Dec. 15, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Representatives of the Latvian government positively evaluate results of the Vienna summit. Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs believes that at the end of the next year during the Helsinki summit Latvia might receive an official invitation to start accession talks if the EU successfully manages its internal reforms. Deputies from the opposition, on contrary, think that the Latvian foreign policy failed in Vienna and the Minister of Foreign Affairs should resign. Janis Jurkans, a leader of People’s Harmony Party, thinks that the Foreign Affairs Minister should resign because there are problems with implementation of Latvian foreign affairs strategy.

Representatives of the Latvian government positively evaluate results of the Vienna summit. Foreign Affairs Minister Valdis Birkavs believes that at the end of the next year during the Helsinki summit Latvia might receive an official invitation to start accession talks if the EU successfully manages its internal reforms. Deputies from the opposition, on contrary, think that the Latvian foreign policy failed in Vienna and the Minister of Foreign Affairs should resign. Janis Jurkans, a leader of Peoples Harmony Party, thinks that the Foreign Affairs Minister should resign because there are problems with implementation of Latvian foreign affairs strategy. Diena

Under auspices of cross border co-operation between Latvia, Estonia and Russia, a Latvian town Aluksne delivered humanitarian aid worth of 1000 Lats to a Russian town Pechori which included sugar, flour, oil, and stationary for schools and kindergartens.

Under auspices of cross border co-operation between Latvia, Estonia and Russia, a Latvian town Aluksne delivered humanitarian aid worth of 1000 Lats to a Russian town Pechori which included sugar, flour, oil, and stationary for schools and kindergartens. Diena

The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans will ask the

The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans will ask the Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK to formulate its opinion about the participation of social democrats in the government earlier than 23 January. At a press conference on Monday the Prime Minister denied the statements about a governmental crisis. Diena

Speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume (

Speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume (For Fatherland and Freedom) is convinced that the government will not fall in the near future. According to him, a lot depends on how constructive in opposition the Peoples Party will be and how the relations between the Fatherland and Freedom and social democrats will develop after a survey of party members opinion. Neatkariga

SM journalist A. Elkin analysing the political discussion about a possible government crisis, concludes that, according to pure political logic, there will be no governmental crisis because it is not advantageous for

SM journalist A. Elkin analysing the political discussion about a possible government crisis, concludes that, according to pure political logic, there will be no governmental crisis because it is not advantageous for the Fatherland and Freedom. Mr. Elkin also acknowledges growing role of the Peoples Harmony Party in decision making process in a situation of a certain governmental instability. SM

Analysing results of the Vienna summit and reminding political discussions before the 3rd october referendum in Latvia, Secretary General of

Analysing results of the Vienna summit and reminding political discussions before the 3rd october referendum in Latvia, Secretary General of the Fatherland and Freedom Aigars Kimelis argues that the final document of the summit clearly showed that the enlargement of the EU will be determined by strategic interests of the member countries and not by some nuances in laws of the candidate countries. The Latvian citizens gave green light to the naturalisation without the examination of the language knowledge, receiving in return, only congratulations and unclear promises for better future. At the same time, Mr. Kimelis suggests that Latvia should not fall into Euroscepticism and continue socio-economic development and start activation of foreign policy. For Mr. Kimelis an improtant task is to implement such a policy that would lessen the risk for the Latvian nation which was created by adoption of amendments to the Citizenship Law. The Fatherland and Freedom sees three directions of this policy - consistent implementation of the new Education Law, final adoption of more strict Language Law, and strict control over naturalisation process.Diena

Yesterday State Language Training Program organised a discussion about the role of mass media in promotion of acquiring the state language.

Yesterday State Language Training Program organised a discussion about the role of mass media in promotion of acquiring the state language. Rita Avize commentator Viktors Avotins believes that the task of the state and also mass media is to provide motivation for acquiring of the Latvian language. Nikolay Kabanov, Acting Editor of the SM, thinks that many people of other nationalities are already motivated to learn the Latvian language since it allows them to get into middle class.

Mr. Igor Pimenov, president of the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the language of instruction, suggested that it would be good that Russian and Latvian press impede expression of national radicals. Mass media would be able to do a lot more if they agreed on integration policy.

Mr. Igor Pimenov, president of the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the language of instruction, suggested that it would be good that Russian and Latvian press impede expression of national radicals. Mass media would be able to do a lot more if they agreed on integration policy. Diena

CHAS publishes an article by Igor Pimenov, president of the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the language of instruction as a response to statements by Baiba Petersone published by the CHAS in November. According to Mr. Pimenov, the Ministry of Education understands integration as deprivation of cultural self-sufficiency of non-Latvians. Speaking of the acquiring of the Latvian language, Mr. Pimenov emphasizes that the major problem is lack of qualified teachers of the Latvian language.

