Jan. 29, 2000

Press Review

Although March 15 the term of office of the current Director General of the Privatization Agency Janis Naglis expires the ruling parties have not agreed on the new candidate or asking the current director to stay. Minister of Economy from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Vladimirs Makarovs told Neatkariga that if the People’s Party insists to have their party member as the director it may lead to a government crisis.

Although March 15 the term of office of the current Director General of the Privatization Agency Janis Naglis expires the ruling parties have not agreed on the new candidate or asking the current director to stay. Minister of Economy from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Vladimirs Makarovs told Neatkariga that if the Peoples Party insists to have their party member as the director it may lead to a government crisis. Neatkariga

Russian Duma has reproached Latvia of the court sentence for Vasily Kononov and demands it to be reviewed. Latvian Foreign Ministry said it cannot accept the political interpretations from Russia about the principles of Latvian court system.

Russian Duma has reproached Latvia of the court sentence for Vasily Kononov and demands it to be reviewed. Latvian Foreign Ministry said it cannot accept the political interpretations from Russia about the principles of Latvian court system. Neatkariga, Diena, Panorama Latvii, Vesti

Starting last Friday the National Corruption Prevention Program is available on Internet. Residents can submit their opinion abou the program. Diena

Starting last Friday the National Corruption Prevention Program is available on Internet. Residents can submit their opinion abou the program. Diena

At the conclusion of the international conference on holocaust in Stockholm last Friday US deputy Finance Minister repeatedly asked the Baltic Countries to try their war criminals. Wiesental center announced that there were new facts about 7 Latvia’s residents connection with killing Jews. In the meantime, Australia has prepared a draft law allowing to investigate Konrads Kalejs’ case without giving him over to Latvia.

At the conclusion of the international conference on holocaust in Stockholm last Friday US deputy Finance Minister repeatedly asked the Baltic Countries to try their war criminals. Wiesental center announced that there were new facts about 7 Latvias residents connection with killing Jews. In the meantime, Australia has prepared a draft law allowing to investigate Konrads Kalejs case without giving him over to Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga

Jan. 28, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Former Prime Minister V.Kristopans, member of Latvijas Cels made an unexpected announcement yesterday that he wanted to give up his Saeima deputy mandate, and go into business. He said that he was not leaving politics for ever because he still intended to act in the Bord of Latvijas Cels.

Former Prime Minister V.Kristopans, member of Latvijas Cels made an unexpected announcement yesterday that he wanted to give up his Saeima deputy mandate, and go into business. He said that he was not leaving politics for ever because he still intended to act in the Bord of Latvijas Cels. Neatkariga

Latvian representative at the Parliamentarian Assembly session voted for restricting Russian delegation voting rights at the Parliamentary assembly and its commissions.

Latvian representative at the Parliamentarian Assembly session voted for restricting Russian delegation voting rights at the Parliamentary assembly and its commissions. Neatkariga

The Saeima Speaker J.Straume thinks that main threat for the Government in different opinions on privatisation and regional reform, as well as actual political problems. IN general, he finds this Government to be a stable one.

The Saeima Speaker J.Straume thinks that main threat for the Government in different opinions on privatisation and regional reform, as well as actual political problems. IN general, he finds this Government to be a stable one. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Saeima refused the proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to grant election rights to non-citizens in municipal elections.

Yesterday the Saeima refused the proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to grant election rights to non-citizens in municipal elections.

Jan. 27, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Chairman OF Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs expressed his regret concerning the announcement of his colleague H.Soldatjonoka on her possible seceding from Latvijas Cels but considers that this was not a political step and explained it with lack of human contacts.

The Chairman OF Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs expressed his regret concerning the announcement of his colleague H.Soldatjonoka on her possible seceding from Latvijas Cels but considers that this was not a political step and explained it with lack of human contacts. Neatkariga, Chas, Lauku Avize

Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a protest note on the regular act of vandalism against Latvian diplomatic representatives in Russia It was done after the consulate in Sanktpetersburg was thrown at with containers of black paint.


Lauku Avize

informs that one of the vandals has been detainedinforms that one of the vandals has been detained..

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga met E.Zurof from Vizentahl Centre during her visit to Sweden. E.Zurof expressed his incomprehension of the fact that Latvia was not active enough to achieve extradition of A.Kalejs and trying K.Ozols. During the meeting E.Zurof did not hand over any evidences, just promised to send the list of witnesses.

Diena, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya,

Rigas Balss writes that Latvian President will not apologise for holocaust in Latvia but plans to give her opinion on this problem.


published the speech of USA Deputy State Secretary S.Talbot in Tallin on January 24 where he spoke about the USA position towards the Baltic States and the importance of this region.

