Dec. 16, 1999

Press Report

For the third time Riga City Council organized an event on the occasion of granting citizenship to Latvian residents. The new citizens were greeted by the Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane and Deputy Chairman of the Riga City Council Andris Argalis

For the third time Riga City Council organized an event on the occasion of granting citizenship to Latvian residents. The new citizens were greeted by the Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane and Deputy Chairman of the Riga City Council Andris Argalis. Diena, Panorama Latvii

The Supreme Court of Latvia ruled yesterday that Tatjana Zdanoka, Riga City Council deputy from the Equality movement, has been active in Communist Party after Januray 13 of 1991 and for that reason she cannot be elected. Zdanoka is planning to appeal the decision in a month’s time as she states that the prosecution has based its charge on forged archives but if she does not succeed she is ready to take the case to the European Human Rights Court.

The Supreme Court of Latvia ruled yesterday that Tatjana Zdanoka, Riga City Council deputy from the Equality movement, has been active in Communist Party after Januray 13 of 1991 and for that reason she cannot be elected. Zdanoka is planning to appeal the decision in a months time as she states that the prosecution has based its charge on forged archives but if she does not succeed she is ready to take the case to the European Human Rights Court. Diena, BB, Panorama Latvii, Vesti

After the survey carried out by Latvijas Fakti, more than 2/3 of residents in Latvia recognize that they are not sufficiently informed about the EU and its influence on Latvia.

After the survey carried out by Latvijas Fakti, more than 2/3 of residents in Latvia recognize that they are not sufficiently informed about the EU and its influence on Latvia. Diena

In response to the warning issued by the American Embassy to Latvia about the possible shortage of electric power and water at the turn of the years because of Latvia’s dependence on the electric power from Russia. The Latvian elctric power utility Latvenergo yesterday announced that Latvia can ensure power for two days independently from the neighboring countries.

In response to the warning issued by the American Embassy to Latvia about the possible shortage of electric power and water at the turn of the years because of Latvias dependence on the electric power from Russia. The Latvian elctric power utility Latvenergo yesterday announced that Latvia can ensure power for two days independently from the neighboring countries. Diena

The Prime Minister’s nominee for the Education Minister’s position Maris Vitols at the Saeima vote will be supported by the ruling coalition factions but not the opposition.

The Prime Ministers nominee for the Education Ministers position Maris Vitols at the Saeima vote will be supported by the ruling coalition factions but not the opposition. Neatkariga

Currently 49 teachers want to leave their jobs at schools as of Januray 1 in connection with the new amendments to the Pension Law forbidding to get pensions bigger than 60 lats for the working pensioners.

Currently 49 teachers want to leave their jobs at schools as of Januray 1 in connection with the new amendments to the Pension Law forbidding to get pensions bigger than 60 lats for the working pensioners. Neatkariga

All Saeima’s factions yesterday rejected the new draft payment system proposed by the Saeima’s Office. The draft provided for the salary increase for the parliamentarians as well as differentiated salaries for ordinary MPs and those who hold certain positions in theParliament.

All Saeimas factions yesterday rejected the new draft payment system proposed by the Saeimas Office. The draft provided for the salary increase for the parliamentarians as well as differentiated salaries for ordinary MPs and those who hold certain positions in theParliament. Neatkariga

At receiving the prise of Public Harmony Eizenija Aldermane said that the work of society integration may bring fruits only after two generations. However, she believes that the integration program is on the right track although it is being critized by those who hold leftist and rightest opinions.

At receiving the prise of Public Harmony Eizenija Aldermane said that the work of society integration may bring fruits only after two generations. However, she believes that the integration program is on the right track although it is being critized by those who hold leftist and rightest opinions. Vesti

Panorama Latvii

comments a letter of a reader who has noticed some job announcements requiring the applicant to speak native Latvian which in his opinion means that actually the employers are looking for an ethnic Latvian to work for them. comments a letter of a reader who has noticed some job announcements requiring the applicant to speak native Latvian which in his opinion means that actually the employers are looking for an ethnic Latvian to work for them.

