances - I.Godmanis, Minister of Economics - A.Slesers, Minister of Environment and Regional Development - V.Balodis, Minister of Well-being - V.Makarovs, Minister of Culture - K.Petersone, Minister of Education and Science - J.Gaigals, Minister of Communications - A.Gorbunovs, Minister of Agriculture - G.Freimanis, Minister of the Interior - a representative of

V.Kristopans announced the composition of the new government: Prime Minister - V.Kristopans, European Integration Affairs Minister - G.Krasts, Minister of Foreign Affairs - V.Birkavs, Minister of Finances - I.Godmanis, Minister of Economics - A.Slesers, Minister of Environment and Regional Development - V.Balodis, Minister of Well-being - V.Makarovs, Minister of Culture - K.Petersone, Minister of Education and Science - J.Gaigals, Minister of Communications - A.Gorbunovs, Minister of Agriculture - G.Freimanis, Minister of the Interior - a representative of TB/LNNK (will be named later), Minister of Defence - G.Kristovskis, Minister of Justice - I.Labucka, Special Affairs Portfolio - R.Zile and informed the Saeima Presidium on his intention to summon an extraordinary meeting of the Saeima on Thursday. Neatkariga, SM, Chas

State President G.Ulmanis recommended the Saeima to give the new government a vote of confidence on this Thursday. He considered that a minority government was “not the right model for Latvian government” and called

State President G.Ulmanis recommended the Saeima to give the new government a vote of confidence on this Thursday. He considered that a minority government was not the right model for Latvian government and called Latvijas Cels, TB/LNNK, Peoples Party and New Party to think about a majority government. Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

G.Ulmanis in his interview to Latvian Radio called the Director General of the Privatisation Agency and other persons having some information about the influence of entities financing parties on the process of forming the new government to speak out publicly. He was surprised by Naglis’ announcement made at the conference of

G.Ulmanis in his interview to Latvian Radio called the Director General of the Privatisation Agency and other persons having some information about the influence of entities financing parties on the process of forming the new government to speak out publicly. He was surprised by Naglis announcement made at the conference of Latvijas Cels of Saturday that nothing happened in Latvia without consultations with the Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs and the President of Parex Bank V.Kargin. Answering to this, A.Lembergs said that it once more proved the fact that J.Naglis defended the interests of A.Skele. Diena, Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya,

V.Kargin denied any involvement of Parex Bank in politics.

V.Kargin denied any involvement of Parex Bank in politics. SM, Chas

D.Lemesonoks, commenting the process of government formation, states that the current result is not only due to the election results but also due to one psychological reason - both

D.Lemesonoks, commenting the process of government formation, states that the current result is not only due to the election results but also due to one psychological reason - both Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK have been to the power for so long and they have developed so called older brother mood. These two parties, although opposing each other (sometimes quite severely) have got used to each other and have found compromises and common interests. So there are all reasons for old timers solidarity. Neatkariga

Last week Polish borderguards returned more than 113 illegal immigrants from Vietnam, Afghanistan, India and some other countries to Lithuania. This is the largest group ever detained on Lithuanian- Polish border. Lithuanian police thinks that this group was formed from smaller ones in Byelorussia.

Last week Polish borderguards returned more than 113 illegal immigrants from Vietnam, Afghanistan, India and some other countries to Lithuania. This is the largest group ever detained on Lithuanian- Polish border. Lithuanian police thinks that this group was formed from smaller ones in Byelorussia. Neatkariga

About 30 Russia military servicemen with their family members, who had to leave Latvia by October 31, could receive an extraordinary extension of their residence permits after a meeting of Latvian, Russian and OSCE representatives. It was said by the DCMA Deputy Director A.J.Lejins. But to do so, they need to know the exact date when these people will be granted apartments in Russia. In his turn, the Commander of Skrunda Radar Station A.Nikitin assured

Diena that these servicemen, waiting for better offers, had refused two offers of apartments in Orla and Kostroma regions. Diena

Rigas Balss

interviews the Head of Immigration Police A.Kurpnieks about the activities of this institution. He described the situation in the country, saying that during 9 months of this year 1119 people had been detained for violation of passport and visa regimes and illegal immigration. Mostly they are people from Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Azerbaijan, etc. Also economic illegal immigrants that come to Latvia though Russia and Byelorussia - from Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iraq... In Olaine detention centre there are 35 immigrants and the same number in Riga isolator.