A.Pantelejevs from Latvijas Cels published in article in Diena where he accused this article of sticking labels to his party and writing about an ideological crisis in the party. According to him the party is strictly following its platform trying to establish a developed capitalism in Latvia.

Political parties have reopened discussion on the possibility to publicise the content of the KGB sacks, but the opinions differ. Jauna Avize, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

On January 29 will take place a New Party congress where it is planned to re-elect the party leaders. Party members are sure that R.Pauls will remain the head of the party, without him it would face many problems or even break up. Lauku Avize

The head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane acknowledged that due to the lack of financing the process of naturalisation could last longer – up to eight months. The Board is forced to dismiss 15 employees. Rigas Balss

Deputy editor of the newspaper Vesti Segodnya writes about the process of integration stating that instead of two way process, as it should be, it goes only one way – persons integrated should respect the culture and language of those who integrate. As a sample she mentions the case when she took her daughter to the Riga Students’ Palace to sign her up for some circle. They received an information booklet in three languages – Latvian, English and German, but no Russian. Does it mean that Russian children are not accepted there? No, they are! It just shows that some mystical English or German speaking children are more important for the Centre that the Russian speaking residents of Latvia.

Deputy editor of the newspaper Vesti Segodnya writes about the process of integration stating that instead of two way process, as it should be, it goes only one way – persons integrated should respect the culture and language of those who integrate. As a sample she mentions the case when she took her daughter to the Riga Students Palace to sign her up for some circle. They received an information booklet in three languages – Latvian, English and German, but no Russian. Does it mean that Russian children are not accepted there? No, they are! It just shows that some mystical English or German speaking children are more important for the Centre that the Russian speaking residents of Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Jan. 26, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian officials are categorically against the opinion of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the court decree to the red guerrilla man V.Kononov. Latvian MFA considers that “this announcement is to be explained as a repeated unwillingness to acknowledge the crimes committed by the USSR and nazi Germany against the Baltic States. It is an attempt to discredit Latvia in the eyes of the international society and to prevent their integration into European and Transatlantic structures.”

Latvian officials are categorically against the opinion of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the court decree to the red guerrilla man V.Kononov. Latvian MFA considers that this announcement is to be explained as a repeated unwillingness to acknowledge the crimes committed by the USSR and nazi Germany against the Baltic States. It is an attempt to discredit Latvia in the eyes of the international society and to prevent their integration into European and Transatlantic structures. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

Vesti Segodnya published the full text of one more announcement of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Kalejs case.

Minister of Education M.Vitols met the representatives of the Trade Union of Educators and Scientists to discuss the planned education system reform and plans how to increase salaries for teachers. The Trade Union will gave their opinion on the discussion after some time, but the Minister is satisfied with the results because considers that that TUES supports his attempts.

Minister of Education M.Vitols met the representatives of the Trade Union of Educators and Scientists to discuss the planned education system reform and plans how to increase salaries for teachers. The Trade Union will gave their opinion on the discussion after some time, but the Minister is satisfied with the results because considers that that TUES supports his attempts. Neatkariga, Chas

M.Vitols in his interview to the newspaper

M.Vitols in his interview to the newspaper Diena spoke about the education system reform, new principles of student enlisting and financing.

January 25 is the Students day in Russia. In an attempt to introduce this tradition in Latvia was celebrated the Russians Education Day in Latvian. Among the participants was also the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov.

January 25 is the Students day in Russia. In an attempt to introduce this tradition in Latvia was celebrated the Russians Education Day in Latvian. Among the participants was also the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Byelorussian National Council, which is not recognised by the West to be a legitimate parliament adopted in the final reading the Election Codex for the presidential, parliament and municipal elections. But an OSCE representative has already criticised the adoption of this law that was not achieved in a dialogue with the opposition.

Byelorussian National Council, which is not recognised by the West to be a legitimate parliament adopted in the final reading the Election Codex for the presidential, parliament and municipal elections. But an OSCE representative has already criticised the adoption of this law that was not achieved in a dialogue with the opposition. Diena

Vesti Segodnya

finished the last part of Russian MFA comments on the Latvian Language law.