CHAS publishes an article by Igor Pimenov, president of the Association for Support of Schools with Russian as the language of instruction as a response to statements by Baiba Petersone published by the CHAS in November. According to Mr. Pimenov, the Ministry of Education understands integration as deprivation of cultural self-sufficiency of non-Latvians. Speaking of the acquiring of the Latvian language, Mr. Pimenov emphasizes that the major problem is lack of qualified teachers of the Latvian language. Chas

Dec. 14, 1998

Press Report

The leaders of the EU member states decided to reject a proposal by the European Commission to start accession talks with Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia along with the first group countries.

The leaders of the EU member states decided to reject a proposal by the European Commission to start accession talks with Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia along with the first group countries. Diena

In the final report the EU Council advises the European Commission to start bilateral screening of the legislation of Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Commenting results of the Vienna summit, the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans said that a promise to start bilateral screening of legislation is a positive sign.

In the final report the EU Council advises the European Commission to start bilateral screening of the legislation of Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Commenting results of the Vienna summit, the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans said that a promise to start bilateral screening of legislation is a positive sign. Diena

Leonid Fedoseev, a 

Leonid Fedoseev, aChas commentator, states that Latvian mass media, not Russian one, is isolated. While Russian press tries to inform its readers about activities in the Latvian speaking society, the Latvian mass media isolates itself from linguistic communitie and avoids the dialogue. The Saeima deputy Jakov Pliner (Peoples Harmony Party) told Panorama Latvii that the party will ask the Prime Minister and Minister of Education not to dismiss the teachers who have not passed examination of the Latvian language on the highest level of the language command, and to prolong the deadline for passing such examination until 1 September 1999.

Olga Korolkova summarises the human rights situation in Latvia in the year of the 50th anniversary of the UN human rights declaration. She makes a reference on a conclusion of the European Commission saying that Latvia does not comply with the EU criteria in the sphere of human rights and, mainly, right to dignified life, work, and social security. She also quotes the results of a survey according to which the majority of respondents said that there are human rights violations in Latvia Ms. Korolkova advise in a case a person feels that his/her rights are violated, to turn to the National Human Rights office for assistance.

Olga Korolkova summarises the human rights situation in Latvia in the year of the 50th anniversary of the UN human rights declaration. She makes a reference on a conclusion of the European Commission saying that Latvia does not comply with the EU criteria in the sphere of human rights and, mainly, right to dignified life, work, and social security. She also quotes the results of a survey according to which the majority of respondents said that there are human rights violations in Latvia Ms. Korolkova advise in a case a person feels that his/her rights are violated, to turn to the National Human Rights office for assistance. Chas

Dec. 12, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

In January there might be a governmental crisis, on Friday the leader of

In January there might be a governmental crisis, on Friday the leader of the Fatherland and Freedom Maris Grinblats predicted. He did not want to elaborate whether it would lead to resignation of the government. According to unofficial information, in a case of resignation of the present government, in the next government the fraction of the Fatherland and Freedom would not be included. Diena

This situation came about come about after the Board of the

This situation came about come about after the Board of the Fatherland and Freedom decided to discuss the participation of Social democrats in the government only on January 23. Until then, the candidate for the post of the Minister of Agriculture P. Salkazanov (social democrat) will not be able to assume his duties. The Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans told the press that he will delegate the duties of the Minister of Agriculture to a minister from the For Fatherland and Freedom Kristiana Libane (Latvian way) stated that activities of the For Fatherland and Freedom how that this party is not interested in keeping the present government.Diena

On Saturday Central Committee of the

On Saturday Central Committee of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party stated that leadership of the Fatherland and Freedom wants to instigate the crisis of the minority government in order to overtake the power. Maris Grinblats, leader of the Fatherland and Freedom, called these statements wrong and said that before the party decides on inclusion of the social democrats into the government, the regional party divisions should give their opinion.Diena