The Mayor of Moscow Yu.Luzhkov announced to the representative of Peoples Harmony Party at their meeting in Moscow that the administration of Moscow had no intention to change its position about ensuring equal rights for Russian speakers in Latvia. He assured that the administration of Moscow was a reliable ally of Peoples Harmony Party. He also said that one of articles in the program of the new political organisation Fatherland would be rendering help to Russian people living abroad. SM, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

A.Guseyev in

A.Guseyev in Chas writes about the fate of Russian speaking schools in Latvia, stating that in many cases these schools are destroying themselves by to eager involvement in the process of implementation of the state language in minority schools. Also parents prefer to send their Russian speaking children to Latvian schools, and he thinks that these children are losing their national mentality.

Panorama Latvii

in its column SOS analyses the situation with violate non-citizen passports in Latvia. There have been less complains about such cases in general but the existing ones have become more complicated. Two such cases are described in this article. in its column “SOS” analyses the situation with violate non-citizen passports in Latvia. There have been less complains about such cases in general but the existing ones have become more complicated. Two such cases are described in this article.

Nov. 23, 1998

Press Report

Members of

Members of Latvijas Cels at their extraordinary conference took almost a unanimous decision to support a minority government. They also gave V.Kristopans the right to invite professionals to take the minister posts even if they did not belong to the coalition parties. They charged V.Kristopans also with responsibility for strengthening the status of the state language. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

Peoples Harmony Party

delegation will go to Moscow to meet with the Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov, National Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The delegation has a promise of the Speaker of the Council G.Seleznov to meet with them. delegation will go to Moscow to meet with the Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov, National Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The delegation has a promise of the Speaker of the Council G.Seleznov to meet with them. DienaDiena, , ChasChas (21.11.98)(21.11.98)

Soros Foundation Latvia organises a competition on the development model for relations among ethnic communities in Latvia in the beginning of the 21st century. The winners were the team of Jurmala secondary school No 1. The jury came to a conclusion that Latvian youth wanted to take up responsibility for events and processes in Latvia.

Jauna Avize

The commentator of Russian version of Diena Anna Stroy wrote a long article about inter-ethnic relations in Lithuania. Diena

Nov. 21, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

In his interview to Latvian Radio V.Kristopans said that he was sure that his government would satisfy the majority of the population and get support in the Saeima. He denied the rumours that the formation of the new government was delayed due to the fight between two economic groups - the representatives of transit business and local food producers and named the candidates to the minister posts.

In his interview to Latvian Radio V.Kristopans said that he was sure that his government would satisfy the majority of the population and get support in the Saeima. He denied the rumours that the formation of the new government was delayed due to the fight between two economic groups - the representatives of transit business and local food producers and named the candidates to the minister posts. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

V.Kristopans called the candidates to the minister posts from

V.Kristopans called the candidates to the minister posts from TB/LNNK, New Party and Latvijas Cels to discuss the declaration of the new government. He still hoped to affirm the government on November 26 but admitted a possibility that the parties could fail to agree on the exact posts and the content of the declaration. Neatkariga

The Chairman of the

The Chairman of the TB/LNNK M.Grinblats acknowledged yesterday he had got an impression that it was important for V.Kristopans to get a clear understanding whether TB/LNNK representatives G.Krasts, V.Makarovs and R.Zile were ready to work in the government but TB/LNNK would not give up the idea to have the post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. There are talks going on that New Party could have two posts in the government - A.Slesers as a Minister of Economy and A.Koke - Minister of Education. Neatkariga

The Chairman of the

The Chairman of the Union of Latvian Social Democrats E.Baldzens said that the representatives of ULSD could have two posts in the government - ministers of Agriculture and State Minister of Higher Education. Neatkariga


informs that the Head of Immigration Police A.Kurpnieks did not pass the professional certification. The reason was wrong understanding of professional duties. informs that the Head of Immigration Police A.Kurpnieks did not pass the professional certification. The reason was “wrong understanding of professional duties.”  

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