Dec. 15, 1999

Press Report

Yesterday Soros Foundation - Latvia gave awards of Public Harmony for special merits in bringing closer Latvia's ethnic groups. Among the awardees were Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, scientists of the University of Latvia Ethnic Studies Center Elmars Vebers, Ilga Apine, Leo Dribins, Vladislavs Volkovs for a series of books about different national groups in Latvia

Yesterday Soros Foundation - Latvia gave awards of Public Harmony for special merits in bringing closer Latvia's ethnic groups. Among the awardees were Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane, scientists of the University of Latvia Ethnic Studies Center Elmars Vebers, Ilga Apine, Leo Dribins, Vladislavs Volkovs for a series of books about different national groups in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti

US Department of State in an official letter expressed congratulations regarding the adoption of the Language Law.

US Department of State in an official letter expressed congratulations regarding the adoption of the Language Law. Diena, Neatkariga

A comment by Elmars Vebers in

A comment by Elmars Vebers in Diena continues the discussion about society integration in Latvia.


interviews Ilga Apine in connection with the Soros Foundation award. She has written books "Belorussians in Latvia" and "Slavs in Latvia". She suggests that the Russian language in Latvia should be called the local minority language and not the foreign language. interviews Ilga Apine in connection with the Soros Foundation award. She has written books "Belorussians in Latvia" and "Slavs in Latvia". She suggests that the Russian language in Latvia should be called the local minority language and not the foreign language. Prime Minister Andris Skele yesterday oficially informed heads of the ruling coalition about Maris Vitols as the nominee for the position of the Education Minister. Of all the ruling faction only Latvia's Way has not expressed its opion about the nominee. The faction memebrs want to hear Vitols' plans in the position.

Prime Minister Andris Skele yesterday oficially informed heads of the ruling coalition about Maris Vitols as the nominee for the position of the Education Minister. Of all the ruling faction only Latvia's Way has not expressed its opion about the nominee. The faction memebrs want to hear Vitols' plans in the position. Neatkariga

After Head of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia Gunter Weiss, Head of the EC Romano Prodi is planning to visit Latvia next February 9-10. Mr. Weiss added that the problem of non-citizens may become an obstacle in EU accession negotiations as after several years Latvia will still have some hundreds of thousands of non-citizens.

After Head of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia Gunter Weiss, Head of the EC Romano Prodi is planning to visit Latvia next February 9-10. Mr. Weiss added that the problem of non-citizens may become an obstacle in EU accession negotiations as after several years Latvia will still have some hundreds of thousands of non-citizens. Chas

The government yesterday did not confirm the concept of ID cards and travel documents. Interior Ministry was assigned to finalize the document.

The government yesterday did not confirm the concept of ID cards and travel documents. Interior Ministry was assigned to finalize the document. Chas

Russian citizens residing in Latvia will have the possibility to vote in the Russian Duma elections here on Dec. 19. According to Latvian DCMA, there are roughly 15,000 Russian citizens in Latvia. Polling stations are in Riga, Liepaja and Daugavpils.

Russian citizens residing in Latvia will have the possibility to vote in the Russian Duma elections here on Dec. 19. According to Latvian DCMA, there are roughly 15,000 Russian citizens in Latvia. Polling stations are in Riga, Liepaja and Daugavpils. Jauna Avize


interviews the nominee for Education Minister's position Maris Vitols. Speaking about the reforms in Russian schools Vitols stresses that the main task for him will be attracting resources to ensure better Latvian language teaching in ethnic minority schools.

Dec. 14, 1999

Press Report

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Skele yesterday announced that the main thing for Latvia on the way to joining the EU will be the state administration reform and the territorial reform. These fields were pointed out in the report of the European Commission on Latvia.

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Skele yesterday announced that the main thing for Latvia on the way to joining the EU will be the state administration reform and the territorial reform. These fields were pointed out in the report of the European Commission on Latvia. Vesti

Panorama Latvii

interviews several experts on another problem connected with the deadline for exchanging passports - people who have passed naturalization exams and are waiting for the decision to grant them citizenship and who have only the former USSR passport. Prime Minister Andris Skele has nominated an MP from his party Maris Vitols to take the post of the Education Minister. Saeima will have the vote on this issue on Thursady.