B&B commenting activities of the Fatherland and Freedom, argues that it is the first step to serious disorder within the coalition rather than an accidental whim of the party. Chas, on contrary, argue that it is the Union of Social Democrats that might undermine the Kristopanss government.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is satisfied with a solution of problems related with non-citizens residing in the Baltic States and does not want to wide discussions about this matter, an official spokesman of the Russian MFA said. Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA Toms Baumanis described the statement as a positive sign. On Friday the official representative of the Russian MFA Vladimir Rachmanin said that Russia does not intend to get into any heated public debate. “The work is all that matters.” On Thursday the Deputy of the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Avdeev met with the Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss. Mr. Avdeev stressed that there are some hopeful tendencies appeared in the Latvian-Russian relations.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is satisfied with a solution of problems related with non-citizens residing in the Baltic States and does not want to wide discussions about this matter, an official spokesman of the Russian MFA said. Press Secretary of the Latvian MFA Toms Baumanis described the statement as a positive sign. On Friday the official representative of the Russian MFA Vladimir Rachmanin said that Russia does not intend to get into any heated public debate. The work is all that matters. On Thursday the Deputy of the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Avdeev met with the Latvian Ambassador in Russia Imants Daudiss. Mr. Avdeev stressed that there are some hopeful tendencies appeared in the Latvian-Russian relations. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii

During a lecture at the University of Latvia on Friday the CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen acknowledged Latvia’s attempts to abolish death penalty. He mentioned the moratorium on death penalty announced by the State President and the Saeima decision to start ratification procedure of the 6th protocol of the European Human Rights Convention. In his speech, Mr. Espersen also pointed out the spheres in which there are human rights violations in Latvia, namely, legal system and freedom of speech. Mr. Espersen stressed that Latvia should deal with human rights issues not because European institutions require to do so, but because it positively affects the formation of the civic society in Latvia. 

During a lecture at the University of Latvia on Friday the CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen acknowledged Latvias attempts to abolish death penalty. He mentioned the moratorium on death penalty announced by the State President and the Saeima decision to start ratification procedure of the 6th protocol of the European Human Rights Convention. In his speech, Mr. Espersen also pointed out the spheres in which there are human rights violations in Latvia, namely, legal system and freedom of speech. Mr. Espersen stressed that Latvia should deal with human rights issues not because European institutions require to do so, but because it positively affects the formation of the civic society in Latvia.Diena

On Thursday the Saeima unanimously adopted an appeal to the leaders of the EU member states during the Vienna summit to decide on a possibility to invite Latvia to accession talks in 1999. 

On Thursday the Saeima unanimously adopted an appeal to the leaders of the EU member states during the Vienna summit to decide on a possibility to invite Latvia to accession talks in 1999.Diena

SM publishes a summary of a press conference organised by the co-chairmen of the Latvian Committee on Human Rights. According to Gennady Kotov, only four articles of the Universal Human Rights Declaration are observed in Latvia. As human rights violations, Mr. Kotov named restrictions on election rights for non-citizens, right to work for all the population, right to housing. There are no guarantees for freedom of assembly, for rights to free creative development. Vladimir Buzayev questions the usefulness of the amendments to the Citizenship Law. According to him, there are still restrictions on naturalisation on the basis of political convictions. For instance, 100, 000 people who were members of Interfront are not eligible to naturalisation. Besides, the capacity of the Natiralisation Board is limited to 20-25 thousand applications per year. Thus, it will take 20-25 years to naturalise 600,000 non-citizens. SM

In an interview for the 

In an interview for theDiena in Russian, a director of the Latvian Multi-National Cultural Centre Arturs Prieditis discusses perspectives of multi-culturalism in Latvia. Historically, Latvia has been a multi national country and there are no other option than to built an integrated society by taking into account this historical situation. According to Mr. Prieditis a lot will depend on whether Latvians will prove to be pragmatic and drop an archaic pre-conception about a national state. Speaking about a debate around the state language, Mr. Prieditis agrees that each culture, including Latvian, have certain mechanism of self-protection and the language is one of such mechanisms. Unfortunately, in nowadays Latvia there is a lack of harmony and respect, and self esteem in communication with national minorities. Mr. Prieditis believes that the social integration should be based on culture as a system of certain values and not only on a language. Diena


In B&B Ms. Y.Favorskaya discusses an issue of higher education for Russian-speaking young people. The labour market requires specialists who have sufficient command of the state language. Therefore, many high school graduates go to the state higher education institutions where the instruction is in the state language. The first year is very difficult, but later these students have the command of professional Latvian language and are on the same level with Latvian-speaking classmates. Speaking of private higher education institutions, Ms. Favorskaya argues that students do not experience language or psychological adaptation. The question, however, is whether they acquire the sufficient command of the Latvian language. The authorities of these institutions claim that their student have good command of the professional Latvian language. In conclusion, Ms. Favorskaya states that during the last 5 years the command of the Latvian language of graduates of Russian schools has improved.

Dec. 11, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

The Saeima deputies were almost unanimous in their vote to dismiss the Commander-in-Chief of the Latvian Armed Forces J.Eihmanis from his post.