Bizness & Baltiya

interview Prime Minister A.Skele, and the first question was about the relations with Russia. Answering to this, Prime Minister said that his statement about human rights violations in Czechnya was about one particular case when children were not allowed to leave the area of fighting, but in general it is abnormal situation when economical relations between countries are based on political decisions. As Latvias export to Russia is only 7.2%, it is useless to threaten Latvia with sanctions. When asked about a possibility for the left wing Union For Human Rights in United Latvia join the Government, A.Skele said that such a version had not been even discussed. Speaking about the future of the Government, Prime Minister was sure that the Government would stay at least for a long time. interview Prime Minister A.Skele, and the first question was about the relations with Russia. Answering to this, Prime Minister said that his statement about human rights violations in Czechnya was about one particular case when children were not allowed to leave the area of fighting, but in general it is abnormal situation when economical relations between countries are based on political decisions. As Latvia’s export to Russia is only 7.2%, it is useless to threaten Latvia with sanctions. When asked about a possibility for the left wing Union For Human Rights in United Latvia join the Government, A.Skele said that such a version had not been even discussed. Speaking about the future of the Government, Prime Minister was sure that the Government would stay at least for a long time.

Jan. 25, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Representatives of Russian Ministry of Defence said that the Baltic States had become the key players in collecting information for NATO needs. Russia has received information about the increase of influence of German secret services in Latvia.

Representatives of Russian Ministry of Defence said that the Baltic States had become the key players in collecting information for NATO needs. Russia has received information about the increase of influence of German secret services in Latvia. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

Union TB/LNNK supports the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science to charge until September 1 the Naturalisation Board to examine adults knowledge of the state language. According to the Ministry’s plans by the beginning of the new school year it is foreseen on the basis of the new National Unified Examination Centre establish a unified State language examination centre that would be responsible for testing the state language knowledge of all residents. Ministry of Education and Science has planned to charge this institution to examine the language knowledge of all school graduates, stipulating that the graduation exam could at the same time serve as the state language exam for claimants of Latvian citizenship. TB/LNNK representatives doubted if this institution would have enough employees and resources to do a qualitative evaluation of the oral language knowledge of graduates.

Union TB/LNNK supports the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science to charge until September 1 the Naturalisation Board to examine adults knowledge of the state language. According to the Ministrys plans by the beginning of the new school year it is foreseen on the basis of the new National Unified Examination Centre establish a unified State language examination centre that would be responsible for testing the state language knowledge of all residents. Ministry of Education and Science has planned to charge this institution to examine the language knowledge of all school graduates, stipulating that the graduation exam could at the same time serve as the state language exam for claimants of Latvian citizenship. TB/LNNK representatives doubted if this institution would have enough employees and resources to do a qualitative evaluation of the oral language knowledge of graduates. Neatkariga, Chas

Prime Minister A.Skele thinks that the indignation of Russian MFA about the as if the Saeima’s voiced support to Czechen terrorists just shows misunderstanding of the content of this Saeima announcement. In this announcement the Saeima has expressed its worry about the humanitarian situation in this region.

Prime Minister A.Skele thinks that the indignation of Russian MFA about the as if the Saeimas voiced support to Czechen terrorists just shows misunderstanding of the content of this Saeima announcement. In this announcement the Saeima has expressed its worry about the humanitarian situation in this region. Diena, Lauku Avize

Due to the illness of DCMA Head I.Zitars the Minister of Interior M.Sedlins has not taken his final decision about the possible dismissal of Zitars from his post. As the law does not stipulate organising a competition for this post, the Minister admitted a possibility that the new head could be appointed by the Government.

Due to the illness of DCMA Head I.Zitars the Minister of Interior M.Sedlins has not taken his final decision about the possible dismissal of Zitars from his post. As the law does not stipulate organising a competition for this post, the Minister admitted a possibility that the new head could be appointed by the Government. Diena

On January 26 will take place the organising conference of the “ Vidauskis’ Party” as unofficially is called the new Daugavpils political union, organised by the Mayor of this city. At the same time one more conference will take place during which it is planned to establish one more party. The leader of it is the President of the firm “Stalkers” R.Eigim, the major competitor for A.Vidauskis for the next municipal election.

On January 26 will take place the organising conference of the Vidauskis Party as unofficially is called the new Daugavpils political union, organised by the Mayor of this city. At the same time one more conference will take place during which it is planned to establish one more party. The leader of it is the President of the firm Stalkers R.Eigim, the major competitor for A.Vidauskis for the next municipal election. Panorama Latvii

DCMA addressed the Government with a request to allot 3000 LVL to help those handicapped non-citizens who were not able to come to a DCMA office to exchange their former USSR passports for non-citizens passports. And to visit these people at home DCMA officials need to pay for gas.

DCMA addressed the Government with a request to allot 3000 LVL to help those handicapped non-citizens who were not able to come to a DCMA office to exchange their former USSR passports for non-citizens passports. And to visit these people at home DCMA officials need to pay for gas. Panorama Latvii

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