Prime Minister Andris Skele has nominated an MP from his party Maris Vitols to take the post of the Education Minister. Saeima will have the vote on this issue on Thursady. Diena

Aivars Endzins was elected once again the Acting Chairman of the Constitutional Court for the term of three years. He cannot be elected chairman as the Saeima has still not appointed the seventh judge of the court.

Aivars Endzins was elected once again the Acting Chairman of the Constitutional Court for the term of three years. He cannot be elected chairman as the Saeima has still not appointed the seventh judge of the court. Diena

The US Ambassador to Latvia James Holmes is the only foreign ambassador accredited to Latvia who has expressed a written recognition to the Prime Minister Andris Skele regarding the adopted Language Law.

The US Ambassador to Latvia James Holmes is the only foreign ambassador accredited to Latvia who has expressed a written recognition to the Prime Minister Andris Skele regarding the adopted Language Law. Diena

Top Latvian officials who are in charge of foreign politics do not agree to the concern publicly expressed by the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume about the possibility for Latvia to keep its national identity within the EU. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK chairman Maris Grinblats commented that the party has not changed its principal support for joining the EU but it will focus on defining Latvia’s interests in connection with the EU integration.

Top Latvian officials who are in charge of foreign politics do not agree to the concern publicly expressed by the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume about the possibility for Latvia to keep its national identity within the EU. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK chairman Maris Grinblats commented that the party has not changed its principal support for joining the EU but it will focus on defining Latvias interests in connection with the EU integration. Diena

Dec. 13, 1999

Press Report

A Finnish company Setec Oy has won the tender announced by Latvian DCMA for the rights to make passports and ID cards. The total cost of the offer is 8.9 million lats

A Finnish company Setec Oy has won the tender announced by Latvian DCMA for the rights to make passports and ID cards. The total cost of the offer is 8.9 million lats. Neatkariga, BB

During the seminar Society integration in Liepaja through education, language, and culture held last Friday released the results of a survey done in schools in Liepaja. The survey showed that only 14% of respondents want to stay in Liepaja. The survey included questions about citizenship and integration.

During the seminar Society integration in Liepaja through education, language, and culture held last Friday released the results of a survey done in schools in Liepaja. The survey showed that only 14% of respondents want to stay in Liepaja. The survey included questions about citizenship and integration. Diena

The Cabinet is to consider amendments to the law on taxes and duties providing for introducing fees for the compulsory Latvian language proficiency test (15 lats) and submitting the application on rejecting Latvian citizenship and renewing it.

The Cabinet is to consider amendments to the law on taxes and duties providing for introducing fees for the compulsory Latvian language proficiency test (15 lats) and submitting the application on rejecting Latvian citizenship and renewing it. Vesti

Dec. 11, 1999

Press Report

Russian Foreign Ministry last Friday pronounced harsh criticism concerning the Latvian Language Law passed by the Latvian parliament and appealed the Council of EU to reconsider Latvia's invitation to EU negotiations. Latvian Foreign Ministry called this statement an open intervening in Latvia's internal affairs.

Russian Foreign Ministry last Friday pronounced harsh criticism concerning the Latvian Language Law passed by the Latvian parliament and appealed the Council of EU to reconsider Latvia's invitation to EU negotiations. Latvian Foreign Ministry called this statement an open intervening in Latvia's internal affairs. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Vesti publishes the full text of the Russian Foreign Ministry's statement.

Vesti publishes the full text of the Russian Foreign Ministry's statement.

The party For Human Rights in United Latvia sees the adopted Language Law as contradictory to international acts and discriminating national minorities.

The party For Human Rights in United Latvia sees the adopted Language Law as contradictory to international acts and discriminating national minorities. Diena

This November Naturalisation Board received a record-big number - 1525 - of applications for citizenship since the beginning of naturalization process in February of 1995.

This November Naturalisation Board received a record-big number - 1525 - of applications for citizenship since the beginning of naturalization process in February of 1995. Diena

The most important projects of the US Northern European Initiative in Latvia are in society integration and social integration will soon be an important element of the relations between the US and the Baltics.

The most important projects of the US Northern European Initiative in Latvia are in society integration and social integration will soon be an important element of the relations between the US and the Baltics. Diena


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