The Saeima deputies were almost unanimous in their vote to dismiss the Commander-in-Chief of the Latvian Armed Forces J.Eihmanis from his post. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

The question of possible participation of

The question of possible participation of Social Democrats in the government will be discussed at the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Council meeting on January 23. It means that P.Salkazanovs, who was chosen by Prime Minister V.Kristopans to the post of the Minister of Agriculture, will not be able to have this post untill this time. The TB/LNNK Board decided not to change its decision against participation of ULSD in the government. Neatkariga, Diena

OSCE inspectors are satisfied with the dismantling of Skrunda Radar Station. Latvian MFA admits a possibility that the dismantling could be finished ahead of schedule. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that the Ministry agreed with the inspectors’ opinion and could only congratulate Russia with a successful process of dismantling.

OSCE inspectors are satisfied with the dismantling of Skrunda Radar Station. Latvian MFA admits a possibility that the dismantling could be finished ahead of schedule. MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis informed that the Ministry agreed with the inspectors opinion and could only congratulate Russia with a successful process of dismantling. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

The Chairman of Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission G.Krasts considers that the EU Council could take a positive decision on starting discussions with Latvia next year, but the continuation would depend on the ability of the Latvian government to proceed with the started reforms.

The Chairman of Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission G.Krasts considers that the EU Council could take a positive decision on starting discussions with Latvia next year, but the continuation would depend on the ability of the Latvian government to proceed with the started reforms. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

According to the analysis of the situation - 705 teachers have not passed the Latvian language knowledge test on the third level, and 448 from the total number of teachers in Russian speaking schools do not know the language at all or have not passed the test even on the lowest level. These facts were announced yesterday by the Director of the General Education Department, Ministry of Education and Science, G.Valujevs. The most problematic situation is in Riga (214 teachers) and in Riga Region and Liepaja. The Ministry of Education and Science has elaborated a plan to improve this situation.

According to the analysis of the situation - 705 teachers have not passed the Latvian language knowledge test on the third level, and 448 from the total number of teachers in Russian speaking schools do not know the language at all or have not passed the test even on the lowest level. These facts were announced yesterday by the Director of the General Education Department, Ministry of Education and Science, G.Valujevs. The most problematic situation is in Riga (214 teachers) and in Riga Region and Liepaja. The Ministry of Education and Science has elaborated a plan to improve this situation. Neatkariga, Chas

O.Mironov, Russian Plenipotentiary on Human Rights Affairs, announced on Wednesday that the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia should be defended by Latvia but not Russia. He said that Russia might talk about defending the rights of Russians or Russian speakers in the Baltic states only if it concerned Russian citizens or persons Russia was ready to grant Russian citizenship.

O.Mironov, Russian Plenipotentiary on Human Rights Affairs, announced on Wednesday that the rights of Russian speakers in Latvia should be defended by Latvia but not Russia. He said that Russia might talk about defending the rights of Russians or Russian speakers in the Baltic states only if it concerned Russian citizens or persons Russia was ready to grant Russian citizenship. Diena

MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis stated that Russian State Council ignored contemporary processes combining the integration process of the Baltic states into NATO with Russian - USA nuclear weapons reduction agreement. He stressed that the integration of the Baltic states or any other state is their legitimate choice and Latvian MFA was sure that European states, especially Nato member states, should condemn such an approach to this issue.

MFA Press Secretary T.Baumanis stated that Russian State Council ignored contemporary processes combining the integration process of the Baltic states into NATO with Russian - USA nuclear weapons reduction agreement. He stressed that the integration of the Baltic states or any other state is their legitimate choice and Latvian MFA was sure that European states, especially Nato member states, should condemn such an approach to this issue. Diena

J.Sinka, the ideologist of

J.Sinka, the ideologist of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK, considers it to be a myth that the unwillingness of Russia to establish good relations with Latvia is the guilt of national radicals - TB/LNNK with their former Prime Minister G.Krasts leading. The government of V.Kristopans could succeed as far as Russian wish goes to. And the only thing to do now is to wait until Russia overcomes its economic crisis to restore Latvian - Russian trade relations. In the political sphere Latvia has done the utmost as an independent state. J.Sinka does not think that the new government could offer Russian such compromises that could cut Latvian sovereignty. Jauna Avize

Inga Ulnicane writes about different aspects of remaining in the opposition and the situation of

Inga Ulnicane writes about different aspects of remaining in the opposition and the situation of Peoples Party in this respect. Rigas Balss

The newspapers

The newspapers Chas and SM publish the full text of the leeter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs to the Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission G.Krasts about the visit of the left wing parties to Moscow with their comments on this letter.


and and Bizness & BaltiyaBizness & Baltiya inform about the yesterdays picket at the UNDP office, and the meeting of the Head of this office J.Sorensen with these people. inform about the yesterday’s picket at the UNDP office, and the meeting of the Head of this office J.Sorensen with these people. As it was expected the Saeima was positive in its vote to continue considering the draft language law prepared by

As it was expected the Saeima was positive in its vote to continue considering the draft language law prepared by TB/LNNK. SM

Russian speaking newspapers

SM and Panorama Latvii publish the full text of the address of Russian State Council to the Saeima where it expresses its satisfaction with the result of the referendum on the amendments to the Law on Citizenship.

Dec. 10, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

State Language Training Program has received 4.7 million USD support from donor states for future activities and to encourage public integration for two next years. Yesterday in Wagner Hall the Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals, UNDP Permanent Representative J.Sorensen and Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs signed the draft “Furthering of Social Integration in Latvia”.

State Language Training Program has received 4.7 million USD support from donor states for future activities and to encourage public integration for two next years. Yesterday in Wagner Hall the Minister of Education and Science J.Gaigals, UNDP Permanent Representative J.Sorensen and Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs signed the draft Furthering of Social Integration in Latvia. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya

Today the Saeima will decide whether to continue considering the draft state language law that was adopted in the second reading by the previous Saeima. The majority of Saeima factions support this consideration. The draft law envisages transfer to receiving education only in the Latvian language, allowing to realise special minority education programs.

Today the Saeima will decide whether to continue considering the draft state language law that was adopted in the second reading by the previous Saeima. The majority of Saeima factions support this consideration. The draft law envisages transfer to receiving education only in the Latvian language, allowing to realise special minority education programs. Neatkariga

Today Latvian MFA representatives are leaving for Austria to initial the agreement between those two countries on readmitting illegal immigrants. Initiating of this agreement is considered as one of preconditions for introducing no visa regime.

Today Latvian MFA representatives are leaving for Austria to initial the agreement between those two countries on readmitting illegal immigrants. Initiating of this agreement is considered as one of preconditions for introducing no visa regime. Neatkariga

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs discusses in

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs discusses in Diena the problem of human rights in the world and Latvian contexts, stating that human rights may not be just internal matter of some country. Among other things, he also speaks about the State Language Training Program, national Integration Program and National Human Rights Office. Diena

V.Birkavs announced on Wednesday that Latvian - Russian relations from a positive pause had turned to active steps, and the next step could be appointing of the Head of intergovernmental commission from the Russian side. Latvian government has shown a unmistakable initiative to improve its relations with Russia, and the last activity was V.Birkavs’s meeting with his Russian counterpart.

V.Birkavs announced on Wednesday that Latvian - Russian relations from a positive pause had turned to active steps, and the next step could be appointing of the Head of intergovernmental commission from the Russian side. Latvian government has shown a unmistakable initiative to improve its relations with Russia, and the last activity was V.Birkavss meeting with his Russian counterpart. Diena


interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane. She speaks about the influx of people to the Naturalisation Board offices after the amendments to the Law on Citizenship were adopted, problems they face now and possible solutions. The leader of Russian State Council group for relations with Parliaments of the Baltic states M.Vakulenko states that, disregarding the fact the Council has passed a favorable address to the new Parliament of Latvia, they still were not sure that the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia could improve in the nearest future. He agrees that the Law on Citizenship is a liberal one, but points out that it was adopted like this only due to a public pressure. It is an evidence that the authorities are not ready to reconsider their position concerning non-Latvian population, and that people think different than politicians. So one may conclude that the authorities are opposing the opinion of the majority of citizens. Mr.Vakulenko also points out that national radicals hold the majority of top positions, but nevertheless he hopes that his parliamentary group could receive their Latvian colleagues in Moscow at the beginning of the next year.

The leader of Russian State Council group for relations with Parliaments of the Baltic states M.Vakulenko states that, disregarding the fact the Council has passed a favorable address to the new Parliament of Latvia, they still were not sure that the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia could improve in the nearest future. He agrees that the Law on Citizenship is a liberal one, but points out that it was adopted like this only due to a public pressure. It is an evidence that the authorities are not ready to reconsider their position concerning non-Latvian population, and that people think different than politicians. So one may conclude that the authorities are opposing the opinion of the majority of citizens. Mr.Vakulenko also points out that national radicals hold the majority of top positions, but nevertheless he hopes that his parliamentary group could receive their Latvian colleagues in Moscow at the beginning of the next year. SM

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